
Beyond The Harbour

"Chanyeol that is the exact opposite of running away!" Suho shouted out after the photographer who rushed head first into the bookcases naturally drawing the attention of the terrifying creature away from those left in the library and onto himself. 

Chanyeol let out a laugh of response, his body tingling from the excitement bubbling harshly in his stomach. Sparks were travelling all over his body as if it had been waiting for him to run for his life, like his entire life had brought him to this exact moment. Granted, he didn't expect for a giant monster with one eye to attempt to kill him and his friends in the village library of all places, that just wasn't a very cool way of dying. 

"What the hell are you doing Chanyeol?!" Sehun screamed over the monster's growl, apparently it had found interest in the Atlases dotted around on the floor. It's single eye blinked in curiosity as it's thumb and forefinger plucked a book up from the littered ground, it had a sea blue covering and Chanyeol could just make out a colourful globe in the centre of it before the book was thrown in the air. It landed somewhere near him but the photographer didn't stick around to find out where exactly it had taken its landing, instead he continued to search for a weapon that he could use to at least slow the incoming monster down. 

As far as the eye could see, they were the only ones remaining in the library, everyone else having ran out at the sight of the large cyclops. Chanyeol found himself releasing a breath of relief, he didn't know what he would do if this creature was let out of the building and allowed run rampid around the village possibly killing or at least causing serious injuries to many. 

"Distracting!" The photographer explained, tossing a glance over his shoulder in the general direction of where he had expected his friends to be. He caught a glimpse of Suho and Sehun hiding under the table they had been sitting at moments before the attack, but it seemed like Baekhyun had gone to find another place to hide. "Just stay where you are and try not to get hurt!" 

"Our hero!" Sehun scoffed, rolling his eyes as he considered just how stupid his best friend was. Why Chanyeol thought fighting would be a good idea confused the boy, but Sehun assumed he had a fair reason for his head-first action. Chanyeol was quite famous for throwing himself into dangerous situations, at first he thought that his best friend was just an adrenaline junkie but now that he was witnessing him attempt to stop a monster in their village's library, Sehun was certain Park Chanyeol had a death wish. 

For a brief moment Chanyeol thought about the possibility of dying under one of those huge fists the monster just loved to show-off. At one point in his weapon searching he was sure that the monster had purposely picked up the librarian's desk just to show off how much weight it could hold, but surprisingly the photographer didn't let it get to his head. Sure he was scared, who wouldn't be when a eight foot monster with big arms and one eye was causing chaos in their hometown? 

It was his hometown. 

Therefore Chanyeol knew it like the back of his hand and he knew that at the back wall of the library was the cases filled with old weapons that the villagers found buried under Mountain Peak, hidden in the cave of the mermaid who had once made her home there. Upon their recovery from the ground the artefacts had been brought to the small museum located just next to the college Chanyeol attends, after some time it was decided by the inhibitors of the island that the weapons would prove more useful in the public library. Which in this case was probably their best idea yet. 

As he was on the way towards the back wall, the skin on Chanyeol's neck began tingling. The photographer somehow managed to duck out of the way of a thrown chair, the furniture bouncing off the wooden floors before clattering to a halt in front of the photographer. He let out a quick breath before getting to his feet and running, he could hear the snarls of the monster as he dove behind one of the only standing bookcases. His heart was thundering against his chest as he panted through the excitement bubbling in his stomach, a small smile on his lips once he noticed he was standing just a stone's throw away from the display cases. 

With caution backing his movements Chanyeol slowly peered around the wooden shelf of the bookcase, his eyes flicking through the debris of books and broken wooden pieces until he noticed a hand peaking through the rubbish. He instantly felt his heart drop an inch in his ribcage, his jaw hanging in shock and hoped that whoever was under the mess wasn't badly hurt. 

With newly found determination Chanyeol took a deep breath and raced through the open air towards the display cases, nothing looked like it would do a lot of damage to the creature who had been confused in looking for the boy he had been sent after. With adrenaline coursing through his veins the photographer found himself rushing towards the end of the line, nothing was calling to him until his eyes caught the sight of a rusted handle. The rusted metal was obviously not the smartest idea of a weapon from the displays but for some strange reason Chanyeol felt like it was just what he needed in this circumstance, without second guessing himself he grabbed the closest thing to him and slammed it into the glass. 

Thousands of glass shards fell into the display case, sparkling like diamonds next to Chanyeol's weapon of choice. Clasping his fingers around the rusted handle he lifted the weapon from the display case and found that it was surprisingly light in his hands, throwing a glance at the white piece of card just beneath where the weapon had been was written the words:

A Greek Hoplite Sword,
Roughly forged with Pumice stone. 

