Ch 40

Savage Love
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40 | The Family




As soon as Seohyun parked the car successfully, she hurriedly followed the stretchers of Jessica and Tiffany, that was taken straight to the OR. Their screams are catching patients, doctors, and Nurses' attention until they reached the room, doctors immediately came inside and help them give birth to their children.


"Oppa!" She called out Yul when she found him on the side. 


"Omo, you're here." Yul smiled while panting for air and sweating.


"Wha... What happened to your hair?" Seohyun noticed how messy it is. 


"I lose some hair, didn't I?" Yul tried to see his hair as he fixed them.


"Kind of?"


"The two can't stop pulling my hair. Aish." He explained in a mutter.


"What?" She chuckled. "Seriously? Why would they do that?"


"They keep saying it hurts so much."


Seohyun laughs. "Chincha? That's hilarious."


"Anyway did you call Taeyeon or Yoong?" Ask Yul as he finally calmed down.


"Nope." She shakes her head. "I didn't think of that. I mean, I saw the ambulance, I have no time to think of them."


"Aish. Tiffany keeps asking her husband. Try to call them." Yul ordered, taking his seat on a nearby bench.


Taking her phone out, Seohyun look for Taeyeon's number on her contacts and pressed the call icon when she found it. It rings for a couple of seconds only as the next line is answered. 


[Mrs. Seo. This is secretary Kim, how may I help you?]


"Is Taeyeon Oppa available?" 


[I'm sorry but he's still on the stage talking together with your husband. Is there any message you want me to relay to them after the event?]


"How many hours will the event takes?" She remembered about it and wasn't surprised at all.


[3 hours left, Mrs. Seo.]


She checked the time and sighed when she realized the event ends after lunch. "Can you tell Taeyeon Oppa to go straight to Seoul Hospital? Um, Jessica Unnie and Tiffany are in labor apparently. So, tell them to straight here."


[Whoa, that's happy news, Mrs. Seo. Don't worry, I will tell them right away.]


"Thanks for your time, Secretary Kim." She ended the call and exhaled loudly. 


"Wae?" Yul raised his eyebrows.


Seohyun takes her seat next to him. "The event will take 3 more hours. So they'll probably be here maybe before the two give birth." She explained. 


"And how about Seoyoung?" Yul reminded the young mother.


"The bus will take her home later at lunchtime. But I still need to go home to pick her up."


"I see." Said Yul, smiling briefly. "Aigoo, how many hours does giving birth take?" He checked his watch briefly as he turned his attention to the two doors at the OR.


"Mine took 3 hours and a half. But it depends on how well the mother endures the pain and pushes their babies out. In Tiffany's case, she'll probably be the last one since she has twins."


"Did Yoong stand by your side when you gave birth?" Yul got curious. He was blocked by the nurse earlier the reason he is outside, waiting.


"Nope. I was surrounded by nurses that time as my doctor was leading them."


"I mean, I saw it on dramas. I bet it's not true." He snickers.


Seohyun shakes her head. "It depends on the hospital, Oppa. They have their own rules."


"Yeah, I know." A sheepish smile formed on Yul's face. He let out a sigh once again as he returned his focus to the door. They couldn't hear any scream from the inside. The room must be soundproof to avoid noises that may disturb patients. 


"You want to grab some drinks, Oppa?"


"Oh, I got it." He smiled and got up, leaving Seohyun alone.


"He's that fast." Seohyun finds it funny yet adorable as she watched Yul runs to the vending machine. Sighing, she check the time again as she crossed her arms and leaned her back to the wall. She throws her head back and smiles as she reminisces the moment she gives birth to Seoyoung. It was totally painful yet rewarding when she finally heard Seoyoung's cries and saw her face. Her heart just flutter and she forgot how exhausted she was at that time. 'My baby.' she thought, giddily.


But her smiles dropped when she thought of how sad Seoyoung was upon hearing she wasn't really pregnant. It took a week for her to get over it. 




People stood and clapped their hands as soon as the conference ended. Yoong and Taeyeon bowed to their audience a couple of times while a series of flashes from cameras filled the podium. They then smiled at one another and wave their hands lightly to everyone as they casually exit to backstage.


