Chapter 8

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When it's time for the next practice, I'm ready as I can be. The first thing I'll do when I see Hoseok is ask about that group chat. After all, he is the new captain. And just like Jungkook said, a captain wears many hats - therapist included. I'm a part of this team, too, and I deserve to be heard. And there's something within this team that's not making me feel comfortable, so I have every right to go up to Hoseok and share how I feel.


Gosh, I really hope this doesn't come off as being a big snitch. I quickly shrug it off - no, it's not! I have every reason to feel the way that I do, and I'm justified in the fact of wanting to tell someone about my feelings.


"Hoseok!" I shout once my eyes have noticed the male a few feet ahead. His head jolts up from his conversation with a midfielder, acknowledges me, and then politely excuses himself.


"Hey Yerin, what's up?"


I eye that there are a few stragglers around us, so I point to a corner if we can speak there. Unfortunately, Taehyung and his nosy self catches eye of it, and he shouts to get my attention.


"Hey, no secrets here!" Taehyung exclaims, and it brings everyone's gaze to me and the newly-crowned captain in front of me.


Hoseok rolls his eyes. "We can talk in Coach Soo's office, if that makes you more comfortable."


"Nah, nah. Why is just a you-and-Yerin type thing? Last time, a member of team went to Coach Soo's office alone, he got suspended from the team! No more breaking off. The team deserves to know!" Taehyung affirms, and he's met with a wave of 'yeah!'s in approval.


"He has a point," Hoseok whispers to me, and I put my hand on my hips. It took every fiber in my body to even think about going up to Hoseok himself to tell him what's on my mind, but now, it has to be in front of everyone on the damn team. My eyes float to Jin, who meets me the widest, most concerned eyes. Don't worry, pretty boy. I'm not telling on you.


"Fine," I say out loud, and I feel the boys leaning in forward, in anticipation of whatever I have to say.


"So," I start. "I heard that there's a few group chats around that purposely left me out? I know you guys make plans and hang out, and I'm not forcing you guys to be friends with me, but why leave me out? I'm a part of this team too."


And just like that, the locker room turns to a tense silence. 


"No one? No one thinks I deserve an explanation?" I say again.


"Yerin, it was definitely not done on purpose. Everyone knows how much of an asset you are to this team, both on and off the field. You're our friend just as you are our teammate," Hoseok starts.


"Yeah!" Jimin says from the side. "These group chats were made way before you joined, and I guess they just stayed like that. We're sorry we didn't add you to them, I think it just went over all our heads."


I purse my lips. This, at least, is the best case scenerio I could've asked for.


"It didn't cross anyone's minds to invite the newest member of the team?" I reiterate.


I'm met with a wave of furious head nods, and then Jimin says, "I think I speak for everyone that we're just all dumb s and didn't think about it. We're sorry, and moving forward, I'll make sure that everyone becomes a bit more considerate and thoughtful."


"Alright... I just hope you guys know we're I'm coming from. You all knew how on edge I was joining this team, and so when I found about this, it felt like I wasn't being fully welcomed."


"I get it. And I apologize again for making you feel that way. It was never, ever our intention to do that. We'll make it up to you, I promise."


Jimin talks effortlessly, and says things just like how I want to hear them.


"Alright guys. If that's all there's to it, like you guys say it is, then I trust you. I appreciate you telling me the truth."


"Course. Don't hesitate at all to come to us when something's on your mind. While we're at, do you want to share anything else? Does anyone at all have something they want to tell us, as a team? Remember, guys. We need to communicate, air out any dirty lanudry for all of us to progress forward," Hoseok affirms, and then we start looking to our left and right to see if anyone wants to speak.


I meet eyes with Jin again, and he shoots his gaze right to the floor. My heart wrenches as I have to physically swallow Jin's secret, all while hearing the team preach about communication and being open. Each time I see Jin, I'm reminded of his deceit and how I, myself, signed myself in as a conspirator in his lie.


A few moments pass with no one saying anything before Hoseok talks again. "Alright then. If you guys come up with anything, don't be a stranger. In this time without Jungkook, we need to keep staying on one page. We need to come together."


"I agree," Jin says from somewhere around. "And I'll help in this new chapter of our team by adding Yerin to everything from now on, and  it - why don't I throw a party? We haven't had one yet to fully commemorate Yerin to the team!"


" YEAH!" Taehyung jumps up and down. "I'm always down for a good party!"


"This weekend, 10 PM," Jin shouts!


"Alright - party at Jin's Saturday! Thanks Jin," Hoseok chuckles. "In the meantime, first names A through M, skins. The rest of you guys are shirts. Let's get to practice, boys!"


I clear my throat.


"And girl! Sorry, Yerin!" Hoseok turns to me as he jogs out. I smirk and follow behind the crowd making their way to the field. I fortunately am able to keep my shirt on, so I join my group to do the ladder drill. With the whole group chat issue alleviated off my shoulders, I'm able to completely tunnel vision into performing to my best ability.


Practice goes by on a great note. As the sun sets and we finally

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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !