Chapter 7

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Jungkook and I had to suppress the memory of a half- Jin and continue with our secret practice. We spent nearly 3 hours out there, until the sunset, drilling and practicing until our footwork was perfect. It was a successful practice, but I couldn't help but feel so distracted throughout the entire thing.


All this time, I hated Daeun. I hated seeing her in the hallways, at the damn party. I thought she was deserving of nothing but the worst.


But now that a real, terrible thing has happened to her, I just feel... so bad for her. Daeun's absolutely head over heels with Jin. And I thought it was just the same with him, too. But I was so, so wrong! We were just fortunate enough to catch him this one time; who knows how long this has been going on?


I'm not sure if this was the right person for the job, but I needed to tell someone and get it off my chest.


After it happened, Jungkook wanted to be all Switzerland on this, and refused to add any additional input to the situation on the entire ride when he drove me home after the practice. He kept asserting that it's not his business, and he has no place interfering. I get that's what a guy would feel like, but not me. I feel like it is my responsibility, as a girl's girl, to tell Daeun about it. 


I text Aimee to come over to talk about it. I spill it all out, hoping that Aimee also agrees with me that we need to tell Daeun the truth.


"Dude, her. It's what she deserves!" Aimee shouts, as she the cookie dough off her index finger.


"No, Aimee. Stop," I try to be civil while I take out our freshly baked brownies from the oven, in order to make room for our cookies that are about to go in. "I know we hate her... and that she ... and that's she's, like, really mean to us."


"My point exactly."


"No, for real. Listen to me," I glare at my best friend. "She's all of that, yes, but Jin is absolute dickhead for cheating. Cheaters are the lowest group of people - you have to be.. so heartless to do that! Daeun doesn't deserve that."


"Really? One heartless person with another heartless person. Sounds like a match made in heaven to me," Aimee rolls her eyes.


"But what Jin did is a different type of heartless. He's a coward, he's a liar. Please, we need to hear Daeun out in this situation. She's not our friend, true, but she's still a decent human being that deserves to know the truth! Can you imagine how hurt she'll be when she finds out? She'll be broken, and that's a type of pain I wouldn't want to wish on anybody. On anybody," I say.


Aimee doesn't say anything, and instead puts the pan with a dozen raw cookie dough circles in the oven.


"You know I'm right," I say out loud.


"I...," Aimee starts talking. "I guess you're right."


I knew she'd come around.


"Okay, so what do we do? We should tell her, yes, but she won't ever believe us. She'll probably think that we're lying and that we purposely want to lie to hurt her."


"I guess it's easy to say that, but we just have to be persistent that we're telling the truth. We need to tell her that we're not lying, and that we're not that evil of people to lie about such a thing."


"But at this point, you're just betting on her eventually believing us. Which is impossible. She'll never hear us out."


"True," I bite my lip. "Why is being a good person so complicated?"


"Easy fix," Aimee winks at me. "Let's just not be good people!"


"You're a clown," I roll my eyes. Just then, my doorbell rings, and both Aimee and I jolt back in response. My parents are both out on vacation for the next two days, and they definitely didn't tell me anything about any aunts or uncles coming by. And then, the only other person that I would expect to be ringing on my doorbell is already right here in my kitchen, so who the hell could it be?


"I'll grab your dad's golf club from the closet," Aimee whispers. "I'll be right behind you."


I nod, and then quickly turn off my kitchen lights. The both of us creep quietly towards the front door, and I go on my tippy-toes to look through the peephole. My heart starts thumping out of fear, and when my eyes reach the hole, I make out it's a male... he's tall and thin. He has his head straight down, but his hair is weirdly... nice and well-done, and actually super cute with brown highlights peeping through?


He's.. Jin.


"Jin?" I say out loud, and I presume he heard his name called out from the other side of the door. His face turns forward, and I immediately get back on my heels and turn on my lights.


"What are you doing here?" I say once I've opened my door wide open.


