Ch 09

Savage Love
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09 | Slowly but Surely






"Appa look, Omma is calling." Seoyoung pointed at her father's phone on top of the table that caught her attention.


Yoong looked down and sighs. He didn't answer the text message earlier because he was call upstage. He picked it up and pressed the answer button. "The event is ongoing." He told her in a whisper. He glances at the other's side to make sure they did not hear her. All of them are paying attention to his brother talking on the stage except his daughter next to him.


[I know. But you did not answer my question.] Seohyun exclaimed over the next line, contradicting what she texted earlier. [Who is the lady, Im Yoong!] 


"She's a friend. We just catch up with each other. There's nothing wrong with that." 


[Really? You guys were really immense with each other. What's the name by the way?]


"Come on, I don't need to tell you." Yoong rolled his eyes in annoyance.


[Seriously? I just want to know the name, there's nothing wrong with that also.]


"Appa what's going on?" Seoyoung curiously asks as she keeps listening attentively to her father.


Yoong smiled sweetly at his daughter and gently shakes her head. "Stephanie Lee, happy?"


[Yeah, happy Im Yoong. Aish, why do you have to make it longer. You better look after our daughter there instead of looking for any ladies there.]


"I am not." Yoong accidentally raises his eyebrows causing his brother to pause on his speech and his friends at their table looked at him. He smiled sheepishly and decided to get up, immediately leaving the venue.


Seoyoung chases after her father not leaving her eyes on him until he stopped near the comfort room. "Appa." She called for him, breathlessly.


"Omo, Seoyoung why did you come with Appa? I'm just going to talk to your Omma." Yoong lowered himself and fixes his daughter's hair.


"Omma is still on the phone. She misses us, right?" Seoyoung asks with a cute pout. 


"You want to talk to Omma?"




Yoong smiled briefly and handed his phone.


"Omma!" Seoyoung instantly called excitedly. "You miss Seoyoungie?" 


[Omo, honey. Yeah, I do. I miss you guys. I'm alone here anyway. But I'm fine. You enjoy the party okay?]


"Yes! Taeyeon Samchon is speaking right now. He's so cool, Omma." Seoyoung shares enthusiastically.


[Aww... You are proud of him.]


"Yes. Omma. Tiffany Unnie and Jessica Unnie are both pretty like me." She giggles.


Yoong smiled in amusement and gently rubs his daughter's hair.


[Oh, I can imagine, honey. Anyway, I want to give you a task, can you do it for me?]


"Huh? What is it?" 


[Look after your father. Don't leave your eyes on him, okay? Wherever he goes, stay with him.]


"That's easy, Omma." Seoyoung smiled brightly as she made an eye-contact with her confused father.


[That's my girl. I love you. Give the phone back to Appa.]




Yoong took the phone back and straightened himself again. "Look, whoever send the picture, and whatever did it tell you, it wasn't true. I'm behaving here, okay? Don't need to warn me."


[Tsk. You better behave. Aish, there's a lot of hot ladies out there. You can't blame me for getting jealous.]


Yoong grinned upon hearing it. "Just wait patiently. We'll be back before you know it."


[I can't wait. I love you, hon.]


"You know I always love you too." Answered Yoong softly before he ended the call. He smiled like a fool as some plans cross his mind for later. But before he can forget about the event, he snapped it out and took his daughter's hand as they returned inside.


Meanwhile, Seohyun who is curious about the girl searched for the name on the internet. And her instincts were right, the lady is a model. A very known model in the industry but she doesn't even know her.


"Aish." She hissed as she checks her photos online, having that y and hot body. She felt insecure looking at herself. Although she isn't that chubby, the model definitely has yet labored any child.


Clicking on the latter's SNS account, her eyes widened to see her latest post; her husband smiling so bright next to the model. "They sure did catch up with each other." She shakes her head unconsciously and proceeds to check other photos. Most of her posts are from work but she came across a familiar photo. "I think I've seen this."


Taking her phone on the side, she opened the same sns app and opened her husband's account. She scrolls down until stopped at the photo of Yoong standing on top of the hill. It was the photo from his travel back then. Se Kyung's photo has the same background and was posted the day before her husband posted his photo. "Heol. She took the photo." She leaned her back to the sofa and crossed her arms.


"You got some explaining to do, Im Yoong." An upset sigh escapes her lips 






"That was a nice speech, Tae." Tiffany praises the moment the young chairman returned to his seat. She is so proud of him. 


"Chincha? Thanks. I almost don't know how to speak, to be honest especially that everyone is here. But gladly Yoong gives me a guide and you are here also." said Taeyeon, gently taking Tiffany's hand and kiss it without unlocking their gazes.


Tiffany giggles and briefly caresses his cheek. "Your brother and your niece have yet to return." she informs glancing at the empty tables.


"Seohyun called." Jessica heard Tiffany and softly informed them.


"Chincha?" Tiffany didn't expect it. She hastily took her phone from the table to check her conversation with her best friend.


"Wae? Did something happened?" Taeyeon innocently ask.


"I sent a photo of Yoong with a lady. That's probably the reason she called her husband." 


"No wonder." Jessica giggles. "Heard a little and Yoong was defensive."


"Aigoo... " Taeyeon doesn't know how to comment.


"They'll be fine, don't worry about it." assured Tiffany as she smiled. 


"You guys hungry now? I'll ask someone to bring food." Taeyeon changes the topic as he got concerned with the two ladies with him. Yul has left to take over the event, who is apparently talking in front of them, presenting their upcoming projects to everyone, especially to their investors.


"No, we're fine. Food is coming later after Yul finished." Jessica replied as she glances at the program guide. She smiled proudly as she looked at Yul on the stage.


"Right. Looks like you guys prepared so much food tonight." Tiffany excitedly said. 


"Okay." Taeyeon is glad to hear it and put his attention back to Yul. "Look at him, always the genius developer." He is proud of him. Having him to the company is definitely huge for the company because he is like the main brain of every new technology. He remembers the first time he meets him, back in college. They are in different departments but because of his interest to continue his parents' company, he meets him at a start-up event. He admires his passion for whatever he does.


"Isn't he cool, Tae?" Tiffany notices her date got stuck listening to Yul.


"Yeah, he really is." Taeyeon chuckled lightly, feeling like he was caught red-handed by staring intently at his Director.


"But you are cooler." Said Tiffany as she winks at him. 


"What?" The young chairman widened his eyes a little.


"Really, you are." Tiffany firmly said. 


"O... Okay. Thanks." Blushing, Taeyeon is also feeling shy that instant. He definitely didn't expect her quick words but he loves it as it brings butterflies to his stomach.


Tiffany just smiled in amusement, love the reaction he got from her. And it's actually adorable to see.


"I'm sorry guys." Yoong and Seoyoung finally returned to their seats. "Seoyoung has to pee first." He explained.


"It's okay, Yoong. But I think you need to be on stage too." Taeyeon reminded his brother.


"Oh yeah, my presentation is coming." Yoong get up and was about to climb on stage when he realized Seoyoung followed him. "Just stay in your seat." He told her.


"No, I'll stay with you, Appa." Seoyoung took her father's hand and smile cutely.


"Aigoo. But Appa needs to work first." Yoong reasoned and gently let go of her hand but Seoyoung got his hand back. 


"Just let her." Tiffany finds it cute and supported the young girl.


"Yeah, she will just come down if she wants to sit." Taeyeon agreed as well, smiling at his niece who thumbs upon him. "Aigoo, so cute."


"Fine." Yoong doesn't have a choice and he holds his daughter's hand back, walking with her to the stage. There was an empty chair which is only for him so he just gives it to his daughter. "Stay. I'll talk later." 


"Yes." Seoyoung giggles cutely. "Good luck, Appa!" She pulled up two thumbs up to her father in the process earning a smile and kiss on her cheek from her father, causing her to giggle.


Taeyeon, Jessica, and Tiffany are all both smiling while recording Yul and Yoong upstage.


But Taeyeon being a proud samchon focuses more on his niece, who is too cute, listening to her father attentively.






"I'll excuse first." 


Taeyeon turned his head on his right to see Tiffany leaving. She hasn't even touched the first food the chef has served them. "Where is she going?" he wanted to follow but couldn't.


"She'll probably do a retouch or take a pee." Jessica told the young man on her right, sensing he got sad to see his date leave.


"Chincha?" Taeyeon chuckled lightly. "She hasn't done that... well at least for me."


"She'll be back before you know it." Yul said softly and glances at the chairman with a small smile before taking a bite of his food. 'Tiffany thing.' He thought, not surprised by the latter leaving fist before eating.


"Tiffany unnie will take a poo." Seoyoung suddenly said out loud earning the attention of everyone to her. They smile and giggle at her. "Don't worry, Samchon." she added, smiling brightly.


"Finish your food." Yoong reminded his daughter as he noticed she has yet to touch it too. "The chef will serve us more later so finish it."


Seoyoung sends glares to her father as she pouted and took her fork finally to have a bite.


"You're so adorable, Seoyoungie." said Taeyeon couldn't help and take a picture of his niece then he unconsciously checks the time. "I'll just wait for her." he softly says which never reached the other's ears.


Meanwhile, Tiffany just finished taking a pee and was about to unlock the door when she heard voices outside from ladies.


"You saw the date of the chairman? She's so pretty isn't she?"


"Yeah, what's her name again?"


"Tiffany Young."


"Yes, that lady. But she seems not from a rich family because she's working as a manager only."


"I know right? But they look good together, it doesn't matter."


"Yeah, absolutely. Lucky her, it's rare to see a chairman falling for lower-class women."


Tiffany scoff at the last sentence she heard. She was blushing listening to their conversation but she didn't expect to get insulted. Opening the door after a minute, she was left alone. "Aish." But she's glad they aren't there anymore, otherwise, she's going to ruin their night. But she can't also ruin hers as she fixes herself in front of the mirror and shrugs off what she heard before coming back to the party.


"Oh there, she is." Jessica just turned her head behind only to see Tiffany coming back with her small smile on her.


Tilting her head, Taeyeon's lips broke into a sweet smile right away. Everyone is now having their full meal while he hasn't touched his first appetite food.

"What took you long? I missed you already." He told her the moment she reached them.


"It was just quick, what are you saying?" Chuckled Tiffany in amusement. "You haven't eaten?" But she's surprised he has never taken a bite.


"He can't eat without his date." Yoong teases earning glares from his older brother while Yul and Jessica giggles.


"Aigoo, Taeyeon." Tiffany pouted cutely.


"It's nothing, just eat." Taeyeon took her spoon and handed it. "So I will begin right now." He flashes a sweet smile.


"Tsk." Tiffany casually complied. "And you too." She playfully sends him brief glares which cause Seoyoung to giggle across her. Her attention shifted to her instantly. "Seoyoung is enjoying her food, aren't you?"


"She's the one who is more excited with food." Said Taeyeon amused with his niece. Having Seoyoung to the table is definitely a joy of everyone's heart.

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1120 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️