Chapter 2

Second Chance



Okay, something was just terribly wrong. Wendy’s head was killing her, it was throbbing with pain. She tried to open her eyes, but it was all blurry. 


She heard a voice talking beside her, but couldn’t make out who it was or what they were saying.

“--you okay, ma’am?!”

She tried to open her eyes again, this time focusing on her surroundings. The pain in her head suddenly disappeared as soon as it had come. She looked around her at the strange environment . What's happening? Where was she? Next to her stood a young man with concern etched into his features. So many questions swirled in her head, but she could only manage to blurt out a weak, “what?” 

The man looked her over again, “I said, are you okay, ma’am?” 

Wendy unconsciously nodded her head, prompting a sigh of relief from him. He slowly got back up and returned to his desk in front of him. Where was she? Was she kidnapped? She could've sworn she went to sleep on her bed last night and didn’t wake up. Maybe it was a dream, she hadn’t dreamt in so long, she forgot people could do that. 

“Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better, you scared me there for a sec,” he chuckled. His statement took Wendy by surprise. When was the last time she heard these words? Words of care and concern. Hell, she was about to tear up and cry right then and there. But she pulled herself together, maybe this dream wasn’t so bad. Guess she finally went crazy and her head started imagining what she lacks. Honestly, she wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case at this point. 

“Anyways,” the man’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, “I hope you’ll stick to what we talked about before. Good luck manager Son, you’re going to need a lot of it,” he looked at her grimly. 

Um...what? What’s with the sudden change? Did her brain finally realize what’s happening and decided to change her dream into a nightmare?


The man in front of her grabbed a nearby phone and dialled a number into it, then sat in silence as he waited for the other side to pick up. “Ah Ms. Joy, would it be okay if you came down here and took our new manager on a small tour? Ah yes… Alright, thank you.” He put the phone down and smiled back at Wendy, “She’s on her way.” A soft knock can be heard at the door, “Come in,” and a tall lady walked into the room. Wendy’s face paled at the sight, it was none other than Joy, her Joy, the same Joy that got tired of her after a while and claimed that Wendy was beyond fixing at this point. One of the many so-called ‘friends’ that chose to walk away and leave her in the dust. Joy politely walked over to her with a small smile then stuck her hand out, “My name is Joy and I’ll be your assistant from now on. If you ever need help with anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.” Wendy was in shock, Joy would never get close to her like this, let alone smile so sweetly at her. What is happening?! Nothing made sense.She felt a little light headed, until she heard Joy clear , her hand still outstretched. Wendy hesitantly reached out and shook it, warm. Her hand was so soft and warm, which almost brought Wendy to tears again. Joy smiled even brighter and helped Wendy up from her seat, “We’ll be leaving now, sunbaenim.” She remarked in a sing-songy voice. The man merely smiled and waved his hand at the two ladies leaving his office. 


Joy and Wendy walked side by side with Joy stopping every once in a while to explain the different areas and what the people there do, Wendy couldn’t care less, she kept sneaking glances at Joy. She never really did change at all, from her height to her adorable face and her bright cute smile that would melt the coldest hearts. But once she decides to shut people off, she becomes one of the coldest people. Truly shocking considering how such a warm person can flip immediately into an unfeeling heartless machine. Wendy just couldn’t help it, having been on the receiving end of all the terrible treatment, it was all new to her to see Joy smile again, if she wasn’t feeling a little light headed from the situation, she’d almost say it warmed her broken heart, god forbid. After a little while, the two walked in silence as they headed to Wendy’s new office. When Joy decided to break the silence, “It’s really strange that you accepted this job you know. No one would ever willingly decide to put themselves in such a position. It’s either that you’re really stupid or really brave.” Joy lightly chuckled at her own statement, Wendy barely registered what she had said, since Joy’s smile had once again taken her off guard. “What’s wrong with my position?” Wendy managed to blurt out. Joy looked at her weirdly, “Well, you’ll be dealing with a Kim. And as far as I know, it won’t be the good one.” Wendy hummed, a Kim? What the heck? Her eyes met with Joy’s and she could’ve sworn she could see sympathy glimmering in her eyes.


