Chapter 3: Awkward

We are in Love

"Why are you so surprised to see me here? This is my room too remember?"

"Ani.....I thought you were Mina so know?" SeJeong was too startled to continue her words. "What should I know? Stop dreaming and wash up." Chungha left the room leaving SeJeong in dazed unsure whether did she really kissed ChungHa or not, she decided to wash up and to find another chance to ask Chungha again. "What are we having for lunch today?" Everyone was having lunch as SeJeong came down. "We are just having kimchi soup for now since all our schedules for today is very light so we can party later." SeJeong nodded as she drank the soup, soon everybody started to get busy to prepare to leave for their schedules.

"Mina......I have a question for you." SeJeong and Mina participating in one of the music show with their another group members Gugudan, since it wasn't their time to perform they have a break time. SeJeong who wanted to know decided to ask Mina. "Mina this morning did you come to my room?" Mina who is startled by SeJeong sudden question. "I asked Chungha unnie to help me to wake you up why?"

"I thought I heard you voice while I was asleep."

"SeJeong-yah....are you not used to living with ioi members? How can you forget you and Mina already move back to ioi dorm?" SeJeong only can sheepishly scratched the back of her head hearing Gugudan's unnie telling her that. Now SeJeong remembers the happenings in the morning, she has no idea have to face Chungha. Even though SeJeong likes to have skinship with the members and even kiss their face, but now she actually forcefully kissed Chungha. Feeling guilty SeJeong now has no idea to face her, before she can think what can be done to ease the guiltiness she has to perform already. When it was done she and Mina went separately as she wanted to buy something before going back,which Mina thought shouldn't they go together instead so they can go back together. Before she can say anything SeJeong left already, after getting what she needs.

Thankfully that when SeJeong went back only Chungha at home in the living room lying on the couch. "C-Chungha unnie.,....I bought spicy pig trotters you want to have some before the rest comes back?" SeJeong stood far away from Chungha instead of rushing towards her to talk. "Why are you standing so far away? You get change first then we eat together."

"You can start first unnie." SeJeong refuse any eye contact with Chungha who thinks SeJeong is acting weird unlike her usual self. Chungha set up the table in the living while waiting for SeJeong to change. "SeJeong did something happen during your performance? You seems to be very down." SeJeong sat down wanting to eat but stop when Chungha threw her a question. "Ani.....everything is fine." Sejeong continued to eat while Chungha feels SeJeong is definitely hiding something. "Tell unnie what's wrong, maybe I can help you."

"Chungha me everything is fine."

"Yah! Kim SeJeong! You can't even make eye contact with me and you tell me you're fine? Who are you kidding?" Chungha who is getting frustrated at SeJeong who is having lesser words at their conversation. "'s not a big matter, I'm just very sorry for this morning." Chungha recalled this morning happening, unknowingly she touched her lips and SeJeong saw it. "Unnie why did you deny it this morning? For the whole day I was so worried how am I going to face you because I felt very sorry for kissing you unknowingly."

"You kiss everyone every now and then, so what difference does it make now?"

"Chungha unnie! You-" Before SEJeong can continue her words the rest of the girls slowly came back one by one, SeJeong stood up to see what other girls bought. SeJeong afterwards never look at Chungha or talk to her or even alone with her, she would sleep after Chungha felt asleep. This doesn't get unnoticed by the rest of the girls who saw the two roommates distancing themselves, even when they wanted to take something or go anywhere at the same time SeJeong would sat down back to let Chungha go first.

SeJeong who is sensitive to things like that knows if this drags on continuously it going affects their friendship and even ioi, she decides to do something. "Chungha want to go for a drive?" SeJeong suddenly blurted out everyone look at Chungha seeing what's her answer, Chungha can tell SeJeong is being very awkward asking her. Which she drags SeJeong away not forgetting to take the car keys. SeJeong drive aimlessly trying to find something to start the conversation, then she found a spot for her to park for them to talk at the same time.

"Erm.....unnie for these few days I want to apologise for the things I have done, I have thought about the petty fight we had. Maybe it's a small matter to you but to me is a big matter, even though I kiss people every now and then but not on the lips. I'm serious about this." Seeing SeJeong so seriously telling her Chungha didn't know what to say. "Unnie......I'm not confessing to you to tell you I like you or anything, but to tell you I'm sorry for kissing you." Somehow Chungha felt a bit down when SeJeong says that but a sense of relief also went pass her.

"Yah! Kim SeJeong being so serious is not like you, let's have some late night snacks ourselves."

"Call! Let's go!" Seeing Chungha unnie being so cool about it, SeJeong finally let this matter away from her stress. But SeJeong hid a matter from Chungha why the kiss is so important to her, SeJeong is having a crush of Chungha and this is one thing she wants to hide it forever.


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Chapter 4: NICE ONE