"Hey Yerin...," Jin faintly lets out. Aimee pops up from behind me, and Jin lets out a scoff. ", what is she doing here?"


"Uhm, excuse me?!" Aimee spits out.


"Sorry, bad habit," Jin apologizes. "I, uh. I would really appreciate if I could have a word with you, Yerin. If we can talk about important matters?"


"Uh...," my voice trails off and I turn around to see Aimee giving Jin the side-eye. "We can talk on my front porch. I'll be out there right quick. Uh, our brownies are burning in the oven right now."


Jin nods, and I turn my body around to Aimee, closing the door behind me.


"Dude, don't talk to him! He's going to guilt-trip the out of you, and you, being your sympathetic self, will eventually hear him out. He's a cheater, Yerin. Don't forget that."


"I know, I know. That'll be in the back of my head. I just want to hear what he wants to say," I answer, and Aimee shrugs her shoulders.


"Okay, but don't forget where you stand. He's not a good guy," Aimee asserts, and I nod.


"I know. Just give me a sec, okay?"


"Alright," Aimee purses her lips together and moves towards my kitchen to get started on our next batch of cookies. I turn my attention back to the cheater that's standing right on my porch, and I take a deep sigh before opening the door to confront him. Whatever you do, Yerin, don't give in. He is a cheater - he is a bad person! Teammate or not, you are not giving him the benefit of the doubt.


"Yerin," Jin says out loud once I've stepped out in front of him and closed the door behind me. "Uhm, hey."


"How did you find out where I lived? This is creepy," I start off with a snarky tone. "I really don't appreciate you popping up in front of my home like this."


"Oh, uh, sorry. I got your address from one of the boys, they said they picked you up one time. I just really needed to talk to you, I needed to clear my conscience."


"Clear your conscience? Are you trying to tell me that you weren't conscious the entire time you were cheating on Daeun?!"


Jin panickly spins his head around to see if there are any open ears in my neighborhood. 


"Cheating... that's a heavy word," Jin gives me a forced smile.


"Then what word would you use to describe what you did in the locker room?" I snarl. I see right through his bull.


"Listen," Jin starts, and I'm quick to stop him right there.


"You being on my front porch was already a lot to ask from me. You don't get to choose whether or not I want to listen to you."


Jin bites his lip. "Right. I.. uh, there's obviously no excuse for what I did. But for so long, I've felt like I've been suffocated by Daeun. This isn't how one should feel in a relationship, you know?! She is just so controlling, and so mean to other people, but I feel like I need to still be by her side because she's still loyal to me. I feel like I can't breathe with her, please tell me that you can give me just a little bit of slack with that?"


I don't budge. no. "I'm not going to give you anything."


"Fine, I know why you feel the way that you do. I don't want to be a cheater, I don't want to portray myself as this piece of scum that does, but - "


"But what? That's exactly what you are after doing that to Daeun. I don't know why you came here, Jin. So I could hear you out, accept your apology? To give you the benefit of doubt? Hell no!



"Can we... just," Jin stammers. "Calm down, please."


To that, I can agree to. I feel blood rush to my cheeks, and it makes me even more mad because I don't want to waste any energy, any effort over this man.


"I came, because I wanted to come to you as a teammate. Teammates have each other's backs, no matter what," Jin looks at me with hopeful eyes, but I'm fast to shoot it down.


"Don't," I start to say in absolute disbelief that he'd pull that card. "Don't you ing dare to put that on me. My association to you is that I see you for two hours twice a week, and then you're a stranger to me. I don't have your back. You don't deserve that privilege."


Jin lets out a forced chuckle and lets his fall down. "Yerin, at the end of the day, we still represent the school as a team. Every single thing that you do, trickles down to me, to the rest of us. You saw what happened to Jungkook earlier today. Because of some one thing he did, it affected all of us. You see that our relationship is much more deeper than that."


I roll my eyes. Jin has a point, but I don't get how it's reasonable at all to justify h

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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !