Chapter 9: Urge

We are in Love

"SeJeong unnie......what are you thinking?" When Doyeon came down to the living room, all she saw was SeJeong in deep thoughts. "Doyeonie.......just the right person I want to talk to." SeJeong patted the seat next to her and motioned Doyeon to move over. "How does it feels to kiss YooJung?"

"What do you mean?"

"How do you go around kissing YooJung I mean?" Doyeon kept quiet when hearing it making SeJeong worried that she is being too blunt at her choice of words. "I don't kissed her or the word is I have yet to kiss her." SeJeong who was shocked to hear the dodaeng couple hasn't kiss yet. "But you girls have been dating for months right? YooJung never said anything to you yet?"

"We never really done any kissing but like pecks on the cheeks and sometimes on the lips we have done it, other than that we have a healthy couple life." SeJeong wanted to continue her words but seeing YooJung came down, she swallowed her words and patted Doyeon to stop talking too. "What are you girls talking about?"

"SeJeong unnie wanting to know how to act lovey-dovey like us with Chungha unnie since she still feels awkward with around her."

"But you have dated for some time already right? What is the issue here?" YooJung sleepily rubbed her eyes while leaning against Doyeon who slowly patted her head. "Nah.......we aren't awkward with each other but just want some tips to make it better, since you girls have dated longer than us."

"YooJungie we need to get ready for school let's go." Doyeon pulled YooJung away as she and SeJeong make some eye contact to continue this conversation later. SeJeong who happens to have some free days in a roll lying lifelessly on the couch without any thoughts, seeing the younger ones one by one leaving for school.

" should take the opportunity to rest while you can and do something you like."

"I should......right? Will you be late today?" SeJeong stood up to where Chungha is which she send her off and went back to sleep again. Chungha who saw SeJeong in her deep thoughts but didn't know what to say to her, decided to buy some snacks on her way home later.

Meanwhile Doyeon have been thinking about the conversation with SeJeong earlier and thinking she hasn't done any justice to YooJung and wanted to continue this conversation with SeJeong with a text. After receiving the text from Doyeon, SeJeong started to find some romantic movies with more kissing scenes while waiting for Doyeon to finish school. Once she finishes school, Doyeon texted YooJung she has something on and hurriedly went home before YooJung can even answered at her text.

Once home SeJeong and Doyeon wormed into Dodaeng's room to watch the movie SeJeong prepared,  whenever the intimacy scene were on Doyeon would clutched onto SeJeong as she watches the scene to learn about smooth moves the main character does. YooJung who comes home much later was unhappy to see how Doyeon was hugging SeJeong when she entered her room. Doyeon doesn't noticed her presence when she entered the room, worse is that they were watching movies with lots of intimacy scenes together.

"YooJungie! You're back early!" SeJeong immediately left the room as she saw how black her face was. "Did something happened?" Doyeon who was afraid of YooJung's black face can't helped but gulped at the sight. "You rushed back home early just to watch movie with SeJeong unnie?"

"N-Not exactly that......"

"Then what? You watch movies with SeJeong unnie and it was all the romance movies, I think I deserve some explanation from you." Doyeon could only inwardly sighed as she couldn't run away without explaining. "We are not watching movie but studying."

"Studying what? Do you think I will believe you?"

"YooDaengie........" YooJung left the room and slammed the door in front of Doyeon. "YooDaeng! So......." YooJung left before SeJeong could say anything. "She got angry at us for watching movie together without her, I tried explain to her we are studying but I don't think she bought it. I will explain to her later."

"DoDaengie......I'm sorry about this."

"Don't's for myself too unnie." Doyeon assured SeJeong as they head down to the living room. "I saw YooJung angrily stomped off anything happened?" Chungha who was home early after her schedules finishes, saw YooJung left the mansion angrily. "I head back home without her to catch a movie with SeJeong unnie."

"No wonder she was so angry....."

"What do you mean unnie?" Hearing Chungha's words makes Doyeon wondered why does she meant. "I can even tell you are lying just hearing this." Doyeon was too stunned to hear it that YooJung was angry at her because she lied to her and thought she could get away with it. "

"You also an accomplice helping Doyeon lie to her." SeJeong couldn't say anything when CHungha pointed it out. "I even purposely bought some snacks along the way, since you looked like you have having on your mind.

"I have that's why I was with Doyeonie earlier....."

"What are you saying? What does it have to do with Doyeon with it?" Chungha now is confused that the younger ones fight got to do with SeJeong. "I was seeking help from Doyeon earlier because.......we have dated for some time and I....wanted us to go further." Chungha could not say anything but blushed along with SeJeong.

"Then what is your worry about?"

"I-I want to kiss you." Chungha couldn't say anything upon hearing it but blushed redder as she hear it, SeJeong slowly approach her as she caress her face gently not wanting to scare her. Since it was first time together like that, she slowly closes the distance but just gave her a peck on the lips. "Let's take our time on this,  I don't want to rush things like that with you and scare you."

Chungha who was grateful about SeJeong being careful and understanding of her being new to this things willing to take one step at with her, but still worried about the Dodaeng couple. 

"You're back...." YooJung refused to talk to Doyeon as she walked up the stairs, instead Doyeon pulled her up the stairs as they returned to their room. "Let me go!"

"I won't and I need to talk to you now. I know you're angry at me for lying to you, but trust me I aren't got anything with SeJeong unnie. Is because.......I want to kiss you!"

"You want what?!" YooJung cannot believe her ears when she heard it but Doyeon who was not good in words decided action is better than words, she kisses YooJung's lips startling her but afterwards she calmed down as she kissed back Doyeon making the best moment for the day.

"Choi YooJung I love you."

"Kim Doyeon I love you too."

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Chapter 4: NICE ONE