2. Hospital


Part 2 - Hospital 



“Amber, I heard what happened this morning in the A&E department. I’m so proud of you son” uncle jung patted on my shoulder. 

Yuri unnie sitting opposite of me smiled probably the one who told uncle about it. 


“Uncle, it’s nothing really. Just nice I’m on duty and there isn’t any emergency case at the ward I’m in charge of. “ 


“Amber don’t be humble. It’s not nothing when literally you and Yonna Unnie two man show the entire morning for 10 injured passengers. I wonder why the hell they always put useless doctors in A&E. Yonna was dying from her department. 


Before i could open my mouth my girlfriend beside me said “our doctor Liu will say it’s a doctor duty to do the best for any patients in need of help” and gave me a cheeky wink I chuckled at how well she know me. I winked back at her playfully and held her hand that was on the table giving her a slight squeeze. 


 “Appa , you don’t even know how many chief doctors are out to snatch Amber to their respective department! Thank god I managed to make Amber sign the consent form to join my team. If I’ve that stupid Kai who came in the same time as Amber as the assigned doctor in my team. I probably would have died in the hospital” Yuri ranting to her father in law. 


“Wait Yuri, did you say Kai kim? Kim Jongin ?” Uncle jung was waiting for Yuri to confirm. 

“Yes Appa his full name goes by Kim jongin . How did you know Appa “ Yuri and Jessica Unnie looked at uncle jung with their mouth opened. 

“Kai’s dad was my friend and he wanted to try match making his son with my youngest daughter. Since he know that Soojung is the same age as his son” 

All four of us were looking at uncle jung in shock. “Thank god ! Krystal and Amber started dating already. I can’t imagine my baby sister get with a stupid horrible stupid doctor. Soojung look in disgust while I  was pulling the beef on her plate. She turn and smiled sweetly at me for constantly putting her favourite meat on her plate. This little cheeky princess. 


Umma laughed at her daughters both with the what the hell face looking at their dad.” Thank god Soojung decided to bring Amber over for the first time before her Appa agreed to matchmake her. You know Soojung, your Appa is just worried that you’re studying way too much and not interacting with anyone.” Mama jung was trying to save her husband. 


Soojung playfully rolled her eyes “ I was already dating Amber for 2 years. I was in a shock when Unnie told me dad’s plan for the matchmake. I made Amber cancel her flight out to LA family outing to meet you all so that dad will immediately stop this stupid matchmake. “ 


Yuri Unnie looked back at me with a smirk “amber was convincing her parents that she need to cancel their family gathering immediately if not Soojung can’t be their daughter in law. Both papa Liu and mama Liu immediately ask Amber not to come back but to immediately get over to Soojung house. They didn’t want anyone except Soojung as their daughter in law” yes it’s true that my parents really like Soojung a lot. They used to question my taste of girlfriends back in the days before I date Soojung. That time I decided to get Soojung to come by during our summer 2 weeks holiday since she miss LA too. It’s funny how my mum doesn’t speak Korean or English and Krystal doesn’t speak Chinese. But they are able to communicate every single day using google translate app. 



Jessica was laughing “hey Amber did you know after my sister is back at home after spending two weeks at your LA house. She was walking around with the google translate app talking to it and the app was saying Chinese in a weird way that creeps me out!” 

Krystal frowned at her sister. 

“I was trying to take photo of what Amber’s mum gift that she send over to our house. I was trying to thank her for sending me those sweet mangoes from LA! “ I laughed along with Jessica Unnie remembering how my mum always will send Krystal her favourite mangoes and snacks from LA to the jung residences. 

“Oh so those sweet mangoes were all send by mama Liu? Hehe I thought umma was the one who brought them. “ 

Jessica pointed at her wife “ya Soojung this is the mango thief! Not me! She’s the one who creep into the kitchen fridge late at night standing there with a fork eating the chilled mangoes that Amber peeled and cut for you! It’s not me!” 


Soojung looked at Yuri Unnie 

“Yah! It was you! I was scolding Amber that she doesn’t know how to cut the fruit properly. For throwing away the flesh! Because it’s always one big mango but the cutted mango flesh in the container is always only half the size!” 

I add on the fire “so it was you Yuri Unnie! Soojung was questioning me at night about my cutting fruit skills! I was trying to justify that my knife skills in the surgery was graded A1 in all my practical exams how can it be that I couldn’t cut a mango well! Soojung even argued back that the new female lecturer had a crush on me that’s why I’m able to get A1!” 


