Chapter 10

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We played our first game without Jungkook yesterday - fortunately, we still left with a win, but it was the most hard-earned, grueling ninety minutes I've played so far. Hyunjin, our subbed-in goalkeeper, has undoubtedly improved, but was still pretty lackluster. He allowed two goals in, which is completely unacceptable (Jungkook would never!). The match ended in a tie with a few minutes left on the clock, and I did my job in scoring a single penalty kick in.


This was solid evidence that we need Jungkook. I would've thought the first thing Coach Soo would do after the game ended was to call up Jungkook and beg on his knees to come back. But nope - despite all of us picking and poking him to give Jungkook his spot back, Coach Soo remained unswayed.


Coach Soo immediately shut us down every time after that when we brought it up. He would just simply tell us that we need to be "patient", and that was the end of the conversation.


Today is just another practice day, and while my main focus is to work on gaps from the last game, I anticipate seeing Jungkook. Since our last conversation, Jungkook has been texting me a bit more. Though in my heart I know he sees me as truly a friend, I still get giddy each time I see a notification from him. Call me delusional, but I am really enjoying this.


I wait for my cue for the absolute last person to leave the field again, and take out my phone to text Jungkook with glee. I squint my eyes into the distance, eyeing for Jungkook's car, and I notice the familar figure jump out of his car and run towards the field.


"You saw the score from last game?" I say first once he approaches me.


"Yeah, it was way too close. Absolutely horrendous. Made me sick to my stomach, actually."


"Just telling me 'yes' would suffice, "I laugh. "I dedicated almost all of practice today shaping up Hyunjin. He has gotten a little better, I think," I say. Jungkook raises his brow at me. "Okay, yeah he hasn't improved a bit."


"Can't believe I have to endure this one more time, one more game," he sighs and then picks up a soccer ball. I watch as he casually starts bouncing it from both legs and then he swiftly kicks it towards me. I react instantly, and stop the ball from going any further with a leg raise. "Can you help me set up?"


"Yeah," I answer and then turn on my heels to grab several other soccer balls scattered around the field.


"NO YOU WILL NOT!" A boisterious, powerful voice screams from behind us, and Jungkook and I instantly react by meeting each other in the eye in horror. There's only one voice that sounds like that - one that haunts us in our nightmares. It's scary, it's strong, and it belongs to none other than Coach Soo.


"What the do you think you're doing out here?!" Coach Soo yells as he trudges closer to us. Jungkook and I instinctively come closer to together. In the case that any verbal violence ensues, at least we'll have each other. "Do you understand that you are trespassing right now? My orders were ing clear, and I am very disappointed that you have broken them. And you!"


Coach Soo points at me, and his voice sends shudders down my spine. "The fact that you are helping him trespass, going against my word! Do you both understand how wrong this is?!"


"Oh... I," I start to say, but I'm not sure how to finish it.


"We are so sorry, Coach Soo," Jungkook immediately butts in. I look at him, thankful, that I can always count on my captain. "There is no excuse to us going behind your word."


But that's exactly what you can count Jungkook on doing - admitting his fault and clearly expressing when he's in the wrong. While it's commendable, I need to ackknowledge my part in this scheme.


"But Coach Soo, you have to at least see the position Jungkook was in. I understand he needed to have some type of consequence, but Coach, removing him from two games impacts us all! And with you banning him for two games, who's to say that we come back and Jungkook doesn't even know how to catch a ball any more."


"I understand you want to be a good friend and want to be a good teammate," Coach Soo breathes out. "But rules are rules, and I've been reiterating time and time again that you all need to be patient!"


"And that's what I'll do," Jungkook answers, and then nudges my side to stay silent. "I'm sorry again, Coach Soo. I understand if you have to extend my penalty, I'll accept it. We should have never gone behind your back."


"You can't possibly be serious!" I shout in agitation. "Coach, we need him! I get there's only one game left, but it's with a higher ranked school and we're absolutely ed if we perform the same way with our last game. Do you really want to mess up your record as coach - and all of our's as well?! We have a shot this year to have a winning record, to go all the way to the end to the championship. Leaving Jungkook out for another game could jeopardize that! Don't you want to - "


"Yerin, stop." Jungkook holds his hand out to stop me from going any further. It takes anything in me to not say another word, but I should have to respect that Jungkook himself wants me to not get involved. I notice as Coach Soo eyes the both of us for a long second, and then he sighs.


"Sorry, coach," I whisper.


"You both have disappointed me greatly," Coach Soo grimaces. "... But it doesn't compare to the disappointment I felt with that last game. Yerin, you're right. Leaving Jungkook out might very well jeopardize our chances of progressing any forward with the season. And , Hoseok has been struggling with being the substitute captain. He keeps complaining to me that all these teammates come up with their own personal problems: their families, their schoolwork. Why didn't you tell me, Jungkook, that you've also consoled them even over their bowel troubles?!"


"I.. uh. Just wanted to provide a listening ear, no matter how... weird it was," Jungkook answers.


"Well, I never knew. And I want to say thank you for being such a great captain to them. We need someone like you in our lives, both on and off the fields."


"Wait... what are you saying, coach?" I feel energy slowly creep up in me - please, Coach. Change your mind!


"I'm saying that I'm getting rid of the rest of the penalty. Jungkook, you're back in. Starting with next practice," Coach responds. "Although I don't appreciate that you were going on my field without me knowing, I do appreciate keeping your distance. Instead of being impatient and prodding me to reconsider, here are you practicing on your own. Good job, kid."


Jungkook shows a toothy grin, and my heart warms at the sight. "Thank you, coach. You won't regret this decision - I'll work very hard in the next game and from now on."


"Good to hear," Coach Soo affirms. "Now the both of you, get the off my field. Had it been Principal Cho instead of me that caught you guys out here, the team would be suspended for trespassing after school hours without supervision. Don't do this again, do you hear me?"


"Yes sir," we both say concurrently. Coach Soo gestures to wrap it up and clean up all the soccer balls and supplies on the field. We assure him that we'll get it done and go home right afterwards. As Coach Soo heads back into the locker room, we wait until we hear the slam of the locker room door to dance around the field like little kids.


"WOO HOO!!!" I exclaim and jump around, pretending that the grass is a trampoline. "I can't believe we changed his mind!"


Jungkook jumps around with me, punching the air with his fists like he's celebrating a score. "I get to be back in the game! We're back!"


"We're back! Woo hoo!" I yelp back. Before I know it, the rush of pure bliss and excitement takes over me, and I find myself bouncing into Jungkook's embrace. He hugs me back; I feel his arms encase both my sides, and then he brings me up with one, strong motion - twirling me around and around. It's in this moment, that I feel real butterflies fluttering in and all over me.


The sound of Jungkook giggling alongside me completes the scene - I lose touch of reality for just a quick second, pretending that we're straight out of a romantic comedy, but then he settles me to the ground back, and I come back to my senses.


"Maybe we should break the rules more often," Jungkook jokes. This guy has no idea of the grasp he has on me. "I can't believe Coach Soo got rid of my penalty. Oh, man. I'm the happiest person alive right now!"


There are still some lingering butterflies, and I want, so badly, to tell him that he's wrong - I'm pretty sure the happiest person alive is me. I snap out of it, "We should tell the boys now!"


"You're right! Want to come over Hoseok's with me, we can tell him there!" Jungkook proposes. , Aimee wanted to see me after practice. I purse my lips and do a quick thought, and then I finally get to the conclusion that I need to see Aimee tonight. No more excuses, no more making her a second choice.


"I can't, sorry," I answer, and Jungkook gives me a perplexed look.


"Oh ok," Jungkook flatly responds. "I guess I will see you this weekend then, at Jin's? We can ride together again, just like the first time."


"And I can invite Aimee again?"


"Sounds good to me," Jungkook smiles. "Alright, now. Let's get to cleaning up so we can get the hell out of here."


"Ehhhh," I groan. "Technically, coach said you're back in for the next practice. And remember what I said last time - I only follow a captain's orders. I think these soccer balls are just screaming for you to pick them up."


"What - hey! No way, there are like thirty balls all around this field! Yerin! Hey, do you hear me?!"


"Seee yaaa~" I coo, and skip off the field. "Pick us up around 9!"



The weekend arrives faster than I expect it; I haven't even begun to register that tonight is Jin's party - where I'll see Daeun, the girl who slapped the life out of me, and Jin, the person she

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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !