19; proposals

not for sale / bills [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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"Why are we taking a shortcut through the park?" Melanie asked.

After leaving the hotel, the four got some food and bubble tea, and were currently strolling through the park at Kierra's suggestion despite their getup and how others either stared at them or minded their own business. So far, they were lucky to not be harrassed or oogled at despite it becoming later in the day.

"Because I need some inspiration for my next project." Kierra responded as Linna .

"Oh, for you and Jay?"

"Don't even start, but no. The project with him is done. I need a new color scheme or a different theme this time around."

She glanced over at Serena.

"I'm sure Serena does, too, but hey, at least I'm not in a pretend relationship with my actual crush."

Linna scowled, a bit flustered.

"Shut up."

Serena chuckled before responding.

"I do need some new inspiration for another short story for an assignment."

She then glanced between the younger two.

"By the way, how is that relationship going for the both of you? More babysitting?"

The quartet chuckled as the pair recalled the last double date the two had with their fake boyfriends a few days ago where both Melanie and Linna ended up watching Jake and Sunghoon playing Five Stones. The game lasted over thirty minutes and although the two young men had asked for assistance from their fake girlfriends, but the two cousins had no idea how to play the game despite looking it up on their phones. However they enjoyed how it played out amongst the two males as lots of laughter were created.

"Honestly," Melanie drawled, "It's the same with us being chill in class. However, these pretend dates seem more like hangouts between the four of us and when we do suggest just a date with the two of us, they avoid it."

"Oh, Sunghoon does the same thing."

Linna made a face.

"He always tells me that it's better when it's us four as it's fun that way."

"True. Yet when I bring up the topic about that 'later talk' in class or during tutoring, he changes the topic."

"Mmhmm. Sunghoon says we'll talk later every time I mention it, but later never actually happens. It's a little annoying, but I don't know when we'll ever talk about it to be honest. So, my crush for him is becoming less and less day by day, but I still have some sort of other feeling for him."

"Doesn't this kinda make you happy since you like him and all?" Serena questioned,

"Like, I mean, y'all are hanging out more with this development of friendship between y'all despite the whole fake relationship bit."

Linna shook her head.

"Not really. Yeah, I like him and all, but it just seems different. He probably doesn't like me like that despite writing him love letters."

"Then confessed." Kierra remarked.

"Give him that last letter."


"Then you're not gonna get anywhere if y'all don't have that talk."

Kierra faced Melanie.

"What about you? How's your feelings for Jake? Do you see him more than just a classmate and tutor?"

Melanie eyed her older cousin, weirdly.

"There's no romantic feelings like that."

"Are you sure?"


"I seem to think the opposite."

"I don't care what you seem to think though."

"Yeah, true."

"Well, maybe Sunghoon and Jake think something different if they're doing these pretend dates yet don't want to have that 'later talk' or whatever." Serena reasoned before a playful look settled on her face.

"They're probably using this fake relationship bit to get others to back off of them and at the same time, building some situationship with y'all."

"Not even." Melanie and Linna countered as Serena shrugged.

"Could be. I mean, they probably really do enjoy it just as much as Jay enjoys hanging out with Kierra on her photo assignments despite the two arguing from time to time with their own situationship." Serena cooed while Kierra rolled her eyes.

"I swear you're reading too much into these things, Serena. Then again, this is right up your alley to make them stories and change names."

"Hey, I'm not the one with boy problems."

"Lee Heeseung." The trio countered with a knowing look as Serena rolled her eyes.

"There's nothing romantic going on."

She began listing other candidates that she has more of a close intimacy with.

"Unlike my closeness with Hyeongjun, Seohoo, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Leo, Junho, and like several others, too. Yet none of you seem to think I'm in a relationship with one of them, but for some reason think Heeseung and I have something going on."

"You do." They remarked with a laugh as Serena ignored them.

"Whatever. However, I do have to say that these give me great scenarios, but y'all are the ones with the most situations that gives me these ideas in the first place."

"Then stop." The trio said as Serena laughed.

"Hey, it's just a common plot device that occurs a lot and y'all are just living it for me to get some perspective."

