Chapter 5

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Tonight's our first game of the season. It's the one that sets the tone for the rest of the year - will we be championship bound at the end of this, or will my addition to the team be the team's ultimate downfall?


It's the first game where so much is on the line: Jungkook's scholarships, my scholarships, the future of college for Namjoon, Jimin, Hoseok, and every other senior on the team... My head fills with pessimistic thoughts, and my self-induced pressure of performing well grows exponentially bigger by the second.


I could do this, consuming myself with the stress, or I could just take it as it plainly is: just a soccer game. It's 2 hours of doing my favorite thing in the world. I try my best to think of it that way.


I would be lying if I didn't say I was affected at all with that Facebook thread about me from Heeju's party. That night, I know I swore to Jungkook and the rest of them that I wouldn't even touch the social media platform, but I couldn't resist the temptation!


My finger scrolled for what seems like hours, reading the comments from both trolls that kept making fun of my biceps.


It's taken me a while to get over, but for now, I'm going to use all of the negative comments as motivation. I'm going to show them, tonight, the clear difference between me and the Internet trolls. They're behind a computer screen, masking their insecurities while picking at my flaws, while I'm kicking on a soccer field, living a reality that they could only dream of.


As I'm tightening the shoelaces on my lucky pink cleats, I see a familiar male walking making the right at my corner of lockers. 


"Here we ing go!" Jungkook starts clapping his hands. "Let's make a bet on the final score. I think, realistically, we'll be up by 6 scores. Maybe 7."


"6?" I repeat. "How optimistic. Either that or you're just really cocky."


"Not cocky, but confident in the team. We've been looking good these past practices, you can't deny that."


"We look decent. That Daesung guy almost always trips himself when he tries to do a stop-and-go. And Taemin insists he can do a spin move, but every single time, he's failed. He can't experiment out on the field; we have to stick to what we know we can do and what we're good at."


"So attentive, aren't you?" Jungkook starts. "I think you'll be happy to learn that as captain, I have one-on-ones with every member. Everything you see, I've seen, too. I've let them know, don't worry."


"Hm," I get up after tying a bow on my shoes. "You're more impressive than that I thought. All this time I thought all you did was keep a ball from going into the goal. I always thought that job was easy," I say, sarcastically.


I have an immense amount of respect for Jungkook and his role. It's insanely difficult to be just as mentally involved in the game as you are physically. Goalkeepers need to be strategic, be able to make successful split-second decisions, and have an heightened sense of instinct. I surely don't possess all those qualities, so I look up to Jungkook a lot for his well-roundedness, in addition to being a pretty good leader, I guess.


"And all I thought you did was kick around blindly and grunt as loud as you can. But I guess we both can admit we're wrong?"


Jungkook also gets extra brownie points for being kinda funny.


"FOUR MINUTES! EVERYONE, START GATHERING AT THE FRONT NOW!" Hoseok yells into his cuffed hands, and puts up four fingers in the air. Jungkook tells me good luck and starts going around giving pep talks to the individual team members, as the good captain he is. Before I meet everyone at the front, I take a quick minute to do a some breathing exercises to calm my nerves. 


When my heart rate's gotten down to one I'm content with, I make my way towards the front where a big crowd is already forming. I stand next to Namjoon's shoulder and nudge him his side. Namjoon's much taller, so it's a pretty funny but endearing feeling when he looks directly downwards to talk to me.


"You ready, the star striker of our team? Don't go and score a hundred goals tonight, alright? We need to start smaller first - but still win - so we can see an improvement as the season progresses." Namjoon asks, and I roll my eyes.


"I'm going to try my best. At my best, I could score two tonight," I answer.


"I don't know why you sell yourself so short sometimes. You're good. You know it, we know it, the whole school knows it!"


"Not the whole school," I mutter, but I'm afraid the volume was audible enough for Namjoon. 


"You're not talking about that dumb Facebook thread, right? We've told you this so many times! It's. not. worth. it." Namjoon harshly enunciates his words, and I can hear him growing agitated, though I'm not sure if that's just because he's just fired up already for this game. "Please, you can't let this get to your head."


"You guys, we're supposed to be hyping each other up! Getting pumped!" Jimin adds after hearing us. "Not have some weird heart to heart right now!"


"You're right, sorry. That whole thing's not important at all. It's honestly so ing dumb," I admit. This is a personal problem.


"It is ing dumb! They're all ing dumb! You're a beast, Yerin!" Jimin yells at me.




"You guys are so annoying," I say, but I'm definitely loving this.


Hoseok's in the front, now shouting out a 30 second countdown before the team runs onto the field and through a banner the cheerleaders made. I look around immediately to the packed bleachers. It's nervewracking, but so exciting to be part of. 


