Beyond The Harbour

Feeling the slight burn against his diaphragm before his lungs filled with air was almost comforting for the photographer, reminding him of the tension often releasing itself from his body when he returns home from a stressful day at college. This however, was unlike any of the other times he had experienced this feeling of relief. Feeling the air he had released gently float against him before rushing towards the surface brought a natural smile to his lips, a grin so wide it pulled at his dormant muscles.

The sight of Baekhyun's multi-coloured tail brought about a steady rhythm to Chanyeol's thundering heart, the demigod's body was still getting used to the fact that it was capable of breathing (or living) underwater. Despite his frightened heart, Chanyeol's mind was at ease even though it was filled with countless scenarios as to what he would experience after having swam into Baekhyun's pod. He knew that he had to be respectful, Baekhyun's father was the pod's ruler and therefore if Chanyeol wanted to be in his good graces he best made a good first impression. If he somehow managed to convince Baekhyun's father to allow his son to join them on their quest, that was just an added bonus.

"Chanyeol?" Baekhyun called, squeezing his hold on the demigod's hand. The photographer instantly turned to look at him, confusion riddled throughout his face as he gently pulled the merman closer. Baekhyun giggled as he bumped into the taller's frame, his tail taking the blunt of the pull. "I was just going to ask if you're okay, you look conflicted."

"I'm trying to think of a way to convince Mr. Jung to let me take my Dad's boat for our journey." Chanyeol explained, allowing himself to bend the truth a little. He was concerned about the baker's reaction to his request, but this particular concern wasn't exactly in the forefront of Chanyeol's mind right now, it was a mere... fourth on his list?

"Well snap out of it," Baekhyun giggled, somehow finding a way to cuddle up against the photographer while they swam. Chanyeol needed a moment to process the whole situation, his eyes widening as Baekhyun's webbed fingers clung onto his t-shirt keeping him in place while his tail flapped against Chanyeol's legs keeping them upright. "Focus on what's around you, that's the most important thing right now!"

The merman clung to his underside, arms looped around Chanyeol's torso and fastened against his back. His forehead rested between the demigod's collarbones, his chest pressed firmly against Chanyeol's. Thankfully his tail was still flicking out beneath him otherwise Chanyeol wouldn't have known how to swim with the added weight, though their current position was certainly not as innocent as Chanyeol would have liked to imagine it. With Baekhyun clinging to his chest and stomach like a koala bear, his hips continued to grind against Chanyeol's stomach in his innocent act of swimming. How the photographer still hadn't popped a yet, was a miracle, though he supposes it has something to do with his brain rapidly firing thoughts to the forefront in his body's last attempt of ignoring the building pleasure.

"Are you going to be hanging on me the whole way there?" Chanyeol questioned, allowing himself to glance down at the merman cuddled up against his chest. Baekhyun shifted slightly against his body, his chin gently brushing against the photographer's sternum before coming to rest against his chest. He blinked innocently up at the taller, eyes practically sparkling with innocence.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The merman declared, lips curling up into the most beautiful smile Chanyeol had ever seen grace his lips. It was at this moment that he figured out Baekhyun's ulterior motive. The merman knew exactly what he was doing and the dazzling smile currently displayed on his lips was Baekhyun's flirtatious teasing grin, a grin he had made specifically for Chanyeol's torture.

The photographer released a grunt, allowing his head to fall forward, his eyes falling shut. Baekhyun laughed against his cheek, his grip getting tighter on the back of Chanyeol's t-shirt. Suddenly the photographer was thrown off balance, Baekhyun's weight was no longer dragging him down, it was now holding him up. With a huff he allowed one of his eyes to open, the breath within his lungs escaped in the form of an air bubble. Baekhyun had changed his position, he was now swimming above Chanyeol, his arms wrapped around the taller's torso keeping him from sinking to the sea floor. Unfortunately their new position did nothing for the hips still grinding against his front, Baekhyun's tail continued to flick out behind them bringing them further and further out from shore and driving Chanyeol further and further into insanity.

"You know that I'm perfectly capable of swimming by myself, right?" he questioned the merman who regarded him with a small innocent smile.

"The ocean is a dangerous place Chanyeol," he explained, lips forming a pout. "I wouldn't want you to drift away from me after you promised me that you would talk to my Father. Besides, what good would you be to the world if I let you out of my sight for a second down here?"

"I believe me being Poseidon's son changes that, right?"

"Nope." Baekhyun declared, popping the 'p'. "What kind of son of Poseidon can't breathe underwater without the kiss of a merman? What would happen if you left my sight and your fifteen minutes ended and you drowned? I'm merely looking out for you-"

"Okay," Chanyeol accepted the challenge with a nod, though he wasn't ready to give up just yet. "then how are you going to explain this to your Dad?"

"What?" Baekhyun wondered, allowing his head to tilt down so he could look the photographer in the eye.

"Well Suho told me that he's the ruler of your pod who you said was very unwillingly to let you experience your merman birthright of transitioning, seeing as how important you are to your pod -being the Prince who is arranged to be married- he wouldn't like seeing you carry me like this when you're not supposed to be tangled up with a boy from land." Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun swallowed a ball in his throat.

"You make fair points.." The merman declared, his grip getting tighter on the demigod's shirt.

"..and yet you still won't let me go." he whispered, eyes finding the merman's. Baekhyun's cheeks tainted into a beautiful pink hue, his tongue swiping against his lower lip as his gaze slipped down Chanyeol's face.

"...and yet I still won't let you go." he repeated, his grinding coming to a stop against his stomach. Chanyeol released a relieved but heavy breath, a larger air bubble formed against his lips, one he had to kiss in order to get rid of it. They stayed hovering in place, completely enamoured about each other. Baekhyun eventually loosened his grip and reluctantly Chanyeol followed, releasing his hold on the merman's waist.

They raised themselves up, putting distance between them which could only cause more hurt to be inflicted into both of their hearts. Chanyeol knew he would regret accepting Baekhyun's challenge in the future, but for now he knew that it was the right thing to do. They shouldn't deny reality to please a fantasy, one that certainly wouldn't have a happy ending for them.

Baekhyun's tail began moving again, the merman managing to put a few inches ahead of Chanyeol who allowed the distance to develop before he began swimming to catch up. When he did Baekhyun's face had darkened, the merman incapable of holding his gaze. Chanyeol knew he had ruined things between them, but maybe it was for the better.

They continued their journey in silence, a few stray misbehaving hands jolted their bodies with electricity when they gently brushed with each other, but none of them said anything about it.

Baekhyun didn't even have to open his mouth to declare their arrival to his pod's usual resting place, Chanyeol could already tell. He had sensed their presence long before he could see or hear their muffled voices, not even Baekhyun could hold back his surprise when the photographer had suddenly stopped moving to claim -in a deep voice- that they had arrived. The merman had believed that due to the time of day in which they had planned to arrive, his people would be further north and therefore closer to the mainland. But once they had continued on for another couple of miles, Baekhyun was particularly slapped in the face.

Before his very eyes, Baekhyun watched as his entire pod began to slowly come into view. The merfolk go about their daily tasks as if they hadn't been expecting anyone, and in some cases they weren't.

Their arrival seemed to spark interest, with many of the merfolk instantly turning in their direction. Chanyeol watched as the message of their arrival quickly ran through the pod, more and more of the merfolk turned their heads -many in alarm- to see the newcomer with their Prince. Naturally the whispers followed, many curious and downright demanding to know what business Baekhyun had with a land boy.

Chanyeol snickered to himself as he swam by, keeping at all times to Baekhyun's side. The merman seemed grateful for the gesture, offering the photographer a small smile whenever a loud question had been hurled at them from somewhere amongst the growing crowd. The human listened closely as the merfolk around him continued to speculate his business with the deep blue.

