
Beyond The Harbour

Chanyeol stepped out into the cool breeze, his mind clearing of all the stuff in which he had learnt today and focused solely on the bright white fluffy clouds that were passing by above his head. The afternoon would be filled with constant text messages from Sehun and Jongin both asking him if he would be attending the party hosted by the freshman, whose name continues to escape his mind. Lunch hadn't gone as planned due to Sehun absence with Suho and Jongin going through with his usual disappearing act. 

"Oh my I'm so sorry- Chanyeol I'm so lucky to have run into you!" Suho smiled bowing politely although his smile didn't quite reach his eyes. Chanyeol immediately bowed back in quiet apology for bumping into the elder male before going on to explain that the clouds had his attention for the moment before their collision. "No please don't apologise, I'm actually just looking for a little bit of help, Sehun told me to avoid you if I came across you today.. something about you having an object located somewhere it shouldn't be?"

Chanyeol could feel his cheeks turn a dark apple shade, he would surely be putting Oh Sehun on his hit list today right under the boat that had ruined his mood first thing in the morning. "Ah no I don't have anything located where it shouldn't belong so you can tell Sehun that, now you said you needed some help? May I be of assistance?"

Suho laughed wholeheartedly, his body trembling slightly at the expression found on the taller's face. "I'll make sure he gets the message and yes Minseok helped me out a lot this morning but it seems that he forgot to tell me where the library was on campus. I noticed that there was one down in the village but I'd rather get the proper resources, you know?"

"Completely" Chanyeol agreed nodding his head with just a tad bit of over exaggeration. He began leading the way for the elder, his hands burrowing deep into his jean pockets when the breeze seemed to take a turn on the more colder side. Suho had seemingly come prepared, having pulled out a hoodie from his backpack upon noticing the obvious climate change. Chanyeol found the drastic change somewhat unavoidable, however he could have sworn that the weather station had said that the temperature would be reaching higher points throughout the day and even though they were currently on a hill, they should have been a lot warmer than they were right now.

"Do you always carry a hoodie around with you hyung?" He asked raising a brow.

"Nope, I just knew that the weather would be turning a little bitter today so I came prepared!"

"Strange, the weather report said nothing about the oncoming cold wind-"

"Oh did it not?!" Suho stammered his cheeks flaring in embarrassment, his knuckles white from the tight grip on his bag pack. Chanyeol knew that his hyung had moved to Jasper Cove exactly a year ago, he had been getting himself familiar with the town before he officially started college this year, Sehun had taken interest in the man the moment he stepped into town and there wasn't much Suho could do after that. They got together about two months later and Chanyeol couldn't be more happy for them as he is now.

"Nope, I usually always check the weather reports since I spend my mornings on my boat, I don't fancy having a relaxing morning before school only for storm to open up above me."

"You have a boat?" Suho questioned, sounding surprised, he hadn't shared many words with Chanyeol before so the taller understood why he was so surprised to hear of his morning routine.

"Yeah it's actually my dad's but when he died he left it to Mr Jung the baker, he knows how much time my dad and I spent on that boat so he allows me to use it whenever I want, he's like my step-dad, considering how much time we see each other now." Although the story was sad Suho couldn't help but notice the clear joy on Chanyeol's face as he told it. "I'm rather lucky to have another man willing to take over the spot of my father in my life, my mother values his efforts too although she keeps to herself and her job mostly."

Unconsciously Chanyeol's steps came to halt, they had arrived at the library. The building stood rather tall with it's strong white walls gentle against the bright blue sky, almost making it look like one rather large cloud before them. Chanyeol turned to his friend's lover, sending him a small smile he quietly wished him luck in his studies before bowing goodbye. Suho watched the taller go curiously, a sad smile forming at his lips once he realised similarities Chanyeol had with a boy from home that he missed terribly.

On his way back down the mountain Chanyeol noticed one of his other friends standing impatiently outside a clothing store, it was an expensive store that sold clothes perfect for dates or parties such as the one that was taking place later on that night. Seeing as how his friend seemed awfully uncomfortable by just glancing in the window, Chanyeol couldn't help but chuckle deciding to offer some more help since he was feeling rather generous after having spent some time with Suho.

"You okay Jongin?" he whispered watching with a proud smirk as his friend jumped three feet in the air. The otherwise know as Jasper Cove's playboy glared at the taller, who had leant his head back down after his uncalled for jump.

"Great Poseidon Chanyeol why the hell did you decide to scare me?!" Jongin cried his hands automatically being clutched tightly in front of his chest, in an attempt to protect his rapidly beating heart. Chanyeol rolled his eyes at his friend's childish behaviour before turning his attention back to the clothing within the window.

"What are you planning on buying?" Chanyeol wondered narrowing his eyes once he realised that nothing from the store seemed to be fit Jongin's taste, no matter how expensive the price tags were. "Or should I say who are you planning on running into while we're here?"

