11; love letter

not for sale / bills [discontinued] READ LAST CHAPTER!
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Serena slipped a yellow letter into another locker in the dance team's break room a little over a week later. After cheering up Seona, she decided to write a confession letter to Kyungjun as she didn't have the courage to talk to him face to face or even send the letter herself. So, Serena ended up being the delivery person once more. Unlike last time, Serena went early in the morning before classes actually started and not in the late afternoon. She figured she would be safe. She was not.

"Are you leaving the letter for another friend of yours this time for Kyungjun?"

Startled by the words of an amused voice, the back of Serena's fist hit the person in the chest out of reflex. Not expecting to get hit, the person backed off with a grunt as her attention went to see who it was and saw that it was, again, Heeseung. She inwardly groaned, thinking she really needed to time this whole thing better without disturbances and wondered why she even got caught in the act by him again. Still, she wondered why he was here alone and so early just like last time. She figured it must be the dedication.

"Uh, sorry, Heeseung. Reflex."

Serena did not feel sorry whatsoever as he deserved it for startling her like before and again she didn't do anything wrong to feel like so, but her demeanor remained cool, calm, and collected. Heeseung felt like it was deja vu, but without the hitting as he rubbed at his chest while Serena eyed him, sheepishly.

"Are you okay?"

Heeseung collected himself with slow nods before giving her a half-smile.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but don't apologize. I was the one that startled you."

She remembered his question from earlier and decided to answer him.

"Um, about the letter, yes. It's for another friend."

She shot him a knowing smile with a playful look once Heeseung seemed to be fine.

"Are you gonna tell me that Kyungjun's not gonna be interested, too?"

The sheepish smile disappeared as another slow smile graced his features before a chuckle left his lips as he shrugged.

"That, I can't say for sure unless you tell me who your friend is first, then I could give you a definite answer."

Her expression shifted back to being indifferent.

"Nah, I'm not gonna do that until until he reads the letter himself and can decide what he wants to do."

She flashed him an indifferent smile.

"Anyways, buh-bye!"

Serena her heels and rushed out of the room and building with Heeseung following after gathering his things.

"Hey, wait."


Heeseung reached her in no time and matched Serena's pace once out in the open. She briskly walked towards her destination while he seemed to look like he was taking a casual stroll. She didn't want to run so early in the morning and figured to stay quiet in hopes that he'll go off on his own. He did not as Heeseung made conversation.

"How are you feeling?"

"Um, I'm fine."

She shot him a look before facing forward again.

"Why do you ask?"

"I heard that you didn't show up for classes last week and today's your first day back since being out."

"Um, we don't have any classes together though."

"Yeah, I know."

"Then who told you I was out?"


"That kid."

Serena tried to walk faster, but Heeseung easily kept up, not taking the hint.

"How about we chat over coffee, yeah?"

"I don't like coffee."

"Well, it doesn't have to be coffee."

"It's okay. I'm not in the mood to eat or drink right now."

"Are you sure? We could get bubble tea or something? Whatever you like. I'm not that picky."

"I'm sure and no thanks."

Serena wasn't trying to be mean, but she wasn't sure if she actually wanted an actual friendship with Heeseung. Like, it was cool that they had mutual friends between them, but like, Serena definitely didn't want to be any closer to the male than she already was. Then again, Serena knew how much she had teased the other three about their so-called boy problems and thought to just not have it come bite her in the so soon. Still, she just wasn't in the mood and didn't feel like interacting so early in the morning. Although the thought of having bubble tea right now was highly tempting, but again, she wasn't in the mood to consume something and just wanted to find a quiet place to relax alone.

"We don't have to go off campus. We can head over to the school's cafeteria."

Heeseung continued as Serena didn't understand why he persisted.

"It's all good. I'm fine. Thanks though."

"I'm sure we can pass the time getting to know one another better until both of our classes starts in about two hours. What do you say?"

Serena paused in mid-walk with Heeseung doing the same. She faced him, puzzled.

"How do you know when my first class starts today?"

"Oh, well Ni-Ki mentioned your schedule an-"

A few of their schoolmates called out to Heeseung, interrupting and distracting him. Serena became relieved. She excused herself with a polite tone and smile despite Heeseung watching her go, but couldn't really do anything. He shot the small group a feigned polite smile as Serena headed to the school's infirmary to sleep as she still wasn't feeling well and until classes actually started. She'll take care of Ni-Ki later. She never got the chance to as she ended up sleeping longer than necessary.

"Hey, Chaewon, if you need more tutoring sessions besides maths due to midterms coming up in three weeks, then do let me know." Jake informed Melanie, coming up to her after class.

"I'm free to help you study as much as needed before I have dance practices, too."

Melanie glanced at him with a grateful smile.

"Actually, that would be great, Jake. Wait, you won't be too busy?"

"Nah. Dance helps relieve stress and studying isn't as stressful as others make it out to be."

"I thought you correcting people's grammer was a stress reliever." She mused as Jake laugh.

"Some times, but no, I won't be too busy."

"Okay, cool, because honestly I could use all the help with it."

Jake flashed her a smile.

"Great. We could even have a study session later today."

"Oh, yeah, that'll be cool." She readily agreed.

"Oh, wait."

Melanie remembered something and shot him an apologetic look.

"Ah, sorry, but I already have plans for after school today. So, not today."


Jake's smile dimmed a bit. Melanie didn't notice as she continued packing up her things.

"It's alright, Chaewon. No worries, but we're still on for tomorrow, right?"

"Oh, yes, most definitely. Please. There's another formula I don't get and hope you'll explain it better to than my professor. He's so tough and I just don't get it and it's too late to change the class."

"I'll try my best."

Jake nodded with a chuckle as he waited for Melanie to pack up the her last material into her backpack. Soon the pair headed towards the door to exit the classroom before separating in different directions.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Right. Tomorrow."

Jake wondered what plans she had. As for the plans that Melanie had planned, it was a meet up with Soeun and Jiwoo about her, her sister, and cousins involvement for this month's talent show happening in two weeks. The talent show occured before midterms as a way to feel at ease and relaxed before focusing on taking exams. So, some take advantage of having fun to sing and or dance to their hearts' content while others just get a head start on studying even more. However, Serena didn't know that Jiwoo and Soeun were friends and knew one another.

"Hmm, everything looks so good in person."

Serena scanned the menu and displays while standing inside the shop of Beard Papa's, after leaving campus. The nurse didn't wake her in time for her first class, figuring she needed the rest upon how she arrived to the infirmary. When Serena did wake, she realized it was now later in the afternoon. She dismissed the issue with Ni-Ki for now while messaging a classmate about the lessons for today as she had him in both of her Monday classes. As a thank you, she visited the bakery to buy the said classmate his favorite treats here.

"So Hyunkyung wanted a creme brulee, a fondant, and a cheesecake. I'll get myself one of each, too."

She continued to scan the items while thinking of her sister and cousins, too. She already missed her first and second class and decided to ditch her final class.

"Maybe I'll grab one of each with the four different fillings. That makes it thirty-two choux creams in total. Wow. Do I wanna do that though?"

Serena had a quiet conversation with herself.

"Yes, yes I do."

She chuckled, enjoying the moment despite what others may think.

"Hmm, maybe I'll get them each the other three, too. So that's twelve in total. Overall, that's forty-seven items I have to carry around back to school."

Serena continued talking to herself.

"So, like do I really wanna do all that? Nah, I'll just do enough for us."

Everything looked and smelled delicious, yet then again, she just needed enough for her, her sister, her cousins, Jiwoo, and Soeun while they discuss in detail for the talent show. She remembered that she still needed to get some for Hyunkyung as she'll be seeing him soon, too. She continued to contemplate over all the desserts about what to get overall and decided she'll it up and get it all. It's not like she'll be back to this place within the week either.

"Hey, Chaejin, wanna get bubble tea?"

She heard someone asked from next to her and replied automatically.

"Not today. Maybe another time."

Once the words processed in her head and she found the voice familiar did she shift her attention to see Ni-Ki standing closely beside her with an amused look on his face. She took a step back to give her and him some space while eyeing the younger male suspiciously.

"Hi." She greeted with a flat tone.

"That's not a friendly greeting."

"Yeah, don't care."

She caught movements from behind him as her eyes shifted to see Heeseung, Sunoo, and Jungwon with him. She greeted the trio in the same manner, but with more of a polite smile gracing her features instead. Ni-Ki eyed her, knowingly with a stoic expression as she gave him the same smile, but there was a playful twinkle in her eyes. Both Sunoo and Jungwon greeted her in a friendly manner while Heeseung flashed her a small smile with a soft 'hello'. She acknowledged them as she quickly averted her attention away while stepping closer to the counter to make her order after the next two customers. Ni-Ki sidled up next to her while softly nudging her. She knew what he wanted her to do.

"Hey, could you get me a va-"

"No." She promptly answered, interrupting him, but her tone seemed more playful than outright rejection.

"Oh, c'mon. You owe me."

"I'm pretty sure you're the one that owes me."

"Since when?"

Serena eyed him before facing ahead again. She didn't want to interact, but knew the male would continue to bother her.

"Don't y'all have dance practice or something?"

"We came to buy snacks for our break."

"I see."

Serena glanced at him, then at the other three.

"Could like one of you take care of him, please?"

"No." Sunoo deadpanned.

"No way."

"He's your problem now." Jungwon remarked with a cheeky laugh.

Heeseung remained silent, but an amused expression graced his features. Serena just rolled her eyes as she eyed Ni-Ki.

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