Chapter 11

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I pick perhaps the the third eye booger from my eyelashes since I've woken up, my breath is abhorrent from forgetting to brush last night, and my hair looked like it had an irrational fear of combs its whole life. I just looked so ty.


Last night, Jin and Daeun were goners after they fleed the house. Some legends point that the two continued their chase for the rest of eternity throughout the star-lit night, where it was said Daeun manifested her despair and cried so much she created the Han River. Other rumors say that they took an Uber back to Daeun's place, where they finished their breakup there. I'm pretty the latter was the case, here.


After the whole thing went down, the night came to a calm pause. I remember going back downstairs where the guys had enveloped me and Aimee in a huge circle. They expressed their astonishment of Jin forcing me to keep silent and their empathy from Daeun slapping me right across the face. I always knew they were a supportive bunch, but this just made it that much more concrete.


Jungkook then rallied a good bit of people together and used the event as a learning lesson. From now, we are to turn a new chapter in our team. No secrets, no petty drama - just sticking to the core reason we were all here in the first place. We share our love for soccer, and our friendship and unity is vital to keep our team together.


I was moved by it. The way that he was able to bring people together, to bring attention to himself to deliver such a message was empowering. I'm glad he told the truth when faced with it. I'm honored to be a part of this team, and to be under his leadership.


It also magnified my crush on him by 300x, which I so, so badly wanted to stop from growing any more. My emotions will probably emerge all at once when I find myself in a seat next to him, elbow-to-elbow, alone together as we watch a romantic comedy... in about a few hours. Ahh!


Aimee has voluntarily signed herself up to help me get ready, and in about a few, hasty minutes, she's already at my doorstep with kimchi jjigae in a heated soup thermos.


"Thought you needed this," she smiles at me once I open the door. "Yikes, looks like you really need it."


"Most definitely," I happily take it from her hands and place it on the counter. I make a mental note to atleast eat half of it before I leave, because there's no way in hell I'm paying full-price for movie theatre food.


"How'd you feel after last night? I literally just knocked out once I got home, and woke up with so many texts from the class about Daeun. Don't you feel so cool! We're involved in the one of the biggest scandals in the school... I think we're popular, Yerin!"


"If this is what it takes, I don't want it," I say bluntly. "Also, let's please not mention her name. Yesterday was an absolutely show, and I want today to finally be a day where I don't think about her."


"You're right. She's not our problem anymore. She was never a true friend, anyways," Aimee says while digging in her backpack for her makeup pouch. My heart twists when I hear her say that so nonchalantly, and I remember Daeun's words about how I never was a genuine friend to both of them.


I watch as Aimee rummages her through her pouch for a foundation that matches my shade. I'm quick to remember how she willingly woke up to help me get ready. I think about the kimchi jjigae that's cooling down on my kitchen counter that she took the time to prepare for me. All these subtle, yet so meaningful things that shows how great of a friend Aimee is.


"Dude, why are you looking at me like you want to me?" Aimee says, and it knocks me out of my train of thoughts.


"Oh," I blush, though I don't even know why.


I am so grateful for Aimee, and I could not bear to lose her - I could not bear to find out if she ever felt the same way Daeun did.


"I... need to tell you something," I blurt out and Aimee gives me a bewildered look.


"Don't tell me your crush moved from Jungkook to me?"


"No, weirdo," I roll my eyes. "When I met up with Daeun, behind the school. She told me a few things.. things that, like, really hurt."


"What did she say? Plus, when does she ever say anything that's not hurtful?"


"She told me how.. ty of a friend I was, to the both of you. That I prioritized any and all things soccer, and was ready to blow you guys off at the drop of a dime. She told me that I essentially treated you like my puppet," my voice falters. "And that I never even acknowledged any of that. And for that, Aimee, I'm so, so sorry. You don't know how appreciative I am of you for being such a good friend to me. You have always been there for me - you are here for me, right now! I was so oblivious to it, too. But I really just wanted to tell you that. Having you means the world to me."


Aimee's face softens, and a smile builds up in the corner of her lips. She approaches me and encases me into a large, welcoming hug. "Oh, sweetie. Let me tell you right now, that I never felt that way."


"Really?" I say out loud, and we part from the hug. Aimee can probably tell the emotion of regret on my face, and she brushes me cheek in an effort to ease it.


"For one, I am my own person, Yerin. You never once forced me to think the way that I think, or feel the way that I feel. I've formed my own opinions," Aimee assures me. "And a lot of those opinions just tend to be on your side. You're my friend - I believe you, and I trust you. I'll always have your back. And with having you as a friend, there's definitely some give-and-take that I had to learn about. I know soccer is a huge piece of your life - and as your friend, I have to fully support that. Who would I be to step in the way of your literal dream?"


"And I thank you so much for that. But I've realized how unfair that is! I shouldn't do that to you, making you work around my soccer schedule."


"What are you going to do, not ing practice? Not play the game? That's not an option," Aimee chuckles. "Plus, don't think I haven't recognized your efforts either. Your first ever practice, you straight up told the coach you couldn't go, because you had mall plans with me. When Jungkook got reinstated back onto the team, you could've easily celebrated with them that night, but we saw each other instead. And it's those things that keep our friendship so strong. We put in the effort, together."


"Yeah," I say back. "I just really... wanted to tell you that. I hope you never felt the way Daeun felt, and I hope you don't in the future. If it ever gets to that point, you need to tell me. I swear, when Daeun said those words, I felt like the world around me was crashing down! I hadn't ever thought about things that way, I never thought about how I was so consumed in my own world of soccer. I felt so hypocritical. I had complained, vented about Jungkook for those things, but I was doing the same, exact thing."


"Sounds like star-crossed lovers to me," Aimee teases.


"That means we'd have to die to be together."


"I always forget that's the ending of Romeo and Juliet," Aimee purses her lips. "But anyways, I will definitely tell you if it ever got that way. When have I not spoken up on that annoys me?!"


"You're.. completely right," I laugh. As we share a laugh together, I'm able to live in the present in such a more gr

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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !