Chapter 13

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is this taeyong?


taeyong (pilhyun wingback)

no, this is the krusty krab.



.. ok bye


taeyong (pilhyun wingback)

just kidding! yerin, right?




you're asking like you have a bunch of other girls trying to find your number. bet your phone is blowing up with love bombs, huh?



taeyong (pilhyun wingback)

nope, just you.

so what do you say, a date sometime this week?


It's unsettling, but still nice nonetheless, on how direct Taeyong is. I want to text Taeyong, right then and here, to say: Can you give Jungkook some tips too?!


My mind trails off into my unhealthy crush to Jungkook. If he could only know that I'm literally signing myself up on this date that I have 0 zero interest in, to save both our asses. I've been jumping through hoops for this guy since the first day I've met him, but I'd like to think it's worth it.


taeyong (pilhyun wingback)

Then we should get dinner afterwards. My treat.


Oh yes, this is definitely worth it - always sign me up for free meal!



It doesn't dawn on me until five minutes before I'm about to meet Taeyong that... this is literally my first ever real date. Though I partly want to consider the movie with Jungkook as one, that was definitely one-sided. This time around, I was asked out with a boy, going to spend a whole night with him, and have a dinner on his dime. I won't complain - that would be so messed up - but I just wish Jungkook had just an ounce of forwardness that Taeyong has.


Taeyong is a nice guy so far, but he's not the one that gives me butterflies. The title sadly belongs to Jungkook.


Taeyong decides we're going to mini golf as our date and meets me at the front; on a school day, it sure is packed with other high schoolers having a wild night out. Taeyong's naturally very coordinated, so he shows out on getting several hole-in-ones all throughout the date. We're at this one course on an incline of a hill, and I'm just about one away from a birdie - but then my attention gets pulled away to some boisterous group of girls below.


"Oh my god, guys. Look at him, he looks like an anime character!"


"He's here with another girl, bozo. And hey! What the heck, you already have a boyfriend!"


"Oh, yeah. I forgot about him. But that guy is so hot!" It doesn't take a genius to know that they're clearly talking about Taeyong.


I side-eye Taeyong, who I know is also following in on this conversation. I watch as the corners of his lips turn up into a smile, but then he turns his whole attention to me.


"You're not going to make this," Taeyong teases. "I call for a bogey."


"Hey! It's my legs that have a gift, not my arms." I roll my eyes. I laser my vision into the golf ball below me, but then I hear the girls start adding their commentary once more.


"Hey, I'm single though. What do you think? Should I shoot my shot?"


"I say do it!"


"I say don't do it! He is literally with another girl! Stop this foolery, guys. Go touch some grass."


I start chuckling; thank god they have a friend that can knock some sense into them. Before I swing my arms, I can't help but take another look at Taeyong to get a better understanding off what exactly they're all talking about. I've said from the start that Taeyong is good on the eyes, but is he that good of a looker?!


I turn my heads towards Taeyong, who is leaning back on his golf club, one leg crossed behind the other. I trail my eyes to his facial features; his eyes are sharp and practically glisten on their own; each time we make eye contact, I literally almost falter a bit because the clarity is just.. startling. His brows are thick and defined - a juxtaposition of the calmness of his eyes - but together, they are so complimentary. His lips are plump and soft, and each time he widens them to smile, that's where the real money is.


Ok, to a certain degree, I can see why those girls are feeling the way they feel.


"Do you get that often?" I say and jolt up instead of firing a shot.


"Get what?" Taeyong winks.


"Oh, don't play dumb now." I point to the giddy girls below, and they all wave frantically once they notice Taeyong's attention has hastily gone to them.


"Hm.  I don't know how to give you an answer without sounding like an arrogant prick."


"Well, that in itself gave me the answer," I joke. "So., uh. Your position of wingback. How'd you get into soccer?"


"Oh, well. I started when I was very, very young. My dad played it when he was a teen too, but his knees weren't all that strong. He threw me into it when I was about 6 or so, and then I kept playing ever since. Made some of my best memories and met some of my closest friends through this sport, so I thought it was worth to keep pursing," Taeyong smiles, and my heart naturally does a tiny flip. "And you?"


"I also started young. My parents tried to put me in a little bit of everything; I remember doing ballet and busting my toes every week. I also tried pottery but they kept saying I was too aggresive with my hands. Soccer was the thing that stuck with me, something that I saw myself being good at and felt good doing." I answer, and I watch as Taeyong listens attentively. "I'm in the same boat as you. I've had the time of my life so far, and I don't want to stop any time soon."


"As in you'll go all the way to make the national team? I'll see you there, I guess."


I flash him a smile.


"One day, on the women's team. I'll have my sponsorships with Nike, Adidas. I'll play in the World Cup. I'm speaking it all into existence."


"Wow," Taeyong cooes. "A girl with aspirations. Well, I have no doubt you'll make it. I mean, you've already defied all odds and got on the boy's team, so the sky's the limit for you."


"Right?! I had been trying to get a women's team for forever, and constantly kept getting shut down by the athletic board. For a group of mid-forty, mid-fifty men, they can be dweebs sometimes! They weren't even letting me plead my case. And now I'm proving them wrong," I smile, warming up to the memory of how I really shoved in their faces that I

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macitys #1
Chapter 29: missed this story so much oh my god. i screamed when i saw an update! tysm for this chapter the slow burn is killing me 😭😭 jungkook wake up there’s someone who likes you!!!
macitys #2
Chapter 27: Great chapter as usual!😭💓 jungkook is so confusing like are you jealous or not 🤨🧐🧐🧐🧐. Thanks for the update!❤️‍🩹
macitys #3
Chapter 26: I really love this story so much and i was so happy when i saw you updated 😭💓 can’t wait for what happens next !