Chapter 17

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"Alright boys," Coach Soo starts in his usual, designated speaking-spot in the locker room. "And Yerin, a girl. I know you are a girl. You're definitely a girl."


I give a satisfied thumbs up in response.


"So, all. Tonight is a very special night. I heard through the grapevine that there are going to be two scouts present tonight with decent soccer programs. I don't know who, I don't know what they look like, and frankly, if I knew, I wouldn't tell you all . Regardless of who they are, you all be on your A-Game every freaking game. Am I clear?!"


"Yes, sir!" We all shout in unision.


"Good. Now Hyunjin, you're on ball duty tonight. Come with me to grab them," Coach Soo orders, and poor Hyunjin immediately follows suit after our coach. When they both leave the area, the air instantly gets lighter after the presence of our daunting coach is no longer there.


I'm pumped up; I'm going to show those scouts that not only am I deserving of a spot on a team, whether that be a male or female team, but I need to show them how amazing of a team we are. Out of all of the leagues and teams I've been on, I can proudly say that our synergy is unmatched. Perhaps we're all around the same age and there's a lighthearted nature with our team's dynamic, but just within these few months, I've gotten so comfortable with this group. I recall with my last league, it took me a year to drop the formalities with all my unnies.


I just match so well with Jimin's swiftness, Hoseok's accuracy, Namjoon's knowledge of the game. I wonder who else I match well with...


"Yo, Yerin," Jimin calls out to me. "You good? Feeling ready?"


"Oh, I'm ready," I affirm. "Just getting myself in the mood, talking to myself. You guys do it too, right?"


"No, you weirdo," Taehyung raises an eyebrow at me, but I give him the finger in response.


"Scouts coming is a big deal," Jimin continues. "But don't psyche yourself out. You're going to play perfectly, just like any other game."


"Right," I breathe out to myself and wish with all my might that luck is in my favor tonight. Call me superstitious, but things have just been off today and I can't help but think it'll trickle down to the game. The milk in my cereal this morning was sour, I somehow forgot I had a whole homework assignment due for Math... and lastly, I almost always get a reply back from Jungkook when we text randomly throughout the day. I sent a meme earlier, and he left me on read. For the whole day! And it was a really freaking funny meme.


"How about you, huh? How are you all filled with peace and zen? Surely, you're a little anxious about the scouts, too." I say.


"Oh, I'm scared less, but sometimes living in delusion can be helpful. Just pretend this is just a regular, shmegular game. We'll win like how we always do," Jimin admits and I laugh. "Ignorance is bliss."


"You better not bet today's game on ignorance," Jungkook inserts himself in.


"Regardless of the tactic," Jimin sings, "we'll win anyways! And everyone on the team will get the recognition we deserve. Isn't that right, Yerin?"


"Exactly," I wink.


"Oh, I disagree. Yerin, you know you will get all the recognition and leave us with nothing," a harsh voice spits from behind me. Once I turn around, I find out it's a midfielder that's two years below me.


"What is that supposed to mean?" I reply back. I feel Jimin and Jungkook subtly flex their chests next to me, as if they're ready to offer me back-up.


"Please, Yerin. A girl on an all boy's team? Of course, you're going to stand out and get all the attention - you can't possibly act dumb." He answers back again.


"Excuse me, whatever-your-face. I'll get the recognition I deserve because I play really ing well. Not because I'm a girl. Don't get all salty with me when I get approached by scouts for putting up five scores myself, while you're on the bench latched to Coach Soo's leash. Goodbye," I firmly respond, unfazed. As I turn around and walk towards my locker, I quickly watch as Jungkook comes behind me to have a word himself with his teammate. Now, he's in real trouble... and I, I will continue to thrive.


I put my headphones in with a hype, amped-up song blasting through my ears. I start muttering affirmations to myself to remind myself that I will play my absolute ing heart out tonight, and show that little boy he's all wrong.



"Final score: HOME - 6, VISITORS - 2. Congratulations to Coach Soo and team," a boisterious voice on the intercom announces.


We. did. it! As a team, we absolutely crushed our opponents; we were quicker, smarter, more accurate. I played the best I think I ever had this season, motivated by that urge to show my teammate that I'm way more than just a girl.


I rejoice with the rest of my team, hugging our moist, ached bodies together and high-fiving the ones that don't feel comfortable with a sweat-ridden embrace. Coach Soo also failed to mention that with this win, we clinched a spot in the regional championship. Perhaps he didn't mention it because we all knew we were going to gain that anyways; at this point, I'm losing track of all the wins.


"You did amazing, Yerin! 4 goals on your own, incredible. Incredible," Jimin comes up to me and pulls me into a voluntary bear hug.


"Not 'all on my own'. With the help of my team. We did it together," I wink, and Jimin gives me a look like 'you're right'.


"Ahem, Miss Yerin?" A faint, feminine voice calls from our side. We both turn our heads in anticipation, and we're both pleasantly surprised to see the very scout Coach Soo mentioned. Adorned on her right side is a bronze nametag; engraved is 'Park Hyein' with 'U-League Scout' underneath.


"Can I have a word?" Ms. Hyein asks, and I am quick to oblige. Jimin lets go of me promptly, squeezing my hand as we seperate.


"Congratulations," Jimin whispers, and I give him a smile in return.


"Hi, Miss Yerin, I'm Hyein with the U-League. We oversee all college sports and keenly watch out for young talents to recruit to various college programs - young talents like yourself."


I'm unable to utter words. "T-Thank you. That means a lot."


"I'm sure you are aware but the U-League currently only offers male soccer programs. However, your skills and abilities look like they are meshing in just well with your team now. And you continue to shine in this program, despite being the outlier. My team and I are very impressed." I smile, and Hyein continues," I wanted to give you my card for future contact. There is a gold star at the very top, indicating that this was a personal recommendation. When my team contacts you, just let them know you have a gold star."


Hyein hands out the crisp business card; it's glossy, and my heart twirls looking at the gold star sticker glistening in the sun. Holy , I can't believe I'm holding this right now!


"Thank you, Miss Hyein. I can't express my gratitude enough! I look forward to hearing from you and will be waiting by my phone patiently!"


Hyein giggles. "Likewise. Congratulations on the win," she answers and walks away in a pair of extremely expensive cleats, with her ponytail bobbing side to side with every step. I just notice now that Hyein herself is a female scout; I'm so glad to another woman, like me, representing this sport.


I hurry to the locker to tell all my teammates the good news, but Jimin beats me to it. By the time I burst through the doors, all eyes are on me and the four walls of the locker room bursts into cheer.


"Congratulations to the next star striker in the U-League!" Namjoon shouts and pulls me into a second embrace. I get surrounded by more cheer, more 'congratulations', and I feel as if I'm passed around, person to person, for more bear hugs. I lose track of who's saying what and, honestly, who has their arms around me - but I don't mind a single bit.


"So proud of you," Jungkook comes up to me and gives me a friendly hug, and I feel like I just want to fall to my knees being in his arms. When we pull away, so many of our teammates are scrunched up, surrounding me, so our faces are no more than inches a part. I smile in response, and I watch attentively as his eyes trail from my eyes first, and then down to my lips.


"Are you guys on crack?" A voice completely breaks the mood. "You're all congratulating Yerin when it's a complete show of bias and favortism?"

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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !