Ch 02

Savage Love
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02 | Courting






"Isn't it obvious? I... I just want to help. It's not like... I have a choice." Finally, after a couple of minutes, Taeyeon finds his voice.


"You have, to ignore my parents." Tiffany replied firmly, looking seriously at her friend. "I know they approached you again to ask for money."


Taeyeon scoffs and rolled his eyes. "They didn't. It was only on the news." And he explained further. "Everyone knows that, even my brother. I was the one who approached them. I know and your parents know exactly that you hate it when someone helps you and your family. But I choose to do this because I happened to saw them in a market, being beaten by those loan sharks. If I wasn't there, no one would call the police and save them." 


Tiffany blinks a couple of times, processing the information... and hastily she runs to the kitchen to take her phone on top of the table and call her father. She has no idea about it that it worries her that instant. "Appa!" Her voice raise when she got connected.


Taeyeon followed her to the kitchen and watch her converse with her father, quietly.


[Oh, my Tiffany. How are you doing? Are you eating well?] Mr. Hwang's voice sound so happy.


"Yah, I should be the one asking you that. Where's Omma?" She asks as tears are dropping from her eyes. She's shaking, imagining how it is hard for them at the moment while she's having fun living in a good apartment. She felt so bad and it hurts to know.


[We're fine. She's in the living room, watching some funny tv shows. Wait, are you... crying?]


"No-no. I... Something just went inside my eyes that I have to sniffle." Tiffany chuckled bitterly, wiping the tears off as she glanced at Taeyeon who smiles. "Anyway, I called because I... Want to hear your voice and check also. I mean, it's been months since I've last seen you." The last few words was almost like a whisper.


[Your mother told me you met her the other day? What are you talking about?] Mr. Hwang said in disbelief.


"Ahh... Yeah Indeed. I'm sorry. You guys are taking your meds on time, right?" Tiffany mentally scolded herself.


[Yup. Your mom is even the one nursing me. Sometimes I want to hit her for nagging me.]


"You really should be nagged." Chuckled Tiffany.


[Do you want to talk to your mother?]


"It's fine. I'll call when I have the time. And tell her to get the money I wired earlier." 


[Yeah she mentioned. Thanks Honey. This is really helping us here after what happened.]


"I'm glad. Love you, Appa." She sweetly and softly says, missing them so much already.


[Love you too darling. See you soon.] Mr. Hwang sweetly responded.


"Yes." With that said, Tiffany ended the call and took a deep breath, and exhales loudly. "Tae-tae thank you. I really have no idea." She smiled, warmly. She felt so grateful instead of hating him. She's glad she listened to his explanation.


Taeyeon didn't expect it and he nodded as he smiled back only. But he took a step back when Tiffany went to hug him, surprisingly. 


"That money. I will make sure to return that once-"


"Just keep that and no worries of repaying me." 


Tiffany shakes her head. She pulled back and smile a little. "I will but I can't promise to pay that in one go. Give me six months." 


"O... Kay. If that's what you want." Taeyeon agreed that instant. 


"I'm sorry if I have to ruin the night for you." Going back to the living room, Tiffany was about to take her seat when Taeyeon holds her wrist and turn her around. "Hmm?"


"Can I court you?" Ask Taeyeon, feeling like he needs to ask. "I know you just broke up and I know you choose him over me back then, but... Fany-ah... I don't know what's up with me but I really still like you until now. You may have hurt me for choosing Yul, it's crazy that I don't feel like giving up with you. So... Can I?" He ended it with hopeful eyes and cheeks are blushing, after ending his words.


He holds Tiffany's wrist tighter as he waited for her answer. "Give me six months then. Give me a chance to make you feel how much I love you." He feels pathetic but he doesn't care. It's his chance and hopefully, she will let him. 


Tiffany sighs and gently takes off of Taeyeon's grasp and she genuinely smiled at him, nodding in the process.






