2. The love that came back



"Amber, come on you've been undergoing this breakup for 2 years already!" Jackson was on facetime with amber.
"Jackson, I know its not easy man..." amber stated thinking back of how she fly to and fro to korea just to meet up with the girl that still stole her heart 

"Amber! seriously! stop being so available for her!!! Just because she broke up with kai doesnt mean you have to always be there for her whenever she's sad! You are not some kind of backup plan you hear me?!" Jackson couldn't take it how amber was always ready to be there to catch krystal whenever she falls. 

"I know I Know" Amber frowning in the camera of their agitated facetime call. 

"U Know clearly!! But you're not applying what you know to good use for yourself!" Jackson couldn't handle another rejection from amber. 
He has finally setup his own entertainment agency back in China. 

The very first artist he has ever wanted to sign was AMBER. LIU. 

He was the talent in her when they were back in Korea. Oh god was she a real talent. Able to rap at her best able to sing vocally well enough able to freaking handle any dance moves and lastly able to freaking write songs. 

Jackson wang was determined to get Amber liu into his entertainment agency 
and have her doing what she wants to do in China. 
"Amber, please for god sake, I'm here wanting to sign you up into my agency with the best conditions i can provide you! Heck! Whatever conditions you want 
you get it! You want world tour every year I'm gonna give it to you!!" Jackson was on the verge of kneeling down to beg his longtime close friend. 
He knows deep down Amber Liu is a talent he didnt want to miss it and besides he did the market research in China. China wants Amber Liu!
But his friend here freaking want Krystal Jung. 

Jackson was on the verge of getting Jackie (amber's sister) to come up to LA to 
kidnap amber to china. 

The last resort was to get Jackie knock down the doors of amber's LA apartment house. 
Amber sighed looking into her phone at Jackson Wang. 
"Amber, stop being silent! I'm getting jackie over to your door right now!"
within few secounds there's a constant fast and loud knocking sound at her door. 
Amber eyes widen "What the hell! you get jackie to fly over to LA?!"
Amber quickly rush to the door and peeked into the hole it was Jackie Liu standing in front of her door wearing her pilot uniform with a small luggage at the side screaming like a mad lady. "Llama liu!!! open the door and let me in now! You better open up if not i'm able to burn down this door and drag your freaking out of this house! no! heck it out of LA! I'm dragging you to China by today!!!"

Amber panic and opened the door looking at Jackie with shock. 
Jackie removed her aviator sunglass and grinned dorkly at amber. 
"Well well Ms talented yet stupid dumb horrible llama sister I'm here to grab your to China to meetup with Jackson" 
Jackson was still on facetime with amber on the phone. 
"Jackie!! quick get in her house! get her freaking passport!! your plane and all the permit is all done. i will get my assistant to email the documents over to your phone at this moment"

Without any delay, Jackie ran into amber's apartment grabbing amber's passport grabbing amber's hands and out of the house and locked the apartment 
leaving behind amber's dog: Jackjack

"oh what about jackjack!" amber panic trying to open her LA apartment door
"well dont worry I will get tricia over to your apartment for few weeks to take care of jackjack while i put you llama to china to settle down!! And get the animal permit for Jackjack!!" Jackie was so proud of her thoughtful plan. 

Without further delay, Jackie the pilot dragged amber all the way to the private plan sector of the airport pushing amber into the plane with a tape around llama's mouth and close shut the plane's door. 

Jackie settled into the front of the plane high5 with her pal whom will be her co-pilot her bestfriend Ana. 
Ana smiled and waved shyly at the mouth tied up llama. 
Jackie rolled her eyes at her co-pilot whom has been a huge fan of her sister during her f(x) period. 

The plane finally took off up into the sky before jackie's co-pilot Ana walked to the back of the plane towards Amber. she gently removed the tape on amber's mouth before grabbing a bottle of mineral water to amber. 
"Hi Amber long time no see" Ana smiled gently with excited eyes. 
Yes she is very very excited to see Amber liu. Finally get to see her idol beside her. 
Amber nodded and smiled "Hey Ana long time no see" she chuckled and open the cap of the bottle before glupping down half the bottle of mineral water. 
Ana sat beside amber and told amber how jackie and jackson planned this whole kidnap llama liu mission. 

"Amber, on the side note I hope you're not angry at the 3 of us for resorting into such method to get you to move on" Ana was nervous sitting beside her idol . sorry her crush for so long. 
Amber smiled and nodded "I Know.. The 3 of you just wanted me to move on , live life and be happy" Amber approached Ana with a side hug knowing that Ana was her long time fan. 

"Amber, I really want you to be happy. you know i didn't think krystal jung will be that stupid of a woman to dump you. you know" Ana knew all about amber and krystal's secret dating relationship in the past from Jackie.
Whenever F(x) had activites in American Jackie will bring Ana over to all events for F(x) and introduced to Ana her long-term screen crush. 
Krystal was even once so jealous over how amber treated Ana as Ana was not just any fan of amber liu but Jackie's best pal. 
Ana took amber's phone away right away from the instruction of Jackie.

"No more updates of Krystal Jung!" Jackie shouted loud enough for amber to hear her from the back of the plane. 
Jackie in fact really love Krystal as her ideal sister-in-law. They had a share of fun and bonding sessions with krystal and Jessica. Even Irene the well renowed model whom was friends with amber and jessica was hanging out with jackie whenever she dropped by America for events or any model showcase.

Jackie was indeed very disappointment at the baby jung for breaking amber's heart the moment she was being send articles on krystal's dating with Kai. 
Jackie once thought that krystal was meant for her sister and vice versa 
Amber was meant for Krystal. They were to different human beings with different likes dislikes and taste in everything but they are able to come together as a whole. 
"Hey ana, stop talking to my dumb sister and bring her clothes over to her" Jackie pointing at the bag next to her pilot seat. 
Amber frowned looking down at her black t-shirt sweatpants and nike drunk low shoes. "whats wrong with my outfit?"
Jackie internally rolled her eyes 360 degrees "Amber once i drop you at china you will transform into a new y llama liu! you get me!!"
"Ana hurry get this bag that Irene prepared for Amber!! Dress this dumb llama up properly!!"
Ana rushed over grabbing the bag opening the items up. 
1 white ironed long sleeve oxford shirt
1 pair of black slacks
1 pair of full black Dr martens boots 

Amber sighed got up grabbing the items and head into the washroom to change. 
She washed her face at the sink looking into herself in the mirror. 
The mirror was reflecting showing a very tired and not so attractive llama.
Amber knew she didnt want to disappoint them. She knows what Jackie and Jackson was doing. She promoised to herself looking into her mirror reflection. 
'Amber, lets do this! show the best of your version. The handsome talented llama version' she began to change out her old clothes wearing the white oxford shirt wearing her neat black looking slack formal pants and putting her dr-marterns boots before doing the ending stage of waxing her hair into a backcomb style. She walked out the washroom and Ana frozed. 
' its like amber liu the crazy well know kpop star appeared right in front of her' 

Amber smiled dorkly "how do i look ana? do i still look ok like before?"
Ana smiled and nodded her head "the amber liu i know is back!!"
Jackie smiled turn few seconds to see her little sister transformed into her best kpop star image.

Alighting amber to the China airport was crazy. Jackson's management team was already putting our words and articles of Amber J Liu dropping to china for a signed agreement to their entertainment agency. 
Telling China and the world that Amber J Liu is back.

"hey amber, here you go" Jackie push a aviator sunglass over to Amber. 
Amber smiled and hugged Jackie whispering "thanks sis" before wearing her sunglasses walking out with a team of Jackson wang's management artist team. 

Walking out of airport was another crazy move for Amber. 
Tons and photographers and fans was crazying waiting for Amber J Liu once the news hit them. 
Photos and videos of Amber walking out in the best airport fashion style. 
Amber took out her sunglasses before bending down to bow and the fans trying to say thank you for waiting for her. 

"Amber! welcome to China!! "
"Amber!! Cant wait for new songs from you!!"
"Amber! we waited so long for your arrival!!"
"Amber! please marry me!!"

Well well well the news of Amber J Liu in China did shocked a wave in korea. 
Krystal was taking a break from filming her latest drama she was having some snacks with her manager before manager oppa whom was the past manager of f(x) 
opened up his phone in shocked of amber's news popping non-stop in his phone. 
"soo jung ah, you might want to have a look at this" manager oppa mouth wide open. 
"Oppa, what is it? krystal wasnt clearly interested in whatever her manager has to say" thinking it was kai whom make up the latest korea news again with another celebrity woman he was dating. 

"YaH! soojung its not Kai! its A..am,,ber" Manager oppa still openning tabs looking at various news sites. Photos and videos of amber at the china arrival hall airport with a team of professional bodyguards and artist management team. 

