Ch 33

Savage Love
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33 | A Friend




"My relatives fight for the company that's why we were able to maintain the ownership my father built." Said Taeyeon after having a bottle of water and now that he's calm. But he holds the bottle in his right hand tightly while staring intensely at Dongwook's face on the screen. "So there's no way I'm giving up with the company."


"Dongwook definitely has no right to take it down nor take the ownership of it." Tiffany can't also help and get mad. After hearing about the company, just drives her to put him into jail.


"By the way, the girl earlier, did you see her leave the office?" Taeyeon was reminded of the poor girl. He wanted to save her and later he can ask her to speak against Dongwook and the company.


"I didn't. Dongwook-ssi only left alone with his bodyguards. Omo, this means, she's still there." Tiffany gasped and her eyes widened, thinking of the possibility.


"We can save her now that employees are leaving and took a picture of one of the envelopes."


"Indeed. But the security. We need Yoong to hack their CCTV again."


He nodded but as he took his phone, he remembered his brother left in a hurry to meet his family. "I don't think we can disturb him tonight."


"How about Yul?" Tiffany suggested. "He's a skillful programmer too."


"Right, Kwon Yul." Taeyeon hastily scrolls down his contacts and rang his friend's phone. It only took a couple of seconds when he heard his voice on the next line. "Can I ask you a favor?"


[Yeah, sure. I'm on the way to the hospital. What is it?]


He made an eye-contact with Tiffany and the latter nodded gently. "Can you drive here to Go Tech?" He softly asks. "We need you to hack their CCTV." He shared. "There's this girl in Dongwook's office, trapped inside. He kind of used her."


[What?!] Yul exclaimed. [That idiot is really evil, isn't he? I'm on way.]


"Thanks." Taeyeon ended the call and exhales deeply. "He's coming."


"Oh thank God." Tiffany is relieved to learn as well. "So, what's the plan?"


"Once you get her out of the office, use the stairs. I don't think you can use the lift."


"His office is on the last floor, which is the twelve floors. Would that be good? I mean, I think she's not in good condition." She's worried about it. It might take them too long to get into the ground floor if that would be the plan.


"Oh yeah, Aish!" Taeyeon ruffles his hair in frustration and finds himself thinking of another way.


"How about you go with me?" Tiffany suggested. "That way, you can hide her behind you and I will hold onto her."


He looked at her back and her lips curved into a smile. "And to think, there are only a few employees left. Yes, I can go with you."


"And let's take pictures of that room for evidence." She replied in anticipation.


"For now, let's wait for Yul." Taeyeon checks his wristwatch. "Maybe in thirty minutes."


Tiffany nodded gently. "But we haven't eaten love. I think we should grab some dinner first." But her stomach grumbles as she speaks.


"I'll take out some food." Chuckled Taeyeon, stepping out of the van casually.




After making sure Yul has hacked the CCTV and frozen it, Tiffany just casually returned inside, bowing to the receptionist and a security guard that greeted her. She got inside the lift easily and pressed the last number.


Taeyeon came in from the emergency stairs on the ground floor and entered the next lift safely. He took his phone out to text his girlfriend.


Have you reached the floor?

Love: Not yet.

Wait for me there when you got there.

Love: Yes.


He then opened his conversation with Yul too and text him.


Text me if you suddenly see Dongwook.

Yul: Don't worry. I'm monitoring the live version. Do it in 30 minutes.

If no one will barge in, we'll do it easily.

Yul: See you at the parking lot. And be careful.

Yes. Keep in touch.


After his small conversation with him, He put his phone back inside the pocket of his suit jacket and waited patiently until the lift reach the top floor. He walked out and just saw Tiffany getting inside the office. "Love!" So, he called her out.


"Hey." Tiffany stops and meets with him halfway.


“Let’s open the vault later.” Said Taeyeon as they head to the photo wall and let his girlfriend open the secret passage.


As it opens, they jog in a hurry towards the room until they reached it. The girl was asleep on the bed with bruises on her face.


“Miss.” Tiffany lowed herself to wake her up. “Wake up.” She gently shakes her arm.


The girl fluttered her eyes open—but she got scared and moved back. “Who are you?” She asks, looking back and forth between the guy nearby and the lady near her.


“We’re here to help you.” Said Tiffany. “Come with us.” She offered her hand.


“Andwae.” The girl trembles in fear. “Just le-leave me here.” She hugs her knees.