My girlfriend felt bad hearing what she questioned me the other day. She clingy onto my arm leaning her chin on my shoulder before mumbling her sorry. I smiled and pinch her nose not letting go and she sway my hand away giving a cute pouting face that I rewarded her with a peek on her cheek. 


Yuri smirked at me “hey Amber it’s been a long time you stayed over in the jung residence. Let’s gym tonight to digest away our bbq meats!” I rolled my eyes at her but indeed she’s always alone gyming in the private gym room that Jessica Unnie set for her in the house. Ever since they got married , Yuri Unnie moved into the jungle residence for Jessica Unnie because she didn’t want to leave Soojung and her parents alone in this big mansion. In return for Yuri to move in, she built a gym room specially for her wife a way of thanking her. But maybe she didn’t want other girls to be ogling at her wife working out in the public gym. In the past whenever I’ve my long weekends where I stay over the jung residence, I will accompany Yuri for gym sessions in the private gym room where she claims it’s our “bro time” which Soojung hated it. Soojung always complain about me not spending enough time with her. But mostly she just wants me to accompany her to watch movies and snuggle. That’s soojung’s ideal rest day weekend. 

Soojung frown upon hearing yuri’s request. 

“Yuri Unnie! I’ve already agreed to let Amber join your surgery department and now finally she have her long weekend break you want her to gym with you again?” Soojung knew that gym session with Yuri isn’t just 2 hours of cardio and weight training. Yuri will always end off the gym session with her so called closing ceremony of 3 cans of beer stored in the mini fridge in the gym room which her wife Jessica doesn’t know. 

Soojung knew of this because one time I came back from 4 hours of so called gym session with Yuri. She was feeling it to get down with me while she pull me close to kiss me she tasted the alcohol in my mouth. That I’ve no choice but to tell her about yuri’s closing ceremony. 


“Amber is not allowed to gym tonight! She hasn’t been spending weekends here for awhile now. I’m gonna have her all to myself this weekend. So no gym! “ Soojung agitatedly putting a cross sign with both arms. It’s true I haven’t been able to spend weekends here for few months due to the start of freshmen orientation and closed doors training every weekend by department chiefs to help aid the newly recruited doctors to know what department they should join. 



*one week later* 

Friday is the day where the new batch of freshman doctors will be voting and accepted by the department chiefs to their respective departments. All doctors of the hospital have to be present during the declaration meeting other than those doctors on ward duties or standby for A&E. All the chief department heads looked nervous all staring at one handsome cute llama like doctor Liu walking in settling down at the corner of the meeting room. 

Soojung notice her girlfriend looking nervous as well she didn’t dare to even look at the department heads in the eye. Soojung laughed when she notice Amber walked in from the left side of the room and all department heads eye her all the way from the left side to the right side where all the chairs were placed for the freshman doctors to be seated at. Amber has been asking key to bring her takeouts so that she can avoid the hospital canteen or any pantry area because for the past weeks different department heads has been approaching her to beg her to join their department. All knowing Amber’s capabilities and talent. All except one chief department head - Kwon Yuri , looking all relaxed and smiley like she didn’t have any worries in the world. The head management team representative came up to the stage with a microphone gonna to start announcing which individual freshman doctors name and which department they will be placed in. 

Each doctor gets a chance to put up 3 options from first to the third of their choice and the department chiefs will have already selected the name list of freshman doctors they would want to recruit. It requires both side to agree before confirming a spot in whichever department. Jessica Unnie nudged me to look at yuri’s Unnie boostful arrogant face “see my wife looking all so arrogant. What if Amber last minute decided to break her promise and join Sooyoung in her mother and babies department. That will definitely be epic” Jessica whispered into my ears. But we all know that it’s impossible because if Amber put her promise up she doesn’t change it. 

Sooyoung and sunny Unnie was biting their nails looking at Amber nervously they have been chasing for Doctor Liu since day 1 she came into the hospital. They knew that if their department have Amber joined in , their department productivity will go up, more doctors and nurses will want to fight to join their department  and their research team fee will go up and be the most vulnerable department in this reputable hospital. It’s like having Amber means they win the game. 

Yuri and the group of chief department heads has been betting to see which of the department will rank first in production for the hospital. It’s their chief department pride and face at risk. 


The meeting starts at 3 in the afternoon. All the doctors were all there at 2.45pm. Now it’s the team of the management to come in. Amber’s dad as the chairman of the hospital team dropped by as well. He was excitedly on the call beforehand to see which department his precious daughter will be interested to join. 

Chairman Liu walked in and saw me and Jessica Unnie sitting at the audience area giving me a small smile and wave. Jessica Unnie and me stood up and gave a polite bow. 