It was a leaf shaped double edged blade that roughly measured about twenty four inches, from his limited amount of knowledge of Greek weaponry Chanyeol figured that this particular weapon was used as a back up if more common spears were damaged in battle. The weapon was perfectly balanced in his hand making it seem like Chanyeol knew how to wield it when in reality this was definitely more terrifying than your average kitchen knife. 

Suddenly the photographer noticed how painfully silent the air in the library had turned, there was no longer any snarling from the cyclopes who the boy had figured was still following him through the debris. Without wasting another moment Chanyeol's grip tightened around the rusted handle and rushed back the way he came which just so happened to be the clearest runway, the hand that had previously been sticking out from beneath the mess of books and broken pieces of bookcases was no longer there. Instead the area seemed to have been disturbed. 

"Chanyeol!" Baekhyun's shrill cry erupted through the library, he sounded desperate and terrified. Chanyeol's heart continued to pound against his ribcage but it only got louder in his ears as he quickly realised that Baekhyun hadn't been with Sehun and Suho under the table, his stomach dropped when he figured that the stranger had fallen victim to the cyclops' rage. 

Taking a deep breath and shaking the nerves out of his system Chanyeol picked up his pace and ran towards the direction Baekhyun's scream had generated from, he noticed that it was leading him right back to where this attack began. And there it was. 

The cyclops was holding Baekhyun by his waist, his single eye blinking as his tongue ran around his lower lip. The pink haired newbie cried as he stared at the face of the monster in horror, like all his nightmares had been mixed together and spit out in one large ball of gross. Baekhyun was floating above the ground, his hands trying to pry the large sausage like fingers from his waist. Chanyeol noticed that he was able to move around a little which meant that the cyclops wasn't crushing him in his large fist, this made the photographer let out a content sigh. Baekhyun was in danger but at least he wasn't hurt. 

"Pst!" Chanyeol snapped his head in the direction of the obvious noise, his eyes falling on Suho and Sehun who had now taken cover under the overturned librarian's desk. The photographer raised a brow, figuring that the less words they spoke the better. "We aren't going to be able to kill this thing we don't have any-!" 

"Oh just you wait and see what I'm going to do to this thing!" Chanyeol snapped, his face flaring in anger at Suho's lack of fate in him. "It has to have a weakness somewhere and I plan on finding it." 

"It's his eye!" Suho hissed back at him, his eyes wide as he watched in surprise as Chanyeol jumped into the view of the cyclops wielding the dagger he had magically found in the space that he and Sehun hadn't an eye on him. "But it can't killed because you don't have any pumice stone!" 

"Oh my has my vision finally given up on me or am I staring into the eyes of a demigod?" The cyclops' mouth began moving, his eye wide as it sparkled with mischief. Chanyeol's jaw dropped once he heard that it could speak, he had seen the mouth but figured it was only for eating rather than communicating. "I was wondering what that splendid smell was!" 

"I think you're gotten the wrong person" Chanyeol explained with a nervous smile pulling at the edge of his lips, he sent Baekhyun a quick glance. The pink haired boy was staring at him in surprise, his lips parted with his eyes blowing up in size. "I have no idea what a demigod is nor am I one." 

"Do you really think that I'm going to believe that? What is with you demigods trying to trick me into believing that you are not who you say you are?! It's getting annoying!" The cyclops shouted, stomping it's overgrown foot against the floor boards of the library. "I can smell you demigod, I know that I'm not wrong this time! You are going to taste delicious." 

"I would like to think that if I was going to be eaten I would be quite chewy, wouldn't you agree?" Chanyeol wondered even turning himself around in a circle to prove his point, the cyclops blinked in confusion before considering it. 

The silence was deafening but at least it gave Chanyeol time to get a proper hold of the Hoplite sword's rusted handle, he just hoped that his plan was going to work after all the only practise he had was flipping water bottles when that became a 'cool trick' when he was still in highschool. 

"I'll just use your little friend there as a toothpick, he seems thin enough to be able to snap in half easily!" The cyclops grinned, clicking it's fingers after deciding on what it would do for dinner. "Although I'm not sure that I'll like the fishy taste his skin will leave behind.." 

Chanyeol watched with wide eyes as the cyclops turned to look back at Baekhyun who stood frozen in fear as it's hands threatened to wrap themselves back around his body, within a blink of his eye Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun jumped off the table he had been standing on previously and ran towards the front of the library. The cyclops sent him a glance before sighing and turning back to Chanyeol. 

"I'd rather have a half-blood anyway!" The monster huffed in a deep tone, it's eye shining from the artificial lighting hanging from the ceiling above. Chanyeol allowed the creature to stomp over to him remaining still like he had no energy left in his body to move, but of course that's all he wanted. "Once I'm finished here I'll go and eat everyone else on this pathetic island!" 

Chanyeol flicked his wrist and allowed his fingers to force the handle of the Hoplite sword upwards, a loud squishing sound run through the air before a howl of pain and then finally a loud thud. The photographer peeked out from behind his hands and stared at the cyclops' unmoving body going still against the ground, he released a quick breath of surprise. 