The demigod's gaze fell to Baekhyun's tail, his eyes following the swish and flick of the colourful body part. A gentle glance at those around him allowed Chanyeol the opportunity to compare the other tails with what he deemed as the most beautiful combination of colours he had ever witnessed magnified on the most beautiful creature he had ever known. Chanyeol's lip curled into a small smirk, his eyes returning to Baekhyun who seemed more focused on finding his Father rather than dividing his attention on the numerous speculating merfolk around him. There was a deep line embedded into the skin just above his nose, his eyes narrowed by focus, no doubt slightly imitated by the amount of attention he was receiving.

"You're making quite the first impression," Baekhyun sighed, his face relaxing and the line above his nose disappeared. Chanyeol found himself swimming closer to the merman, his ability to hear what he had to say being corrupted by the stacked whispers surrounding them. Perhaps he should have thought the action through first, as it seemed that due to his insistence on hearing Baekhyun properly, he had created more drama for the merfolk to decode. "We've never had a man of land here before."

"So that's why they're so interested..." Chanyeol teased, allowing himself the opportunity to really take in these creatures. Many of them held their own kind of attractiveness, with brilliant smiles and kind but mischievous eyes and yet not one of them possessed a tail so incredible it took the breath from his lungs quite like Baekhyun's.

The merman he had travelled with seemed to have figured something out, his entire face lightening up as he offered his hand out for Chanyeol to take. Without hesitating the son of Poseidon reached out and accepted it, the action causing numerous gasps to fill the space from the growing crowd. In his excitement Chanyeol sent them all a wave with his other hand, completely allowing himself to be pulled along by Baekhyun whose speed indicated just how quickly he wanted to leave the mob behind.

Thankfully they didn't need to go any further, Baekhyun bringing Chanyeol towards one of the largest natural stone formations beneath the sea. The demigod marvelled at the beauty of the structure, amazed that mother nature had such a keen eye for beauty. It really made him regret not taking his camera.

"This way!" Baekhyun declared, making a sharp turn to the left. Chanyeol hissed in pain as the bone within his arm was nearly pulled from the socket, his body struggling to make the turn rising upwards instead as if Chanyeol had commanded it to bring him to the surface. Baekhyun gasped at the result, both of his hands came up to wrap against Chanyeol's bicep before pulling. The demigod returned to his earlier position with a relieved huff, Baekhyun's grip against his arm remained tight just in case something like that happened again.

"Let's not do that again." Chanyeol begged him, shaking his head in an attempt to clear his spinning mind. Baekhyun shyly nodded his head, pink hair floating all over the place. The demigod found himself breathless, heart fluttering at the sight of the beautiful pink halo surrounding the merman. Baekhyun regarded him with a closed lipped grin, eyes sparkling like diamonds who found their home beneath the waves.

"Come on." Baekhyun encouraged him, gently pulling him by his bicep again. Chanyeol followed obediently, his body naturally following the merman.

He was left to wonder about his island's legend, curious if Yuki Yeon's body had completely devoted itself to following the siren he had found himself entangled with all those years ago. A thought naturally crossed Chanyeol's mind, wondering if this was exactly like that time. Baekhyun's grip on his shoulder held him down, but because of his kiss (which was not necessary for Poseidon's son) Chanyeol was capable of breathing underwater. Yuki had been dragged into the ocean because of the mermaid song, a song Chanyeol had also experienced but unlike the elder hadn't become obsessed with it or its singer. Despite the similarities between their stories there was still one thing that differed, one small but important detail. Yuki didn't have feelings for his sea creature, Chanyeol did.

"Father!" Baekhyun called, voice climbing a couple octaves. It was loud enough for Chanyeol to anchor himself back into reality, surprised by the realisation that he had found that they had been swimming through a narrow tunnel in the beautiful rock structure he had been admiring earlier.

The walls of the narrow passage they were currently travelling through were covered in a moss that despite the darkness of the passage, Chanyeol could see how deep green it was in colour. Just above Baekhyun's head, in the nearing distance was a light that could only grow bigger and bigger the closer they got to the opening of the passage.

