Ch 39

Savage Love
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39 | Labor




The event went smoothly. Everyone enjoyed and bid farewell to the couples while congratulating them. But one young man was overjoyed and drank all the alcohol in the kitchen.


"Aish! I told you to avoid it." Jessica is in distress, rubbing her husband's back while he's throwing up on the sink. 


"You guys want to stay until tomorrow?" Ask Taeyeon as he walked into the kitchen. 


"With Yul's condition right now, we're definitely staying." Jessica confirmed.


Yul had enough and let out a huge exhale before bobbing his head up and down. "Congrats on having twins, Tae. Hehe." He grins foolishly as he approaches him.


"Go upstairs, Yul." Taeyeon chuckled in amusement.


"Good luck to us." Yul giggles and he suddenly hugs him.


"Omo, what are you doing?" Jessica gasped and quickly moved closer to them.


Taeyeon shakes his head. "I got him." And whispered. "Come on, let's get you to sleep."


"Let's sleep together." Yul replied, grinning. 


"What the, don't listen to him, Tae. He's totally drunk." Jessica hits his arm. "You're coming with me." And she forcefully pulled her husband away from Taeyeon.


"Aish!" Yul yanked her hand off instead causing her to step back.


"Omo, careful." Taeyeon instinctively hold Jessica by her arm when she was about to fall.


"Thanks, Tae." Jessica smiled gratefully yet sent glares to Yul who is snickering at them. "I can't believe he did that to me."


Yul suddenly loses his balance and he drops to the floor, sitting. He laughs out so loud as he looked up at them.


"I got him, okay? You can't handle him when you're pregnant." Taeyeon quickly lowered himself. "Get on my back, idiot." He instructed. 


"What's going on?" Tiffany heard the noises from the backyard and decided to check on them. 


"Look who's so done?" Taeyeon chuckled as he stand up with difficulty with Yul on his back.


"Aish, why did he drink so much?"


"Overjoyed." Jessica replied and hit the back of her husband only to receive his giggles and childish flying kiss. "Stupid." She hit his back again which made him laugh and hug Taeyeon through his neck. But he keeps trying to kiss Taeyeon. "Yah! Stop it!" She scolded and hit him once again but he won't stop.


"Yay." Yul cutely smiled after successfully kissing Taeyeon's cheeks a few times.


"Ugh." Taeyeon rolled his eyes as he blushes.


"Sorry, Tae." Jessica felt so embarrassed and apologized.


"Don't bother him, Love. Just bring him to their room." Tiffany grimaced as she step to the side, allowing Taeyeon to leave the kitchen.


"You guys staying over the night too, right?" asks Jessica as she wraps her arm on TIffany's.


"Yup. We're leaving tomorrow." Tiffany giggles as they follow their hubbies upstairs.


"Good, so we can play the game again then." 


"I know right? I and Taeyeon can beat you now." She chuckled now that Yul is knockdown due to alcohol.


Jessica scoffed. "No way. I'm teaming up with Yoong." 


"He's busy coaxing their daughter, so it's 1 vs. 2 now, sica."


"But Seohyun can." Jessica announced just as Seohyun walked out of the bedroom. 


"Wae?" Seohyun innocently reacted to them.


"You're teaming up with me, right, Hyun?" Jessica hurriedly went to the younger's side, grinning widely at her.


"What are you guys playing?"


"Jenga." Said Tiffany simply. "It's okay you're teaming up with her, hyun. Yul is already knockdown."


"Oh yeah. Sure. Yoong is still reading a book with Seoyoung." Seohyun eventually agreed, closing the door gently behind her, and joined the two in the next room.


Meanwhile, Taeyeon has placed Yul on the bed with a loud exhale.


"More drink please!" Yul shouted which made him hit his arm. He giggles and fell asleep in a couple of seconds.


"Aish." Taeyeon attempted to hit him again but the snores just indicate he really had fallen asleep. He got up and adjusted his glasses before turning off the night lamps and proceeding outside. "You guys wanna still play?" And headed to the next room where all the ladies are already setting the jenga blocks.


