06; valentine's day

not for sale / bills [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Good evening, everyone!" Kierra greeted the guests at Geonu's party celebration while looking at her sister and cousins.

"1, 2..."

"We're 2N2!" The quartet sang in unison as Kierra continued speaking.

"And before we begin, let's congratulate the birthday boy, Lee Geonu! Whoo!"

Everyone cheered and clapped despite the small celebration being just a tad larger than the four had anticipated. This time around the cousins wore comfortable clothing yet still presentable, but this time with face masks as to hide their faces so no one would be able to identify them. As they at first wanted to go by another group name as this wasn't something they were gonna keep up, but realized it's a small thing and it wasn't like it was gonna be a long-time thing. Melanie and Linna bribed their sisters with snacks and bubble tea for the next two weeks to perform for Geonu and Jungwon's birthday celebration.

"So, we'll be doing two performances, all consisting of a dance medley." Serena explained.

"One is of girl groups and the other of boy groups."

"And if you know the dances, then please join us to your heart's content!" Linna exclaimed.

The crowd cheered and clapped once more.

"We'll be doing the girl group and then the boy group one. Enjoy!"

The cousins got into their positions with Jiwoo assisting in the sound part. Once the first song came on, a lot of the attendees joined in on the dances for both songs and Geonu and his friends were enjoying it just as much. During this time, Linna recalled that it was Geonu and his friends that she had sang in the direction to at their aunt's friend's son's birthday party. Now it all made sense as Yuna's sister, Yuri, one of the three that had splashed Serena, liked Geonu. As well as for her two friends, Moon Gowoon and Yoo Taeha, liked two of Geonu's friends, Chu Jimin and Song Byeonghee. Linna decided to inform her sister and cousins once they got home.

"Ahh, thank you so much!" Jiwoo thanked the cousins once they finished both of their performances.

"You're welcome, Jiwoo."

The five were now standing near the entrance and exit of the venue hall where the event was taking place. The quartet figured the further they were away from others, the easier it would be to slip away unnoticed.

"Anyway, here's a little party favor for attending."

Jiwoo handed each of them a silvery white pouch with golden accents.

"There's chocolates inside along with a random knick-knack piece my mother added, too."

"Thank you!"

Each of them took the offered item as Jiwoo flashed them a smile before slightly frowning.

"Will the four of you be leaving now?"


"Will y'all not have a slice of cake or something else to eat before you go?"

Serena and Kierra were about to deny, but Melanie and Linna answered before they could.

"Yes, please."

"A little cake wouldn't be so bad."

"Okay, lovely! I'll be right back."

Jiwoo rushed off to get some cake while the older two looked at the younger two.


They shrugged.

"Free food."


A cough sounded from behind them and the quartet turned around to see Geonu smiling at them.


"Hi." The quartet greeted back.

Luckily, he couldn't tell who was who due to the four still wearing their face masks.

"Don't mind me asking, but do the four of you go to Hyebi University?"

The four remained silent as they barely glanced at one another and focused their attention onto Geonu. He laughed nervously.

"Sorry, it's just that your movements reminded me of our female dance team, and I figured y'all attended the same school."

Funny enough, the quartet weren't apart of the dance team as Hyebi University had both an all girls team and an all boys team. The only time there was a co-ed one was when doing a joint dance battle for competition. However, there's been several times when the girls' team needed filler members to help them out and the four would assist due to some of their friends being a part of the team, too. Then again, when that did happen, the quartet always wore some type of face covering to help obscure their face as to not be identify. Maybe that was why Geonu thought they attended the same university.

"We do, but we're just not part of the dance team." Serena answered, keeping it to this much of information they were gonna give out.

"Ah, I see."

Before Geonu could asked further questions, his sister appeared soon after.

"Alright, ladies. Here are y'all cake."

She offered Linna and Melanie a small plate, but the pair took the napkin that came with them and used it to pick up the cake instead.

"We'll actually be going now." Melanie informed the pair.

"Thanks for the cake and goodie bag."

"Yeah, okay, bye!"

The cousins gave them a small wave before leaving the venue hall, not wanting to interact more as they feel they would reveal themselves to Geonu soon. Geonu turned his attention onto his sister.

"How do you know them?"

"Uh, through a mutual friend."

"Do you know how they are?"


Geonu didn't believe her, but he didn't have time to question her when his friends dragged him away to partake in some fun games. Jiwoo let out a relieved breath and returned to her own set of friends.

"Alright, Jungwon," Sujin announced for her brother's attention as she stood on the makeshift stage within the restaurant the party celebration was being held at.

Sujin's parents rented out the restaurant for a few hours so that Jungwon could have his birthday party without any interruptions.

"Tell me that I'm the best sister for getting you the best birthday gift ever!"

"You're the best!" Jungwon excitedly yelled as the others within his party cheered.

Besides the parents and siblings, there were a few aunts and uncles as well as some cousins in attendance. Along with Jungwon's six close friends concerning Jay, Jake, Ni-Ki, Heeseung, Sunghoon, and Sunoo. Sujin only invited Woojoo as it was her brother's birthday and didn't need to invite others to it as she already got the four to come as entertainers. Woojoo was the only one that knew the cousins were here to perform.

"Of course I am, anyway," Sujin continued on.

"I invited some special people to give you awesome stages. Please welcome, The Bumblebees!"

Sujin motioned towards and announced the quartet as the four were standing off to the side in their black and yellow outfits, matching their group name. The four casually came onto the stage while waving at the crowd. Their outfits consisted of shoes, sweat pants, hoodies, face masks, and snapbacks to overall conceal their identities. The only thing you could make out were their hands and possibly their eyes. The cousins also decided to go with a new name to further conceal and hide their identities, learning from Geonu's birthday. Sujin was the one  who came up with bumblebee as they were her favorite.

"1, 2," Serena began as they finished as all four, "We're The Bumblebees!"

The attendees cheered with Sujin being the most enthusiastic.

"Once again, The Bumblebees, and enjoy!"

Sujin quickly stepped off of the stage, allowing the spotlight to shine on her friends while making her way off to the side to control the music for them. The quartet gave her the signal to start as they got into position. They rearranged the choreography of the songs to fit their team of four as they have already done these songs in the past based on other choreographies they've learned from others. Bad Boy was their first performance, followed by One More Time, next was Crazy For You, then Candy, and lastly with All I Wanna Do (K). Once they finished there were loud cheers and applause as Sujin joined her friends on stage.

"Please give another warm applause to The Bumblebees!"

The audience cheered and clapped once more.

"Now, we'll have to say goo-"

Jungwon interrupted his sister.

"Wait. Can I make a request?"

Sujin looked at the quartet before Linna motioned with an arm for Jungwon to proceed to what the request was.

"What is the request?" Sujin asked her brother.

"Can I ask them to do All I Wanna do, but with me and my friends joining?"

Both Kierra and Serena immediately replied, not wanting to partake in such an activity.


"Well, there's your response." Sujin responded before speaking again.

"We'll now sing the birthday song and that will end our entertainment for this evening."

Sujin led everyone in the birthday song as a cake was brought out and placed in front of Jungwon. Once the song ended did he blow out the candles. Before anyone else could asked the four questions, they waved goodbyes and dashed off while laughing. Ni-Ki stared after them, curious, but didn't ponder on it as he soon became interested in the mentioning of cake.

"So, who wants a piece of cake?"

Upon hearing the cake bit, both Linna and Melanie made their way over to the table and each stood on one side of Woojoo.

"Could we have some cake to go, too, please?"

Serena and Kierra joined the trio a second later after having to use the toilet.

"So, we're gonna wait outside as you two grab your pieces." Kierra informed the younger two as they bid Woojoo and Sujin goodbye while wishing Jungwon a happy birthday.

"Can you take mine, Yiseul? I need to use the toilet.." Melanie said as she dashed off in a rush.

Linna casually watched her cousin run off before focusing her attention onto the delicious looking cake. When she finally got hers and Melanie's slices, she was too happy and in thought about it, Linna turned too quickly and ran into another body causing the cake to smear hers and the other person's clothing.

"I am so sorry." Linna immediately apologized as the other person calmly told her it was also his fault.

Linna's brows furrowed upon recognizing the voice and glanced up to see Sunghoon. This was like deja vu all over again.

"Park Sunghoon?"

She didn't realized she said his name out loud.

"Ah, yes." Sunghoon confirmed with a sweet smile.

"Do I know you?"

"Ah, no."

Linna side-step around him, nervously, lying as she didn't want the confrontation or another piece of his clothing as she still hadn't returned his hoodie from last time.

"No, I don't."

Sunghoon reached a hand out as if to stop her.

"Ah, wait a minute."

"No, no, no." Linna repeated as she evaded his hand and ran off while softly yelling a 'sorry' behind her.

A sheepish laugh left his lips as Sunghoon stared at her retreating figure until it turned the corner to leave the restaurant. He looked down at his clothes as a sigh left his lips, wondering if his friends had spare clothes for him to wear for the mean time. On the way home, Linna explained about the cake incident as her cousins and sister asked her about it. They somemore, but she just groaned in embarrassment about it all. She blamed the cake.

"Hi, welcome."

Those working today at Simplistic welcomed in the customers as they entered the shop. They were Melanie, Linna, Seohoo, Danbi, Hanyoung, Chanran, and Minjee. Eunchan, Seula and Kierra had the day off whereas Serena prepped and opened earlier before the store opened with Junyoung. Jiwon had left two hours ago.


Yewon, Yunjin, and Jiwon happily waved at their friends while Linna and Melanie also introduced Seohoo to the three as he would be attending Hyebi University in the Spring. The two wanted to introduced him to those that they knew as this also allowed him to be acquainted with some of their friends in hopes that he could join their friend circle and branch off from there. It helped with Seula and Danbi and so hoped it worked for him, too.

"Could we talk with Yiseul and Chaewon for a moment." Jiwon asked the others.

"Oh yeah, sure." Chanran said as he and Minjee dismissed the two.

"They can actually clock out as we're near closing and got a majority of everything done already."

"Are you sure?" The cousins asked as the rest nodded.

"Okay, thanks."

They changed out of their uniforms and joined their friends at an empty table.

"So, what y'all wanna talk about?" Melanie asked once she and Linna

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