
Beyond The Harbour

There was such a strange feeling that came with the warm sand beneath his feet, it didn't make him uncomfortable but it didn't exactly put him at ease either. Gazing out beyond the harbour, past Mountain Peak and towards the horizon was something his father loved to do whenever he had a spare time. Despite his busy schedule Mr. Park always found a few minutes within his day to come down to the beach and stand with his shoeless feet in the sand.

Chanyeol could recall often coming to find him after school only to be told that his father had finished working for the day and had gone to the beach, regardless of how troublesome the weather was on various occasions. He often entertained the thought that his father was just waiting to spot something jolting from the surface of the water, though now he knows better.

Having the God of the sea as his father actually made quite a bit of sense to him, it certainly answered all the questions Chanyeol never dared to ask when the man was still standing before him.

Like, for example, what was so interesting about standing in the sand and watching the horizon?

Poseidon wasn't born from the sea and he wasn't born to a royal family that would allow him to inherit the throne of the ocean. He was born of two Titan parents who never cared for him or his siblings. The world was a dark and cruel place until Zeus arrived and ushered in a new era. A game of chance had granted his father the ability to rule the seas but did anyone ever ask the question of whether he wanted to rule it?

Despite everything Poseidon worked to keep the ocean afloat, allowing it to be such a majestic though terrifying place of wonder.

For the first time in however long he had decided to take a break from his work and return to the land hoping to find it as beautiful a land as he had left it to be. Upon doing so, he fell in love and took responsibility for the family he created. He married Chanyeol's mother and raised him for six years until Zeus threatened their lives as an excuse to remind his brother of his duties.

Standing on the beach with the sand beneath his feet, Chanyeol could finally realise what his father did every day for those six years. Though he had a family on the island he still allowed time to check on the ocean, ensure that everything was okay and running smoothly despite what others would think.

And now the very man who was too clouded by his own jealousy had requested Chanyeol to help the Gods remain in control of the ocean they had let get too wild. It was a decision he had already made, though he would remain muted on the subject until Zeus granted him his presence.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, instantly making his shoulders rise and his fingers tighten against his arms. He remained stoic despite the howling wind blowing against his face, sending slivers of cold air down his spine. He was so close to breaking his facade when a warm delicate touch danced across his neck, slipping down the slope of his jugular before a beautiful giggle resonated in his ears.

"You'll freeze to death out here like this!" Baekhyun scolded, though his eyes were twinkling in playfulness. "Don't you want to come in and get something to eat? You don't know when the next time will be until you can have a home-made meal, won't you join me?"

"You know I can't," Chanyeol sighed, though his lips still pulled themselves into a small smile at the merman's pout. "It would be rude of me to insist upon meeting a God and then for him to come at such an awkward time."

"So are you planning on staying out here all night?" Baekhyun wondered, his left brow rising.

"I know I'm crazy but I do value my sleep so no, I won't be spending all night out here."

"Good," the merman declared, stepping forward. Out of instinct Chanyeol opened his arms, welcoming the warmth like a blanket. He released a sigh of content which was luckily muffled by Baekhyun's hair, the merman seemingly desperate to burrow his way into the taller's chest. "what use would you be to the world if you came down with an illness?"

"I'm too stubborn to get those." Chanyeol joked, though by the shrugging of Baekhyun's shoulders the merman was taking it quite literally.

"Are you nervous?" He questioned, sliding his nose along the fabric of Chanyeol's shirt until the soft skin met with his collarbone. The photographer shivered.

"No," he admitted, voice a little too high for his liking. "I'm probably going to be more frustrated than anything. I don't like people sending others to do their dirty work, it always complicates matters."

"They're the Greek Gods, I don't think they think of things that way Chanyeol."

"The world would be a lot better if they did." the photographer huffed.

Baekhyun pressed a faint kiss to the bone before pulling himself away, a faint pink hue dusting on his cheeks. "Come in when you're ready, I'll wait for you."

"You don't have to-"

"Are you kidding?" the merman shrieked, already on his way back to the concrete pathway. "You're about to meet the King of the Gods, I'm staying up because I want to hear everything when you come home!"

Chanyeol slapped his palm against the left side of his chest, allowing his face to morph into one filled with fake hurt. "And here I was thinking that you were waiting for me to make sure that I came back safely."

"Ah!" Baekhyun threw his head backwards, allowing a sarcastic laugh to slip past his petal lips. "As if I need to worry about you getting back safe, you killed two monsters and faced a God all within four days! If anything I feel bad for whatever you're going up against next!"

