Chapter 19

Second Chance

A/N: Hey guys, how's it going? I just wanted to give you guys a quick update on this story. So, the coming few chapters are going to be somewhat thicc because I'm trying to complete the story. I'd say about 2 or 3 more chapters and this story will finally be completed. I might even do a weekly update until it's done. Thank you for the support and enjoy!


Wendy woke up early the next day and headed straight to the company after a light breakfast. She smiled politely at the front desk lady and went into her office, took off her coat and put down her bag, then stepped out. She knocked on the familiar brown doors and went inside after she heard the usual “come in” from the other side. Jennie’s eyes slightly widened at the sight of Wendy, but she quickly held her poker face, and all hints of emotion were completely erased. Wendy grimaced internally, she hated it when she couldn’t read Jennie because she tended to be unpredictable and a little moody on some days, which didn’t help her when deciding which way to act. For now, however, Wendy was going to set things straight, and that meant taking things seriously for once. 

“How can I help you, Wendy?”

“I came to hand in my work, Ms. Kim,” Wendy stated in a serious voice as she placed the pile of papers on Jennie’s desk. She then took another set of papers which she had tucked underneath her arm and began reading out Jennie’s schedule for the day, “Shall we head out, Ms. Kim?” 

Jennie had been quite shocked with the changes in Wendy’s character. She had been acting like a real assistant for the past few weeks, and Jennie’s schedules were actually moving forward smoothly for once without her having to take care of everything on her own. But, in a deep crevice in Jennie’s heart, she absolutely hated this version of Wendy.

She was distant and formal, as if the time they spent together in the past was nothing more than just a memory in her head. She was secretly hoping to formally forgive Wendy after she had received her flower bouquet and read her heartfelt written message that came with them. It was embarrassing to admit but she hid that little card in a small box in her desk drawer, and whenever things got a little rough and out of hand, she would read and reread her little message to cheer herself up. 

However, things didn’t go to plan, as she was suddenly hit with this new Wendy the next day, and she doesn’t know what to do about it. On one hand, this is exactly what Wendy should be doing and exactly how their relationship should be; an assistant and her boss. On the other, Jennie was secretly hoping it would blossom into something more, even if her brain wailed in disagreement, her heart couldn’t help but crave for more.

Maybe it was the comfort that Wendy’s presence brought her or maybe it was the way Wendy would somehow lower guard and allow her to relax or it could just be the fact that Wendy could easily bring a smile to her face, no matter what her mood was that day. But, how could she ask for her old Wendy to come back, when this Wendy was the one she deserved?

While Jennie was constantly going through her inner turmoil, Wendy just hated it all in general. She was experiencing real professional work for the first time in her life and she just couldn’t take it. Maybe she wasn’t cut out for this job. Whenever she wanted to crack a joke or make fun of something, she would reel it in and stay silent since it would be completely unprofessional and might ruin Jennie’s image in formal situations.

She also had to constantly remind herself that she was Jennie’s manager all the time, so she would stay away from Rose, Jisoo, and most importantly Irene, who may or may not be picking up on her whole avoidance situation. It was tiring and Wendy was starting to feel the exhaustion whenever she laid her head on her pillows at night and was out like a light bulb yet still woke up feeling as groggy as the previous day. But, this was her job and she couldn’t act like a child the whole time. 

Jennie was going to a series of dance and vocal practices, which Wendy had noticed as she went through her schedules. After asking Joy about it, she learned that the company was holding a large event for their anniversary and wanted their artists to hold a few performances as a thank you for their fans’ continuous support. She also learned that while most of the artists performing were grouped together, Jennie had her own solo performance right at the end, which only further proves her influence and the power she holds. 

Wendy quickly texted her friends’ group chat after dropping off Jennie at her daily dance practice session. She wanted to meet up with everyone and have dinner with the group before picking up Jennie since she would take a few hours before she was done. After deciding on the place, she asked the driver to take her there and within a few minutes, everyone was there, ready to order. “What’s the occasion?” Lisa asked as she and Yeri showed up at the table together.

“Wendy here is actually dying and needs a stress reliever,” Jisoo answered as she snickered at the scene of Joy patting Wendy’s head like one would pat a dog. “It’s too much work. I don’t think I’m cut out for this,” Wendy whined to the group as the waiter soon wrote their orders down and went away. “Come on, it’s not that bad. We’re all just stressed because of the anniversary event coming up, it’ll pass,” Rose added as the others nodded, and Wendy just sighed tiredly. 

“You guys have an event coming up?” Yeri asked, suddenly intrigued by the conversation. “Yeah, we’re holding this big party and all our artists are holding public performances,” Joy replied as she continued to pat Wendy’s head, who was now closing her eyes and leaning onto the table. “Who’s performing?” Lisa asked quickly, interrupting Yeri as she opened to ask.

“Basically everyone at our company. People like iKon, G-dragon, Irene, and me. Oh yeah, and most importantly, Jennie!” Rose flailed her arms in excitement, but her excitement quickly vanished after hearing Wendy’s deep and guttural grunt at the mention of her artist’s name, “Right, sorry. My bad.” 

The food had soon arrived and the group enjoyed a hearty meal with a light conversation after which definitely helped Wendy relieve some of her pent-up stress. Sadly, however, it was time to pick up Jennie sooner than she would have liked. The group all bid each other farewell and they all headed their own ways with Wendy going back to the dance studio.

Wendy and the driver had been waiting for Jennie to show up for about ten minutes now, but there was still no trace of her and Wendy was slowly getting more and more worried. The worry quickly turned to panic when she called Jennie’s number and no one answered, so she went out and sprinted straight into the studio. The inside was quiet and eerie but Wendy was determined to find Jennie, it was her responsibility after all. She entered a few random rooms but there was no sign of Jennie or anyone for that matter until she finally reached a lit room at the end of the hallway. 

Slowly opening the door, Wendy yelped at the sight of a body lying on the ground. As she got closer, the body looked more and more like Jennie. Why did her artist have to go and die on her so soon? She asked herself as she approached her. She leaned down next to Jennie and gently poked her cheek with a finger. Jennie’s closed eyes slowly opened until she realized that her manager was hovering over her, but she was too tired to care, so she closed her eyes again. “Thank god,” Wendy muttered quietly, glad that Jennie was still alive and breathing. 

“Are you planning on staying here all night?” Wendy quipped when she realized that Jennie had no intention of getting up. “Go away. I’m too tired to get up,” Jennie faintly whined and Wendy softened at the sight. She’s not used to seeing Jennie like this. She hated to admit it, but she secretly enjoyed it when Jennie acted immature and childish like this, it made her seem more human, which counteracted the image of perfection she continuously upheld in front of the people around her, including Wendy. 

Wendy quietly shuffled around and was soon laying on her back, her shoulder touching Jennie’s as the two laid down side by side. “What are you doing?” Jennie agitatedly asked, her eyes were still closed but she clearly sensed what Wendy was doing. “Doing my job. A manager wouldn’t leave her artist alone,” Wendy simply answered.

“Of course you are,” Jennie scoffed, she hated it when Wendy used her job as an excuse for everything she did. It made her feel like her relationship with Wendy was nothing more than two strangers, and with her exhaustion eradicating any form of filter, her agitation was clearly dripping from her words. 

Wendy stayed silent and turned to stare at Jennie’s face. She could see that annoyance coloring her features, but she didn’t mind it, she enjoyed teasing Jennie like this. She never really did things because of her job alone, she also enjoyed helping Jennie whenever she needed her. She loved the feeling of having Jennie’s attention on her and couldn’t help but smile whenever Jennie did the simplest of actions towards her, like sending a smile her way or praising her for her amazing morning coffee.

The mere act of having Jennie call her name brought about an avalanche of butterflies in her stomach. But she knew that these budding feelings were misplaced, so she always masked her intentions behind the guise of her job, even if that wasn’t always true. Every moment Wendy spent next to Jennie’s side made her feel something more, but as much as she tried to ignore it, her problem continued to grow worse. 

Now that she was here, sitting so close to Jennie and observing her freely away from everyone’s eyes, she was feeling a little confident and daring, maybe slipping a few truths wouldn’t hurt anyone. Wendy sighed and mimicked Jennie’s position by looking straight up and closing her eyes, “Alright, fine. I lied. I laid down next to you because I enjoy your company and wouldn’t want you to be alone in this creepy place.”

Jennie quickly opened her eyes and turned towards Wendy in shock, whereas Wendy acted nonchalantly, even if she felt Jennie’s eyes boring into her side. “Do you really mean that?” Jennie asked breathlessly, and Wendy didn’t miss how her heart skipped a beat at how Jennie’s breath softly brushed against her ear when she spoke. 

“With all my heart,” Wendy answered as she finally opened her eyes and looked back into Jennie’s eyes. She could see the slight surprise on Jennie’s face, but she couldn’t help the magnetic force her warm brown eyes held at that moment. Wendy slightly regretted her decision of staring right into them because she felt as though she was being pulled deeper and deeper into Jennie’s eyes but there was no escape. 

Their trance was soon cut short by a sudden ringtone playing from Wendy’s pocket. Wendy quickly looked away and took her phone out, silently thankful for the loud distraction. She answered the call and realized that it was the driver, who was still waiting for them outside. Jennie quietly got up and picked up her things with Wendy wordlessly following right behind her. The two entered the car and sat on opposite ends of the backseat. 

Wendy sighed in disappointment as she looked outside her window. She didn’t want their moment to end, but she was afraid that if her phone hadn’t rung, then she might have done something she would regret. She couldn’t help it, staring into Jennie’s eyes made her feelings stronger than ever and she quickly realized that she may be screwed because there was no way she can get out of this one. 

As Wendy’s head swirled with thoughts, she barely registered the soft contact on the side of her hand. She looked next to her and realized that Jennie, who was still staring outside of her window, had placed her hand next to Wendy's, barely touching. Wendy’s cheeks were soon dusted with pink and she took Jennie’s hand in hers, slowly tangled their fingers, and gave a light press. The two remained silent for the rest of the ride but their hands never separated once. 


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Hey guys, I'm sorry for dying on you there. But, it's DONE. This story is finally COMPLETE. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and witnessing my writing style develop through this. Love you all! Stay safe and healthy!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Reread again
Chapter 21: oh how cute, touching the reconciliation between seulgi and wendy, in the end her second chance finally happened. thanks for the story author 😊
Chapter 20: damn nothing is free... poor wendy
Chapter 15: Wendy is so fun 😂
Chapter 21: I need moreeeee i loved this
Chapter 21: WOAH...
Truethat43 #9
Chapter 21: This can't be the end 😭😭😭
Truethat43 #10
Chapter 21: NOOOO 😭