"LET'S GOOO!" We all scream.


The bleachers are completely filled with students from both schools; our side looks like a sea of blue and yellow, while the other school's all yucky green (no offense to green, but we're enemies here).


Both teams run to the middle of the field to meet and exchange handshakes with each other, per typical game ettiquette. I take notice at the bewildered looks that the guys on the opposite team give me. I don't blame them; it is a weird situation to be in. They probably don't know whether to go easy on me, which would be unfair, or to equally as tough as they would with all boys, which to a lot of people is still unfair.


I try not to give it any mind and instead go back to giving these half-effort handshakes. We're nearing the end of the line until one guy suddenly shakes my hand, with a smile, and speaks.


"Kim Yerin, I'm a big fan," he says. "I'm Jung Yooin, my cousin Mijoo was in the same league as you. She always talked highly of you."


My heart instantly warms. Mijoo was a talented midfielder, shame she had to leave due to a knee injury. "Oh, that's so sweet. Please tell her hello for me."


"I will! It's an honor to play with you. I hope you don't let all the negative posters affect your gameplay."


"Negative posters?" I repeat. I'd just been focused on the handshakes and coldly meeting these guys eye-to-eye that I haven't paid much attention to crowd of students.


"Uh, there's one there," Yooin points to my right. I twirl my head instantly. A knot forms in my stomach, in my throat, and I feel practically my entire body swell up when I realize that it's someone from my own school. The person is in full royal blue body paint, so I can't make out who it is. But right in their blue hands hold up a white poster in thick, black marker: KIM YERIN, GIRL OR GODZILLA? There's then a poorly drawn picture of a girl figure with exaggerated, enormous monster arms and bulky legs.


Yikes. That's supposed to be me?


"But again, don't mind them. You're probably already used to haters by now, but it's great that you haven't let them get to your head." Yooin gives me a grin before moving on to the next person to shake their hand.


It's great you haven't let any of them get to your head, I repeat in my head. Not yet, that is.


When we've finished exchanging handshakes and huddle back in our team, I try to keep an eye out for more posters in the bleachers on the walk there. Am I that big and bulky, and scary, that I resemble an actual monster?


I take my place somewhere in the outer layers of the huddled group, the thoughts still lingering in the back of my head. Jungkook's voice temporaily snaps me out of it.


"ALRIGHT TEAM! FIRST GAME OF THE WHOLE ING SEASON!" Jungkook shouts, and all of us cheer back in response.


"I need everyone to get your head in the ing game for this. We worked way too hard last season, this summer, and pre-season to not give it our all. We almost had our whole damn season cut for 's sake, and we had to make last minute changes to the team - but guess what? We're. still. here," Jungkook affirms. "We win this, and I just feel it in my bones that we'll go to the championship at the end of this. We start high, and we finish high. You guys hear me loud and clear?!"


We all shout, "LOUD AND CLEAR!".


"On the count of three, we say 'let's win this'. Alright?! One... two... three!"


"LET'S WIN THIS!!" We then all break; the first string group run to our respective positions, while the second string takes their place on the bench with no ill feelings. When I swiftly jog to my place, I try my best not to look back at the crowd. It's a disheartening feeling, because there's probably tons of posters rooting for us, enthuasiatic classmates adorning their bodies in school spirit... but I just can't risk it. If I see another hateful poster, I might break.


"Let's go, Yerin!" Jimin shouts at me on my way to position. I twirl my head back at hm to give him a smile and a 'hwaiting!'. It's then when I faintly see a loud, red poster just past Jimin's ear in the background. The red definitely was successfully in catching my attention - I squint my eyes quickly to make out that the poster says: KIM YERIN, GET OFF THE FIELD!


I sigh once I've swallowed the fact that that truly is what it written on the poster. Right then, my vision gets patchy; spots of black cover my sight, and I can feel myself being short of breath. I experience this occasionally when I'm considerably tired after a hard workout, cooking in the sun for hours. But this isn't a day's worth of practice, it's that I just saw a mean poster.


Why am I so affected? I need to get my head in the game.


"You okay, Yerin?" Jimin asks from a distance away. "Don't be nervous, you'll be great!"


"I'm not nervous," I say back, but I doubt he hears. Definitely not nervous. Maybe the right weird is discouraged, beat down, pessimistic.


"Miss Kim, please take your place so the game can take place. I believe we're all waiting," the closest referee says to me. The comment turns the heads of all players around, both my teammates and the opposing team's. I catch the smirks on their faces, and I can't help but feel even more small.


I'm able to finally get in my position. I take a look down at my cleats, and follow that with the deepest sigh I've taken in a while. Well, . Here we go.


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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !