14; exams

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"Ugh. Why did I have to have classes today?" Linna grumbled to herself as she entered the school's gates.

"Why wouldn't they be cancelled like my Mondays and Wednesdays classes?"

She continued to grumble while walking towards her first class.

"At least let me sleep in like Melanie or have no class like Kierra."

Linna then shrugged upon thinking of her older cousin.

"Hmm, at least I'm not like Serena and didn't have a study group early this morning on top of going to classes."

Soon Linna happily skipped the rest of her way to her first class and rounding the corner she ran into another body. Before she could fall backwards, the other person helped steady her and brought her upright.

"Whoa there. Be careful."

A familiar laugh sounded and Linna looked up to see Sunghoon holding her in place.

"Hi." Sunghoon greeted with a bright smile, still holding onto Linna's upper body.

"Uh, hi."

Linna returned the same gesture, but slightly patted at his arms to be aware of their positions.

"Ah, sorry." 

Sunghoon let her go, but made sure she wouldn't fall over.

"It's okay."

Linna adjusted her backpack unconsciously, needing a distraction from running into her crush already in the morning.

"Um, so you have classes today, too?" Linna asked as Sunghoon.

"Yes. I see you do, too."


"How's the studying going for exams going for you?"

"Um, good. I have a study session later today with Chaewon at the Lift Library once classes are over."

"Oh, nice. Jake and I will be there, too. Maybe we can study together."

"Um, yeah, for sure." Linna agreed without processing it and wished she hadn't really said anything concrete.

"Anyway, I gotta get to class. Bye."

Linna scurried away as Sunghoon's eyes followed after with a small smile on his face. However, Sunghoon pulled out his phone to messaged Jake that they would be having a studying session at the Lift Library after classes today instead of going to dance practice. 

"Hey, you." Jake happily greeted Melanie when she sat down next to him.

"Thought you weren't gonna show up today."

Melanie let out a sheepish laugh as she brought out her materials.

"Yeah, I overslept just a bit."

The two sat in the back of the classroom with Melanie barely making it on time for the class to start.

"You slept in until one in the afternoon?"

"No, I slept in until twelve." Melanie corrected.

"I just had to get ready and looked for my stuff later than I normally would."

"Oh, I see."


Melanie continued to nonchalantly organized her materials as Jake watched her. Melanie slowly turned to face a staring Jake.

"Can I help you?"

Jake shot her a smile.

"Yeah, what drinks should I get everyone for our study group after this?"

"What do you mean?"

Melanie tilted her head in confusion.

"We don't have any study groups going on."

"Oh, Sunghoon told me that we're meeting up with you and Yiseul at the Lift Library."

Melanie knew she and Linna were studying together and their sisters would join them later, but when did Jake and Sunghoon become a part of it, too. However, she recalled Jake asking her about needing additional tutoring sessions, but so far the two haven't actually gotten around to it. Before Melanie could message Linna about it or even check her messages to see if she missed it, the professor began the lesson. Melanie briefly cast Jake a small smile and a curt nod as if to confirm his words. She turned away, missing the giddy smile that graced Jake's face before he, too, focused on the professor.

"Hmm, hopefully the spot I want is opened." Kierra said to herself as she entered Central Library.

She was supposed to meet her sister and cousins at the Lift Library, but decided a group session would not be convenient for her and opted to study alone. Of course she could've studied at home where it was guaranteed on the quietness, but the library would have more access for materials to use.

"Ah, it's already occupied."

Kierra continued walking to find another spot and settled at a table with less people around her. Kierra set up her study materials and remembered she needed some snacks and drinks. When she returned, Jay also occupied the table alongside his own stuff.

"Couldn't find your own table to study at?"

Kierra set her meal onto the table as she sat across from him. Jay shot her a smile with a shrug.

"I was, but saw your things here and thought I join you."

He gave her a look.

"Do you want me to leave?"

"No, it's fine."

Kierra didn't want him to feel like he's done something wrong and since it was exam week, everyon'es stressing to pass their classes.

"You're not studying with the others?"

"No. I really needed some time away from them to focus more."

"Oh, okay. Same. By the way, do you want something to eat or drink?" Kierra offered as she motioned at her array of snacks and drinks.

"My treat since I grabbed a lot just in case I didn't feel like getting up again so soon."

She smiled as to ease the male to accept her offering.

"Ah, yeah, thanks."


The two quietly sat and went about going over their own study materials while every now and then they would ask the other to help quiz them to better test what they had just read over for the rest of the day. Meanwhile, Serena ended up returning home to nap once her classes were done in need of a recharge from interacting with people all day and would resume her studying afterwards. Linna and Melanie had their study session with Sunghoon and Jake and it was going fairly well, but the latter kept being interrupted every now and then by the other students in wanting duo's help or to study along with them. So, Melanie and Linna decided to just excuse themselves and study elsewhere, leaving Jake and Sunghoon to deal with their fellow schoolmates. Luckily, one other good thing that came out of it was that they didn't have to perform twice with Seohoo for the talent show as they didn't make the cut.

"So happy today's exams are over, but now I'm just anxious for the results." Linna grumbled as she joined Melanie in the Central Library.

"Oh, I know right." Melanie agreed, slumped on the table.

"I just have one more exam, but that's not until next Wednesday."

"Lucky. My last one is next Monday."

"Better than Chaejin." Melanie chuckled.

"Hers are both on Monday and Tuesday next week instead."

"Ooh, that . Because Yiyeon's is on Tuesday and Wednesday."

" for them. I'm so tired and don't wanna study anymore."

The two shared a giggle as Linna sighed tiredly, also laying her head onto the table's surface.

"For real. Studying again right now is the furtherest thing from my mind."

"Oh yeah?"

Melanie perked up, lifting her head to stare at her cousin.

"What's on your mind then?"

"Park Sunghoon."

Linna silently screamed into her arms before lifting her head to huffed as Melanie laughed, amused.

"What's wrong with that? I thought that was a normal thing?"

Linna whipped her head to stare at her cousin with a frown.

"It was a normal thing when I could admire him from afar, but there's been so much physical and close interactions since winter holidays that it's overwhelming."

Melanie laughed again in a good-nature manner.

"Well, that's improvement though. Isn't it?"

"I dunno."

Linna groaned into her arms once again.

"Why not give him that letter you've already written for him.

Linna's head shot up towards Melanie.

"How did you know I wrote him another letter?"

"I saw it on your desk the other night when I asked to borrow scissors."

"Oh, right."

Linna sighed deeply.

"Well, I'm still debating if I want to give it to him or not. I mean, it'll give me closure of sorts, but Chaejin did say he wasn't interested through Heeseung."

"True, but you haven't actually heard those actual words from Sunghoon's mouth though, right?"

"Yes, but still..." Linna trailed off as Melanie continued to encouraged her cousin.

"Still, anything could happen. You never know for sure though."

"Yeah, true, but I just wished I didn't have feelings for the guy though. I mean, we were in the same class throughout high school and we then he and I had like a class or two since attending the same college. Yet, despite having mutual friends, we never really hung out just the two of us, so it just seems weird. Don't you think?"

"So? What's wrong with that? At least you're not a stalker or try to invade his personal space and being clingy."

Linna groaned once again.

"Nothing I guess, but as a quiet kid that kept to themselves who wasn't a social butterfly, I guess I'm just tired of seeing and hearing that almost every girl in my class wants to be his partner or gets super touchy with him and almost all the guys thinks he's cool or are envious of him."

"Are you jealous?" Melanie teased as Linna eyed her cousin with a laugh and a shake of her head.

"Nah, it's not even like that. I can't be jealous when he's his own person and shouldn't be view that way anyway. Still, it's just kinda cliche in a way and I never thought I would actually witness it though. I mean, it seems too surreal even though the way Chaejin explained it that one day, and it still feels like I'm in a drama series of sorts, but as one of those side characters yearning for the male lead's attention."

"I feel you, but not the part about yearning the attention of the male lead. I don't want the drama that comes with the male lead to be honest."

The two share a laugh, agreeing.

"Anyway, how about you?"

Linna re-directed the attention onto her cousin instead.

"So, what's your deal with Jake though."

"I thought we settled that topic a while back."

"Nah. I feel like there's more to discuss." Linna chuckled, more amused than before and wanting to deviate away from the subject of Sunghoon.

"Your life is more interesting than mine and Jake's the type that's friends with everyone and nice to anyone while Sunghoon is kinda too hard to approach unless you're cool and confident like him or something."

"Jake is friendly, but so is Sunghoon once he's comfortable. It's just that you like

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