Taeyeon couldn't help and hug her tightly again. But for a brief moment only as he pulled back and clasps his two hands. "I'll see you again." And brightly smiled. He didn't wait for her answer as he animatedly left her apartment.


Tiffany giggles and smile giddily to the door where he just disappeared. "He's really a kiddo."


Taking her seat on her sofa, she looked at the cup of coffee that wasn't even touched and the check. 'Im Taeyeon.' She called his name as she actually doesn't know what to feel. He is such a good friend that she sometimes hates that kind of character of him. Weird but she wants to give him a second chance. Maybe she will finally learn to love him more than just a friend.






After parking the car successfully outside an indoor arena, Jessica took her phone out to call her teenage sister, Krystal, who is inside the arena.


"Is it starting?" asked her sister right away when she got connected.


[We're going on stage last. Hurry, there are four teams left.]


"Araso, I'm coming." Ending the call, she stepped out of the car and took her ticket from her pocket as she jogs inside. It's almost ten in the evening, she almost forgot about it because of her friends that she hangs out with. 


Upon reaching the escalator, she can hear faint cheers and music, which broke a smile on her face. Her sister is one of the members of a team in E-sports, it's going to be her second time watching her on stage. But before she can head to her seat, she decided to grab a popcorn and a large cola.


Since she is super late, she was greeted by a huge crowd and she had a hard time looking for a seat. There are bumps from people here and there that would almost drop her popcorn in her left arm and the drink on her right hand.


It took her at least fifteen minutes and she finally found her seat, which can make her see the center of the stage and the widescreen. Apparently, two teams are competing, and look like two more teams will be on stage before her sister will appear.


"Nice." she said as she put her popcorn on the hole that holds it and took a handful of it, putting it into his big mouth in the process.


"Nurse Jung? Isn't that you?"


The familiar voice on her left side causes her to turn her head and she was met by Yul's bright smiles. "Omo." which cause her to widen her eyes. "What are you... d-doing here?" she's totally surprised.


Yul holds his ID and showed it. "Director of Im Tech, Manager of our Esport Team as well." he smiled proudly. "Wow, I didn't know you like watching this kind of stuff." he giggles, finding it cute.


Jessica blinks her eyes in a fast manner and sheepishly smiled. "Yeah, but unlike you, I'm here to cheer for my sister." she took the tissue paper and wipes off the cheese powder on her lips and cheeks.


"Oh, she's one of the players?" Yul didn't expect that and smile.


"Yes. You know kids." Jessica shrugs her shoulders. "But Esports is definitely helping her to be this smart. She's graduating high school soon with honors." she unconsciously shares.


"That's nice." Yul nodded and returned his attention to the stage. "My team just moved to the second round. I'm here to see who among the last teams will our team be competing."


"I see. They must be really good. My sister's team is full of amateurs. So it's really an achievement they've come this far." Jessica couldn't help and smile proudly. Although at first, she told her to quit online gaming. But to see how she's doing well in both studies and gaming, she accepted it and supported her.


"Definitely." smiled Yul briefly. 


'He doesn't look like he just broke up with Fany.' Jessica thought as he observes he looks good and even got more handsome than the last time she saw him. 'Oh well.' She later just shrug it off and returned her attention on the stage.


As soon as her sister was introduced along with her team, she hastily took her phone out and recorded her, walking to the stage, smiling to the fans and when her eyes landed on her, she waves at her, and the latter wave back.


"You two look like twins or what?" Yul asks as he finds their moment sweet and cute.


"We're sister, either way." Jessica smiled, winking at him to receive his smiles. She composed on her seat immediately and focus on the screen. 'Oh Lord, please help her and her team to win.' she thought while picking popcorns and putting them into , eyes never leave the screen for the next 30 minutes... "Omo." until she realized she's out of popcorn.


"Want some?" Yul didn't think twice and he shares his popcorn, flashing a friendly smile.


"Can I?" Hesitant, Jessica smiled shyly.