The two finally reached the office, and Joy led Wendy in then handed her the keys. “This will be your main headquarters. You’ll sign in here every morning and then you’ll proceed with the following scheduled events. Any questions?” Wendy shook her head, taking in her words carelessly. It’s just a dream, albeit a detailed one, but why should she care? It’ll come to an end anyways, just like everything else. “Alright, I’ll leave you to it then. Get used to the space and read some of the documents, they’ll help. I’m right down the corridor if you need anything. Oh, also, you’ll be meeting Ms. Kim later today, so please be prepared.” And with that, Joy took her leave, leaving behind a really confused Wendy to her own devices. She slowly went over to the desk and sat down on the chair, her eyes quickly scanning some random documents. She decided to take one and read it just to pass some time. After a few minutes, Wendy just couldn’t handle it. The silence was overbearing. She couldn’t handle it. It felt like any more and her head would end up consuming her. So she went over to her computer, turned it on, and opened up any song she could find. She increased the volume and sighed in relief as she leaned her head back, trying to shift her focus onto the rhythms flowing out of the speakers. She chuckled to herself solemnly, she had to admit, this dream almost felt real with everything that’s happened. But she wonders how it would feel once she wakes up. No Joy treating her like a friend. No job. No money. No nothing. She’d be back to her miserable self, who runs away from her debts while slowly flunking in college. She almost wished she didn’t wake up. 


After a while, a soft knock can be heard on her door. She lowered the music a little and went over to open her door. Joy was standing in front of her with a cheeky smile, “Didn’t take you for a Nicki Minaj fan.” A slight blush of embarrassment colored Wendy’s cheeks, she didn’t really notice what she was listening to, “Well what can I say, I just love the female weezy.” she managed to say, which only resulted in Joy falling into a fit of laughter, the sound was like music to Wendy’s ears, and for the first time she relaxed considerably. Joy looked at her and halted her laughter all of a sudden, “Would you look at that, who knew the newbie can smile?” Wendy immediately reached her hand to her face, and it was true, her lips were quirked upwards. This was new, it was all so new. Wendy never smiled. It’s not that she didn’t want to, she just never had a reason to. Nothing cheered her up or made her happy. She stopped feeling anything at this point. She just simply existed. A living ghost merging with the background. And for a moment, she realized that she had forgotten how it felt to smile. Such a simple act, and yet to Wendy it was too much. “Come on,” Joy beckoned to her, pulling her out of her daze, “It’s time to meet your boss.” Wendy simply nodded and followed Joy, but her mind was elsewhere. Something, she doesn’t know what, is changing. Something inside of her is shifting. 


They arrived at a huge door with a golden name plaque on it. If only Wendy had noticed the name, maybe then she could have had the chance to run far away avoiding everything to come. But she didn’t, the door was opened and she was shoved inside.  The room was big and wide, to be honest, it almost looked like a fancy suite, with expensive black leather couches, small soft rugs spread around, and a large spruce desk that’s almost as wide as a bed. Behind the desk sat a brunette, she was arguing with a black-haired girl sitting on the desk in front of her. The brunette sounded annoyed, while the raven looked like she was having fun. Then it happened. All at once, feline eyes met with hazel eyes, and it felt as though time had stopped for Wendy. Impossible. It couldn’t be. How is it that the one only Jennie Kim in all her glory was in front of someone as miniscule and measly as Wendy? Yes, this is definitely a dream. But hasn’t this dream been going on for a little too long at this point. Dreams shouldn’t last this long. Wendy slowly raised her hand to her cheek and slapped herself quite loudly. Garnering weird looks from everyone around her, Joy looked like she was to ditch her and run away. But Wendy didn’t care because she didn’t wake up, she clearly felt the pain and didn’t wake up. Something was seriously wrong.

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Hey guys, I'm sorry for dying on you there. But, it's DONE. This story is finally COMPLETE. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and witnessing my writing style develop through this. Love you all! Stay safe and healthy!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Reread again
Chapter 21: oh how cute, touching the reconciliation between seulgi and wendy, in the end her second chance finally happened. thanks for the story author 😊
Chapter 20: damn nothing is free... poor wendy
Chapter 15: Wendy is so fun 😂
Chapter 21: I need moreeeee i loved this
Chapter 21: WOAH...
Truethat43 #9
Chapter 21: This can't be the end 😭😭😭
Truethat43 #10
Chapter 21: NOOOO 😭