Chapter 8

Second Chance

A few more minutes of silence passed, “where is your driver?” Wendy curiously asked. “I sent him away.” Jennie said as a matter-of-factly. “I don’t like people seeing me in this state.” Wendy nodded, that was understandable, but that led to a more serious question, “Who’s going to drive us back then?” Jennie looked at her skeptically, “You, who else?” Wendy’s face paled, she had to get out of this situation, now! 


She pulled back and looked outside the window, neither her car nor Chaeyoung was there. That son of a---! Wendy took a deep breath, she was sweet enough to drive you here, don’t cuss her out. Oh but she really wanted to. This is going to be the death of her. 


She racked her brain for a good excuse. Oop, she got it! “So, uh, funny story actually,” Wendy began to mumble, “I don’t really know how to drive. My license is actually…  fake, yes fake,  and I was super desperate for the job that I had it custom made… illegally… of course. Hehe…” 


God she wished she didn’t just say that, the silence that followed was killing her. 


“So… you’re basically asking me to fire you?” Jennie asked monotonously. 


“Yea--Wait what?!” Wendy shook her head vigorously. “Please, I really need the job. I can’t keep running everywhere every single day.” she begged. Jennie stared at her questioningly, “Run everywhere?” That’s when Wendy realized she screwed up, so now she’s going to have to explain her poverty situation. She sighed, “I don’t have any money. I’m broke, too broke for a taxi every morning, so I just run.” It took a few moments for Jennie to register what Wendy had just said, “Wait… is that why--?” “I was late today and clearly drenched from the rain? Yes.” Wendy answered nonchalantly, “And you just simply left me behind. That hurt, you know.” She continued to whine with a small pout on her face, and only stopped talking when she heard soft giggling next to her. 


She turned to face Jennie and saw the most dazzling gummy smile she had ever seen. Wendy visibly gulped and turned to look away quickly, her hand on her chest as she felt how fast her heart was beating. “Alright fine, I forgive you.” Jennie haughtily said, Wendy glared at her, “Isn’t it supposed to be the other way around?” “Nope, not at all. You were late and ruined my schedule. The blame is all yours.”Jennie answered as a matter- of-fact. Wendy shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose, this is going to be tiring. The both of them stared into the darkness around them. 


“So, how are we getting back now?”


“I dunno, call your driver again and ask him to come get us I guess.”


“Okay, but his taxi fare is on you.”


Wendy looked at her, clearly betrayed, “I’ve been trying to collect my quarters to try that burrito in the fancy vending machine. You can’t do this to me.” Jennie punched Wendy on her shoulder lightly, a small smile still on her face. Maybe this time around will be different, she thought.


Time passes by in a blur, and Wendy is adapting quite nicely. She has decided that the morning to run to work is all in the spirit of exercise, so she started leaving even earlier, and stopping by a nearby coffee shop. No, of course not to buy coffee, but just to walk in, sniff the beautiful scent of freshly roasted coffee beans, and then walk out to continue her journey. 


Damn that paycheck better arrive soon. Managing things has been extremely difficult these days, especially when she spent the last of her quarters on that vending machine burrito, but she wasn’t mad about it. That was the bomb! She spent more time thinking about how such a wonderful burrito was sold in a vending machine instead of a 5 star restaurant than she spent doing actual work. Heck! She even put a little box in her office for people to put their spare change in, and when asked about it, she’d say it’s for donations. She wasn’t lying, it was just that the donation went to her addiction to burritos.


Wendy’s relationship with Jennie didn’t change much after that day, but she’s been nicer to her. Their interactions felt a lot less strained, and if you squint your eyes just a little bit, you might actually mistake them for friends, or acquaintances, but who cares! Wendy herself has become a lot more cheerful, and she absolutely loved the change. She felt normal again, everything was okay, everyone was here. Even with all the bad luck shenanigans going on, she wouldn’t have it any other way. She’s also been more interactive and outgoing, talking to Joy and Jisoo has been one of her favorite pastimes. The three of them would often meet at Wendy’s office and just chat about things happening in their lives, she loved listening to them talk, especially when Joy shares random company gossip or when Jisoo decides to share one of her funny stories, which usually ends up with all three of them on the ground crying tears. 


It was another one of those days when the three were sitting around discussing ‘work’, when Joy suddenly piped, “Hey guys, we should definitely hang out at that little coffee shop near here. I heard a lot of good reviews about it.” “Oh, that sounds like a good idea,” Jisoo agreed, clapping her hands. Wendy dreaded the day that they’d have to go out, but she couldn’t just flat out refuse, it would be pretty embarrassing to just come out and say she didn’t have a penny, so she had to play this right. 


With two pairs of eyes waiting for her reply, she smiled at them, “I think that’s a wonderful idea, but how about we do it a little later? I’ll be pretty busy with Jennie’s schedules and I’m sure Jisoo would have her own too. Let’s do it some time when all of us are free and then I can invite the two of you to that place.” Wendy continued to smile sweetly secretly hoping that the two would accept her reasoning. 


Jisoo chuckled, “I agree, you’re right. I’ll be looking forward to that invitation.” She winked at Wendy, causing pink to dust her cheeks. Oh my god, she’s such a flirt! Wendy internally panicked. Joy, who seemed to catch up on what was going on between the two, reached her hand forward and covered Wendy’s with her own, “I’ll be looking forward to it too.” she smiled innocently. I’m going to die! Wendy screamed inside as her blush deepened. Wendy was too busy trying to calm down her breathing that she didn’t notice the two in front of her having a stare off. 


Suddenly, Wendy’s office phone rang and she went to pick it up, thankful for the distraction. It took some time for Wendy to get used to all of these office things, she’s never worked in one before, especially the phone. Apparently, she had to set it up before using it, which was why none of Jennie’s calls got through and she was accused of ignoring her calls. But now everything works accordingly, and no problems have arisen so far. “Hello, this is Wendy. How may I hel--”

“Get over here, there are things we need to discuss.” and the line hangs up, so serious as usual. “Well, it was nice talking to you guys, but duty calls.” She announced as she headed over to the door. “Don’t die this time.” “Invite me to your funeral!” The both of them called out after her, as Wendy shook her head at their ridiculousness.


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Hey guys, I'm sorry for dying on you there. But, it's DONE. This story is finally COMPLETE. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and witnessing my writing style develop through this. Love you all! Stay safe and healthy!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Reread again
Chapter 21: oh how cute, touching the reconciliation between seulgi and wendy, in the end her second chance finally happened. thanks for the story author 😊
Chapter 20: damn nothing is free... poor wendy
Chapter 15: Wendy is so fun 😂
Chapter 21: I need moreeeee i loved this
Chapter 21: WOAH...
Truethat43 #9
Chapter 21: This can't be the end 😭😭😭
Truethat43 #10
Chapter 21: NOOOO 😭