“Yah Soojung , how come the chairman Liu will wave specially at you and Jessica Unnie “ another doctor from the surgery department Suzy noticed the whole interaction of us and chairman Liu. 

“Oh it’s just that we happen to be came across chairman Liu in the canteen one day. Just nice he was seated beside me and Unnie during lunch. We had a small talk that’s all” I quickly tried to cover it up. We wouldn’t want anyone to know that I’m actually dating chairman Liu’s doctor. 



Well my Doctor Amber Liu name starts with A so she’s the first to be announced by the representative. 

‘ first freshman doctor. Amber Josephine Liu. ‘

Amber nervously stood up once she heard her name being called. The entire room of chatting  stopped once every doctor heard her name. 

Amber nervously stood up adjusting her white coat, pushing up her transparent rayban glasses and walk to the stage. 


“Amber Josephine Liu, selected into surgery department” 


Instantly all hands were clapping hard. Chairman Liu still stood up to clap his hands looking all proud at her daughter selecting a good choice before quickly pulled down by his assistant. I laughed seeing how papa Liu despite trying to act like a stern chairman couldn’t resist to clap like a proud dad. 

Jessica laughs and pointed to me at the directions of all the chief department heads all frowning with disagreement except for Yuri. Who stood up jumping with joy. 

“YESSSSS I WON!!! Woohoo!!! So sorry losers!!” Laughing at the rest of the department heads. Jessica Unnie shake her head at her childish act her wife put on being glaring at her wife to act like a proper respectable doctor. 


The newly assigned twelve doctors has been announced. Yonna andUnnie looks the most annoyed after knowing that Kai has been placed in her A&E department. 


Amber Liu knew she needs to run. She needs to hurry leave this meeting room before the group of department heads come hunting at her. 




“Yah Kwon Yuri! Did you use Soojung!!!!” Sunny shouted at Yuri Unnie who was still enjoying her moment of winning. 

“Yah! Didn’t we say we are not allowed to play cheat and bribe Soojung as well!” 

I rolled my eyes at my senior doctors childish quarrel about Amber’s decision. They’re making a scene in front of so many doctors. 

Jessica Unnie glared at them to lower their voice. If not all the doctors in this hospital would have knew that I’m dating Amber Liu. 

Sooyoung Unnie gasp hard on Yuri shaking her arm. “What exactly did you do! You didn’t even give Amber any milk tea! Don’t tell me you play the future sister in law card!! You’re not suppose to be playing cheat!” 


“Well Jessica and me gave her an even better one” Yuri smirked back at her disappointed colleagues. “Yah did you use Jessica to cold stare at Amber?” Jessica rolled her eyes. “Why will I ever do this to Amber. She’s so adorable unlike my wife here “ 


Yonna came toward me “Soojung ah , your idiot admirer is in my department now. What should I do with this idiot!!” Yuri heard what Yonna Unnie said. She came forward holding Yonna ‘s both hands in a pray together posture “I pray for the soul of Doctor Yonna lim, that she survives everyday with that idiot Kai. God bless Yonna “ Yonna smack hard on Yuri hands and push Yuri away. Jessica and me shake our heads at how childish Yuri was. I guess anyone will be this over the moon to be chosen by Amber. I’m glad the fight for Amber is over. It was getting over the board like they’re fighting to be Amber’s girlfriend. 


The night when on with yuri’s team celebration. Yuri was opening table to the best mexican restaurant in town specially for Amber. Since she knew Amber always likes the Mexican food and we always head there for supper.  

“I’m gonna order at least 30 tacos myself and make Yuri bankrupt!” Sooyoung took over the menu instructing the waitress to serve up 3 of each taco flavours. Yuri was delighted cheering her drinks with her nurses and staffs of the surgery department that Amber joining in the team will only be the start of something greater. Suzy and min the other two doctors under Yuri Unnie ‘s team was happily supporting Yuri on her cheers. 

Amber shaking her head looking at her head chief doctor going crazy with her celebration.

Jessica was making sure to follow the drunk yuri around in case she say out something she’s not supposed to say like Soojung and Amber is dating and Amber being the daughter of chairman Liu. Amber and Soojung was constantly eyeing one another lovingly but they knew they shouldn’t be near one another in case any rumours start.

Suzy was drinking with Krystal since they were the same age and in the same batch entering the hospital. 

“Hey krys, I think I should let you know something I’ve been hiding for quite sometime.” Suzy whispered into Krystal’s ear 

Trying to tell her clearly from the loud music and noise from yuri’s team celebration. 