"Yep, love. Come here, we're a team again." Tiffany gestures to her husband right away to come close to the coffee table.


"Where's Yoong?" Taeyeon noticed.


"Still trying to make our daughter fall asleep." Seohyun replied with a brief smile, making some room with her brother-in-law.


"We are winning this time, Tae." Jessica grinned so wide, confident the younger will help her big time.


"Let's see." Tiffany smirked at them.


"I'm playing the rock paper scissor." Taeyeon raised his hand.


"Me too." And Seohyun volunteered. The game will determine who will go first. Losers will go first instead of the winner.


"Kai bai bo!" The two in-laws throw their bets.


"Yes!" But it was Seohyun who won and Taeyeon has to get the game started.


Taking a deep breath out, he slowly and carefully took one of the jenga and successfully took it out. Seohyun followed and she also successfully took there. Tiffany and Jessica both followed which lead to a smooth start of the game until when the tower got difficult, all of them got nervous.


Taeyeon is shaking yet confident as he slowly took the jenga block at the lower part. He holds his breath until he successfully took it.


"Good job love!" Tiffany and he did a hi-5 automatically, then they smirk at the two opponents of them.


"You go, Unnie." Seohyun instructed and Jessica nodded gently.


Holding her breath, Jessica slowly and gently pulled the block in the middle. She is a bit shaking yet was able to take it without dropping the tower. Seohyun gives her a thumbs up, causing her to giggle. 


"Aish, my turn." Tiffany huffed. She took a while however before she decided to take the one near the foot. She slowly and carefully takes it out when she felt two kicks on her stomach. "Ah!" she carelessly dropped the tower.


"Yes! 1 Win!" Both Jessica and Seohyun celebrated.


"What's wrong?" Taeyeon's attention went to his wife next to her immediately when he noticed she was holding her stomach.


"Our twins, aish. They're the reason I dropped it. Ah!" Tiffany yelped in pain again when the twins kicks once again.


"Omo, Taehyun, Miyoung, stop it!" Scolded Taeyeon as he quickly caressed her stomach. "Lay down." he instructed, helping her down on the floor. 


"Whoa, this is the first time seeing those kicks." Jessica is agape as she can see it vividly. "My Yul-jung rarely kicks."


"They're twins so they have the same minds." Seohyun is also amazed. 


"Ah! Stop it, sweathearts." Tiffany is literally in pain with all the rubs she and Taeyeon give to her stomach, the two keep kicking her. 


Taeyeon leaned down and listen to them, only to feel the little kicks yet it gives pain to his wife. "What should we do to stop them?"


"Just let them, Oppa. They will stop eventually." Seohyun said and giggled, taking a photo of her best friend with difficulties.


"Or are they asking for food?" Jessica raised her eyebrows.


"Oh yeah, Tiffany hasn't drunk her milk." Getting up, Taeyeon hurriedly exited the room and went downstairs.


Jessica and Seohyun took his spot, as they massage Tiffany's stomach together with her.


Taeyeon rummage in their bag and got the bottle of milk for pregnant women immediately. He returned to the room in just two minutes and help Tiffany first before opening the bottle for her. He let out a huge sigh as he watched her drink and her baby bump is no longer showing little kicks from their twins.


"Wow, it was like an emergency situation." Jessica chuckles softly.


"Glad you guys prepared for it, Oppa." Seohyun is proud of her brother-in-law.


"She always drinks her milk before sleeping. So I made sure to bring it with us." Taeyeon explained and smiles at his wife, taking the bottle after she drinks them.


"Me too. Fortunately, our son doesn't seem to kick always." Jessica is relieved.


"Nah, our twins will really kick me if they're hungry." Tiffany chuckled, looking down to her stomach and giving a caring caress. "Thanks, sweethearts." she said softly.


