
Beyond The Harbour

Both of them were surprised to see that the wound Baekhyun was hoping to heal on Chanyeol's palm still remained even after his quiet humming. The photographer watched as the merman blinked down at his wound, a pout developing on his lips when his mind finally registered that he wasn't able to help in any way. Chanyeol couldn't stop himself from releasing a chuckle, using his free hand to ruffle through Baekhyun's bright pink hair. He smiled when he watched the locks float in the water above them, the colour seemed to have intensified now that they were underwater.

Baekhyun let out a giggle, shaking his head with his lower lip beneath his two front teeth. Chanyeol slipped his arm back around the merman's waist, pulling him until their bodies collided, the water around them refusing to enter the gaps between their bodies almost as if it had been waiting for it to happen.

"Thank you.." Chanyeol whispered, his heart pounding against his chest when he felt Baekhyun's webbed fingers clutch at the back of his shirt. They both didn't exactly know why he was grateful, whether it was because Baekhyun decided to stay with him or rather because the merman attempted to heal his palm. The answer wasn't really something they needed to worry about, Baekhyun simply nodded his head and nuzzled deeper into Chanyeol's neck.

"Are you ready?" Baekhyun whispered, his lips ghosting over Chanyeol's skin. The water seemed to have dragged his shirt down a little because he was certain that his shirt covered his shoulders earlier, nevertheless Chanyeol's breath still hitched, his hands tightening around Baekhyun's waist. "I'm not going anywhere.." he reassured the taller, mistaking his increased pressure on his waist as a nerve that was still concerned of Baekhyun leaving him.

Deciding that it would be best to use this open opportunity to his advantage, Chanyeol gently pushed Baekhyun away by his waist, he pulled on the most heart wrenching expression he could muster and looked the merman dead in the eye. "I don't think I'm ready to do this.." He allowed the stranger to take his hands again. "I don't know if I'm ready to finally learn everything that has been denied to me before."

"That's a valid reason," Baekhyun nodded, pressing his lips against the palm of Chanyeol's hand. "but I'll give you a better question. If not now, then when?"

"Maybe I can get drunk first?"

"I thought you didn't drink." Baekhyun , flicking his tail out. Chanyeol's eyes widened when he was pulled closer to the merman, the two of them swimming through the ocean upright and thanks to Baekhyun's tail. He let out a laugh and allowed Baekhyun to lead him back to the harbour, their hands never unlinking and their eyes never straying from each other. "You'll be able to do this Chanyeol, you're stronger than you think you are."

He didn't know why but his mind pulled him into a new memory, one involving his father. A memory he doesn't even remember happening and yet surely it must have otherwise it wouldn't have been brought to the forefront of his mind. He wallowed in the silence surrounding him and Baekhyun, the merman seemingly realising that his partner was no longer on the same conscious dimension as he was right now.

"Out of all my creations you are my most important," his father's voice bellowed in his mind, the image of his father's tear filled eyes momentarily catching his breath. "I thought that I would be able to spend the rest of your life reminding you of that fact but as the days go on I realise that I don't have as much time with you as I expected. You're too young to understand everything right now but my only hope is that once you get older things will begin to make sense and maybe you'll be able to find it within yourself to accept my apology."

"Why do you need to apologise Daddy?" Chanyeol asked, recalling how his head tilted to the side. "You haven't done anything wrong! Right?"

"I'll have to let you decide that for yourself when you're older," his father had chuckled, opening his arms wide enough for the young boy to settle in between. "you know how much I love you right?"

"To the moon and back!" Chanyeol recited the words that his father would always tell both him and his mother. "Dad are you planning on going somewhere?"

"I don't have a choice Channie, my life was so much different before I met your mother. It was so much easier and yet I would never change anything that happened between us. She knew the consequences of falling in love with me and yet she stood by my side and embraced you when you came into the world. You will always be the thing connecting us, I just wish that it didn't have to be you sweetheart. You mean so much to me and-" Chanyeol felt the lump in his throat tear against his windpipe, his eyes filling with unshed tears as he continued watching his memories play out before him. "And I hate that you're the one that has to fix all of my mistakes. I can only hope that you don't allow fate to control your actions like I allowed it to control me, every ounce of strength I have I made sure to give to you. You are everything good within me, may the Gods grant you a happy life." The press of his father's lips against his forehead broke Chanyeol out of his spell, the pressure there when reality began to sink back in.