Krystal looked at her friend surprised with her sudden start “oh Suzy what is it” 


“I’ve a crush on doctor Liu “ 

Krystal heart felt a slight pinch. She didn’t dare to confirm in the past about this but Yuri did mention that Amber has been on the spot of admiration by many female doctors in the hospital. 

“Huh who again?” Krystal wanted to make sure again. In hopes that her friend will say some other doctor’s name. 

“That doctor over there. Amber Josephine Liu who is joining our department “ Suzy pointing at Amber who was trying to comfort sunny and Sooyoung. 

Krystal stare at Amber who was laughing while busy wiping sooyoung’s mouth and said nothing. 

“Yah Soo jung , did you just heard what I said. I mean who doesn’t love her right . Amber is handsome, cheekily naughty at times and talented in her work. I’m just glad that she decided to join Yuri sunbae’s team. I hope we can work closer together” 

Krystal didn’t know what to respond to her doctor friend but just nod her head. 

Amber turned around and look at Soojung thinking why her girlfriend was in a daze. 


At the other side, Jessica was holding Yuri down “ Aish honey stop moving around and try to cheers with any staff. I know you’re happy but I’m getting tired following you around for the past half and hour. “ Yuri smiled at her wife  cutely and lean forward to hug Jessica “wife, I’m just so happy that Amber decided to join me you know. We can accomplish so many things together in the surgery team. We can save many lives.” Jessica nodding her head “I know but you’re drunk I’m afraid later u say out something you ain’t suppose to say. “ Yuri nodded back and let go of the hug giving Jessica a kiss on her lips. 

“I know, okay I’m gonna stop at this last beer and let’s go home and rest” Yuri always listens to Jessica knowing that her wife has been following her around the restaurant. 


Amber texted Soojung that she will be helping Jessica to carry Yuri into the car even though she’s also getting alittle drunk from all the doctors drinking with her welcoming her into the team. 

Soojung then hope into the car once Jessica texted her that it’s save she can get into the car. 

Soojung was sitting in front with Jessica drinking and the drunk Yuri and Amber was at the backseat with Yuri hugging Amber sleeping peacefully. 


Jessica noticed her little sister being quiet ever since she came out of the restaurant 

“ Soojung ah , are you okay?” 

Jessica looked at her sister who was sighing and looked back at Amber sleeping peacefully with her head leaning on the window body being wrapped by Yuri. 

“Unnie, Suzy confessed to me that she had a crush on Amber. “


“Oh god , this is like doctor no 3 “ it wasn’t a surprise to Jessica that a lot of female doctors  were crushing on her sister’s girlfriend. 


Jessica smiled and told Krystal “it’s gonna be alright. Besides you know Amber is so in love with you. She doesn’t even have a slight interest in any human being maybe except Taeyeon.” 



Krystal smiled hearing taeyeon ‘s name. 

Taeyeon was the talented doctor of all time in Seoul centre hospital , yuri’s great buddy that was in surgery team too. Amber always admired taeyeon’s skills in surgery and her commitment in her doctor work. In the past even in school Taeyeon would always advise Amber what to do and what she should learn. 

Amber was also being crowned as taeyeon’s next successor to the greatest doctor in Seoul centre hospital. Taeyeon isn’t around since she took a long break since she got married the same time as Yuri and Jessica to bring her newly wed wife on a crazy spur of honeymoon. She’s married to the well known model , Tiffany Hwang. Who was also Jessica best friend and also family friend to the jung family. 

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Thank you!
hahah didnt know what directions I am heading to
decided to go with Kendall Jenner same "KJ" as Krystal Jung
hope you all have fun reading it

-till next time!


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Appledots5 #1
Chapter 19: Yess thankks a lot for the update 🙏🏼
nancylau0301 #2
Chapter 19: I Mutual PM a week ago, I think. Remember to check your mail. Hope it can give you a bit of ideas.
amhar03 #3
Chapter 18: Thank you for still writing kryber stories, if only i can upvote in every chapter...
Gantengbanget #4
Chapter 17: Nexxt nexxt
1138 streak #5
Chapter 15: The hospital one is so good please make more chapter author nim🫶
amhar03 #6
Chapter 13: Love it love it love it
amhar03 #7
Chapter 11: Woooow kryber moment overload, more please!!
idkwhattoputheree #8
Chapter 9: we need next chapter!!!
(also if there ever is one, jessica should be with kelly yu just a suggestion!)
Llama_18 #9
Chapter 3: Next nextt thorr hahha
amhar03 #10
Chapter 4: This really a mixed feeling story, one side my kryber heart hurt they are apart but the other i feel it is needed so both of them can grown up more and if fate permit when they together again they can respect and love each other better..