Chapter 9

Second Chance

Wendy stood in front of the same familiar large door, and as usual before going in, she’d take a deep breath. She had to because every time she walked in, she would stop breathing for a few seconds over how beautiful Jennie really was. She couldn’t help it, it just happened. She knocked and opened the door, once again met with the sight of the brunette slightly hunched over filing through documents and paperwork. You’d think that a person of her caliber would have someone to do this for her, but apparently Jennie refuses all assistance as she prefers to do all her work herself. Wendy cleared as she headed over and sat on one of the leather seats in front of Jennie’s desk. 


Jennie raised her eyes and met Wendy’s, “Hey, what’s up?” Wendy asked nonchalantly, Jennie sighed deeply, “Nothing much, just a humongous amount of work.” Wendy felt bad for her, Jennie really did work a lot. She didn’t have much free time, and she had noticed as her manager that whenever Jennie got invited to any dinners or hang outs, she’d refuse since she was always caught up with work. She would always be one of the first to arrive and the last to leave. “Okay, here’s the deal,” Jennie started, snapping Wendy out of her thoughts. “There’s a big event happening in a few weeks. The event will celebrate our company’s 50th year, so as you can expect, it will be super extravagant and will include many of its artists. I need you to be in tip-top shape by then. As for now, there’s nothing much that will go on, so I guess we can kick back and relax.” Wendy nodded at Jennie’s words, “Sounds good.” 


A ringtone suddenly echoed through the room, Jennie picked up her phone, and clicked the green button. She gestured for Wendy to wait a second to which Wendy raised a thumbs up. “Listen, I know… But I told you I have a lot of work… I really can’t make it… Okay fine, I’ll try… No promises though.” Wendy couldn’t hear what the other side was saying, it was clear however that Jennie did seem a little bothered by it. “Something wrong?” she asked, Jennie shook her head, “It’s nothing really. Just a hangout.” Wendy was all too familiar with this, “Well, I personally think you should go. Let some stress out.” Jennie looked at her incredulously, “And who’s going to finish all this work huh?” Wendy shrugged, “I’ll do it.”Jennie chuckled in disbelief, “You?” Okay, that just hurt Wendy’s ego, just a little bit, “Yeah, and what’s wrong with me doing it?” Jennie shook her head, “Look, honestly I would rather leave my work with someone who actually understands what they’re doing.” Wendy scoffed loudly, she was getting pissed. She walked closer to Jennie’s desk before grabbing the pile of papers in front of her and walking over to the door. “I’ll be taking care of these, so you better go to that hang out or whatever.” she said angrily before leaving the room. 


Jennie sat in silence for a moment before smiling in amusement. She reached over to her phone, and dialled in a number, “Yeah, hey, guess I’ll be going with you. Yeah, I can’t wait to meet her. See you soon.”


Wendy was wrong, she couldn’t take care of anything. Hell, she couldn’t even take care of herself, so how is she supposed to finish Jennie’s work? She’s been at it for over a few hours now, and barely managed to get through two papers. She’d read the document over and over again trying to make sense of it, but it all sounded like gibberish. Damn her and her pride sometimes. She sighed, she needed to get some fresh air. She quickly got up, put something presentable on, and walked out of her door. But right before she left, a hint of black caught her attention, she turned to it and realized it was the camera her father broke. It was such a mystery, Wendy racked her brain, yet she couldn’t remember this camera from her past life. Maybe it was one of the unique artifacts, something that made this world’s Wendy different, special. 


Wendy thought for a second before grabbing her camera with her, if she’s going out she might as well try to find someone who could fix this. The evening breeze was cool as it played across Wendy’s skin, causing her to shiver slightly. It was refreshing. She had no destination in mind, she just walked, but it was fine because this time she didn’t mind being lost at all. After a while, she noticed a lot of stores coming into view, she must have reached downtown. She looked around in wonder at the variety of stores and the amount of people strolling on the streets. It was so full of life, and Wendy felt like she was looking at the world for the first time. The world was moving and she was moving with it, it no longer felt like she was left behind, standing still watching everything run away from her. She loved this, and with childlike wonder she walked around, checking out all the places.


Wendy entered an alleyway, and she noticed a small place tucked away in the corner. The sign looked worn down by time, but the little trinkets and pieces she saw through the glass caught her attention. She had to check it out. A little chime played when she opened the door, her eyes played around, taking in all the tiny details. “Hello?” she called out when she realized that there was no one behind the counter. “I’ll be with you in just a sec!” She heard from a side door behind the counter, loud footsteps were approaching before a loud bang was heard followed by a small squeak right after. Wendy rushed to see what had happened, and she found a lady on the floor nursing her head with a big book next to her. 


Wendy leaned down next to her to help her up, and the lady gladly accepted her assistance. “Thanks a lot for the help, I was trying to place this book on the shelf, but I tripped by accident,” the orange-haired woman said as she turned to face Wendy. Wendy’s breath hitched, surprise evident on her features, she was frozen in place, unable to talk or move. In front of her was none other than Seulgi, her childhood best friend, her ride or die partner, the pillar of support that stood by her side, that same pillar she destroyed with her own hands. 


Wendy was about to tear up and cry a river in front of Seulgi. She would never admit it, but she really did miss the best friend dynamic that they shared. It was like Seulgi was Wendy’s safe space, the one she could never hide anything from, who would always comfort her when she was down or out of it. Seulgi was always happy when Wendy was happy and sad when she was sad. They shared a sacred bond. 


Seulgi noticed that Wendy has been staring for a little too long, “Is… everything okay?” she asked hesitantly. Wendy snapped out of her stupor and shook her head, “Yeah, everything’s good.” She said shakily. Wendy tried hard to pull herself together, this wasn’t the time for this. “You just look… familiar,” she managed. Seulgi smiled at her sentence, and oh god Wendy wanted to hug her favorite bear so badly. “I get that a lot,” Seulgi answered timidly, she was the exact same, she never did change, with her eye smile and soft tone. She made anyone feel at home immediately, something Wendy yearned for in her past life. 


“So, how can I help you?” she asked, Wendy looked around, “Well, you seem to have a lot of trinkets and antiques around, do you also happen to know how to fix things?” Seulgi nodded, “I can fix quite a few things. What is the item?” Wendy pulled out her broken camera, “This.” Seulgi’s face lit up immediately at the sight of the camera, of course, she was always a fan of them. She tried to contain her excitement as she meticulously handled the camera, but Wendy could clearly see it, “I’d love to fix this for you! If you’d allow me of course!” she added. Wendy chuckled, “Please be my guest.” The two exchanged numbers, so that Seulgi can inform Wendy when her camera is ready to be picked up. The two chatted for some time, while Wendy offered to help Seulgi with some things around the shop, as she can be a little clumsy.  


Wendy was really happy to have met her best friend, especially without any animosity or walking away from each other at first glance. However, Wendy couldn’t help but leave the little shop with a heavy heart. It felt scary and painful sometimes that she had a lifetime of memories which she could share with no one. She knew everyone, and yet no one knew her. She felt like a foreigner, an entity that didn’t quite belong. It’s like everything she held within her was for naught. All her struggles and sacrifices, all the happy times and little celebrations, gone, just like that. It was as though Wendy was punished with carrying these things with her. Her being was the only proof of their existence.


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Hey guys, I'm sorry for dying on you there. But, it's DONE. This story is finally COMPLETE. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and witnessing my writing style develop through this. Love you all! Stay safe and healthy!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Reread again
Chapter 21: oh how cute, touching the reconciliation between seulgi and wendy, in the end her second chance finally happened. thanks for the story author 😊
Chapter 20: damn nothing is free... poor wendy
Chapter 15: Wendy is so fun 😂
Chapter 21: I need moreeeee i loved this
Chapter 21: WOAH...
Truethat43 #9
Chapter 21: This can't be the end 😭😭😭
Truethat43 #10
Chapter 21: NOOOO 😭