Chapter 4

Second Chance

It took a while, but Wendy managed to calm down. The sun was starting to set and she sighed, she literally wasted a whole day crying. That sure wasn’t the impression she wanted to have, especially in a new world with a second chance. It was all so new, it’s as if all of the things she had once lost were handed back to her on a silver platter just like that. It made her think. Life isn’t that perfect, and there would definitely be a price for all of this, but what is it? The thought never left her mind. After everything that’s happened to her, she knew that there was a catch, there always was. Nothing came like that, even if it’s a second chance. 


Wendy shoved that thought away into a dark corner of her head, she didn’t have the time for this right now. She was currently sitting with her parents in their warm and cozy living room, which brought about many childhood memories of when she used to play around the fireplace as a kid, especially during christmas time when she ran around the tree trying to sneakily open her presents until she was caught by one of her parents. She smiled at the memory and looked back at the dynamic conversation happening between both of her parents, this was all real. Not some fantasy her mind came up with. “I can’t believe you made our little Wendy cry!” her father mother with a fake surprised face. “Oh be quiet you! Our Wendy must have cried because of you, not me.” Her mother quipped, “And what did I do?” he asked dramatically. “We all know you broke her favorite camera while you were dusting the shelf this morning.” the mother glared back knowingly, Wendy’s father paled, then turned back to Wendy. Camera? Wendy thought, which camera? “Look sweetie, I’m so sorry. I promise I’ll fix it for you. It wasn’t on purpose.” Wendy broke out into a gentle laughter at her father’s reaction, he always had a soft spot for her. “It’s okay dad. I’ll take it and fix it myself. Don’t trouble yourself.” Her father scanned her for a few seconds then nodded, “If you say so.” 


They sat in silence for a few minutes, it wasn’t awkward to Wendy, it was quite comforting. “Soooo,” her mother started, “how was the interview?” she asked hesitantly. Wendy noticed her tone and realized that this might have been a big thing for their Wendy, as they seemed to be walking on eggshells when it came to this topic. “It was fine mom, I got the job.” she reassured. 


It all happened so quickly, one second they were quietly conversing, the next her father was carrying her, shouting “I knew you would get it!” in happiness with her mother tearing up next to him. And right at that moment, she wished time would stop even if for a second because she had never felt quite at home as she felt right now. 


When night came, she went to bed with a smile on her face. For the first time in a long time, she felt sleepy and tired. Sleep was never something she did for rest, she did it only because her body needed it. To her, it was more like an on and off button, she would close her eyes, let the darkness consume her, then she would open her eyes to the same monotonous colorless world she lived in. But right now it was different, she was the one chasing after sleep and not the other way around. She felt safe and her heart felt full. Her parents were sleeping in their room across the hall after a big dinner to celebrate her success. As her eyes began to feel heavy and her body relaxed, one last thought popped in her head before she drifted off to sleep.


What’s the price?


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Hey guys, I'm sorry for dying on you there. But, it's DONE. This story is finally COMPLETE. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and witnessing my writing style develop through this. Love you all! Stay safe and healthy!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Reread again
Chapter 21: oh how cute, touching the reconciliation between seulgi and wendy, in the end her second chance finally happened. thanks for the story author 😊
Chapter 20: damn nothing is free... poor wendy
Chapter 15: Wendy is so fun 😂
Chapter 21: I need moreeeee i loved this
Chapter 21: WOAH...
Truethat43 #9
Chapter 21: This can't be the end 😭😭😭
Truethat43 #10
Chapter 21: NOOOO 😭