Baekhyun's hands found themselves on his shoulders holding him still, he had been calling for Chanyeol since he realised that the latter wouldn't be coming out of his trance. He let out a breath of relief when Chanyeol's gaze finally found him again, his webbed fingers curling in the boy's shirt. "You scared me."

"You're right.." he whispered, not fully trusting his voice knowing that he was so close to crying. "My Dad, this whole thing comes right back to my father. I don't know how but he's the reason that all of this is happening to me-"

"Where did you go?" Baekhyun questioned, searching for answers within Chanyeol's eyes. Like always it was hard to receive those answers but thankfully the boy seemed to gain confidence in his words again.

"A memory I don't remember experiencing." He shook his head, his actions making the water around them swirl. Baekhyun held on to the human's shoulders tighter, fearing that if he moved his hand Chanyeol would be lost from him forever. "I'm ready to face the village." he spoke, his tongue running along his lower lip.

Baekhyun felt the intense gaze causing his cheeks to light up in a pale pink hue, he turned his eyes away from Chanyeol's finding the wooden structures of the harbour more interesting. Neither of them had realised just how close to the harbour they had come, Chanyeol was certain that if he tried to approach the surface his head would poke out and those still lingering on the broadwalk would be able to spot him and alert the others. That wasn't what Chanyeol wanted therefore he gently curled his fingers around the wrist Baekhyun still held to his shoulder and began swimming towards the side of the harbour, he grinned when he saw the largest boat was still docked there. They could use it as a cover while they pulled themselves out from the water.

"I'm not sure if I should worry about your sudden confidence boost or if this is a good thing..." Baekhyun muttered loud enough for the latter to hear him, Chanyeol sent him a glance before reaching his free hand out to wrap it around the plank of wood. He used it to pull both himself and Baekhyun against it, he pulled the merman up with him, the smaller gasping as oxygen filled his lungs. They were bobbing in the water beneath the boardwalk, a comfortable amount of space between the top of their heads and the wood above them.

"The last few times that I've had confidence boosts I've done reckless things," Chanyeol chuckled, blowing the water out of his mouth. Baekhyun laughed as he felt it patter against his cheeks, his heated flesh cooling down thanks to the bitter cold from the water. "care to stick around to see what else I might do?"

Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, he could feel Chanyeol pull his hand flat against his chest. The rhythm of his heartbeat against his hand made Baekhyun's lips curl at the corner of his face, he allowed his eyes to close and wallow in the steady beats. It did seem a little on the fast side but as Chanyeol continued to take deep breaths, the rhythm eventually evened out and returned to a relaxed melody one that would have been perfect for ballads. "You know I was already going to do that regardless of what you do, just..." he took a breath, searching Chanyeol's eyes. "try not to get yourself killed, okay?"

"I suppose that's a fair concern, I won't allow myself to be killed." Chanyeol nodded his head, keeping their eye-contact until the very end of his sentence. He turned his head upwards, gazing at the boardwalk. "I'm ready to face them."

Baekhyun nodded his head, accepting his hand back now that Chanyeol had taken away his grip. The merman watched as the man swam out from beneath the wooden structure, kicking at the water to bring him to the surface. When he broke through the second time Chanyeol didn't have to gather oxygen, instead he simply sent Baekhyun a grin before reaching up to pull himself out of the water. The merman's cheeks heated up when he was able to get a glimpse of Chanyeol's exposed abdomen on his way up onto the dock, sparks tingling all throughout his body at the sight of it.

Baekhyun gave himself a moment to collect himself before swimming just a tad bit forward, his eyes automatically narrowed as the sun blinded him. He could hear a deep chuckle ring through his eardrums from somewhere behind him, hence when he turned around and was able to see what was happening Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol offered him a small wave. The taller reached his hand out and gestured with his fingers for Baekhyun to trust him, the merman instantly reached out and curled his hand through the rougher palm.

The wind was literally knocked out of Baekhyun's lungs as he was pulled up onto the decking with nothing but Chanyeol's sole arm to do it, his eyes bulging up at the photographer who merely shrugged his shoulders like the action wasn't all that impressive. Baekhyun was sitting on the edge of the broadwalk, his tail hanging over, the tips of the flukes barely touching the rippling ocean below.