"You actually understood what it was saying?" Sehun's voice brought Chanyeol out of his thoughts, forcing him to turn around on his heel. He watched as his best friend helped Suho out from beneath their shelter, the boy's eyes going wide as he viewed the scene in front of him. A cyclops with the rusted handle of a blade sticking out from the centre of it's eye, Chanyeol stepped forward and drew the handle back watching with a churning stomach as it easily pulled itself out of the creature's eye. 

"Of course I understood what it was saying, it was talking like we are right now!" Chanyeol scoffed, looking at his best friend like he had been the one to pull the dagger from the eyeball. 

"No it wasn't" Baekhyun's voice appeared from behind the body, he slowly stepped forward looking at the cyclops in surprise before turning back to Chanyeol. "it was speaking in Greek." 


"You just had a full conversation with that thing in an otherwise dead language, you feeling okay dude?" Sehun wondered, speaking forward cautiously. His eyes glanced his friend over waiting for him to pass out or at least freak out in some way but surprisingly Chanyeol remained on his feet and didn't appear to be fazed by what just happened. 

Chanyeol's eyes remained on the cyclops' body, the cut in it's eye was spewing gold liquid before all of a sudden it began crumbling. The photographer watched with his jaw hanging open as the monster's body turned to dust before his very eyes, leaving behind nothing but a small pool of gold goo. 

"You really did kill it" Suho gasped. "how did you know that you needed pumice stone to kill it? You came back with it in your hand before I told you anything." 

"I didn't" Chanyeol admitted truthfully, sending his best friend's boyfriend a quick glance before his eyes naturally travelled back to Baekhyun. "it's like my body just knew what to get, although I did have a moment of hesitation when I realised that the handle was rusted."

"So what did the two of you talk about?" Sehun wondered, his eyes twinkling in curiosity. "It looked for a moment that you were commanding it to eat Baekhyun!" 

"I would never." Chanyeol snapped, looking at his best friend with wide eyes. Sehun burst into laughter fits while Suho simply rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's actions, Baekhyun shifted uncomfortably as he passed the pool of gold goo before stopping completely in front of the boy he had spent countless hours with. "It talked about how nice I smelled and said something about a demigod and tricking it, wanting Baekhyun to be a toothpick after I told it that I was more than likely going to be chewy and something about him tasting like a fish?" 

Chanyeol watched as the smaller gasped, his cheeks flaring as his eyes turned away from his and towards Suho who seemed equally as shocked as his friend. Sehun stood next to him with a wide smirk on his lips, he gently slapped Suho's forearm and jumped up and down in place before bellowing out an 'I told you so!'

Just as he was going to question what his best friend meant the library doors were thrown open and the villagers all rushed in with wide eyes and surprised expressions. "What happened here?" one bellowed, they were concealed by the crowd so Chanyeol wasn't able to pin-point his exact location. 

"Apparently it was a cyclops!" he admitted with a laugh falling from his lips, he only meant it as a joke but when he realised that the villagers gasped and stared at him with shocked expressions showed Chanyeol that they weren't buying into his joke. 

"Chanyeol took care of it" Sehun explained to the blinking islanders, they all looked around the library and sighed at the sight of the destruction. "it turned to dust the moment he used the pumice stone dagger from the display case in the back." 

"Thank goodness that you boys are okay" Mr Jung breathed a sigh of relief, pushing through the crowd. His eyes set on Suho and Baekhyun before turning to look at Sehun then Chanyeol. "Thank you for protecting us Chanyeol." 

"Yes thank you Chanyeol" the islanders choired together, each one of them bowing their heads in respect to the college student whose head began hurting him as he questioned what was happening around him. They believed him? 

Baekhyun's grinning face was all he was able to see before everything turned black and he passed out, again. 

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748 streak #1
Chapter 20: Finally got caught up! This was such a good chapter and my favorite scene was Chanyeol’s conversation with Joonwoo. I was surprise that he agreed to let Baekhyun go along on the quest, even more that he could clearly see the bond that the two boys have quickly formed. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Chapter 18: Chanyeol is like 'been there, done that' and it's hilariousss
I also like that this gives him insight and understanding to the gods' actions, and it's used as such instead of as just a way to make more plot
It's interesting and a refreshing take!
748 streak #3
Chapter 11: I am absolutely loving this story so far, I can’t wait to see what happens next. I’m guessing the second creature Chanyeol killed was the Kraken? It’s interesting that he faints each time he comes in contact with non-humans. Thank you for all your updates.
748 streak #4
Chapter 3: Hello, I am really enjoying this story so far. Your writing is almost lyrical, and I am enjoying all the descriptive touches on the island and it’s inhabitants. I can’t wait to read more about Chanyeol, he is a super complex character.