Ch 23

Savage Love
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23 | Living Apart




It was almost like an 8 hour of search before Yoong received a call from a nurse, telling him that his wife is in their hospital after an accident happened. He didn't think of anything besides driving there no matter how unfamiliar the road is for him. 


"She will be fine, don't worry." He assures his daughter who is in the backseat. He wasn't able to reach Tiffany nor his brother to somehow leave Seoyoung with them so he brought her with him. "Go to sleep. It's almost 5 am."


"Yes." Seoyoung let out a huge yawn, stretching her arms upward and close her eyes to sleep.


Yoong briefly smiled at his daughter. He keeps his eyes wide every time he felt sleepy so he could focus on the road. He is exhausted but he isn't letting him eat him as he keeps the speed normal for the next 3 hours. 




"She was with Stephanie Lee. A witness mentioned they seemed to be fighting as she heard screams and curses before they crashes. Both of them had injuries but it's Seohyun who had a major injury on her left arm. We found a fracture and she immediately undergoes into surgery to fix it. Recovery rate might take 6 to 16 weeks, Mr. Im." 


Yoong couldn't believe what he heard. It was like he heard the worst news his entire life. The fact that Stephanie is involved makes him feel so bad and sorry for his wife. He feels like he would never do anything good to her but just pain, pain, and more pain. It's getting tired. But he can't forgive himself right now. It just hurt so much.


But not even a single tear drops her eyes as he remained strong, standing beside his wife's bed, staring at her like a statue. But soon his legs give up and he takes his seat next to his daughter, whose asleep on the sofa. A small and pale smile formed his lips as he checks on Seoyoung before he fell asleep too.




"Here we go again." Seohyun sighs as she finds herself lying in the bed with an injured arm. But what makes her feel Deja Vu is that she's back in the hospital and her memory is too clear for her to just brushed it off. She pouted sadly however to see her husband and daughter, on a nearby sofa, cuddling while sleeping. They look adorable but it hurts to see that they both looked exhausted. 'They probably drive that instant when they heard of me. Poor my loves.'


'I shouldn't have gone to see her.' she regrets it. But who could really foresee what's going to happen? She just wants to do something for her husband and their family. It's just unfortunate it happened. But Stephanie had to be one to blame. If she didn't slap her, she will not fight with her.


Just then, she noticed Seoyoung is slowly gaining her consciousness. 


"Hey, sweetheart." she greeted sweetly, flashing her sweetest smile despite having a pale face.


Turning her head to her right, Seoyoung pouted to see her mother on the bed. "Omma." She gets off of the bed and walks to her, taking her hand in both hands as she leans into her bed. "Omma is sick?" she asks softly, looking up to her.


Seohyun rubs her daughter's cheek gently. "Nope. Just had to be in the hospital for some test." she explained even though it's obvious it's because of her arm. 


"But your arm has a bandage. You're sick." Seoyoung said as a matter of fact. "Get well soon, Omma." she kissed her hand and smile cutely.


"Thank you, sweetheart. You should wake up Appa now so you guys can eat." Seohyun suggested, doesn't want to starve them especially her daughter.


Seoyoung turned her head to her father then back to her mother. "He's still sleeping."


"That's why you should wake him up." chuckled Seohyun in amusement. "Go on, it's okay." She knows she's hesitating because Yoong might scold her. 


Seoyoung sighs and slowly walks to her father. She held his shoulder and shakes him gently. "Appa wakie, wakie." she said at the same time. "Wakie, wakie, Appa." she continued to tell him without stopping her shake. Soon she's seeing him moving and groaning. "Appa... Appa wakie up."


"Ugh, Seoyoung, let me sleep." Yoong mumbles, turning his body around to continue.


"Omma is awake." Said Seoyoung and shake him again.


Yoong opened his eyes back it took him a minute before he processes the information as he turned and sits up to see Seohyun is indeed awake. "You're awake." he rushed to her side immediately. "How are you feeling?"


"Fine. Although I can't feel my left arm right now. But I feel fine. But you have to look for food for the both of you. Don't starve our daughter." Seohyun still thinks of them. "Don't worry about me, a nurse will come later for the food."


"That's a relief." sighs Yoong, weakly smiling. He took her free hand and give it a sweet kiss and smiles, earning the same smile from his wife that flutters his heart. 


"Appa I'm hungry." Seoyoung said while patting her small stomach.


"Okay, let's find some food. You'll be fine alone?"