Chanyeol watched intrigued as Baekhyun blew out all the air in his chest, he realised quite quickly that what he thought was oxygen leaving the merman's body wasn't what he believed it to be. In the air just ahead of Baekhyun, tiny bubbles filled with water drifted in the air until they finally popped over the sea. It was magic, Chanyeol taking in the sight of Baekhyun's tail as it began transitioning back into his human legs. The scales tumbled from his legs drifting into the ocean and disappearing before Chanyeol could follow them as they sank, the webbing that was between both of his fingers were pulled back against the back of his palm until it disappeared completely. The most disturbing thing was probably seeing the skin on Baekhyun's neck pull over the three slashes that Chanyeol would assume had been gills.

"So you just transform back into the clothes you were wearing when you jumped into the water?" Chanyeol wondered, staring down at Baekhyun's very covered body. He didn't know why but he had expected the merman to become after his transformation, however he was completely grateful that that wasn't the case.

Baekhyun turned back to look at him, lower lip hidden beneath his upper teeth. "Don't sound so disappointed Chanyeol, if I didn't know any better I would assume that you were wanting to see me ..."

"Well it's a good thing that you do know better," the taller winked, a small smirk on his lips as Baekhyun's wide eyes blinked back up at him. "come on. I feel like if we don't go and find people they'll have a search vessel out for me soon."

"Well you are the idiot that dove into the ocean without second guessing it!" Baekhyun scolded, taking Chanyeol's hand as he offered it to help the merman to his feet. "You're going to pass out again right? It seems that when you're overwhelmed with information or situations you pass out, and I don't know if I can handle having to catch you again-"

"Again? I don't remember you having caught me the last time!"

"Of course you wouldn't have, you passed out!"

Chanyeol pursed his lips, crossing his arms over his chest after Baekhyun had gotten to his feet. "Touché."

The merman offered a bright smile, moving closer with his arm slightly out-stretched. Chanyeol walked towards it like Baekhyun's hand was a magnet, pulling him close so he would have no way of escaping. Their hands met in the middle, their fingers interlacing. Chanyeol pulled the boy until he was flush against him, holding on tightly to his hand as he began the walk back into the village. It would be enough to speak with them if he had Baekhyun as an anchor, so that the frustration in him wouldn't be released. The first sign of life from the island actually happened a lot quicker than Chanyeol was expecting, he had assumed that the large group that had been following him to the harbour had retried back into the village in order to report the happenings to others. But apparently that hadn't exactly been the case.

Sehun and Suho were sitting on the wall just next to the entrance to the market, both of them lost in the air in front of them. Baekhyun and Chanyeol noticed that the two ahead of them had yet to see them, thus forcing the both of them to slow down in their steps. Baekhyun tightened his hold on Chanyeol's hand, gathering the taller's attention.

"I meant what I said about Junmyeon wanting to kill me if I came back, I'm supposed to have put this island behind me for good. He's going to flip when he realises that I'm still here-" Chanyeol stopped in his tracks, pulling Baekhyun back from taking another step. The two of them stared into the other's eyes, one filled with worry while the other was filled with developing confidence.

"I already told you that I'll deal with it, I'll tell him that I brought you back. Don't worry about it, I'll be by your side the entire time okay?" Chanyeol tilted his head down, hoping to remain focused on Baekhyun even if his vision consisted of his lips at this particular moment.

"Okay..." the boy nodded, his tongue swiping along his lower lip. His eyes dropped from Chanyeol's face to his soaking body, thankfully his hand had seemed dried enough so that it wasn't affecting Baekhyun's transformation but that didn't mean that the rest of Chanyeol's body wasn't a problem. "but before we go anywhere let me dry you off a little."

"I can just dry off at home-"

"I think you're going to want to talk to the villagers more than worry about your wet clothes, come on I couldn't heal your hand so let me try and dry off your clothing!"

"You're capable of doing that?" Chanyeol wondered, looking suspicious at the merman who rolled his eyes.

"Well not exactly but I can give it a try!"

"No thank you," Chanyeol declared a little louder than what would have been normal. Baekhyun stumbled over his feet as Cahnyeol began leading them towards the couple a couple miles away from them; however, it appears that Chanyeol's loud exclaim had gathered their attention. Sehun and Suho had risen from the wall and were already on their way in their direction, they weren't running but their steps resembled a very brisk walk. "I think I've had enough magic as it is for the day."

Baekhyun's lips pressed themselves into a thin line trying desperately to hold back his giggles, okay so maybe Chanyeol had a point. He had not only witnessed Baekhyun transforming into a merman and then back into a human, but he also experienced breathing under water, not to mention the whole process in which that was achieved. His lips were still tingling from their kiss, but Baekhyun wasn't going to count it as their first since being underwater prevented the sweetness that came with kissing on land. He shook his head, this thought process was going to get him in trouble!

"Chanyeol!" Sehun shouted, the air carrying his scream all around the island. Within seconds the market place was filled with villagers, all of which sporting bright smiles seeing the boy return. Although many of them gasped at the sight of his hand linked through Baekhyun's, Chanyeol watched as many of them clutched their chests in surprise. He decided to avoid each of them, focusing on Sehun who had just arrived in front of him and Baekhyun.

The boy cast a glance down at their interlocked fingers, the photographer briefly feeling how Baekhyun's grip had loosened, clearly uncomfortable with the attention. Chanyeol refused to let go, holding on for the both of them. Suho appeared beside his boyfriend a moment later, his eyes wide as he stared slack jawed at Baekhyun who was unable to meet his gaze.

"What the hell are you doing here? You're supposed to have left!"

"I asked him to come back," Chanyeol stepped forward, placing himself between both mermen. He could hear the water dripping off his clothes and onto the concrete below him, but he didn't care. "and I made sure that he wouldn't be leaving until someone explains to me what the hell has been happening on this island."

"You don't understand what you're doing Chanyeol," Suho hissed. "there will be consequences if Baekhyun doesn't get home!"

"I've killed two freaky monsters over the space of two days, I think I can handle the consequences." Chanyeol stated, allowing himself to get up in Suho's face. The boy looked helpless, his eyes casting from Chanyeol's face to his dripping clothing. He stepped back and allowed Sehun's arms to wrap around his waist, the boy whispering into his ears soothing words because at the end of the day Chanyeol was right.

The photographer turned to the hundreds of eyes watching the scene unfold between the four boys, some of their eyes were still locked on the interlocked fingers but Chanyeol simply shrugged those away. He turned back to Sehun who had finished speaking with his boyfriend, the two of them shared a look before Chanyeol turned back to the crowd.

"Look Jun I'm only here for Chanyeol's moral support, I'll go back when all of this is-"

"So you know what he is." Mr. Jung growled, emerging from the crowd with his index finger pointed straight at Baekhyun. The merman shrank behind Chanyeol's broad chest, wishing he could walk closer and feel the boy's warmth but his soaked clothing prevented him from doing such a thing. "You understand why I didn't want him in my store, why I want nothing to do with his kind."

"No," Chanyeol hissed back, dropping Baekhyun's hand as he was afraid that he would squeeze the living daylights out of it. The photographer took a step forward, overwhelmed with anger and pent up frustration. He didn't understand why the villagers were so hostile towards Baekhyun but were so accepting of Suho who was just like him. "I don't understand. I don't get it because no one is explaining things to me! If you think that you hate him because of the legend of this island then you're very old in your ideals Mr Jung, you've known me since I was a baby and yet you refuse to trust in my judgement? Baekhyun is my friend and his presence here has been extended with my own invitation, do I make myself clear?"

"Don't worry Mr. Jung his interest in the merman won't last, Chanyeol's brain is wired to lose interest in things quickly." Another villager remarked, forcing Chanyeol's head to snap in his general direction. It could have been multiple people but Chanyeol's eyes zeroed in on Mr. Gu the island's butcher, he was a known blabber mouth with no filter. Everyone joked and said that it would be the death of him one day, Chanyeol figured that he didn't mind being the one to do it. His fingers would look nice wrapped around the man's neck, applying just the right amount of pressure would have him eating his words.