"Mr. Chairman, Seohyun called earlier." Secretary Kim greeted them right away.


"Hmm? Wae? Why not me?" Yoong beat his brother to react.


"Um, I don't know but it was because Mrs. Young is now in labor together with-"


"What?" Taeyeon and Yoong both reacted at the same time.


"Since when?" Ask Taeyeon as he took his phone from his secretary and check on the call history.


"Before lunch, Mr. Chairman. I ask for a helicopter to fetch you two but they're not available apparently. So I booked a plane ticket the earliest time back Seoul." Secretary Kim informed them as she handed her employer the tickets.


"Thanks, Ms. Kim." Taeyeon brightened up and took the tickets. "Do you think they're still in labor? It's been hours since she called." 


"Normal delivery of the baby took 8 hours, bro. So we might really still find them inside the delivery room." Yoong shared from experienced. 


"I'll handle the situation here with our team and your stuff. You guys should go back first."


"Call me if there's anything you guys need."


"Yes, Mr. Chairman." Secretary Kim bowed before the brothers hurriedly rushed outside. She smiled and regretted not congratulating the chairman fast.


Once the lift opened, Taeyeon and Yoona got inside and pressed the ground floor right away. Unfortunately, Taeyeon couldn't contain his excitement. He keeps shaking his legs while his eyes are focused on the floor numbers, flashing before them as they go down.


Yoong noticed and flashed an amused smile to his brother.


"Relax." He said, patting his shoulder.


"I mean, we have twins. It might give her a hard time." Taeyeon is excited and concerned at the same time. 


"There are nurses that will be by her side, don't worry." Yoona assuredly smiles, rubbing his brother's back.


"Ugh, I can't. I should've been by her side right now." Taeyeon grumbles as he felt regrets inside.


"Your worries won't give you anything. I'm so sure she will be fine."


"Tiffany's first time to be a mommy you know!"


Yoong laughs softly. "I know, you don't have to yell."


The lift reached the first floor. Taeyeon just sprinted all the way to the entrance and got his car keys from the hotel staff in an instant and jogs to the driver's seat in just a second.


"Yul hyung is also there, right?" ask Yoong as he stepped inside the passenger seat.


"Yes. Call him, then." ordered Taeyeon as he drives off in a hurry.


Without a word, the doe-eyed opened his phone and calls the latter. It took a couple of minutes before he finally heard Yul's voice.


[You guys are coming now?] Yul greeted him with a question.


"Yes, how's the situation there?"


[They're still inside. We can't hear any screams so we don't know what's going on. Taeyeon? He's with you?]


"Of course. He's driving."


"Yah, don't you ever leave the hospital. We're on the way!" Taeyeon shouted as if the hospital is just near.


"Seohyun is with you?" Yoong asked when he thought of his wife.


[Tell your brother I've been here since I brought them to the hospital. Tsk. And Seohyun, she left to fetch Seoyoung earlier. She hasn't returned since then.]


"I see. Um, call us whenever you want, Hyung. I think this will take an hour or more for us to reach there."


[Just don't hurry. I mean, safety first, you know.]


"I will tell my brother then. Thank you, Hyung."


[Don't mention it. See you later.]


"See you." Ending the call, Yoong let out a deep sigh and adjusted his tie. 


Taeyeon glanced at him. "How is it?"


"Everything's fine there. So please, don't speed up. We're not in a hurry, okay? And Yul Hyung advised us to keep safe."


"Fine. But let's catch our flight that will be in an hour." Said Taeyeon as he speeds up, overtaking a lot of cars ahead.


Yoong has to hold his seat belt tightly for his dear life. 




"Ommaaaa!!! I'm ready!" Seoyoung's cute voice filled the entire living room as she walk downstairs wearing a white dress and headband.


Seohyun get up and smiled sweetly. "You can really wear your own dress now eh?"


"And comb my hair." Seoyoung added while smiling cutely. "Also Omma, I have gifts for my cousins." 


"Omo, Chincha? What is it?" Seohyun pulled her daughter gently close so they can take their seats on the sofa.


Seoyoung opened her backpack and revealed the cards to her mother.


"Whoa, what are these?" Seohyun opened them and was greeted by cute drawings of babies with her daughter's handwritten letter that can be read as;


Anyeong Baby Yul-jung!

I am Im Seoyoung, your older sister. Welcome to the family! 🤗💖🌼

I am so excited to play and play and draw and write and watch tv and eat with you. 🥰 Noona will take care of you too so don't worry.

Love, Seoyoung Noona


"Aww you're so sweet with baby yul-jung. How about the twins?" Seohyun opened the other card and was still greeted with drawings of the twins. It makes her heart melt that her daughter has really become good with drawings. She's proud and finds it adorable.


Anyeong baby Taehyun and Baby Miyoung👋

My name is Seoyoung, your older sister. Seoyoung Noona is so excited to see you two 🥰 and hold you both and kiss you and play with you. I have a playhouse at home, Omma and Appa gifted to me. So Let's play sooooon! 

Love, Seoyoung Noona


"Aren't you the cutest?" Seohyun can't resist and pinched her daughter's cheeks, earning her giggles. "Come, let's go to the hospital and meet your playmates." she got up and offer her hand.


Seoyoung holds her hand automatically as they head out of the house. But Seohyun suddenly felt dizzy and she stopped holding her head, just as they got out of the door.


"Omma? Are you okay?" ask Seoyoung with a puzzled look on her face.


"Y-yes." Said Seohyun with sweet smiles. "Let's keep going." She added and continue their walk to their car. She helps her daughter in her car seat before she grabs the driver's seat. She picked up the bottle of water and have a few gulps.


"You're thirsty?"


"Yeah, a bit." She answered softly. 'This is probably because I skipped lunch.' She thought as she shakes her head and drives off the car. "Want me to get you something honey?"


"Wae? You're stopping by the store?" A big grin formed Seoyoung's face.


"Yes. Omma skipped lunch so I'm grabbing us a snack." 


"Okay, can you get me a chicken sandwich?"


"You like that?" Seohyun sweetly smiles as she glanced to her daughter.


"Yes, Omma." Seoyoung replied excitedly. 


"Okay, let's find some fast-food restaurant rather." Focusing back on the road, Seohyun searched for it until she saw McDonalds. But her phone rings as she drives through the place. "Appa's calling, answer it for me, honey." She realized it was her husband so she handed the phone to her daughter as she orders the food. 


"Appa, anyeong." Seoyoung smiled so bright, waving her hand to the phone screen where she can see him.


[Oh, you're with Omma in the car?]


"Omma's ordering food." She answered.


[Chincha? Tell him to include me.] Yoong grinned so wide that reflects his daughter's grins as well.


"Omma, did you hear, Appa?"


"Yes, tell him I got it and hurry to the hospital." Said Seohyun as she ordered an additional sandwich. But after she speaks, she got dizzy again, which leads her to quickly close her eyes and relax. 'What is happening with me?' She's concerned and scared at the same time.


'If you don't take your vitamins on time, you might pass out. And please eat foods with iron. Because of your hectic schedule, your health is at risk.'


She was reminded of her doctor's words and quickly opened her handbag on the passenger seat to look for her vitamins. She hurriedly drinks it along with the water and takes her time to relax. She can hear her daughter's giggles, talks, and laughs which is making her smile and comfort her heart.


"Miss? Your order is here." The lady from the window handed her a big paper bag that brought her back to them after a couple of minutes of waiting and she received it with a brief bow.


"Yah, that's actress Seo Joohyun. Um, can we get an autograph?" One of the staff noticed and handed a paper and pen to her.


"Sure." She got it instantly and signed the paper. "Thanks." She once again bowed her head before rolling the window up and slowly drives again but instead of going straight to the hospital, she decided to have the food in the parking lot. "Want to eat yours now, honey?"


"Yes, Omma." Seoyoung shouted in excitement. She returned the phone to her mother and received her share. "Thank you, Omma." she brightly added before taking a big bite.


Seohyun smiled sweetly to her daughter and to the doe-eyed on the phone screen. She placed it on the phone holder so she can also begin her food, hoping that the dizziness will not return. 


Yoong from the next line is smiling sweetly at his wife and daughter while waiting for his brother to return from the restroom. Unfortunately for them, the flight got delayed and they have to wait another hour at the airport. So he's a bit frustrated inside but watching his family is slowly making him forget their delayed flight.




