Chapter 12

Second Chance

Wendy was feeling like hell. She could barely stand, and the ground looked so comfortable right now. She had just arrived at work after all the walking she did, and decided to use her burrito coins for buying a coffee this time. She wanted to run, but couldn’t do it, the world would just spin around her everytime she tried. Guess that’s what happens when you sleep for barely an hour all night, and let’s not talk about how hard it was to force herself to wake up and go to work. She called Joy to inform her that she wouldn’t be able to come, but Joy just almost bit her ear off through the phone, telling her that they’re both in the same situation, but work was a must. So she forced herself off the bed, and crawled on all four to get to the bathroom and back.


She took a long sip of her coffee and went into the building. Joy wasn’t there to welcome her this morning as usual. She walked all the way to her office and went inside. She was a little surprised to see a half dead body on her office couch, but she had an idea about who it might be. So, she just left Joy be and dumped herself on her desk. The both of them needed sleep, and that’s exactly what they were doing. Wendy was lulled to sleep to the sound of Joy’s soft snores. 


It only felt like a moment before the two were suddenly jolting awake to a loud bang. Wendy accidentally hit her head on the desk and Joy fell off the couch. Looking around, it was none other than a disappointed Jisoo, “What’s up with you always sleeping in your office?” she asked, before making eye contact with Joy, “And you. Where the hell were you all morning?” Joy just shrugged tiredly. Jisoo looked between the two before her features shifted to portray betrayal, “Wait, were the two of you out together last night?” Wendy nodded. “Without me? How dare you?” Jisoo was mad, but she also sounded a little sad. As she was about to walk out, Joy stopped her, “Maybe listen to the full story?” she said. Jisoo hesitated, but decided to listen. 


The two filled her in on last night’s events, or more like this morning. And by the end of it, Jisoo was laughing hysterically, “Thank god you didn’t invite me. But I also could have helped, you know. I’m pretty familiar with Jennie’s work.” The two looked at each other and sighed, “Maybe next time,” Wendy muttered. “Like hell there would be a next time,” Joy snapped before punching Wendy in the arm, “Owww!” Wendy groaned as she held her arm. Jisoo just stared amused at the two in front of her. You could mistake them for drunks if you didn’t hear the story, but who would have thought that Jennie would allow someone else to do her work for her. She was so protective of it and didn’t trust anyone with it, guess Wendy was an exception. She’s quite the enigma after all. 


After letting the two lazily punch and slap each other for some time, Jisoo decided to fulfill her reason to be here, “Jennie’s waiting for you in her office.” she announced, and Wendy paled, she really didn’t want Jennie to see her like this. It would be humiliating. She thought she could at least get an hour or two of sleep before heading over. Joy sighed and stood up, followed by Wendy and Jisoo. The three of them walked to Jennie’s office or suite, whatever you want to call it and anyone could see that they were a show. Wendy bumping into everything, Joy almost napping in the elevator, and Jisoo loudly laughing at their antics. Jennie could even hear the ruckus from outside. Her door opened and in came the three musketeers.


They all stood in front of her for a moment, and Jennie suspiciously eyed Wendy, checking if she’s better than this morning or not. That’s when Wendy took out a small folder and placed it in front of Jennie. Jennie was taken by surprise as she didn’t expect her to do that. Wendy then returned to her place in the middle between Jisoo and Joy. Jennie curiously opened the folder and read the first page, then burst into laughter. Joy and Wendy shared a look, was it that bad? It took her a moment to collect herself, “So, this is my work, prosecutor Son Wendy and defense attorney Park Joy?” The two stared at her confused, and that’s when it hit them. They forgot to remove the cover page they made with Lisa and Yeri to celebrate the completion of the work, the title being ‘You Shall be Quashed!’. They gave each other formal titles and wrote what they would say as lawyers using some of the terms they learned. This was such a mess. “Yes,” Wendy said, rubbing her eyes.


Jennie continued to scroll through the documents with a look of fascination, “How did the two of you manage to finish all of this?” Joy looked at her, “Well that’s one long story. But I hope it’s to your liking.” Jennie nodded, “I’m astonished. I mean Wendy just up and grabbed a 3 days’ worth amount of work and you completed it all over night. I am quite proud.” Jisoo spoke up this time, “Wait three days’ worth?” Jennie nodded, “You mean they weren’t supposed to finish it all for today?”


“Not at all. All they had to finish was the first few pages.” 


It took less than a second for Joy’s fist to connect with Wendy’s abdomen. Wendy fell to her knees clutching her stomach, Joy sure can pack a punch. And once again the three musketeers were at it, Jisoo in tears as she laughed, Wendy on the ground feeling her soul leaving her body, and Joy screaming incoherent things to herself.


What was up with these three? 


“I’m sorry Joy, but I won’t tolerate any form of abuse in my office.” Jennie started. “Oh, I’m sorry, but with all due respect, that was completely justified.” Joy snapped back. Jennie looked confused, then her eyes went to Wendy who also met her eyes, “She’s right. I justify her actions.” she said. 

“But you were the one who was punched…?” 

“Exactly. Which is why I can justify it.” Okay, something wasn’t adding up. 


“We stayed up all night for this , but we only had to do the first few pages? Dear god, give me the capability to stop myself from murdering my dear friend Wendy here.” Joy was muttering. “Yes, dear god, give her such capability. I’m not ready to die.” Wendy whimpered. 


Jennie looked at Jisoo, and gave her a questioning look, which the other nodded to. She skipped over to Jennie and whispered the whole story. Jennie facepalmed when Jisoo finished the story. So, that’s why she ran into Wendy this morning, she was a little relieved actually. 


“You know, I thought you were hooking up with someone.” Jennie suddenly stated as she stared at Wendy. The room suddenly went quiet. “What?” Wendy was too shocked. Her? Hooking up? In what universe? “Yeah, when I saw you this morning all dishevelled and smiley, I really thought something was going on.” Wendy’s face became bright red,she saw her this morning? Oh god, when? “H-h-how could you think of something like that?!” she choked. Joy snorted, “As if this creature would have the courage to do that.” She muttered. “What did you say?” Wendy snapped, her sleeplessness making her extra cranky. “You’re too much of a coward to even think about sleeping with someone.” Joy said, emphasizing the word ‘coward’.


Wendy was offended, “I don’t need to think about it when I already did it!” she snapped. Everyone went quiet again, stupid Wendy, why did you say that? It only really happened with a certain someone, a special someone, the love of her life previously, Bae Irene. 


But she couldn’t talk about that, no one knew her here, not even Irene. Wendy started feeling down again, and the room suddenly felt a little colder. She looked at Jennie, “Did you need anything else?” Jennie shook her head, and Wendy nodded, then left the room, leaving them all behind. 


“What was that about?” Joy questioned. “Dunno, but maybe avoid that topic?” Jisoo proposed. “It was just a joke, she didn’t have to take it so seriously.” Joy scoffed. “Please remember that the two of you are running on an hour of sleep. So you’re both pretty unstable.” Joy nodded and sighed. 


“But did she really sleep with someone?” Jennie chimed, a small uncomfortable feeling swirling deep in her stomach. “Probably not. Our little chipmunk could never. She probably said that to sound convincing.” Jisoo stated and Joy nodded. 


“Well, I gotta head over to her office, the couch is super comfy and I won’t let her take it. Good night, ya’ll!” Joy waved and left. 


“What do we even pay them for?” Jennie asked with Jisoo chuckling, “To entertain us, I guess.” The two smiled at each other.


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Hey guys, I'm sorry for dying on you there. But, it's DONE. This story is finally COMPLETE. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and witnessing my writing style develop through this. Love you all! Stay safe and healthy!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Reread again
Chapter 21: oh how cute, touching the reconciliation between seulgi and wendy, in the end her second chance finally happened. thanks for the story author 😊
Chapter 20: damn nothing is free... poor wendy
Chapter 15: Wendy is so fun 😂
Chapter 21: I need moreeeee i loved this
Chapter 21: WOAH...
Truethat43 #9
Chapter 21: This can't be the end 😭😭😭
Truethat43 #10
Chapter 21: NOOOO 😭