Yoong leaned into her forehead to plant a loving kiss on Seohyun's forehead and her cheek. "We'll be back before you know it." whispers him, taking Seoyoung in his arms and reluctantly left her. 


"Omma see you later." Seoyoung waves her hand while smiling cutely.


Seohyun waves back to her daughter. She sighs in relief once they're gone, looking at the ceiling. "Whatever happens to Stephanie?" But it suddenly crosses her mind.




Walking out of the lift together with other employees, Taeyeon sweetly smiled and bowed his head a little to those who greeted him as he made his way to his office. He smiled at his secretary when he meets his eyes with her before he enters his office.


"You have two meetings later, Mr. Chairman. One with the board and the other is with Mr. Choi, founder of Seoul Sound Music."


"Oh, so they got our proposal?" Taeyeon is happy to hear it. 


"Yes, Mr. Chairman." His secretary smiled briefly.


"Thanks." He replied with a big smile as well. He woke up feeling so great especially that he's with someone who always makes him feel love and special. And now work seems to be starting well. 


He took his blazer off and hang it on the rack before he takes his seat and opens the first folder that needs to be review and sign by him. But while he's back at his work, his phone beeps and he casually fetches it from his backpack in the corner of his desk.


my love Tiffany: Love, look at this. The book seemed interesting.


He smiled when he reads her message and zoomed in on the photo so he can see clearly the title. "That sounds interesting." he said and type it to send it to her.


That sounds interesting

So you're in a bookstore?


my love Tiffany: I told you I'm stopping by the mall to check new books since I haven't read for a while. Also, I need to buy papers for the office. Ugh, I hate it when they ask me to run some errands. Well, I skipped work the other day. Hahaha.


Taeyeon giggles upon reading the response. He can imagine the laugh of his girlfriend. 


You better not do that again.


my love Tiffany: You can trust me ^^ 

So do you want me to buy you something?


"Hmm... " Taeyeon finds himself thinking of it. He comfortably leaned his back to his chair as he took his time then it hits him. He hastily types his response and sends it.


A piggy bank.


my love Tiffany: What? What do you need for that? You have the bank to save your money. What are you thinking?


I got some ideas. I'll explain it to you later during lunch break.

Also, recommend me a book. I'd gladly read it.


my love Tiffany: Yay! I'll take time searching for the best book then.


Take care love. See you later.


my love Tiffany: You too. Don't get too stress~♥ 


Taeyeon smiled after reading the last message. He put his phone on the side and return to his work. But just moments later, his secretary walked into his office.


"Mr. Chairman, we're having some problem. A hacker has broken our security and is demanding something so we can restore our system."


"What?" Taeyeon jolted up and hastily rushed outside. He can hear complaints from everyone on their computer as they couldn't return to work. He headed straight to the lab and was greeted by programmers trying to return their server without negotiating with the hacker that gives them 8 hours only. 


'Damn, just when Yul's not here.' He thought in mind as he clenched his fist and gritted his teeth.


"Should we give what they want?" 


"How much?"


Secretary Kim shows his iPad. "A hundred million won."


". We can't give that to the hacker. Do your best to break the code!" Taeyeon yelled in demand. "Whoever can do it, I'm going to give a bonus." and to drive them to do their best, he made a promise to his programmers.


"Yes!" Everyone in the lab chorused as they work on it.


Walking out of the lab, Taeyeon can't help it and kick the nearby potted plant. "Problem after problem. Why the is this happening?" He frustratingly cursed and ruffles his hair unconsciously.


"I know, Mr. Chairman. But I know everything will be fine soon." His secretary handed him a bottle of water which made him sigh and gladly took it. 


"I'm amazed you're calm, Ms. Kim." He said and smile briefly before he took a couple of gulps. Kim Tae Ri, his secretary had been doing her job pretty well, he did not regret he hired her. 


"I've been into a lot of stress with you, Mr. Chairman. I'm used to this. Well, if only your brother is here, this wouldn't be much of a problem." Tae Ri can't help and mention. "But don't worry, I already called the police. They are doing their best to locate the location of the hacker."


Taeyeon cough when he heard it. "I... I know. Too bad." He doesn't have anything to say about him so he just shrugs his shoulders. "Call me when they got it." he ordered as he decided to return to his office.


"Sure, Mr. Chairman." Tae Ri bowed as he left.