After five hours of labor, Jessica finally came out first, looking exhausted and weak as she smiles at Yul when the nurses stopped the stretcher before him.


"You did a good job, Hon. I'm so proud of you." Yul said, emotionally smiling as he hold her hand and kissed it gently. Jessica could only nod and glance at their son being carried by a female next to her.


"He's the cutest, hon." Yul can't contain his feelings and shed some tears as he holds his son's hand only since the nurse advised him to hold him later in his arms later. He's so eager to do it but he can only smile proudly at his son and back to Jessica.


"Um, excuse us first, Mr. Kwon." The nurses said and he quickly stepped aside and then followed them to her ward. 


However, as they reached the lift, Taeyeon and Yoong came running toward him.


"Omo, Jessica Noona is done." Yoong smiled brightly at the exhausted young mother on the stretcher.


"Tiffany, how is she?" ask Taeyeon Yul.


"She's still in labor." Yul explained. "I'll bring Jessica on her ward first then I'll return."


"No need, be with her. Congrats on you both." Taeyeon smiled sweetly down at the new mother. He gently holds her hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. "You did well, Sica."


"Thanks, Tae." Jessica smiled back.


"I'll see you guys later." Taeyeon added and quickly ushered his brother to continue their way to the delivery room. 


Yul and Jessica proceed to the lift with the nurses. Both smiled at one another, thinking of their friends at the same time.


"Bro, let's wait patiently. She will come out soon too." Yoong suggested to his brother as he took his seat while Taeyeon is trying to see what was going on inside. He rolled his eyes when he began to walk back and forth with his hands over his pockets. "My family is coming in a while as well." he shared and Taeyeon only nodded.


Thirty minutes later, Seohyun and Seoyoung finally arrived. 


"Appa, Tiffany Unnie is still inside?" Seoyoung asked with a cute smile. Seohyun just sits next to Yoong and smiles at their daughter.


"Yes, Seoyoung-ah." Taeyeon answered rather and that stops him from pacing back and forth as he went to the bench and smiled at his niece. "The twins are taking their time."


"Chincha? Wae?"


"I don't know. Maybe they want to go out together?"


Yoong and Seohyun laugh.


"That's impossible, Hyung." Said Yoong. 


"So who will come out first?" Seoyoung asked curiously. 


"Maybe Taehyun?" Seohyun guesses as she pokes her daughter's nose.


"Or is it baby Miyoung?" Taeyeon giggles which made Seoyoung giggle as well.


"Oh, we have sandwiches for you Samchon and Appa." Seoyoung almost forgot. She quickly opened the paper bag next to her mother and took 2 sandwiches, handing them to her father and Uncle.


"Thank you, Seoyoung-ah." Taeyeon smiled sweetly, rubbing her head gently.


"Should we go to Yul Oppa and Jessica Unnie, Appa? We have food for them too." 


"And you still have to give your card to Yul-jung too." Seohyun reminded her daughter.


"Yes, Omma!" Seoyoung jumps excitedly as she took her mother's hand.


"Do you guys know the room number?" ask Yoong before taking a big bite of his food.


"Yes, Yul told us on the phone. Let's go honey." Seohyun smiled brightly at her daughter.


"Samchon, Appa, see you later." Seoyoung waves her hand enthusiastically as she and Seohyun leave.


Taeyeon can't help and chuckle, watching the two childishly skip in the hallway. "Aren't they the cutest?"


"You will see your wife with your twins like that too when they grow up." Yoong flashes a grin to his brother, earning a scoff. "Anyway, aren't you ea... ting that?" he sighs as his brother finally touched his sandwich. 


"I've been starving too." said Taeyeon in between her chew and grinned at his brother. 


Just then, the door opens from the delivery room. The Im brothers automatically got up and were met by two nurses, holding the twins in their arms. Taeyeon doesn't know what to say. But he finds himself staring at those tiny little babies, moving their hands and yawning at the same time while their eyes are closed. He holds Taehyun's and Miyoung's tiny hands with his fore fingers, sweetly smiling at them. He can't describe his emotions at the moment but he unconsciously lets out some tears as he flutters when both of them hold him back. 



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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1130 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️