
Beyond The Harbour

Chanyeol stared at himself in the mirror, Mrs. Lang had kept her word when regarding the party clothes that she chosen for Chanyeol. They had been delivered to his door by her youngest son who was still in high school, Chanyeol found the exchange a little strange but he had accepted the prettily wrapped gift before the boy blew a bubble of gum from his lips and left.

Apparently Sehun, Jongin and Mrs. Lang weren't the only ones that knew of Chanyeol's consideration of the party, his mother had sent him a text message while on her lunch break in the hospital (she works the night shifts), expressing how proud she was of Chanyeol's attempt to socialize when in reality the young college student was more than capable of speaking amongst his peers (it was just the alcohol induced ones he wasn't too comfortable with).

Chanyeol checked himself out in the mirror, the outfit so simple that the photographer was sure half of the stuff he had been sent was already in his closet. A plain black tee -although a tight fit- really made Chanyeol confident with his body since the material wrapped around the right places, promoting the obvious hard work he had gone through to score himself a pack of abs that practically every girl would secretly wish their boyfriends had. The denim jeans adoring his hips were ripped making the natural tan stand out while the white Gucci shoes broke the simple attire. He had even gone as far as to gel his hair up off his forehead since not many people had the chance to ever see that style much. Chanyeol was one to never really consider what people thought of him, he knew he was weird so why should people like the side of him that didn't exist? There was no normal Park Chanyeol.

When there was nothing left to distract him, Chanyeol figured that it was time that he faced the music, his friends would be waiting at the entrance for him with pats on the back and a bottle of beer for him to drown his nerves. Chanyeol wasn't a when it came to alcohol, he had tried some with his mother on more than one occasion and often at the birthdays that he and his friends had irregularly hosted with just the three of them showing up.

After grabbing his phone and wallet Chanyeol fought with himself in order to actually exit his house. He wanted to chicken out, desired it even, but a small voice continued to persuade him to go from the back of his head. College parties always made him wonder what stupid things his peers usually got up to on a Friday night and now that he was given the opportunity to find out, he couldn't let the chance slip through his fingertips after having denied it long enough.

Hands slipped into his jean pockets as the light spring wind brushed itself against Chanyeol's body showing him the clear night sky and the otherwise peaceful atmosphere around him, which naturally made his tightened muscles loosen in relaxation. He had mentally promised that if he wasn't enjoying himself thirty minutes into the party, he would come up with an excuse and somehow escape.

Chanyeol suddenly noticed that the directions Jongin had sent him via text message weren't for a house, instead the information would bring him to a club along the harbour. 'Great' he thought for a spilt second as he turned a corner that would lead him to his destination, it was way too late to back out now that everyone knew he was coming.

"Oh my Gods Chanyeol you're actually here man!" Jongin yelled pushing off the wall he had been leaning on in order to rush to his friend and embrace him tightly. Chanyeol laughed patting the boy on his back for a brief moment until Jongin realised his masculinity and stepped back with a nervous laugh. "Sorry about that dude, I've probably had a lot to drink."

The taller of the two waved him off having dealt with a drunk Jongin many times. "So did you get your cousin as a date tonight?" Chanyeol wondered, his eyebrow raised while Jongin concentrated on aiming one of his arms to the perfect angle that would allow him to wrap an arm around Chanyeol's board shoulders. The effort was worthless without help, yet the younger was overjoyed when his best friend bent down a little to be of assistance.

"She's not my cousin!" Jongin slurred, his weight being ed upon Chanyeol who was not ready to be on drunk-buddy duty when it was his friends that begged him to come tonight. "She's just a very very very distant relative."

Chanyeol couldn't help but roll his eyes, since Jongin's head was dropping against his chest as they walked through the crowed club, he knew that he would escape a scolding from the boy who often got offended whenever the taller gave him such reaction.

"Oh no, nope I refuse to let this happen, JONGIN GET THE HELL AWAY FROM CHANYEOL, there is no way in hell I'm letting you ruin Chan's night out in what could be decades, so get your flat away from him!" Sehun screamed, appearing from thin air with a bottle of beer in his hand. Chanyeol stood frozen like he was the one that was getting scolded however the guy that was getting told off just shook his head, stumbling to stand by himself.

"I am doing no such thing Sehun! I was fine earlier until I went outside for fresh air and to wait for Chanyeol that's all!" Jongin muttered, arms coming across his chest defensively although his body was slated towards the tallest out of them encase he did in fact tumble to his knees.

"I can't believe you two honestly, it's the first night Chanyeol has come to join us in a party and one of you gets completely wasted!" Suho sighed shaking his head, everyone watched as he placed his red solo cup onto the table before clapping his hands for Chanyeol to toss Jongin to him like he was nothing more than a sports ball. "I'll take care of Kai with Minseok while you two idiots go and have fun, Sehun I trust you not to get too drunk tonight because I won't be taking you home like last time."

Once Jongin had safely been passed to his hyung, Chanyeol turned to Sehun who stood pouting going unnoticed by Suho who was more focused on tending to Jongin who began to get fuzzy in the arms of someone he didn't recognize. Letting out a rather loud groan the two best friends watched shell-shocked as Suho shoved Jongin down onto one of the only free couches left in the bar. When it was obvious that the latter had been confined to the booth Suho sat himself down next, sending a small smile to the two shaken boys.

"You didn't mean that right babe? You will bring me home if I drink too much right?"

"Hell no, you'll be on your own then.. don't you remember the last time I took you home?"

"Well it's hard to forget babe even if I was drunk." Sehun smirked sending his lover a sly wink, Chanyeol who watched them felt himself gag from the image that had developed uncontrollably in his head after Sehun's hidden meaning filled words.

"Dude really? I think I need a drink before I listen to anymore of your lover talk." Chanyeol admitted with a soft chuckle, turning around immediately to begin his journey to the bar. When he got there he wasn't surprised to see that it was full of people sitting down on the stools provided.

"What can I get for you- whoa Chanyeol? This is a surprise!" Heechul the bartender and owner of the club grinned, throwing the towel he had just used to dry some glasses with over his shoulder. "I've never seen you in here before unless it was for your shift you had when you were-?"

"When I was seventeen, I helped pick up the glasses and played around with the music on weekends." The college boy grinned at the memories, helping his most favourite hyung on the island.

"And I still haven't found a replacement for your music styles Chanyeol," Heechul chuckled leaning over on the counter to be closer to the younger. At the mention of his music Chanyeol couldn't control his excitement, he sat himself down on one of the stools and described his latest song while Heechul listened intently continuously drying off the washed glasses. "have you gone out onto your boat lately?"

Chanyeol seemed taken aback by the interruption but didn't want to avoid his friend's question. "Yeah I was on it this morning, taking some photos of the new pod of dolphins that came through again. I can bring you the photos next time if you'd like?"

"Of course, our local photographer needs to keep his townspeople up to date with his beautiful pictures now doesn't he?" Heechul stated tilting with his head towards the back of the bar. Hidden on the wall just behind piles of liquor Chanyeol could notice the painting he did while in his first year of high school. "But if I'm the one that calling favourites I'd prefer to see more paintings from you."

Chanyeol released a shaky breath, his fingers looping around the cold bottle of beer left untouched since the time Heechul had put it before him. "I haven't painted in years hyung, I'm out of practise."

"Chanyeol you forget who you are talking to, you've had many hobbies and I know that you have more than mastered each one in the matter of days, talent like that is hard to forget."

"Please don't praise me, I'm not drunk enough to hear it." Chanyeol joked, his fingers lifting the undrunk bottle of beer. Heechul glanced at the beer than to Chanyeol with a raised brow, the taller placed the bottle back onto the counter without sparing it a look.

"This really isn't your place is it?" The bartender asked with a sly smirk already guessing the younger's answer. When Chanyeol shook his head Heechul took the beer and tilted his head to one of the side doors. "I'll just tell them you went to the toilet or hooked yourself a girl, whichever seems more fitting to your drunk friends."

"Thank you." he whispered before jumping off the stool and taking off towards the door, he wouldn't go far since this one particular door led out to the harbour. Breathing a deep breath of the chilly air, Chanyeol felt himself relax after having been tensed up through the ordeal. His fingers dug deep into his trouser pockets, his eyes scanning the waves and harbour.

Chanyeol turned expecting to see someone or something yet air was the only thing he witnessed, but there was something that intrigued him more.


A melody compelled him forward towards the docks. The sound so soft and alluring made Chanyeol question who could have made such a beautiful piece of music and why only share it at the Harbour?

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748 streak #1
Chapter 20: Finally got caught up! This was such a good chapter and my favorite scene was Chanyeol’s conversation with Joonwoo. I was surprise that he agreed to let Baekhyun go along on the quest, even more that he could clearly see the bond that the two boys have quickly formed. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 18: Chanyeol is like 'been there, done that' and it's hilariousss
I also like that this gives him insight and understanding to the gods' actions, and it's used as such instead of as just a way to make more plot
It's interesting and a refreshing take!
748 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am absolutely loving this story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m guessing the second creature Chanyeol killed was the Kraken? It’s interesting that he faints each time he comes in contact with non-humans. Thank you for all your updates.
748 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello, I am really enjoying this story so far. Your writing is almost lyrical, and I am enjoying all the descriptive touches on the island and it’s inhabitants. I can’t wait to read more about Chanyeol, he is a super complex character.