Chanyeol couldn't find anything else to say, his cheeks already telling the merman enough. With a giggle Baekhyun waved his hand and turned back towards the marketplace, he could see Suho sitting on the wall with Sehun so at least the boy wasn't returning to the house alone. He offered them each a wave before returning to the horizon, watching with bated breath as the sun finally slipped beneath the waves.

"Well this certainly brings back memories," A husky voice claimed from somewhere off to the left of the horizon watcher. "I haven't been to this island in close to fifteen years now. I'm delighted to say that not much has changed, though time certainly has moved on for a great deal of people."

Chanyeol remained silent, continuing to watch the waves as they lapped along the shoreline just a few feet in front of him. In a few hours the sand beneath his feet would be a couple inches below the waterline. He listened as the world grew quieter, the roaring of the waves getting louder as the man came to a stop beside him.

He was slightly shorter than Chanyeol though the illusion of the sand beneath their feet was known for changing people's heights, he wore a white toga one Chanyeol recognised from his middle school history books. On both wrists golden armour shone in the faint moonlight, casting small rays of light onto the sand below.

"I was surprised to find you here." The man continued after the silence became too much to bear. Chanyeol sent him a quick glance, noting the grey stubble around the God's lips.

"My Father often came here while he was living on the island," he explained, casting his gaze out over the ocean. The ever so faint changes were so easily noticed now that he knew what to look for, bringing a small smile to his lips. "It felt right to meet you here."

"I met your father here all those years ago," The God admitted, dipping his head. "I watched him for a few nights, always wondering why he came here."

"He was checking on the ocean," Chanyeol declared, crossing his arms against his chest and allowing his fingers to rest comfortably against them. "despite having a family on land he was dedicated to his work there too."

"I know you blame me for what happened to him-" Zeus finally lifted his head allowing their gazes to meet, Chanyeol stared into the eyes of a grey storm bellowing in the depths of the God's being.

"I blame you for forcing him to leave before he was ready," Chanyeol stated, unwilling to lose his composure simply because of the dark stare he was receiving. "though I understand why you did it."

"You do?"

Chanyeol drew a breath, glancing at the sand below him before returning to meet the God's curious gaze. "You're the king of the Gods right?" Zeus nodded his head. "You're married to your sister Hera but throughout the centuries you too found yourself interested in mortal women, women who bore your children and loved you unconditionally. But you were never allowed to spend time with them, your duties as King and husband kept pulling you away. When you realised that my father was somewhat following your footsteps you expected the same thing to happen to him, that someone would disapprove of his arrangement and force him back to his duties as God of the sea, but no one ever did. Which is why you grew jealous and threatened that if he didn't return you would do what Hera has threatened your children with for centuries, kill them."

Zeus stood silent in the sand, his eyes lingering on Chanyeol's face before a puff of air escaped from his nostrils and together they watched the air whisk it away to the clouds. "I never expected you to understand.."

"I didn't at first," Chanyeol admitted with a shrug, his gaze falling back on the dark ocean before him. "but then I stood here and looked out over my father's kingdom and the reality of it just hit me. I understand why you did it but that doesn't mean that I forgive you for pulling my family apart, surely you must despise your wife for doing it to you."

"My feelings towards Hera are ones I would rather keep to myself," the God chuckled, though there was no humour located in his voice. Nevertheless Chanyeol's lips still curled upwards, the King of the Gods wishing to keep his thoughts a secret - how strange. "though I will admit that I can understand your feelings too."

"So," the photographer sighed, allowing his shoulder to sink on either side of his head. "to what do I owe your visit to Zeus?"

"I am a king, surely you can grant me some respect?"

Chanyeol chuckled deeply to himself, sparing his uncle a glance though he quickly dropped it again the next moment. "My respect has to be earned, you're not my King, I don't owe you anything."

"No," The God answered, his eyes narrowing. "I suppose you don't."

"So at least tell me the situation from your own lips, Apollo wasn't very forthcoming on the details."

"Well for the past fifteen years your father has worked on the ocean, creating systems to help stop pollution and all that nonsense - I won't bore you on the details - but recently all communication from him has ceased. I figured that he returned to this island and came to scope it out only to find that his presence hasn't been felt anywhere near here. I tasked Hermes with finding him since he's capable of travelling through the seas, he only recently got back to me and the news wasn't at all good."