Krystal frowned 'amber?" she was sure amber didnt have any plans at this moment.No scratch that amber didnt update her on any future plans.
She was in fact still on the verge of getting amber over to her once her intense drama filming was over. 

She snatched her manager oppa's phone. She froze it was really Amber. 
She frowned looking at the way amber was dressed so classy suiting her taste.
A plain clean neat white oxford shirt tugged in neatly with her ironed black slacks pants and a clean shiny boots. looking full force attractive. 
Moments later krystal's phone starting ringing it was her sister Jessica Jung calling. 
Krystal was still on froze mode thinking what was amber doing in china. 
Since when did she sign on a new agency and it was jackson wang's new entertainment agency. 
"Yah! Jung soo Jung! Amber is in China now!" Jessica informed her sister. 
Krystal kept quiet. 
"yah soojung! you there? Hello!!"

"Jess, I hear you" krystal didnt know how to respond to Jessica's question as to why Amber Liu was at the china airport. 

"Krys, did you and amber fought again? Why is she moving permanenetly to China! I'm gonna give amber a call later" Jessica responded. 
Jessica was also in China ever since she was being kicked out of girls generation the only way for her to promote widely was China. 
She managed to get the golden ticket of promoting to china thanks to tyler kwon.Jessica knows how hard it was to even get a chance to promote in China since her blood was 100% korea.

Well Jessica wasn't shocked by the fact that Jackson wang invited Amber to join his entertainment agency as it was well known fact that Amber and Jackson was really tight when both of them was in f(x) and Got7. amber was also half chinese half american thats why she was able to promote freely espically in china. 

Jessica knows her sister did something bad again to amber. 
1 month ago, Krystal was rumoured to be dating another male actor. 
Jessica was the one whom promoted her male actor friend to krystal. 
She didnt like amber. She knew amber and krystal had a past. 
She was the one whom also push krystal into kai's arm. 
But she regretted the moment kai dating her sister for half a year. 
Kai was infact a very horrible disgusting . He wasnt really loving krystal.
Yes he was interested in krystal because she was popular, pretty and cold. 
Everyone was wondering when krystal will date her first ever boyfriend.
Every male or female idols adore krystal jung. 
However, in krystal'seyes was only amber liu at that time. 
Amber and krystal was so tightly together since they were promoting f(x) together. She knew her sister had a crush for amber the moment amber step foot into sm entertainment for the first time as trainee before they even debuted.
They were out shopping and hanging out everyday. Krystal even tried to skip school just so that she can watch amber play basketball.
Krystal's parents liked amber so much as a person. Her parents will always invite amber over. Father Jung used to say "Amber is the son that i never had.
But clearly not as their daughter's partner. 
Korea was a homophopic country they didnt want jessica to date yuri 
and of cause little baby jung to date amber as well. 
They didnt want both their daughter to fall into this crazy judgemental world.
Back to Kai and Krystal relationship, throughout the months of dating. kai was not respecting krystal at all. He would come up only for with her demanding krystal to get him stuffs since he knew the Jung family was really rich.
Krystal throw her crush for amber behind after kai started chasing her with the help of Jessica and their parents was they thought Kai was a good looking young man with a bright future and was the same age as Krystal. 

1 year into dating krystal finally broke up with kai.
She knew kai was secretly having an affair. with the non other famous kpop rising idol Jennie. 

Jessica and their parents was disappointed at Kai but also disappointed at themselves for trying to ruin their beloved sister/ daughter.
Her parents and jessica started to mentally compared kai and amber. 

Mama jung sighed "If it was amber here. Amber would have known that krystal was allegied to apples. Because kai brought a pie up with apples inside." Krystal didnt know till she took a bite of the pie. 
Jessica remembered screaming at Kai for feeding krystal with apple pie. 
If Amber was there she will make sure to get the best mango pie forher sister.
Krystal knew at that time when she decided to declare she and kai was together she knew it would break amber's heart.
Amber pretend that she was alright because she knows deep down she and krystal
was never offically together. They stsrted to drift apart when krystal started dating. Krystal was selfish too when kai was away from korea during exo's world tour. Krystal hated lonelyness but due to the fact that amber was always there for her. 

Krystal wanted to cry out loud. Knowing that Amber shifting to china was hinting the fact that Amber decided to move away from her from Korea from them. 
She know that Amber her usual backup happiness was gone. Flying freely into the world. She was forced to share Amber with the rest of the world. 


But little did father jung and mama jung knows. Their little jung's heart break was was about to began.

And this time round the entire Jung family regret started.

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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1147 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..