"Then we just need to find one for you as soon as possible so that you could leave us alone."

"I volunteer for her to hook up with Heeseung." Melanie chimed with a playful look.

"Since she still has hit suit jacket and he's friends with the other three, too."

"Oh, yeah, that sounds great." Linna chimed in, agreeing.

"And she got caught twice delivering love letters by him, too."

"Just because y'all got issues with his friends doesn't mean him and I will, too." Serena remarked.

Still, Serena couldn't help feel like karma was gaining on her day by day.

"I don't have an issue with Jay." Kierra clarified.

"Yeah, you do." The other three countered as Kierra just rolled her eyes.

The group continued to make their way through the park and came upon two young men a few years older than them, stressing about something on one of the park's benches. The four nudged Serena to check on them due to her saying that she had no boy problems, teasingly. Serena remained reluctant until giving in.

"Uh, excuse me. Is everything alright?"

They both barely glanced up at her, defeated.

"Not unless you know someone that can sing."

"And take pictures on such short notice."

The pair replied, not really paying attention to Serena as a slow smile graced her lips. Serena glanced over at the other three with her smile widening, planning. They smiled with a nod, knowing where they were going with this by Serena's facial expression. Serena returned her attention onto the pair with a bright look.

"Actually, we do."

"How do I look?"

"You look handsome, Mr. Go."

"And me?"

"Just as handsome, Mr. Lee."

"This will turn out spectacular!"

As it turned out, the young men, Go Taeseob and Lee Harin, were in the middle of their pre-planned proposal when things didn't go as plan. The photographer had seemed to double booked for this evening and the hired singer got sick at the last minute, causing issues for the couple to find replacements without a warning. The couple assumed it may be a personal thing, but they couldn't do anything about it. So, when the quartet came by and offered their assistance, the grateful couple took it and continued with their pre-planned proposal. Fortunately for the pair, the four were already dressed for such an ocassion, and were glad to help them out as much as possible. Kierra tooks photos with her phone while Melanie and Linna sang. As for Serena, she took care of the miscellaneous things like throwing flower petals and cheering the couple in the background as a passerby amongst other tiny details.

"Thank you all so much for making our night special." The couple thanked the quartet.

"You are super welcome and we're glad to be of service for such a beautiful moment."

The group of six took a few commemorative photos before exchanging contacts so that Kierra could easily send the couple their own files of this beautiful moment and being invited to the wedding event once they find out the exact date and details. Soon enough they bid one of another goodbyes as each party went on their separate and merry ways.

"So, Kierra, did you find some inspiration?" Melanie inquired a moment later as Kierra nodded, happily.

"Oh, yeah. More than enough as they gave me permission to use their special moment as my final project for the semester too."

She chuckle gleefully while scrolling through her phone.

"I can't wait to start working on it. I have this idea and I hope I can make it come alive."

"Oh, that's nice of them."


Kierra cast her eyes onto Serena, knowingly.

"And I'm sure you got a whole bunch of scenes or themes to write for yourself."

Serena smiled with a nod.

"Mmhmm. I do. Their genuine love for one another will help me convey it better. Taeseob and Harin were just so sweet to one another and you could tell how much they loved one another, too. Despite the circumstances of their relationship, I'm wishing nothing, but the best for them."

The other three agreed just as Linna nudged her older cousin a moment later.

"So, does that mean you'll stop using us for inspiration?"

"Nope. Y'all will always be my muses."

The four laughed and continued on home, their moods lifted at having helped others for the day.

"Please give it up for the female dance team of Enha University High!"

There were cheers and applause as the group of nine steadily made their way onto the stage. They were the twelfth group out of fifty to perform for the event which allow them to run through the dance routine a few more times. Thanks to Linna and Melanie, both Kierra and Serena found themselves assisting Kana with their sisters and the other four members of the team for this competition. The cousins had less than four hours to learn the choreography, but luckily it wasn't that hard to pick-up and the group were able to dance without too much mistakes in the end.

"Enha! Enha! Enha! Enha! Enha! Enha! Enha Universight High!" The group did a cheer to amp themselves up!

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