"Good job, love." Taeyeon praised his wife as he smiles proudly while fixing her hair and wiping her sweats off.


"Let's end this game but let's have a midnight snack instead." Jessica suggested as she got up.


"I'm helping Unnie." And Seohyun followed her out of the room.


"Sit on the sofa." instructed Taeyeon and Tiffany complied with her help. Now that he knows they have twins, he wanted to help her more now. He wanted to take care of her more. He the tv and take his seat next to her.


Tiffany flashes a sweet smile as she rests her head on his shoulder. "Thanks." And gratefully says.


"We're a team indeed." Taeyeon reminded again earning giggles from her. They got quiet as they enjoy the variety show.


Meanwhile, Yoong who has ended the bedtime story finally can hear soft snores from his daughter. His heart flutters staring at his beautiful angel. "Good night, little angel." He softly says, leaning down to kiss her forehead and gently pulling the comforter on her chest. He sighs and smiles as he remembers what his daughter told her after Seohyun left.




"Appa, Omma is pregnant. That means, I'm no longer number one, right?" Seoyoung pouted sadly, looking up to her father.


"What are you saying?" Yoong is confused and surprised to hear it. 


"I read the message on Omma's phone, it was a doctor confirming it. And Minjae told me if Omma gets pregnant, he says you won't love me anymore. Seoyoung will only be in the side." says Seoyoung, hugging her father. "I don't want that to happen, Appa. Please ask Omma not to get pregnant."


Yoong gasps. He's daughter just turned five a few months back now he sounds like he has grown up. "It's not like that honey." He caressed her back affectionately. "You're still our number one... and your sibling will also be number. Both of you will be number one to us. Omma and Appa love you since you come to this world, and we will love you for the rest of our lives. Remember that." He ended it with a kiss on her cheek and forehead.


"Chincha?" Seoyoung looked up, still pouting.


"Yes, little princess." Yoong poke her nose and kissed it. "You are going to be a big sister now, so I hope you also love your sibling, okay?"




"Your sibling is going to love you too, sweetheart, so no need to worry."


Seoyoung smiles innocently. "Yes, Appa. Seoyoung will love her donseng too." She hugs him again and giggles.


"Aigoo, my forever princess." Yoong says softly, as he resumes reading the bed story.


End of flashback...


He let out a soft exhale as he get up and stepped out of the bedroom, only to meet Jessica and Seohyun in the hallway. "You guys..."


"Let's have some snacks first before going to bed." Jessica offered, flashing a bright smile to the doe-eyed.


"Our daughter is asleep?" asks Seohyun, casually.


"Yes, earlier." Yoong replied simply and walk with them to the next room.


Taeyeon and Tiffany are laughing when they entered but stopped midway to see the heated pizza and drinks. The room soon filled with laughter, conversations and more laughter as the night gets longer.




The moment Yul gained consciousness, he immediately hold his head and massage them as he sat up.


"That's what you get from drinking too much. Aish." Jessica noticed him as she walked out of the shower room and proceed to the closet.


"Mianhe." Yul weakly says. "Are we still in the villa?" He got off the bed while still wincing with his headache.


"Yes. I prepared hangover soup for you, make sure to reheat it." Shouted Jessica as she watched her husband walk out of their room. She sighs and continues to choose what dress she's going to wear.


Yul who went downstairs smiles unconsciously when she heard Seoyoung's voice from the pool. He can see Taeyeon, Yoong, and Seohyun playing with her. He proceeds to the kitchen and found Tiffany is making sandwiches.


"You're finally awake, Mr. Kwon." Tiffany teasingly smiles.


"Yeah, sorry about yesterday." Yul apologizes sincerely. "I didn't do anything bad did I?" He chuckled, walking to the fridge and looking for a bottle of water. 

"Well, aside from asking my husband to sleep with you, nothing else." Tiffany giggled as she neatly places chicken and cabbage on the bread. 

"I did? I asked him that?" Yul exclaimed as he turned to look at her.