When they arrived at the entrance into the enclosure within the rock structure, there were two other figures present. Chanyeol was able to determine that both of them were older in age than himself and Baekhyun, their bright silver-ish grey hair on top of their heads was reflected sparingly throughout the dark coloured beards. He figured that the one on the left was Baekhyun's father due to the merman's surprise upon seeing their arrival, his eyes lingered on Chanyeol for a moment before his gaze returned to his son, his lips pulled upward as he swam towards them.

The demigod had expected Baekhyun to release the hold he had on his bicep so he would be capable of embracing his Father who he hadn't seen in awhile, yet the merman continued to hold him tight while his free arm came to wrap around his father's shoulders.

"Hi Dad." Baekhyun grinned.

"Baekkie!" The elder merman cheered, eyes shining in happiness. "You've returned early, we weren't expecting you back for three days-"

"That's actually why I'm here." Baekhyun admitted, his head turning to look up at Chanyeol. The demigod's attention was already on him, focusing on the words being spoken from the merman's lips. Baekhyun's fingers tightened against the taller's bicep, his tongue swiping against his lower lip out of nerves.

"It's also why I'm here.." Chanyeol spoke, voice a little husky due to his previous lack of speaking. His sudden inclusion in their conversation shocked Baekhyun's father, the merman turning to look at him with wide eyes. A quick glance to Chanyeol's legs proved what the elder merman feared, Chanyeol was from land.

"You've brought a land-born boy to our territory, from that island no less! What have you done boy!?" The man Chanyeol had yet to be introduced to bellowed, fire burning in his gaze. His tail flicked out beneath him, he charged towards the small gathering frustration riddled throughout his face. Chanyeol rushed to place himself in front of Baekhyun, the weight of the water above him slowing him down yet his strength managed to help him push through it.

Chanyeol stared into the blazing eyes of the elder merman, his mouth open while his throat released what the land-boy could only assume was an ocean battle cry. The claws that came with being a merman were bared by Chanyeol's neck, a small current slapping against his face from the heaving chest of the latter. "With all due respect sir," he spoke calmly. "I didn't come here to speak with you. I came to speak with your leader."

"No land boy will talk to me like that-"

"And no merman will speak to me like that." Chanyeol replied, his heart steady in his chest. "Now please," he swam forward, forcing the elder merman back a couple tail flicks. "Back off."

"Baekhyun, what is this about?" His father questioned, eyes narrowed between Chanyeol and his son. Chanyeol decided that it would be best to allow the distance between them to continue, just in case his Father jumped to conclusions they didn't need him to dream up right now.

"Something is happening on the surface," he explained, gills expanding as he drew a deep breath. "Poseidon has been attacked and the Gods are angry."

"Good heavens.." his father gasped, hand flying to his lips. "What happened?"

"I don't know, the details are a little hazy but it's important regardless."

"What business does this entail with him?" The other merman hissed, narrowed gaze focused on Chanyeol. The demigod regarded him with an eye roll, his action drawing a small giggle from Baekhyun's lips.

"This is Chanyeol he's-"

"A friend." The photographer interrupted, offering the merman a tightlipped grin when his attention instantly snapped to him. His brows furrowed in the centre of his forehead, no doubt wondering why Chanyeol had prevented him from describing who he was to the two elder mermen. The demigod himself wasn't completely sure as to why he hadn't allowed Baekhyun to reveal his secret, especially since it could have been a very beneficial thing for the both of them. Still he remained certain that it was indeed the best solution. "I'm a friend to you and your people, I don't plan on placing them in harm's way if that is indeed what you expect of me. I have come with Baekhyun today in order to discuss the possibility of prolonging your son's stay on land for an indefinite amount of time while we try to sort out business with the Gods."

"What could the Gods have to do with the likes of you?" The unknown merman spat, though Chanyeol doubted that it was possible he was almost certain he could see foam form on the corner of the male's lips. "Surely you haven't been dragged into this-"

"Respectfully," Chanyeol interrupted, bowing his head in a show of his respect. "We have been dragged into this war because Poseidon lived on my island for quite some time. Zeus arrived with the notion that he may find him there, yet once he realised that his brother was nowhere near my island he became certain that something had happened to him. Hence our involvement."