"I don't remember teaching you that it is okay to plan murder..." A voice bellowed in his head, knocking the wind out of Chanyeol's lungs. He stumbled over his feet for a moment before finding his balance when Baekhyun slipped their hands together again, the merman squeezing just enough to reassure him. Chanyeol could feel his entire body develop goosebumps, the chilling realisation making his eyes grow wide.

"Since none of you are worth wasting my breath on, can someone direct me to where my mum is right now?" Chanyeol cleared his throat, standing tall so that no-one would assume that something had just happened. He thought that he pulled off quite well, until he saw Sehun raise a brow from the corner of his eye. Again the crowd began muttering under their breath, creating a wall of noise that Chanyeol found it easy to ignore. Before he could even think about opening his mouth again the crowd split straight down the middle, his mother whose face wasn't able to rest on one emotion rushed towards him.

"Chanyeol.." the woman whispered, afraid of disrupting the peace. She cast a glance at her son before turning to face Baekhyun who was peaking over the photographer's shoulder, Chanyeol refused to move. Growing up his mother meant the world to him, and yet the past couple of days his view of her had somewhat shifted. Secrets were known for causing drifts in relationships and Chanyeol figured that this one secret was going to change his entire life.

"I need to know what the hell is happening," he declared, choking back his sobs. He managed to blink back the tears in his eyes thanks to Baekhyun shifting to his side rather than behind him, there was still space between them but having them linked at their sides was enough. "you can't leave me in the dark forever."

"I didn't want you finding out like this son..." the voice whispered in the passing air, Chanyeol shuddered.

"I want to know what the hell happened on this island, I want to know why there are so many monsters attacking, I want to know why I seem to be the only one out of the loop, I want to know what I am." His gaze was harsh, boring holes into the poor nurse's head. Mrs. Park gulped, her eyes wide but her face neutral -unreadable. She opened obviously trying to find the best words, but no sound would come out.

"Why don't we go and get dry?" Baekhyun's soft voice tickled his ear. "it will give everyone a minute to calm down. This seems like a very personal conversation, one that I don't think the entire island needs to hear-"

"You shut your mouth!" Mr. Jung glared, moving forward as if ready to take Baekhyun on in a fight. A couple of the other villagers reached out to stop him, each of them having seen the flame burst in Chanyeol's eyes.

"What part of him being my guest can you not understand?" he growled. "I killed two large skyscraper monsters, do not make me drive my sword into your gut because I'm warning you it will happen."

"What spell do you have him under?!" The villagers screamed, their eyes wide as they tried to hold back others, clearly afraid of Baekhyun's 'powers'. "Let his mind go!"

Baekhyun tried to explain that Chanyeol wasn't under any type of spell, his grip on the boy's hand getting painful. He choked back his sobs, his tears trailing down his cheeks in an uneven stream. Chanyeol's heart dropped in his chest, seeing him look like that. He wanted to pull the boy into his embrace and hold him close until he calmed even a little but he couldn't, he was really starting to hate the fact that he had refused the merman's request of drying off first.

Baekhyun let out a gasp, his eyes blowing wide as Chanyeol's mother pulled him into her embrace. She gently rubbed her palm against his back, humming sweetly into his ear like she did whenever her son was feeling under the weather. She offered Chanyeol a small smile from over Baekhyun's shoulder, the merman slowly wrapping his free arm around her.

"Sing our song." the voice whispered, but this time Chanyeol was ready for it. He didn't know if it was a bad idea but he figured that there wasn't anything else he could do right now, with a mob standing covering him on all fronts.

I have travelled far, across the sea,

Searching for a home for me.

A person born from land and sea,

A question of love and loyalty.

A brand new world to explore,

Destiny waits outside my door.

There were a few stunned gasps, one of which came from his mother who stared at him with wide questioning eyes. Chanyeol felt as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, he felt like he was able to breathe a little easier than usual. He felt as though his energy had gotten restored and like a multivitamin had caused all his aches and pains to disappear, he doesn't know how to describe the sudden burst of energy, emotion and strength. But it doesn't stop him from pulling Baekhyun out of his mother's hold and instead pulling him to his chest, the merman clutching his shirt desperately trying to calm himself down for even a moment.

