Ch 25

Savage Love
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25 | Runaway



"What took you so long?"


Yoong jumped in surprised when he entered the ward and was greeted by such a cold voice. He chuckles nervously and waves his hand to his wife sitting by the edge of the bed. "You still up, hon?"


"How am I going to sleep if you haven't even returned? You were out the whole day. Seoyoung keeps looking for you." Seohyun said, sending glares to her husband. 


"I... Had to look for a new job after the investigation." Yoong explained himself. He approached her and smile genuinely. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."


"Chincha? What happened to the investigation?" Seohyun still wears a cold voice. She didn't hear any news about it. It seems it was a close investigation.


Yoong take his seat next to his wife and took her free hand. "It ended well. Just like I mentioned, Stephanie can't counter our evidence. Especially the recording of our conversation back in Busan." He has to assure her again. It was lucky Yul was thinking ahead and he had recorded their conversation through his phone. "Don't worry about it, okay?" He ended it with a sweet smile and a kiss on her hand.


Seohyun sighs in relief. "You look exhausted though." But she can't miss mentioning her husband's eyes looked puffy and tired. 


"Who wouldn't? I had to go around to find companies that are hiring. I haven't received any response to my mail, so yeah."


Letting go of his hand, Seohyun put her palm on Yoong's cheek and rubbed it gently with her thumb. "Don't overwork." She advises. "Health is still more important." 


"I know. Thank you." Yoong softly replied, smiling sweetly. He parted her lips as Seohyun leaned in to kiss him and he responded gently. Tiffany was right, once he returned to his family, all that he can feel is love, and that should be a reason for him to keep going.


"I love you so much, Hon." Whispered Seohyun after the kiss. "And I'm sorry that I can't help you right now. But just so you know, I will always be here, and Seoyoung for you. Share whatever you're going through there. I'm just here to listen. Even Seoyoung. No matter what happens, we're your family. Remember that." She ended it with a chaste kiss that cause Yoong to have some teary eyes. 


"Thank you, even though what I've been doing is just headaches." Yoong sniffles in an attempt to stop himself from crying. "I think some would break up but here you are, making me feel like I did something good."


"You've been doing good. It's only those people who want to make you bad." Seohyun softly says. "You're the toughest person I know do you know that? And I thank you for that because it makes me tough too. You're the reason why I want to recover fast. Why I always have strength every day. Your love and your perseverance are giving me hope each and every day, Hon. So never ever think of giving up. We got this, okay? We got this, my love."


Yoong nodded firmly, wiping his tears off and chuckling in the process. Her words just really give him new strength and hope. "I wish I can hug you, Hon." But he got a little problem.


"Just lean your head." Seohyun tapped her own right shoulder and Yoong complied, automatically their hands are intertwined.


"Seoyoung, she doesn't miss the outside?" Yoong got curious as his eyes are on their sleeping daughter on the nearby sofa, with a blanket covering her.


"Nah, she has a lot of friends here." Seohyun giggles. 


"Omo, did Yul Hyung buy a lot of fruits?" Yoong noticed there are two baskets on the table.


"Yes. He wants me to recover fast." Seohyun confirmed instantly even though the other was Taeyeon's.


"You better be." Yoong muttered, leaning his head back to his wife's shoulder. He felt better now than earlier. He thanked God for sending Tiffany for saving him, as he thinks peacefully now.


'Please protect my husband always Lord. And guide him to every decision he makes.' Seohyun quietly prayed at the back of her head.





[the next day...]


Just as Tiffany returned to her desk, she heard her phone ring, and Taecyeon's contact ID flashes on the screen, reminding her of the audition she did. She quickly took her shoulder bag and left the office in a hurry. While in the lift, she fix her hair and did a little retouch on her makeup, doesn't want to waste time going to the comfort room for it. And good thing she's alone inside.


She exited the lift in no time and just as she reached her car, she is surprised to see Taeyeon. "Yah! What are you doing here?!"


"I don't have important meetings today, I came here to support the best girl." Taeyeon explained sweetly, handing Tiffany the flowers he bought on the way.


"Ha! Are you sure about this?" 

"I told you, I will be by your side wherever you take your dream. Don't you love seeing me here?" Taeyeon pouted cutely.


Tiffany hit his arm and chuckle. "Of course I do. I am just really, really surprised. Who would think you'd think this idea. But thank you for coming." She sweetly smiled and hugs him briefly. "The flowers are so beautiful, Tae."


"Just like you." Taeyeon charmingly smiled back earning a brief kiss on his lips.


"Let's go." Tiffany giggles excitedly, wrapping one arm to her boyfriend's arm, taking him to his car.


Taeyeon took the driver's seat casually while the young brunette is in the passenger's seat. "Do you think they accepted a lot of auditionees?" He asks as he drives them off carefully.


"Maybe but I don't care, I want to focus on my performance later." Tiffany answered with a confident smile. She felt more than confident now that Taeyeon is with her. She never regretted sharing it with him.


"That's what I want to hear. You'll do good." Taeyeon glances at Tiffany, briefly smiling. He is glad his schedule is light and got the idea to be with his girlfriend. If not, she'll be thinking of her the whole day.


"Taecyeon is on the way also. We'll meet with him later." Shares Tiffany.


Taeyeon just shrugged his shoulders as his focus is on the road. 


"You are wearing black?" Tiffany noticed something unusual.


"Why? Is it my first time?" But Taeyeon is innocent. He chuckled glancing at his girlfriend.


"Well, you usually wear bright colors, aren't you?" 


"Really? I don't know, I just randomly took this shirt from the closet." explained Taeyeon truthfully. He is a person that doesn't mind what color he wears, he wasn't aware Tiffany noticed that he's wearing bright colors often.


Tiffany shrugs her shoulders. "Okay. I'm probably just observant." she chuckled afterward.


"You're wearing blue today, didn't you love pink so much?" Taeyeon teases earning glares from her. He stuck his tongue out playfully.




As expected they were greeted by auditionees that got the second call. Most of them are female. Taeyeon felt like it wouldn't be an easy battle for his girlfriend as he give her a hug and encouragement.


"No matter what happens today, always remember that I'm here with you." He told her softly. "Fighting!" and cheered on.


Tiffany was surprised to hear it. "What's up with you?" She chuckles. 

Pulling back, Taeyeon smiled charmingly. "You know you are always the best girl for me."


"What?" Tiffany chuckled, couldn't really understand what was going on with him.


"I'm just telling you the truth." Taeyeon giggles as he kissed Tiffany's cheek and the latter hit his arm.


"I'll go inside now." Tiffany said and wave her hand to Taeyeon while walking inside the theater. "See you later." 

"Yes. I'll be in the audience seat." Taeyeon said in a loud voice, waving his hand lightly. "You can do it!" But he can't help and shout earning a wave of the hand from his girlfriend too.


As soon as she disappeared, he joined the others in the audience seat. He suddenly got a call from his secretary and decided to cancel it. Yet he completely turned off his phone so no one will disturb him and it might also distract others in the theater.


Moments later, Taecyeon arrived and he wave at him so they were sitting next to each other.


"Is it already starting?" ask Taecyeon in a whisper.


"Not yet. I think in fifteen minutes." replied Taeyeon, smiling at him briefly. "Wait, you got the music for her right?"


"Yes, I give it to their director." informed Taecyeon, taking his dslr out to ready himself and record the audition.


"You're recording it?"


"Yup. Wae? You aren't?"


Taeyeon shakes his head. "I... didn't think of it." But had to tell the truth.'I should've brought a camcorder too.' He thought felt envious of his device. He was too excited earlier that he even break traffic lights in order to reach Tiffany's company on time.


"It's fine. I'll share the video later." Taecyeon assured him.


"Thanks." said Taeyeon lowly, looking away as he focus his eyes on the stage. He can see cameras near the stage, which means they're broadcasting it. He heaved a sigh thinking his girlfriend will soon be known to the public. He's worried about the outcome knowing her privacy will be affected just like what happened to Seohyun and his brother. 'I hope we don't get the same fate.' He wishes.


Meanwhile, Tiffany is with other auditionees backstage. She's sitting in a chair in the corner. She wasn't nervous earlier but now that she's hearing the practice from the others, it suddenly lowered her confidence and she's nervous as hell. Their vocals are higher than hers. How can she win the competition? 


'Should I go home?' She thought yet the director has already announced the start of the second audition. She shook her head and returned her focus yet there's still her heart, nervously beating. The anxiety is still there.


One by one, auditionees are singing their songs in front of the judges and not so many audiences. It's going smoothly.


"Tiffany Young! You're next." Until the backstage director informed her.


She stand on her feet and breathed out deeply, walking to the stage while holding the mic. Her mic is sweaty due to her anxieties.