She nodded. "And you even hugged him." And grinned.


Yul's face turned pale. He felt so embarrassed now that he heard it. "I... didn't know." He smiled sheepishly smiled.


"Of course, you don't. You are not in your right mind." Tiffany chuckled and shakes her head momentarily.


"I won't ever drink again! Ugh." Yul groaned while his cheeks are blushing. And he shakes his head frantically while cupping his face. "I'm so embarrassing." Mumbled him as he pouted.


"Sica cooked hangover soup. You want me to reheat this?" 

"No, I got it." He briefly smiled at Tiffany as he reached for the pot and placed it on the stove.


"But Jessica was so patient with you last night. You're lucky." 

"I feel so ashamed of myself." 

"Yah! That's just normal. Don't be embarrassed." Tiffany chuckled softly. 

Yul let out a sigh and finds himself staring quietly at the young woman before his eyes. He remembers their twins which made him smile unconsciously. "What did you drink and you guys are having twins?" He softly asks.


Tiffany's attention shifted back to him. "I don't know. It just happened." She flashes a bright smile as she continues with the sandwiches.


"That's like two kids in one kind." Yul shared his thoughts, a bit envious of Taeyeon. 

"I know right? But you know what? It must be because we always say we're a team." Tiffany realized something. "And here it goes, God gives us an instant team." 

"A big team." Yul giggles, turning off the stove casually and transferring the soup to the bowl.


"Well, you guys should get another baby as soon as Yul-jung turns one." 

"I would love that too." 

"No." Jessica stepped into the kitchen just to hear it. "Give me two years at least, Yul." And she requested firmly.


Yul awkwardly smile. "Sure." He knows there's no chance if he insists that he agrees right away.


"You guys follow us outside." Tiffany announced, getting up carefully as she brought the sandwiches outside.


Jessica pulled the chair nearby to have her seat as Yul placed the bowl on the table and enjoy his soup. She quietly just watched him until he smiled when he looked at her briefly. "Did you know you try to kiss Taeyeon last night?"


Yul choked with his own soup. He quickly took the glass of water on the side and have a couple of drinks. "I did?" He exclaimed, couldn't believe it.


"You did. You successfully kissed him on the cheek." Jessica snickers. "Yah! What was thinking last night? He is your wife?" 

Yul mentally face-palmed. "No wonder Fany didn't even mention it." He sighs and looked down at his bowl sadly. "How am I going face the chairman now?"


"That was funny yet I don't think he took that seriously. Next time don't drink too much. Aish!" Jessica attempted to hit him but he hastily lowered his head. 


"Mianhe." Yul sheepishly smiled.


"We have our baby due in time, please help yourself too."


"I know. I won't do that again."


Jessica scoffed. She took his spoon and feed him. "But you're cute when you get drunk." She smiles cheerfully.


"Chincha? But that's not still a reason to keep drinking." Yul pouted cutely.


"Glad you know that. Tsk." Jessica replied yet still disappointed. 


"I will be a better person from now on!" Announced Yul and quickly took his spoon back so he could have his soup personally.


Jessica let out a soft laugh, totally enjoying her husband's antics. She finds herself watching him quietly again until he finished it and they joined the others outside.




"Now I understand you get hungry easily." Taeyeon can't believe that Tiffany has once again opened potato fries from their bag. It was just hours ago when they had breakfast with their friends and his brother, now as they return home, her wife is eating again.


"It was hard to bear twins. They are like two mouths to feed." Tiffany laughs and sighs, rubbing her baby bump in the process. 


"I know right? Wait, you haven't mentioned if one kind of twins are they." He almost forgot about it. He glanced at her to keep his focus on the road. 


"According to the doctor, the twins may be fraternal." 


"Fraternal twins means?"


"Means they're not identical twins. You release 2 different eggs, as the doctor explained." She casually explained while munching with her fries.


Taeyeon widened his eyes. "Chincha?" He never heard about it which is new to him. "So it will be easy for us to identify them?"


