15; act normal

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"Happy birthday, Jay!"

His friends cheered once Jay walked through his house's door.

"Way to go, birthday boy!"

Soon enough, everyone broke out into the birthday song as Jay smiled in shocked and appreciation before his fit lit up upon a litted birthday cake being brought a few seconds later. More cheers sounded as they continued on with the celebration while the cousins moved from the crowd and to their own little huddle. A few of their friends kept Jay occupied before the event while the others either helped set up the place or bought food and desserts before Jay came home. So, Kierra and Serena helped decorated and set up while Melanie and Linna unknowinly helped Jake and Sunghoon get the birthday cakes.

"Okay, let's go." Kierra urged as Serena shot her a mischievous look.

"You haven't even wished the birthday boy yet."

"Yeah, I did. From afar."

"That's mean." Linna and Melanie stated as Kierra shruged while Serena had wandered off to grab something to eat.

"Don't care."

"Anyway, why do you wanna leave so early though?" Linna questioned as Kierra shrugged.

"Because I say so."

"He looked happy seeing you though." Melanie said as Kierra rolled her eyes.

"You saw wrong."

Serena chuckled, causing the trio to look over at her once she returned.

"What's so funny?" Melanie asked.


Serena continued to surpress a laugh while eating a chocolate cupcake with purple frosting.

"Don't say anything." Kierra warned her which made the two younger ones look between them.

"So something is going on between you and Jay?" Linna probed, a bit teasingly.


"Are you sure?" Melanie cooed, joining in.

"I'm sure."

Serena giggled again while finishing the rest of her cupcake as Kierra glared at her.

"I swear, if you say something, I'ma hurt you."

Serena shrugged with a teasing smile as Kierra huffed, looking about them.

"He won't notice I'm gone anyway. There's so many people here."

"But they're not you." Serena remarked with a laugh as the other two giggled.

"Shut up."

Was all that Kierra could say to that. Serena directed the conversation elsewhere, now wanting to tease the younger two as she had noticed how they had shown up to the house with Jake and Sunghoon.

"Anyway, So, Chaewon, what's up with you and Jake, hmm?"

She glanced from her sister to her younger cousins.

"And the same with you and Sunghoon, Yiseul? Hmm?"

"Nothing!" Both answered too quickly while looking away.


Kierra became focused on her sister and younger cousin now, wanting to tease them back.


"We'll tell you if you tell us." Linna bargained with a smirk as Kierra made a face.

"Anything, but that."

"It's the same thing." Melanie reasoned with an obvious tone.

"It's not."

"Technically, it is, but you're just in denial." Serena said with a chuckle as Kierra side-eyed her.

"I blame you."

"Yeah, right."

"Did you forget that you made the suggestion that he totally went with in the end without hesitation?"

"It was already on the list and I may have needed some inspiration of my own."

"Couldn't you have gathered some from your interactions with Heeseung or something instead?"

Melanie and Linna looked over at Serena.

"So, you do have something going with Heeseung then?" Melanie questioned with a playful tone.

"I knew your teasing of us will come back to bite you in the ."

Serena brushed her off, playing cool.

"Not even."


Serena rolled her eyes, but shrugged nonchalantly.

"Like I said, we're not like that. Anyway," Serena cheekily glanced at Kierra while holding out a hand. "Show me the pictures."

Serena smiled while holding her hand out towards Kierra.

" no." Kierra declined.

"Oh, c'mon. You said you weren't fazed by the whole thing."

"I wasn't and all I had to do was act normal anyway."

"Okay, so then show me the pictures."


Kierra gave in.

"Ugh, fine."

Kierra brought her phone, went through until she found what she needed to, and handed it over to the trio.

"Ooh, so cute." The younger pair cooed as Serena chuckled.

Kierra silently groaned, crouched down, and hid her face.

"Ain't gonna lie, Yiyeon, but you and Jay actually look like a real couple." Melanie mused.

"It's kinda cute to be honest."

"I know right. So natural." Serena said in a cheery tone as Kierra groaned.

"No we're not."

"To be honest, Yiyeon, Chaewon's right. Y'all look so natural in these photos." Linna commented with a giggle.

"Anyway, I like the one of you covering his face with your hand and your face being cut off though."

"This one seems real although you can't really tell who is who unless you stare closely at their faces." Melanie stated as Kierra looked up.

"He actually took that one." 

She laughed upon remembering that day.

"I moved at the last second and covered his face at the same time."

"So you did have fun taking these with him." Serena remarked in a playful tone.

Kierra glared at her.

"I think my favorite out of all of these is the one of him making a face and you hiding yours in a horizontal pose." Melanie mused while looking over at Kierra.

