
Beyond The Harbour

"Have you ever wondered what lays beyond the harbour?" The boy wondered, sneaking a glance Chanyeol whose gaze remained on the horizon before them. They were warm wrapped in each other's arms, the embrace blocking out the gentle breeze that one would naturally expect on top of a mountain. 

"It's crossed my mind a couple times, I'll admit." the taller nodded his head, tightening his grip around the smaller's waist as he drew him closer, afraid that if he didn't they would loose the body heat they had developed. "I never really gave it much thought but I always expected that one day I would leave this place behind and see the world." 

"Where would you like to go?" the stranger questioned with a giggle, his fingers gently wrapping around Chanyeol's wrists. "Tell me Chanyeol, if you could magically breath underwater right now... where would be the first place that you would go?" 

The elder stared confused down at the latter, his brow raised in question. "If I could magically begin breathing underwater? I thought 'if you had all the money in the world where would you go' would be a better question."

"I like to be unique." The boy stated with a proud grin on his lips, his eyes shining as he tilted his head back in order to see the taller he was getting to know. "So, come on, tell me. Where would you go from here?" 

"Europe" Chanyeol blurted without giving the idea much thought. The stranger seemed surprised about the sudden answer, probably expecting the young man before him to take his time considering his options. After all the world was a pretty large place with many beautiful and strange things to see. "If there was anywhere in the world I would love to go, Europe would be my first choice." 

"It's said to be the romance continent," The boy joked, turning his head back to the view stretched out before him. "it has many stories and beautiful art pieces, I'm sure you'd love it there." 

"Have you ever been?" Chanyeol asked. 

The newbie hummed, his gaze falling onto Chanyeol's arm. The photographer's breath hitched with the almost feather like touches of a slender finger drawing symbols and meaningless drawings onto the skin that had been sensed even though he wore a jacket. "My family and I travel a lot you see, I've probably been to a majority of the places on this earth at least once or twice. We don't like to stay in one place too long, this is my third time visiting the island. Not much has changed." 

"You've been here before?" Chanyeol gasped, unable to recognize the boy's face from those he had grown up with on the island. "I have never see you here before though.." 

"Of course you haven't." The stranger laughed, unable to hold himself back. Chanyeol couldn't help but wonder if he had let out a joke Chanyeol wasn't aware of, nonetheless he decided to wait until the smaller was finished his laughing fit before he quizzed him on the matter. "Sorry," the newbie interrupted his own laughing fit, wiping a single tear from his cheek. "you have never seen me here because I only stayed for a night or two. The bed and breakfast is sweet enough to let me stay the night and usually by morning I travelled back home." 

"To the mainland?" 

The boy's delicate  lips formed a thin line as if he was trying to hold himself back from saying something. "My family were in the mainland yes." he nodded his head, unable to look Chanyeol in the eye after that. 

"How long did you say that you would be staying this time?" 

"I'm not sure of that myself, I only came here to see my friend but I sadly seemed to have misplaced his address-" 

"Well is he a native or has he just moved here?" Chanyeol wondered, his big brown eyes baring into stranger's soul unintentionally. "I'm quite connected in this town so maybe I'll be able to help you find him!" 

"That would be really nice of you Chanyeol" the newbie smiled sweetly, Chanyeol watching as his eyes crinkled and his teeth shined. 'Beautiful' he thought as he gently pushed himself up from the ground, following the boy's lead. 

"I think we should go home and change first, maybe have a shower so that we don't catch a cold or something.. I mean we have been up here for more than 8 hours now." Chanyeol announced with a cough, his eyes bulging out of his sockets when he read the time on his wrist watch. 


"Sure, I wouldn't mind that at all" the stranger giggled, his hands being pushed deeper into the back pockets of his jeans. "I'll meet you in the village centre by the fountain at 11?" 

"That sounds perfect" Chanyeol breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was going to have to take at least half an hour to explain to his mother about his early morning arrival after going out to a party. "I'll treat you to breakfast too, do you like pastries?" 

"I don't think that I've tried any but I would love to try some macaroons or was it a croissant?" the boy mumbled, letting his chin be cupped by his hand as his mind wandered off in thought. 

"Both of those things are completely different by the way" Chanyeol stated as he led the way back down the mountain, the stranger's puzzled face making him crack a chuckle. "I'll buy both and I'll show you the difference." 

The strange boy instantly stopped walking, his eyes wide as he shook his head from side to side. "You can buy one for me, I don't want you wasting all your money on me! You're a college student, don't you have loans to pay or something?" 

"I'm pretty sure that's just American college students that have to worry about college loans, we don't really do that here at Jaspar Cover. Since everyone knows everyone anyway most of the education is free or can be paid back with jobs around the place, like for example I help out my English Lit teacher with her dogs sometimes." Chanyeol explained the very simple way of life the people on his island had. Most people hated the idea of being stuck in such a place, but unsurprisingly Chanyeol wasn't one of them. 

Even though he had jumped to the conclusion that Europe would be the first place he travelled to if he could, that didn't mean that he would build a life there. Jaspar Cove was his home and no-one or nothing could change that, Chanyeol saw himself growing old by the beach as he watched the younger children splash around in the water. To him that was a life worth living and it was going to be his life and he was proud of that. 

All too soon both of them had reached the end of the mountain, Chanyeol's hand being held tightly by the stranger who had nearly tripped on a stray rock on their way down. The moment had spiked a few giggles from both of the boys, the newbie's cheeks flaring in embarrassment as Chanyeol couldn't help but coo and pinch them before offering him his hand again. 

"Do you need me to walk you back to the inn or will you be okay alone for a couple more hours?" Chanyeol joked, sending the smaller a wink (alluding to what had happened moments ago). He smiled when he saw the blush on the smaller's cheeks return, the boy shook his hand free from the taller and covered his face with his palms. 

"I'll watch out for any stray stones Chanyeol." he promised, letting his hands fall to his sides when he was certain that his blush had been maintained. "Don't worry about me too much, I'll be okay-" 

"It honestly won't be a bother!" Chanyeol found himself exclaiming, his eyebrows furrowing together in the centre of his forehead. Since when has he ever spoke without thinking before? 

"I appreciate your offer Chanyeol." the boy admitted with a shy smile, his fingers gently rubbing against the back of his neck. "But I swear I'll be much more observant next time!" His pearly whites were enough to calm Chanyeol's racing heart. 

The taller simply nodded his head and watched with a slight pout as the other began walking away, back in the direction of the inn. When the strange boy was gone from his sight Chanyeol felt this sudden haze lift from his eyes, he blinked a couple times before rubbing his knuckles against his closed lids. 

'Strange' he whispered, blinking the fog away from his eyes. He couldn't understand what had suddenly come over him or for a better explanation.. he didn't understand what had just left him. 

Without thinking much about it Chanyeol simply his heel and began his own way home, whistling a quiet tune out into the crisp morning air. Taking a quick glance at the sky above him, Chanyeol let out a peaceful sigh. He watched as the fluffy white clouds drifted against the pale blue background, showing him the direction he needed to take in order to get home. He didn't know why but he always remembered his father's wise words when they were stargazing out in their back garden one night. 

"No matter where you are in the world Chanyeol.." his father paused and shifted around on their thin blanket, the warm July air keeping them warm on the somewhat moist grass. "the stars will always led you to where you need to be.

"But Appa.." the boy recalled saying, his eyes focused solely on his father whose gaze had never once left the stars. "what happens when I loose my way in the day?

"Then I suppose the clouds will have to lead the way, won't they?" he chuckled, finally taking a glance at his son. Chanyeol remembered the sparkle in his father's mischievous eye as he crept closer and tickled him so much that the poor boy had to run into his house to go to the toilet, waking his mother up in the process. 

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740 streak #1
Chapter 20: Finally got caught up! This was such a good chapter and my favorite scene was Chanyeol’s conversation with Joonwoo. I was surprise that he agreed to let Baekhyun go along on the quest, even more that he could clearly see the bond that the two boys have quickly formed. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 18: Chanyeol is like 'been there, done that' and it's hilariousss
I also like that this gives him insight and understanding to the gods' actions, and it's used as such instead of as just a way to make more plot
It's interesting and a refreshing take!
740 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am absolutely loving this story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m guessing the second creature Chanyeol killed was the Kraken? It’s interesting that he faints each time he comes in contact with non-humans. Thank you for all your updates.
740 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello, I am really enjoying this story so far. Your writing is almost lyrical, and I am enjoying all the descriptive touches on the island and it’s inhabitants. I can’t wait to read more about Chanyeol, he is a super complex character.