"Absolutely." Tiffany smiled briefly. "This is better than identical twins."


"But they have different genders, that just also explains."


"Yeah." She nodded gently. "They're not going to give us a hard time identifying them, but it would be a hard time for us to take care of them. I mean, we have instant 2 kids, we definitely need to team up every day and night in order to give what they need." She chuckled, imagining the chaotic scenes in their house already once the twins come out.


"Yeah... it would really be chaotic. Should I hire a nanny and cook? I mean, so someone can also cook early in the morning."


"I wanted to actually ask you that. But my mom told me they can take care of the twins for us."


"Will that be fine? I mean, they have work too." Taeyeon is concerned they might burden her parents. 


"I know, but these will be their first grandchildren. They're excited too. Maybe during weekdays? When you have work and I am alone at home. I can ask my parents to come." Tiffany further pursued him. 


Sighing, He got quiet as he think of it over. But a couple of minutes later, he made a decision, "I'll hire a cook and maid then, so it won't be too hard for us and your parents in preparing lunch and dinner." 


"Thanks, love." Tiffany is relieved to hear it. She feeds him with the fries and giggles, as she finds herself looking out the window. 


"Five or four months left." He softly says, glancing at his wife.


"I know right? Months will really come fast though." Tiffany glanced at him as well. She suddenly heard her phone and smile sweetly to receive the photos from the event earlier. "The photographer has sent me our photos already." She excitedly opened it and began to browse the photos. Her heart flutters seeing the photos of her parents, smiling all so bright. "They're more excited than I am."


"Your parents had been waiting for you to have your own family." Taeyeon shrugs his shoulders. He's overwhelmed that Mr. and Mrs. Young has really welcomed him wholeheartedly into their family. Despite the disagreement last year, they easily accepted the fate of their daughter after the wedding. 


"Yah, stopped by a supermarket, I want to have salmon later." Tiffany suddenly requested.




"Remember what Seohyun said? It's good for pregnant women and for the babies."


"Oh yeah, I read about that on the internet too. We rarely have salmon because you crave steak and mango salad most of the time."


"Let's have salmon this time, then." Tiffany playfully winks, excited to have it later in their dinner. 


"I need to buy my own cravings too, so yeah, let's celebrate for our twins tonight." Taeyeon replied with a grin. 




While waiting for her husband to return, Tiffany is enjoying herself with some music, especially her songs that were sung by idols and soloist singers. She would occasionally let out a big yawn and rubs her baby bump while trying her best not to fall asleep. Time has passed, Taeyeon hasn't returned and she suddenly wants to take a pee. 


Carefully, she stepped out of the car and lock it before she walk inside the supermarket. She asked for the comfort room and she was immediately guided to it.


Just a minute, she walked out of the comfort room. She grabs the chance to look for Taeyeon around the supermarket only to find him queueing in the salmon section. It was a long line which seems to be the reason he hasn't returned.


"Yah, why is everyone going to buy salmon?" She asked him in a low voice.


"They're on sale, love. Everyone wanted to buy at this cheaper price." He explained to her with a big grin.


She scoffed in disbelief. "And you love it?"


"Of course, it's the first time I'm doing this." 


"Seriously?" She chuckled softly.


Taeyeon snickers. "I'm telling you the truth. You should grab some drinks while you wait."


"I just went to the comfort room you know." She informed. "I'll wait with you. But only for thirty minutes."


"Okay." He shrugs his shoulders and casually kissed her cheek.


"Um, Miss." However, the staff market approaches them. "You're not allowed to queue with your husband with your condition right now." 


"Chincha?" The couple reacted together.


"Yes, it's on the market's rule. Please just wait outside or you can take your seat on our benches nearby." The male staff offered. "We are just being careful."


"Fine. But give me thirty minutes, and I'll return to our car afterward." Tiffany however insisted, taking Taeyeon's hand right away. "I mean, I can't leave him right away." she said with a beam, receiving

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1129 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️