"Y'all got couple vibes without actually being one."

Melanie cousin.

"Or are you?"

"We're not a couple." Kierra groaned as the others laughed.

"Right. Anyway, Yiseul, go back. The one of them almost holding hands is my favorite."

"That one is cute!"

"Too bad it's not real."

"Shut up." Kierra groaned before recalling something.

"Hey, didn't you two have something to tell us, too?"

Both Melanie and Linna paused in their browsing before looking at one another, silently discussing who should say it.

"Well," Melanie drawled, "Yiseul and I are pretending to date Sunghoon and Jake, respectively."

Their sisters were surprised, but Serena's face lit up of possible story plots.

"Ooh, this is good, but why?"

"Honestly, it was because of Choi Rika."

"Honesetly, it was because of Jeon Hyewon."

Linna and Melanie responded, respectively, before informing their sisters of the whole story from earlier today.

"The other thing, is that we were supposed to have a talk with Jake and Sunghoon yet we don't know when we're actually gonna talk about it."

Before Serena could start teasing all three of them about a triple date, they were soon interrupted by their friends. With Park Sungho, Danielle March, Baek Jiheon, Nakakita Yuma, James Zhao, Ohyama Ruan, and a few others being amongst them to bombard the quartet all at once.

"Why didn't y'all tell us that you're gonna perform in the April's Talent Show?" Sungho questioned, glancing from one to the other as he threw an arm around Melanie.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Yewon asked as she hooked arms with Linna and tugged on her playfully.

"When did y'all even audition?" Danielle inquired, standing in-between Melanie and Linna.

"Yeah! I didn't see any of you there." Jiheon commented, shocked.

"Jiwoo said y'all made it, but won't give me other details about y'all's group." Geonu stated with a pout.

"Do we really have to wait until the thirtieth to find out? Can't y'all tell us?" Sunoo asked with pleading eyes.

"Does this mean I get to see Yiyeon and Chaejin all dressed up again?" James mused.

"Oh, please, yes. I wanna see them all dressed up than they normally would." Sungyeon said in a giddy tone.

"Ooh, maybe y'all could become filler members for our Dance Showcase happening next month." Sakura cooed with hopeful eyes.

"I agree because we all know how much they love to help out their friends." Ruan chimed in with a michievous look, mainly directed at Serena and Kierra.

The cousins finally spoke and settled a lot of their friends' questions and curiousity.

"Just watched us perform that night." Serena replied, dismissing the whole thing nonchalantly.

"Besides, y'all should be asking about midterms and stuff." Linna reasoned with a laugh as Melanie agreed.

"Mmhmm. Our activities shouldn't even be a main focus right now."

"What we should focus is Jay's birthday." Kierra announced with a bright smile.

"Now, let's go back to the party."

The friends returned to the celebration of Jay's birthday. Some time later through the night when Kierra found a moment to be alone with Jay, she wished him a happy birthday. She later informed him that she had a gift for him, but it wouldn't be ready until later and that'll she notified him when it's ready. However, it wasn't something she wanted to gift him, but figured that Jay deserved to have a finished product of it as well.

"Please give a warm welcome to GEMSTONE!" One of the staff of the restaurant announced the quartet's new group name based upon Sujin's name meaning.

The quartet slowly came onto the small stage of the restaurant which held other patrons besides Sujin's family and friends. They wore solid colors in dress shirts, pants, and comfortable shoes to match their group name from head to toe and all you can really see were their mouths and hands. Woojoo wanted to surprised Sujin with a small performance since the restaurant allowed it for their friends' birthday. Also, it would be a great relief as midterms were over and something to look forward to. The quartet had declined Sujin's invitation, stating they had work and were unable to get it off, but it was mainly so they could just give her these performances as a birthday gift.

"Ladies, please introduce yourselves."

As they introduced themselves, the quartet based their stage names on four particular gemstones that were considered precious, but in English instead of in Korean. It started from Serena, followed by Melanie, then Linna, and ending it with Kierra.

"I'm Emerald!"

"I'm Sapphire!"

"I'm Diamond!"

"I'm Ruby!"

"And we're GEMSTONE!" They finished as a group.

The crowd clapped after their introductions as the same staff continued speaking.

"GEMSTONE is here in celebration of a Yang Sujin for their birthday!"

The crowd applauded and cheered once more before the same staff talked again.

"GEMSTONE will now be performing to an SM Dance Medley as well as singing a Disney Princesses Medley!"

Again, more cheers and applause as Linna spoke this time.

"Please watch over us kindly."

The cousins smiled and bowed before getting into their positions just as the first medley began to play. The quartet decided to do a dance medley and a song medley for Sujin's birthday due

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