"We meet again, Miss Young." The same PD greeted her with those sweet smiles.


Tiffany smiled back. "Thanks for this second chance." Her heart is pounding faster than earlier when she realizes the audience has started to fill the theater. She used to be on the sideline only as one of the managers in her company. But now, standing on the stage feels hella different and a bit scary especially since their eyes are on her.


She swallowed a heavy lump on and took a deep breath then relax. 


'I got this. You got this, Tiffany Young.' She cheers on herself. Then she spotted Taeyeon, smiling proudly at her. He mouthed something she doesn't understand but those fists he shows just tell her he's cheering on her and so is Taecyeon. She briefly smiled at them.


"What song are you going to sing this time? I mean, what's the original song called?"


"Runaway." She told him in a bit of voice but the mic got it loud for her.


"Hmm, let's hear it." The PD nodded and give the cue to play the music.


Taking another breath in deeply, she exhaled soundlessly through . The music starts and she focuses on it. She unconsciously then finds Taeyeon's on her as she reminisces their memories together, especially when they are not a couple yet, slowly building up her confidence as she immerses herself into the emotions she had for the young chairman.


"I'm in love with you, ain't gon' tell no lie." She started singing her heart without unlocking her gazes to him. "They don't want me to say I'm not your type."


Taeyeon from his seat is having chills upon hearing the lyrics. He himself couldn't look away from those beautiful gazes that's talking to him.


"What I'm born to do, you stay on my mind
Every second of a minute, every day and night, ooh."


Then he started reminiscing. And began to love the song as well.


"Boy, they don't know nothing they hatin' cause I'm into you. If I had a dollar for each time they say things that ain't true. I'd be a billion-heiress. Sipping Dom Pérignon in Paris. Rich in the scent of our love~" Tiffany intended to prolong the last part with her eyes close and the music stops causing her to open her eyes back.


Everyone was surprised but not her coz it's part of the song.


"Let's just runaway
Let's just runaway now~

We can find a way, I don't really care how
You just name a place I'll be on my way round"


She returned the song but this time, she was singing it also for the others as she started moving to the beat.


Everyone in the audience is awed and they use their hands to join the beat. The PD and the rest of the judges are surprised yet love the reaction of the audience.


Taeyeon chuckled as it caused him to also use his hands, smiling proudly to his girlfriend, doing a seemed like a concert performance instead of an audition.


"Everyone loves the song." Taecyeon commented.


"You're slow." Said Taeyeon, shaking his head playfully earning a hit from him.


"I don't wanna waste another day with you away from me
So, let's just runaway right now." She ended the song full of smiles to the audience with a glance at Taeyeon who keeps cheering her on. She bowed and then exited backstage.


"That was freaking good, Tiffany!" The backstage director praises her, giving her a hi-5.


She walk back to her chair and wasn't intimidated anymore by others. She's positive she'll make it to the bigger stage.




"That was awesome! You pretty nailed it, Tiffany!" Praise Taecyeon once Tiffany came out along with the others. But when he opened his arms for a hug, she pass at him and went to Taeyeon for a hug instead. He chuckles and just doesn't mind.


"How'd you like it?" asked Tiffany as she pulled back from the hug with a big sweetest smile. 


Taeyeon frowns but eventually pulled two thumbs up. "Just incredible!" He praises earning a deep kiss from her. "Whoa." He didn't expect it and got shy when Taecyeon on the side smiles at them.


"Thanks, love. You helped me with the song." Tiffany said happily. "And so are you Mr. cameraman." she playfully called Taecyeon then grabs Taeyeon's arm as they walk away.


"Yah, you should thank me more coz you're going to rewatch your performance." Taecyeon stomp his feet as he followed the two childishly, like a kid being left by his parents.






The entire chicken restaurant is filled with indictive chats from customers and staff shouting for another chicken to particular tables. Tiffany, Taeyeon, and Taecyeon are along with them, as they enjoyed the spicy drumstick chicken.


"One more plate please." But Tiffany who is as hungry as everyone ordered her third plate. Her anxiety earlier just really brought hunger to her. She wants to fill her stomach full.


"You haven't eaten like that." commented Taeyeon, in disbelief yet he finds it adorable. He casually wipes the sauce on the side of her lips with her thumb and it. 


"Having anxieties is totally a hell." shared Tiffany. "Next time, I won't be like that anymore." 


"Chincha? You were nervous? I

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1130 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️