Chapter 1

Second Chance



Wendy suddenly woke up to a loud banging sound early in the morning. She grouchily got up and headed to the door slowly. This person was about to knock her door down, “Wendy! Open your door! It’s time for your payment!” Wendy fully snapped into consciousness hearing her landlady’s scream. . She had no money to pay her and no energy to face her landlady’s wrath right now. So, she did what she always does best, run away. She went over to her window, dangled her legs down the ledge, and let go. Thank god her room was on the ground floor, or else she wouldn’t be able to walk right now. 


She decided to take a walk around the area until her landlady calms down. She sighs, her life has been a serious mess these days. She’s been extremely tight on money, and her being a college student really didn’t help. She’s been working a few jobs here and there, but it’s barely been keeping her going, and for some reason, she just can’t stay at one job for long. She’s been fired a few times for not following protocol and being late many times, what do they expect? She’s a college student. She walked down the main street, heavy thoughts swirling around her head, and not really noticing where she was going until she bumped into something, snapping her back to reality. “I’m really sor--” she started, but what caught her attention was the huge crowd that had formed in front of her. They all had their attention on something, a huge screen with a new announcement. Wendy followed their line of sight and stared in awe at the image on the big LED screen in front of her. It was none other than Jennie Kim, Korea’s ‘It’ girl and the hottest super star of all time. It seems like the Queen is dropping a new comeback and everyone’s excited for it. Gossip and chattering floated in the air, a lot of positive reactions and swooning, Wendy couldn’t help but wonder, How does it feel to be loved by so many people? How does it feel to be famous? She shook her head, trying to rid herself of these questions, she shouldn’t be asking about things she’d never experience. She was an average person. Someone who could disappear and no one would care. Nothing but a measly nobody. Thoughts like this hurt her and brought her down, but in the end, they were true. Nothing could change that reality.


She continued walking around for around half an hour, when she spotted a familiar bob of light brown hair. She couldn’t believe it, it almost looked like Seulgi. Her childhood best friend. Well, ex-best friend. They don’t talk anymore, they were strangers at this point. All those memories and bonding moments went down the drain. When the light brunette turned around, Wendy confirmed that it was her, with her cute wide smile and crescent eyes. It seems like she’s laughing at something the person beside her said. At least one of them is having a decent life. Instead of feeling happy about that, Wendy couldn’t help but fall deeper into her darkness. The one that has been brewing within her for a few years now. While everyone is moving on, it felt like only Wendy was stuck in the past. She was standing still watching the world run past her. It felt like , for the lack of a better word. Wendy continued to stare at her friend from afar, until all of a sudden hazel eyes came in contact with brown. Seulgi’s smile fell as soon as it had come. And that little detail didn’t go unnoticed by Wendy, it broke her heart even more. She used to be the reason those lips smiled widely. Her jokes used to be the reason behind Seulgi’s laughter. Now she just brought misery everywhere she went. She ruined everyone’s happiness, her friends slowly avoided her and disappeared. It made her feel empty, lonely, and most importantly sad. But it’s her fault, isn’t it? She brought this upon herself that cursed day, and now she has to handle the consequences. She’s trying to handle them, but she’s almost at her breaking point damnit. The world was just closing in on her, suffocating her. She looks back at Seulgi for a moment before sighing, turning around, and walking away. She’d rather be the one who walks away than seeing Seulgi do it in front of her. She’s tired of seeing people walk away from her, leaving her behind. She’s tired of feeling so numb all the time. She’s tired of it all. 


As she walked back to her apartment, the sun had begun to set and everything was slowly getting darker. Once she arrived, she thought it better to jump through the window again, wouldn’t wanna be caught walking in through the front door, now would we. She decides to take a warm shower to warm her up from all the cold deprecating thoughts that keep popping in her mind. After drying her hair with a towel, she walked over to the kitchen to grab something to eat, and yet again she wasn’t surprised, everything was empty, not a crumb of food left in her fridge. Guess she’ll starve then. Instead she walks over to her bedroom and flops on the bed, staring into the darkness around her. It didn’t look that different from the darkness inside of her. Would anything ever change? Would she ever get a second chance or will everyone keep pushing her away? Does she even deserve a restart? She took a deep breath as she felt the usual numbness take over her. Everything just felt so pointless.

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Hey guys, I'm sorry for dying on you there. But, it's DONE. This story is finally COMPLETE. Thank you all for joining me on this wild ride and witnessing my writing style develop through this. Love you all! Stay safe and healthy!


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 21: Aaaaaaaa 😭😭😭😭😭
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 1: Reread again
Chapter 21: oh how cute, touching the reconciliation between seulgi and wendy, in the end her second chance finally happened. thanks for the story author 😊
Chapter 20: damn nothing is free... poor wendy
Chapter 15: Wendy is so fun 😂
Chapter 21: I need moreeeee i loved this
Chapter 21: WOAH...
Truethat43 #9
Chapter 21: This can't be the end 😭😭😭
Truethat43 #10
Chapter 21: NOOOO 😭