They both seemed to realise that all the water from Chanyeol's clothing had disappeared, evaporated without a heating source. It made Baekhyun second guess the situation but when he noticed that Chanyeol had sung a song strictly for mer-kind, the surprise from the villagers seemed to have doubled on Baekhyun's face. He looked proud, even through his gleaming eyes. The fist that had folded around the photographer's shirt loosened and Baekhyun allowed his palm to rest against the taller's chest, taking a minute to feel his heartbeat beneath his fingertips. The rhythm once again drew a smile on his face.

"Yeah um.." his mother stuttered, her eyes drifting from her son's clothing to the crowd and back again. "I think it's best if we go home, I think Baekhyun's idea was a fair one-"

"He's coming with me," Chanyeol explained before his mother could continue, before any of them could continue. "I don't want anyone else there that isn't a friend or direct family." He made that point while looking at Mr Jung who hung his head in shame, it hurt seeing him like that but Chanyeol didn't respect him after what he said about Baekhyun even if he had known the man most of his life.

"Sure." His mother agreed, nodding her head and offering Baekhyun a warm grin. She held her palm side up to indicate the direction of their home to the boy, Baekhyun merely being forced forward by Chanyeol who had his hand against his lower back. The two of them watched as Suho rushed to blurt something, but was ultimately stopped by Sehun who caught his hand and pulled him back. They were following them from behind, Chanyeol becoming very aware of their presence and the sudden cloud over Suho's head. He decided against saying anything though, unable to find himself focusing on it for too long.

Chanyeol could feel Baekhyun's gaze on him before he could see it, the skin on the back of his neck tingling ever so slightly. Instead of speaking and disrupting the silent air that had settled over them as they made their way back to his house, Chanyeol chose instead to turn to the merman and raise a brow in question for his unexpected staring. Baekhyun's cheeks flared at getting caught, turning his head away the next second. The islander couldn't help the snicker that escaped his lips, his tongue curling his bottom lip into his mouth when he noticed his mother's curious gaze.

Her hair was pulled off her face today, wrapped around tightly in a ponytail. Her cheeks appeared flush but her eyes were full of life, sparkling and unfocused on the many things surrounding her. It appears that she had just come back from being at the hospital, her night shift now over. Chanyeol didn't want to think the kind of terror he had unknowingly inflected in the woman when she learned of his rash decision of jumping into the harbour without a second thought, he supposes that she was probably used to it by now given how it was highly unlikely that she hadn't heard of his previous actions with the two mythical monsters.

The sight of the house had the air yet again catching in his throat, he spared Baekhyun a glance hoping that the boy would say something to make him want to walk up those steps and find out the secrets that had been hidden from him for just over twenty years. He realised quickly that there was no amount of words that Baekhyun could say right now, because the only thing he needed was a reassuring smile and a tight squeeze to their interlocked hands. A quiet but effective, you got this.

"This isn't the way we wanted you to find out Chanyeol," his mother explained, already half-way to the door and yet Chanyeol was still hesitant to enter the garden. "your father said that everything would just fall into place. I suppose in some way they have, not exactly in the order he wished for them to take place but it will have to do."

"I hate history lessons" Sehun huffed from behind, drawing a smile on his best friend's lips. "there's always something to learn and I swear if there is a quiz afterwards-"

"Sehun!" Suho scolded his boyfriend, Chanyeol, briefly making out the sound of a slap and his friend's pained whimper.

"Well I suppose that there isn't a better time to learn than the present!" Chanyeol chose to see things on the positive side, regardless of the cloud developing over their small group. "Besides it can't be that bad!" 

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748 streak #1
Chapter 20: Finally got caught up! This was such a good chapter and my favorite scene was Chanyeol’s conversation with Joonwoo. I was surprise that he agreed to let Baekhyun go along on the quest, even more that he could clearly see the bond that the two boys have quickly formed. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 18: Chanyeol is like 'been there, done that' and it's hilariousss
I also like that this gives him insight and understanding to the gods' actions, and it's used as such instead of as just a way to make more plot
It's interesting and a refreshing take!
748 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am absolutely loving this story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m guessing the second creature Chanyeol killed was the Kraken? It’s interesting that he faints each time he comes in contact with non-humans. Thank you for all your updates.
748 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello, I am really enjoying this story so far. Your writing is almost lyrical, and I am enjoying all the descriptive touches on the island and it’s inhabitants. I can’t wait to read more about Chanyeol, he is a super complex character.