Even though he was just teasing it seemed that Chanyeol had been correct. Jongin's cheeks flared although his friend knew his play a lot better than any of the girls on the island did. While following Jongin's line of sight Chanyeol managed to catch a glimpse of the new 'target'.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me, seriously isn't she like related to you somehow?" Chanyeol gagged his eyebrows furrowing together in thought. "Like a cousin twice removed or something?"

"Everyone on this island is somehow related Park it's nothing new, a small town such as this one doesn't have many options!" Jongin chuckled his cheeks returning back to their usual colour much to Chanyeol's disappointment.

"Nope, it's just every girl has already had a piece of you Jongin, if you're not careful I'll be calling myself uncle a lot quicker than I originally thought.. Hey, is this girl going to be the person who finally get Jongin's player ways under wraps?" the elder of the two laughed bumping his elbow off Jongin's stomach, earning himself a loud breath of hurt.

"First of all, no that will not be happening anytime soon because condoms are literally a gift from the gods and second of all, no she's just going to be my date to the party later, speaking of which are you-"

"I have seen your text messages and I have yet to respond to them and besides she doesn't look like the type of person you naturally go towards when looking for a date to a party Jongin.." Chanyeol admitted with a side glace to his friend, he seemed unreachable now that he had laid eyes on his prey and the eldest out of them knew that he should probably excuse himself so that nature could take it's course. At least the nature that ran through Jongin's head anyway.

"Sorry dude but I have been waiting for this moment since I thought of it 15 minutes ago, I'll catch you and Sehun later at the party alright?"

Chanyeol didn't even have time to state his case since the boy had already ran over to the girl who was instantly smiling brightly seeing him approach her, rather swiftly in Chanyeol's opinion. He sighed and shook his head watching his friend communicate easily to the female, it was obvious that he had done it before but the girl seemed wooed nonetheless.

Groaning merely at the thought of having to decide an answer for the seeminglh endless party messages from his friends, Chanyeol envisioned his wardrobe back home and concluded that even if he wanted to in fact go to a party he wouldn't have anything to wear. It's not like asking for his friend's help would be profiting either considering Sehun would be on market duty with his father till dinner-time and Jongin.. well that was pretty self-explanatory.

Taking a moment to fight against the odds Chanyeol found himself walking into the store, his pride hurting but his conscious open for persuasion. When he entered he was greeted by Mrs. Lang, a happily married 87 year old woman who didn't look a day over 60. Although her hair was grey (and always wrapped up in a bun) and her eyes were a beautiful chocolate brown Chanyeol found himself automatically smiling at her soft almost child-like features.

"Oh my, have my eyes officially began to deceive me? Has Park Chanyeol just walked into my store?" Mrs. Lang, held her stomach tightly as she laughed harder. She walked from behind the counter, her eyes taking in the young college student before her. "My, you really have grown up well, have you been eating the healthy stuff that your mother buys?"

The photographer couldn't help but chuckle, Mrs. Lang was another one of his mother's friends besides from Mr Jung. She often sent food to the house on the weekends to make sure that both he and his mother were eating well. Chanyeol, who was still growing as well as his mother who worked hard in the hospital, were often refereed to as 'sweethearts who need to be looked after since there was no man to help provide for them', Chanyeol found it rather insulting sometimes but he had no choice but to accept the gifts the elders usually provided.

"Of course, Mrs. Lang and that includes the food that you make sure to send every weekend, thank you so much for your generosity, my mother sends you a 'thank you' card every Monday correct?"

"Oh of course, of course she does but it's wonderful hearing it from you Chanyeol, jeez I remember when you were so small only a tweeny baby, now look at you all grown up and so handsome!"

Chanyeol smiled feeling her place her hands on his cheeks, they were warm in comparison to his mother's and they made him feel safe and slightly fuzzy. "Thank you for your sweet compliments Mrs. Lang but I must apologise, I came in here to try and find something to persuade me to go to this party later today..."

"Your mother has told me countless times that you don't particularly like associating yourself with your peers during parties.. oh my gosh is my little Channie perhaps going to see a girl?"

"Nope, absolutely not although I am slightly curious about the whole thing.. besides its the break right? May as well get drunk and let myself be a normal person for once!" Mrs. Lang giggled, her hands being pulled away from the boy's cheeks to fall back into her apron pocket.

"I've been waiting to hear those words for so long now Chanyeol your mother included, we both wanted you to have a couple wild nights with your friends you deserve them, so leave all this to me!" Clapping her hands together Mrs. Lang summoned another two ladies both younger than her but older than the boy standing before them.

"Really Mrs. Lang I was just stopping by to have a look, Jongin was waiting outside and I-"

"Shh! Nonsense Chanyeol dear this is the day I've been waiting for, nothing you say will make this any easier on you!" Mrs. Lang interrupted before excusing herself over to the girls when she knew the poor college student wouldn't even think about running away.

Instead the giant just sighed and sat himself down on one of the many benches lined within the store walls, he knew that there was going to be hours of clothing changes and different opinions thrown at him so he thought it would be a good idea if he valued his feet for a little while longer.

Seeing as how he would be waiting for longer than he originally expected, Chanyeol decided to actually have a look through the store and all of it's many wonders. He would have never in a million years seen himself buying anything in here, yet he still found himself being lured back towards the entrance of the store. A beautiful painting was situated just above the door, swirls of blue and white completely covered the small gap between the ceiling and the doorframe. Having never noticed it before Chanyeol took his time taking in the brush as well as the light shading within the smallest creases on the canvas.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Mrs. Lang grinned looking up at the painting with pride. "Your father was actually the one that painted it, the original was sadly destroyed, but it was I that insisted he recreate it here with, my permission of course."

Chanyeol's jaw dropped, he had never been informed of this. He wondered at that moment why his mother never told him about the painting, but then considered the fact that it reminded her too much of the love of her life and he seemed to understand why the painting had been kept quiet to his ears.

"It really is beautiful Mrs. Lang, but would you mind if I took a picture of it.. this is my first time finding out that my father-"

"Go right ahead my boy." she smiled patting the suddenly emotional boy beside her. Chanyeol thanked her quietly with a bow before lifting his camera and snapping as many photos as he desired, hoping to capture every little detail of the painting.

In the lower left hand side of the painting grew a beautiful coloured coral reef, a couple brightly coloured fish swam from it's skeletal formation somehow avoiding the large silver chain that disrupted the tranquil and otherwise beautiful scenery. The dark blue waves eventually gave way to the lighter tone, indicating the power sunshine still holds over the Earth and it's oceans. A boat bobbed against the surface fighting the oncoming waves that still pushed against it's rested wooden body, a man sat staring off into the distance his line of sight leading towards a bright light over the horizon of the waves. A tail was shown close to the boat, it resembled that of a whale only a lot smaller, it's colour similar to the coral reef beneath it.

"Is that what I think it is?" Chanyeol whispered, pointing with his forefinger towards the tail. Mrs. Lang squinted towards the painting high up above her average height. When she knew that effort would be needed for this task she drew her glasses that were formally rested on a chain around her neck and held them just in front of her eyes.

"Oh! The mermaid tail? Yes that's exactly what you think it is."

"Why would my dad put that into his painting?" Chanyeol mumbled not expecting to receive an answer.

"Your father had a love for the history on this island Chanyeol, he spent a lot of his time in the library too."

"I haven't heard many stories about my Dad, I'm glad to know more about him, thank you Mrs. Lang." Chanyeol smiled hugging the lady close to his chest, keeping in mind that his camera was still hanging from it's strap, putting distance between them. "I hope that in the future we can discuss a little more?"

"Of course Chanyeol, I'd be more than happy to keep your father's memory alive a little longer, after all you were so small when things went down.. he was a good man Chanyeol please never forget that, I'm sure you'll find yourself conflicted by the choices he made but believe me when I tell you, he did all those things out of love for you and your mother."

"I know, I'll be sure to keep that in mind, look I'm sorry Mrs. Lang but I really have to go it's just after learning about the painting-" holding her hand up the store owner immediately shut the student up.

"Don't worry about it Chanyeol, I understand.. although I think this idea was a rather clever one in consideration to you being a hermit around your peers, a party is the perfect excuse to let some of that stress melt away so due to those reasons I will personally see to it that the outfit I pick out for you is delivered with just enough time for your party."

Chanyeol seemed extremely surprised about being referred to as a hermit, not that his animal choice would have much in the difference. "Okay seeing as how I will have no say in the matter, I'll accept your decision and appreciate the time and effort that you will be putting in for me so thank you."

Mrs. Lang smiled down at the boy currently bowing to show his respect. "I know Chanyeol."

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740 streak #1
Chapter 20: Finally got caught up! This was such a good chapter and my favorite scene was Chanyeol’s conversation with Joonwoo. I was surprise that he agreed to let Baekhyun go along on the quest, even more that he could clearly see the bond that the two boys have quickly formed. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 18: Chanyeol is like 'been there, done that' and it's hilariousss
I also like that this gives him insight and understanding to the gods' actions, and it's used as such instead of as just a way to make more plot
It's interesting and a refreshing take!
740 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am absolutely loving this story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m guessing the second creature Chanyeol killed was the Kraken? It’s interesting that he faints each time he comes in contact with non-humans. Thank you for all your updates.
740 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello, I am really enjoying this story so far. Your writing is almost lyrical, and I am enjoying all the descriptive touches on the island and it’s inhabitants. I can’t wait to read more about Chanyeol, he is a super complex character.