"Apollo mentioned my father being hurt?"

"There appears to have been an attack on Atlantica, your father's home base beneath the waves. The information we have sourced is very limited, the Fates both unwilling and unable to dive any deeper into the situation. Hermes heard that there had been an attack on the city by a well organised group of merfolk who have direct ancestry with beings who were strongly against my brother's appointed position as God of the Seas. He figured that they had grown in numbers over the past couple of years and mounted an attack when Atlantica was at its weakest point, during the New Moon. The account says that Poseidon survived but was greatly wounded, taken into safety by a loyal friend."

"So you haven't seen my father?" Chanyeol wondered, surprised to see Zeus shake his head. "Apollo's story made it seem like you had taken him to Olympus and he was being cared for there."

"I'm afraid that I too wasn't very forthcoming in the details to my son, I apologise for that." The God dipped his head, baring both of his palms to the boy. "I truly don't know what has become of my brother, I only hope that he is safe and continues to remain as such while we organise a plan."

"And you're demanding that I join?" Chanyeol supplied to which he received another nod.

"Realistically you're the only one besides Hermes that can travel beneath the seas, even Gods have their weaknesses and ours is that we cannot enter a realm that we were not created for. A weakness that I despise."

Chanyeol remained silent, allowing the information to process in his mind. His father was safe, at least for the moment but the idea of a life-threatening wound had Chanyeol questioning a few other things about the God's story. With a calculated assumption he turned his head back to Zeus and spoke these thoughts aloud.

"If you want my help you're going to need to tell me about the weapons that could kill a God."

A flash of caution darted across the God of lightning's face, the clouds above them circulating and getting darker and darker as the seconds passed. Chanyeol chanced them a glance but he wasn't at all threatened, having faced a twenty foot monster with car-length tentacles and a cyclopes desperate to make a toothpick out of Baekhyun apparently did that to a person.

"Do you know what you dare ask?!" Zeus' voice bellowed, ringing in Chanyeol's ears.

Though the sound was beyond uncomfortable, Chanyeol still stood his ground staring at the furious God with a poker expression on his tired face. In fact he started to notice that the longer he spoke to Zeus the more tired he was getting, perhaps that is what happens when one has a family reunion with an uncle they had never met before?

"I dare ask about the weapons that could kill a God," Chanyeol repeated the God's words back to the immortal being. "If you demand my help, then I'm going to demand something back."

"This isn't an eye for an eye situation!" Zeus screamed, the sky flashing with thunder.

Baekhyun was going to kill him once he realised that the sudden freak storm was coming from an emotional God. The thought of the merman lecturing him about his crazy ideas had Chanyeol wondering if perhaps he could think of another way to phrase his request, or maybe even receive the contact information for a God willing to disclose that information?

"You are requesting that I do your dirty work for you because I can travel throughout the seas, the least you could do is supply me with the valuable information that I need in order to do what you're asking me!" Chanyeol cried, raising his voice so that he was heard over the screaming wind.

The sky above them roared, the flash bolts lighting up the darkness. A stray bolt of lightning fell from the heavens, striking the sand a couple feet from the conversing duo. Chanyeol turned to cast a glimpse at the sand, watching as its particles were thrown into the air from the force of the blast. He figured that there would be a piece of glass there the following morning, maybe if he brought some paint he would be able to create a unique art-piece that the island would show off in the museum.

"Have you often thought about death before?" Zeus wondered, his voice reaching the lowest octave Chanyeol has ever heard him speak. "Because Gods never have, they are immortal and don't waste their time over such fantasies."

"Well the mortals have no choice but to wonder about it," Chanyeol retorted, his voice still raised though no fright was detected. "we aren't immortal, we know that our place in this world is limited. At least some of us don't delude ourselves with the pretence of finding immortality, some of us live our lives like those days are our last because no one really knows when that last day with someone will be. My father may still be alive but to me he died the day he left this island, so yeah Zeus I have thought about death before but I know that today will not be the day I meet your other brother."

"Honestly, are all these theatrics really necessary?" A female voice groaned from behind the two men, Zeus remained focused on trying to scare Chanyeol, while the photographer stepped aside to get a view of the woman entering their conservation.

She too was tall though still shorter than Chanyeol, her hair tied up in a messy bun and her body covered in armour. A sword hung from her waist and a dagger lay rested against her hip, golden bracelets were wrapped loosely around her wrists and a strange looking locket sat against her chest. She carried herself with poise, sporting a grimace though her eyes remained soft. She trudged through the sand in sandals, her fingers flexed by her sides. Obviously she did not feel comfortable getting sand between her toes, Chanyeol couldn't blame her. Sand was possibly one of the hardest substances to rid oneself of.