"Yeah, go ahead."


"Thanks." Picking one popcorn, Jessica just noticed it's not cheese, which is her favorite. But she doesn't mind and slowly got comfortable eating the popcorns while she resumed on the screen.


"Your sister is good, huh, but she needs to sharpen her move. She would slow down because she's thinking on how to attack along with her team." Yul shares his thoughts as he put his hand on the popcorn only to hold Jessica's hand. He turned to her and she also did. 


"Sorry." Jessica hastily pulled her hand back.


"I should be the one to say sorry." Yul corrected, eyes the screen again. He glanced at her and smiled sheepishly when their eyes caught each other again. 


Jessica sighs and fans herself with her hands because she felt hot on her cheeks but she mentally reminded herself of the cola that she hurriedly took and drink it in a fast manner. 


Yul noticed and chuckled.




"Looks like that was it." Announced Jessica once her sister's team was defeated. 


"Yeah, but that was a good fight. I hope next time my team will meet your sister's team. Congrats on still coming this far." Yul extended his hand to the young nurse.


Jessica was surprised yet she holds his hand. "Good luck in your team to the final round then." her lips curved into a genuine smile. 


"Can you stay until my team's turn?" Yul requested, reluctantly retracting his hand.


"Depends on my sister. If she wants to watch." Says Jessica, tilting her head to see her sister is now climbing down the stage. 


"I'll ask her then." smiled Yul, confidently.


Krystal reached them in a while and she bowed to Yul when her sister introduced him. "I'm sorry but I have an exam tomorrow." However, she declined Yul's request.


"Right, you have a midterm. I'll see you again when I see then, Yul-ssi." Jessica got up and bowed her head a little before she took her sister's hand and they left the stadium hand in hand.


"Is he a boyfriend?" Tease Krystal the moment they got inside the car.


Jessica scoffs and knocks on her sister's head. "He's a friend from the hospital I used to work. Just mind your exam tomorrow." she reminded and buckle her seat belt.


"What a good place to date." Krystal couldn't stop teasing earning another knock from her sister. She stuck her tongue out and love the blush on her sister's cheek.






The moment the clock turns 12noon, Yoong hastily runs to his office and took his car keys from the drawer. 


"Mr. Im."


"Mr. Im."


"Mr. Im."


And a lot more called him as he jogs towards the lift, passing employees on the way. "Later when I returned." He told them and pressed the ground floor right away. He checks his time and started tapping the floor with his shoe. "Hurry." While eyes are on the numbers going down. 


After a couple of minutes, he reached the ground floor and hastily get inside his car, and called the nursery school's office. "I'm on my way, Teacher Choi." He told the teacher of Seoyoung.


[She's still playing with the others. No worries, Mr. Im.]


"Thanks." He ended it and focus on the road. He doesn't want to be the last to get Seoyoung from the nursery, so he won't be alone when he picked her. His princess always scolds him if he comes late. Telling him, "Appa late, not see the time." He doesn't want to see her disappointed face again.


After just thirty minutes of drive, he arrived and saw some kids with their parents fetching their child. He fixes his hair while walking to the entrance and presses the button.


Seoyoung playing with her classmate automatically turned their heads to the intercom and saw her father's face. She brightly smiled and pointed at it. "Appa here!"


"Your Appa is here, Seoyoung-ah." The teacher informed and she runs to her teacher, holding her hand right away as they walked out of the room.


"Appa!!! Appa here!!! My Appa!!!"


Yoong's lips curved into a sweet and bright smile to see his little girl is so excited pointing at him. "My baby girl." He welcomed her into her arms right away and lifted her. He bowed and took Seoyoung's backpack the teacher handed.


"Bye, bye cher choi." Seoyoung brightly waves her hand to her teacher who is also waving at her.


"What did you guys do today, hmm?" Ask Yoong while walking to their car.


"We play, sing, draw, d

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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1130 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️