Sighing so loud for the second time, Taeyeon took his seat back to his executive chair and leaned his head to the headrest, to somehow give himself time to relax. He closes his eyes and was reminded by Tiffany's text message that made him chuckle a little. 'Just when she told me not to be so stressful. But work is stressful.'  He opened his eyes slowly as he thought of their server being a hack and is apparently affecting everyone's work, probably the games and apps also.


"Whoever is the hacker?" He made his hands into a fist again as his eyebrows are now almost meeting. He absolutely can't forgive whoever he is.




Tiffany couldn't even breathe when she received another call that they want her to buy them coffee for them. Everyone even shared what kind of coffee they want her to buy. She's like in punishment, she knows but she can't help and really complain. But of course, only she knows her complaints as she headed straight to the cafe after leaving the bookstore.


" 2Choco chip cream, 6 coffee jelly, 1 Dark Mocha, 3 Caramel, and 10 Iced Coffee. Oh, don't forget to put them in a plastic bag. They'll ruin paper bags only." She said with a sweet smile. The barista is agape yet he was able to get every order.


"I think I need more than thirty minutes for this." However, the Barista told her bad news.


"Yeah, I figure that out." Tiffany awkwardly smiles. "But that's fine. I can wait." she then left the counter and take her seat at one of the tables. She took a huge exhales as she finally got her legs a rest.


While waiting, she checks her messages and skipped to her colleague's message until she realized Taecyeon sent her a new one.


Taecyeon: They're having their last audition today. So tomorrow I think we will know who got into the second round. This second round will be shown on TV, so I guess you need to tell Taeyeon soon. He'll definitely see you on tv by accident.


Don't worry about it. I told myself if I get into the second round, I'll tell him. 

If not, I'll forget about this. Thanks, Taec!


Her response is late for an hour since he sent the message. But at least she replied. She knows Taecyeon wouldn't mind. 


But her smile disappeared when he noticed there's a message that he absolutely missed from Yoong. It was sent dawntime. But thinking of what she and Taeyeon have talked about, she is having second thoughts. The first three letters on the message however make her curious that she decided to open it.


Yoong: Noona, Seohyun is in the hospital.

She's fine now, however. I just want you to know.


Her heart skipped a beat upon reading 'hospital' again but to read she's fine, she's glad to know but it still worries her. She's her best friend either way. It's normal for her to feel it.


But she has this eager to respond to Yoong that she's once again thinking it twice. She keeps tapping the table with her fingers and then tilts her head outside. She keeps tapping and tapping until she made her decisions.


I'm sorry for this late response Yoong. I was just busy at the moment. 

I'm glad she's fine now. Send my regards to her ;) Himnae!


She got a little second thought when she sent it but she's satisfied with her decision. She didn't wait for his response as she gets up and walks to the counter when she heard her name.


"Thanks." She said with a friendly smile as she picks the two plastic bags. She decided to drink one of the iced coffee while making her way out. But suddenly a rush of customers enters the cafe that she had to go to her left and keeps avoiding the seats until she accidentally hit something and drops her drink on someone's laptop. "Omo, I'm so sorry." she hastily picks up her drink but the coffee has already spread on the guy's laptop. She was about to wipe the laptop when the guy picked it up. 


"It's okay." The guy said but sends glares at her as he left the place in a hurry.


Tiffany was flabbergasted. She thought she'll get some scolding but he only glares that chills down her spine. "Well, I-I hope I didn't... break his laptop." she mutters while blinking her eyes in a fast manner. "Omo, my order." she hastily check the inside of the plastic bag and was glad they put something to support it.


While making her way out, she almost dropped the plastic bags again when police officers came rushing to the cafe. 


"What's going on?" She felt strange yet she continues on her walk towards the parking lot.


Just as she the engine of her car, she once again noticed the police officers rushing to their cars and they their sirens as they drove off. "There was probably a theft." She guesses and finally drives off as well.




After learning that the police has located the hacker, Taeyeon hurriedly returned to the lab and one of the programmers showed him a clip from the cafe's CCTV. 


"He looks... Young." He commented as he takes a closer look. "Maybe 25?"


"It seems, Mr. Chairman. And in this part." His programmer fasts forward the video and pauses when the guy gets up which made his face shown and a woman appeared. "The woman in the video is the reason why the server returned to its own. She dropped her drinks to his laptop that ruined his hacking." 


"But apparently the police officers are having a hard time tracing his location back." Said another programmer.


Taeyeon pressed the play button and looked at the unknown guy's face. He didn't really recognize it but he's sure he's younger. But the woman, just her back, he knew her well. "It's

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1130 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️