"It's nice to finally meet you Chanyeol, I'm Athena." She held out her hand and Chanyeol happily accepted it with his own, allowing the warrior to lead the shake. When she pulled away she seemed quite satisfied, a small smile pulling at the edge of her lips. "A strong grip, I think I could make you into a keen fighter."

"This is not your place to get involved Athena," Zeus hissed, sending a dagger-filled gaze at the other God.

Chanyeol pursed his lips and glanced between the two of them, not entirely sure about the cause of the obvious tension in the air. He decided to keep quiet and simply observe, curious to find out what was to come in the next few moments.

His lack of Greek mythology showed as he couldn't quite pinpoint what Athena was actually the Goddess of, it was obvious that she had something to do with war or battle but Chanyeol was pretty confident that it was a man who held that title, if his middle-school grade wisdom was anything to go by.

"The boy wants to know about the weapons that could kill a God, that's my department therefore I too should be here."

"It is completely unnecessary information that does not need to be disclosed to a mortal!" Zeus continued to bellow, Chanyeol simply plugging his ears to avoid the harsh sound while Athena merely grumbled shutting her eyes until it was over.

"He's part God," Athena deadpanned when she felt it safe to do so. "therefore you can't disregard him as easily as you would with any other mortals."

"He was always demanding my help but then when I asked for some information in return he threatened to kill me." Chanyeol explained to the Goddess who simply rolled her eyes, her gaze lingering on the heavens above for a few seconds before finding her King.

"Seriously?" She sighed, index finger and thumb pressing against the bridge of her nose. "How did any of us follow you into battle before? It literally never makes any sense."

Chanyeol watched the whole ordeal with a smile on his face, his head moving from side to side waiting for one of the Gods to retort to the other's advances. Unfortunately that didn't happen since the clouds above them seemed to clear and the air wasn't heavy with electricity from the lightning. The dusty grey faded away to reveal the beautiful night sky, speckled with silver flakes as if someone had taken a paintbrush to a dark canvas.

The photographer wished that he had brought his camera, the moment was certainly picture worthy though it would now only live on in Chanyeol's memories. Perhaps he would be able to revisit the time again through his painting ability, though nothing he could create on a piece of linen would ever be able to reflect the beauty above him right now.

"If you feel as though it is necessary for our plan then you have my permission to tell him." Zeus declared, his vice having returned to the tempo Chanyeol had allocated him within his mind.

The Goddess scoffed, crossing her arms against her chest, the two different metals colliding against each other making a small melody the photographer enjoyed. "You don't need to give me permission in this case, I was going to explain it to him regardless of your wishes."

"Can you just explain it to me already?!" The boy cried, tossing his arms in the air.

The sudden roar of the ocean forced him to turn around, his gaze taking in the leaping waves following his every move. The boy quickly forced his hands back down to his sides, the raising water retreating back into the bay with an ever so faint groan.

"He's strong," Athena whistled, her tune carrying further than their section of the beach. "if we can't find Poseidon I have no objection to him taking over."

"Don't be so ridiculous." Zeus spat, which Chanyeol ultimately had to agree with.

"I appreciate the sentiment but my life belongs on land."

"You say that now," Athena giggled, her eyes sparkling with the knowledge of something Chanyeol did not yet know. "you'll realise soon that your heart beats a different tune."

For a moment he didn't see the strong exterior of a warrior queen, instead Chanyeol got to see the woman behind the armour. An interesting figure who had no problem teasing others she barely knew. Not only was she fierce and capable of breaking Chanyeol's body in half, she was also a caring woman who conveyed that emotion through her eyes.

"Well get on with it then," Zeus clapped his hands, flicking his fingers up as if to shoo the two of them into their desired conversation. "best not waste any more time on the matter."

"Are you ready young man?" Athena wondered, offering Chanyeol a small smile.

The photographer took a deep breath, allowing his feet to burrow deeper into the sand as if to anchor himself on Earth and not allow himself to drift beyond. After a moment he nodded his head, receiving the breath he had taken.

Athena held up her hand and in its palm shone a pale golden light, it took a moment to form a shape but when it did Chanyeol recognised it as a type of sword though he wasn't entirely sure of it's name. The sword consisted of one straight edge and one sloped edge, making it look menacing to the untrained eye.

"This is a makhaira blade," the Goddess explained, using her other hand to twirl the illusion around so that the photographer could memorise it's structure. "it was a blade often used by our earliest people. With the fall of the Ancient Greek civilisations many of them became collectors items, stored in museums or special exhibitions hosted by the rich. My theory of your father's demise is rooted in this blade because although it is no longer used on land, the civilisations below the surface have been known to use this particular weapon on many occasions."

"Surely a mere blade couldn't have wounded my father-"

"You're right," Athena praised him with a nod of her head, though Chanyeol was too focused to accept it. "a mere blade would only bring slight harm but nothing life-threatening. That is why I assume that the makhaira blade used in this case was cursed to be used to fatefully wound a God. If that is in fact the case then there is only one person that is capable of doing such a thing."

"Our blacksmith Hephaestus who was rumoured to have crafted the blade in the first place," Zeus claims, with a huff. "though none of us know where he is at the moment which is why no one has been able to validate if the rumours are true."

"We have a suggestion to help you get started," Athena continued, creating a fist out of her palm. The golden blade vanishes with the action. "you best start with Aphrodite. She was Hephaestus' wife for a couple years, she will know where you can find him."

"Why haven't any of you approached her?"

"Because Dad was being a to her and out of spite she cut all ties with each of us," Athena hissed, her eyes forming slits as she threw her curses at her father.

Chanyeol's lips formed a thin line as he nodded his head, guessing even the Gods of Olympus have family issues.

"Besides," Athena heaved, turning her attention back to Chanyeol. "she was born from the sea. She has a connection with it just as much as you do, I suggest that by speaking to you about the situation she would be more willing to comply with helping."

"And how exactly am I supposed to find her?" Chanyeol wondered, stretching out his arms palm-side up. "It's not like there is an app on my phone that will tell me where I can find all the Greek Gods."

"No, but as Valentine's day is approaching she can usually be found in Rome."

"It hasn't even been Halloween yet..?"

"Aph likes being prepared," Athena shrugged her shoulders, brushing the thought aside. "it's better if you don't ask any questions it will just confuse you even more."

"Your sudden interest makes me wonder if you have agreed to our request." Zeus states, drawing Chanyeol's attention back to him. The God looked as tired as Chanyeol felt, his round eyes sullen into his sockets and his forehead wrinkled with lines.

"You didn't request anything," Chanyeol clarified, shifting around in his position. The sand fell from between his toes, the water having crept cover to them showing just how much time had passed. "but I will do my best to help out."

"Then the Gods will be in your debt," Athena declared without a moment's hesitation. "as Poseidon's son it means a lot to us that you are willing to help despite the conflicting emotions possibly going through your mind right now."

Chanyeol waved the suggestion off, mind too foggy with sleep to even think much about anything else.

"I only ask that I start the mission tomorrow, I need rest and time to inform my family about my departure."

"Take as long as you need, though try and make it as quick as you can." Athena urged, to which Chanyeol nodded in acceptance.

He sent one last glance to the two Gods before turning on his heel and walking back towards town, the sand falling from his feet as he did so. A sudden bright light had him gazing over his shoulder, Zeus had already disappeared in golden speckles while Athena remained watching him retreat with a smile on her lips.

"You'll make a fine warrior through this war Chanyeol," she said, and despite the distance between them the wind managed to carry to him her voice. "I look forward to working with you soon."

She too allowed the golden light around her to blink her out of view, no doubt returning to Olympus to prepare for what Chanyeol could only assume was a fight for the ages.

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748 streak #1
Chapter 20: Finally got caught up! This was such a good chapter and my favorite scene was Chanyeol’s conversation with Joonwoo. I was surprise that he agreed to let Baekhyun go along on the quest, even more that he could clearly see the bond that the two boys have quickly formed. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 18: Chanyeol is like 'been there, done that' and it's hilariousss
I also like that this gives him insight and understanding to the gods' actions, and it's used as such instead of as just a way to make more plot
It's interesting and a refreshing take!
748 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am absolutely loving this story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m guessing the second creature Chanyeol killed was the Kraken? It’s interesting that he faints each time he comes in contact with non-humans. Thank you for all your updates.
748 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello, I am really enjoying this story so far. Your writing is almost lyrical, and I am enjoying all the descriptive touches on the island and it’s inhabitants. I can’t wait to read more about Chanyeol, he is a super complex character.