"And who exactly does 'our' entail?" Baekhyun's father questioned, his fingers dragging through his lengthy beard.

"Myself, Baekhyun, two friends of mine and Suho, who I have been made aware of, came from your pod."

"Indeed." Baekhyun's father agreed, his head dipping in a small nod. "Tell me, is Suho happily attended to?"

A noise of confusion slipped by his lips before Chanyeol could even stop it, did Baekhyun's father mean to ask if Suho was happy with his life on land or did it have another meaning he wasn't entirely sure of. His head naturally turned to Baekhyun, the young merman regarding him with a bright grin.

"He means to ask if Suho is in a relationship."

"Ah!" Chanyeol cried, turning back to the pod's leader who looked at him with a somewhat sheepish smile. Chanyeol bowed in apology, the leading merman let out a deep chuckle, his fingers reaching out to touch his shoulders. The photographer allowed himself to be pulled up, the weight of the pod's leader's grip keeping him from floating to the surface. "My apologies sir, yes, I am delighted to inform you that Suho is currently in a relationship with one of my closest friends. That friend is one of the two I described to have been joining us in this request of finding Poseidon."

"I see. It sounds like a very important mission."

"It is." Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun responded, the two of them glancing at the other slightly surprised by their joint urgency. Baekhyun turned away from his gaze the next moment, his cheeks painting over in a beautiful pale pink hue. Chanyeol wished that he had the opportunity to watch as it disappeared against the apple of the merman's cheek but the other merman seemed to have other plans.

"I still don't see why Baekhyun is needed-"

"Jeonghoon if you would please leave us." Baekhyun's father addressed his council, the merman halting mid-sentence. Chanyeol watched as the merman reluctantly dipped his head in agreement, his tail flicking out from beneath him allowing him to swim past Chanyeol and towards the entrance of the tunnel himself and Baekhyun had just arrived from. "Jeonghoon!" The leader called, like before the merman halted in his actions. "Would you mind escorting my son out as well? I want to speak with the land-boy alone for a moment."

"It would be my pleasure." Jeonghoon announced, bowing his head in submission.

When Chanyeol turned to look at the youngest merman, he was surprised to see fear in his eyes. Baekhyun didn't seem to mind leaving with Jeonghoon, he appeared terrified of leaving Chanyeol alone with his father. The photographer offered him an encouraging smile, his gaze remaining hard as he stared straight into Baekhyun's eyes hoping that he would be able to convey how he felt completely safe despite what the merman may think. Choosing to avoid prolonging the inevitable any longer, Baekhyun turned around and swam out of the enclosure bypassing Jeonghoon while doing so.

"So," Baekhyun's father sighed, pulling himself away from Chanyeol, ultimately allowing the human some space to breathe. "I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this whole thing. I understand the urgency with the Gods and why they would wish for human help but I don't understand why my Baekhyun is involved."

"Permission to speak freely sir?" Chanyeol requested, waiting patiently for the merman to consider.

"You can call me Joonwoo." the leader responded, his lack of commenting on Chanyeol's demand allowed him to assume that he could.

"I'm not exactly what I claimed to be." Chanyeol began, his mind working overtime to try and find the right words. "I am a friend, but that's not just what I am. To put it simply I am Poseidon's son, a demigod who has been instructed to join the side of the Gods by Zeus who is quite desperate to get his brother back on the throne, I'm not at liberty to explain everything to you so I will give you a general run-down. As I am now tasked with the responsibility of seeing to it that the people who brought my Father harm have been determined and turned over to the Gods, I am naturally going to need help. My friend Jongin is well versed in all things Greek mythology related and my friend Sehun is great at handling him, since the two of them come as a package deal any way I felt it absurd that a man should be taken away from his partner thus I extended the invitation to Suho as well."

"And Baekhyun?"

"Look I'm going to admit that if you had told me a week ago that this would have happened, I probably would have laughed right in your face. Unfortunately the presence of two gigantic monsters, a cyclops and Athena made me realise just how true everything was. Originally I thought your son wouldn't have anything to do with my.. um.. family issues, but it was made aware to me that due to my lack of knowledge about life beneath the waves, Baekhyun's involvement in this journey would be beneficial."

"You are aware that he is intended to be married soon, right?" Joonwoo declared, heavy eyes studying Chanyeol's face for a reaction.

"I am." Chanyeol admitted, his own gaze falling to the merman's tail. "I am also aware that it was an arranged marriage, something he is doing out of loyalty to you and your pod."

"Our people are getting old Chanyeol," Joonwoo sighed, an air bubble forming at his gills. "We don't have the security we used to have since many of our pod have either married into another or gone to land. I'm protective over my son because I've seen the horrors of the world beyond the waves, he is my own flesh and blood and it would kill me if he traded his life here for a life there."

"I don't have any intention-"

"No." Joonwoo interrupted, a teasing smile coming to rest against his lips. "You may not have that intention now but if I agree to allow my son to join you on your quest, you may have that intention then. I wish to protect my son but even I have my limits which won't shield him from receiving heartbreak. Even though you two have only known each other for a few days it would be stupid of me to deny what I can very clearly see. You cherish each other to a degree not even I am familiar with, which leads me to wonder if the Fates had a role in this for me to receive. As you can see I am an old creature, one who has lived long after his destined due date. I swore to myself that I would use everything in my power to make sure my son remains where he belongs -in the ocean."

"Knowing all this," Chanyeol continues, surprised he was capable of listening to Joonwoo for that long without thinking of something else. "And what I have told you. Will you be able to grant him permission?"

"May I ask a question in return?"

Chanyeol nodded his head, had he been on land at this exact moment he was certain his palms would be covered with sweat.

"Knowing all that you do," he pauses, eyes searching the watcher between them waiting for the words to appear before him. "And what I have told you. Will there be a chance that you may wish to join the ocean community?"

Chanyeol considered the question for a moment, Joonwoo allowed him the opportunity to do so, remaining silent so that the demigod could come to a concrete answer in peace. "I was asked by Athena if I would consider taking over my Father's position for the ocean throne."

Joonwoo's eyebrows almost get lost beneath his silver hair, his lower jaw dropping from surprise. "And your response?"

"I told her that I would think about it," Chanyeol admitted, his tongue slipping out to swipe against his bottom lip. "But this was before we talked."

"Have you come to a decision?"

"Not entirely, but I'm certainly going to consider everything now that I know what's on the table."

"I stand by my earlier comment, my only hope is that Baekhyun could remain in the ocean-"

"And if he wishes to come to land?"

"I think an agreement can be settled once your decision has been finalised," Joonwoo declared, his smile broadening into a larger grin. "But for now I suppose I can delay the marriage arrangement in favour of allowing him to join you on your quest. I may be old but even I am still wise enough to know not to disrespect the Fates, though if you die while protecting the ocean I won't have to worry about the possible threats I would receive due to me cancelling a wedding."

"I best stay alive then." Chanyeol teased, watching pleased as the merman threw his head back and let out a chuckle. "Thank you sir."

"The pleasure is all mine son."

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748 streak #1
Chapter 20: Finally got caught up! This was such a good chapter and my favorite scene was Chanyeol’s conversation with Joonwoo. I was surprise that he agreed to let Baekhyun go along on the quest, even more that he could clearly see the bond that the two boys have quickly formed. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 18: Chanyeol is like 'been there, done that' and it's hilariousss
I also like that this gives him insight and understanding to the gods' actions, and it's used as such instead of as just a way to make more plot
It's interesting and a refreshing take!
748 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am absolutely loving this story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m guessing the second creature Chanyeol killed was the Kraken? It’s interesting that he faints each time he comes in contact with non-humans. Thank you for all your updates.
748 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello, I am really enjoying this story so far. Your writing is almost lyrical, and I am enjoying all the descriptive touches on the island and it’s inhabitants. I can’t wait to read more about Chanyeol, he is a super complex character.