“Why?” Taeyeon is confused.


“Why don’t you want to leave this place?” And Tiffany is desperate to know.


“Just leave. I don’t need your help.”


“What’s your name? I’m Im Taeyeon by the way and I can help you bring Dongwook to prison.” Taeyeon persuade. He guesses the girl probably was threatened by him.


The girl started letting out tears while still trembling. “They will kill my family.” She huskily shares. “If I don’t… wo-work with them.”


The couple looked into each other’s eyes as they now understand.


Sitting on the edge of the bed, Taeyeon looked her in the eyes and handed her his handkerchief. “I’m so sorry to hear that. But… you can’t let them do this forever to you.” He said softly.


Tiffany took her specs from her pocket so they record her.


“They won’t touch my family if I continue this job.” The girl answered, slapping the handkerchief offered to her. “I make money by doing this.” She added as she sniffled and wipe her tears off.


"I can give you a real job rather than doing this." Taeyeon continued. 


"Right, he owns a decent company." Tiffany also helps him. "Do you know that by doing this continuously, you won't last a year? They can kill you anytime."


Taking his wallet out, Taeyeon handed his business card to the girl. "Here, so you will believe what I am saying."


The girl took the card and reads it. She looked at him back slowly as she's slowly believing him. "What about my family?"


"I can ask my security team to look after them while he's still out there. No one's going to touch them, I promise." Taeyeon softly says without looking away from the girl's eyes. He wants her to feel she's safe with him as well.


"I'm... Cho Yi-hyun." The girl finally introduced herself in a low voice. "Can you also promise me they won't hurt me again?" But she wanted to make sure first. 


"We're going to protect, Yi-hyun." Tiffany softly assures, smiling genuinely as she offers her hand. "And I'm Tiffany by the way." she also introduced herself so she will trust her.


Yihyun stares at her and smiled a little. She reluctantly took her hand as she got out of bed slowly. 


"You're so pretty, Yi-hyun ah." says Tiffany, tucking her hair behind her ear and hugging her gently. "It'll be alright." She whispers, gently rubbing her back as the latter didn't hug her back.


"We need to leave now." Taeyeon announced as she get up.


Pulling back, Tiffany hold the younger girl's hands. "Don't let go, okay? We're getting you out here."


Yihyun just nodded and smile a little as she holds the older girl's hand. Together, they jog towards the door with Taeyeon's lead. 


However, he stopped and took his phone out to check what he received. 


Yul: Dongwook returned. Hide to a safe place now.


"Dongwook is coming." He told both girls.


"Otoke." Yihyun got scared again.


"We have to leave this office before he comes."


"What? Then what if we're going to meet him on the way?" Tiffany raised her concern.


"But we can't stay here, otherwise we can't take her out." Taeyeon thinks otherwise. "I'll call Yul to make sure he won't be on our way. Trust me, he won't see us." 


Yihyun stares back at the older girl holding her hand. "He's right, Unnie." She softly says. She doesn't want either to stay and wait for Dongwook to leave the office.


"Okay, lead the way." Said Tiffany seriously.


Nodding, Taeyeon continued their way out as he called Yul. "Tell us where to go." And ask him to guide them.


[Hold on.] Yul replied and quickly check the other cctvs.


As soon as they come out of the secret passage, they stopped for a while and wait for his response.


[Head straight to the comfort room. He's in the lift going to the office.]


"Restroom." Taeyeon instructed and let them go first. They reached the restroom on time the lift reached the floor. "Shshshs..." He hushed his girlfriend and Yihyun as he made sure to lock the door. Pressing his ear against the door he waited until he heard footsteps outside. It passes only which means, Dongwook has proceeded to the office.


[He just got inside, you're safe to leave. Don't create any noise.] Yul further instructed.


"Let's be careful." Taeyeon told Tiffany earning a nod from the both of them. Slowly unlocking the door-


[Wait, he just come out.]


"." He hastily locks it back and holds his breath.


[Good thing you guys are in the female restroom, he walked into the male restroom.]


Yihyun suddenly sneezes, Tiffany hurriedly covered and hushed her. The latter whispered her apologies.


"Aigoo." Taeyeon lowly said as he wipe his sweats off of his forehead.


After a minute, Yul's voice returned to his ear. [You guys can safely leave again.]


"Shshsh..." Hushing both girls, Taeyeon opened the door and came out first then he signals them to go to the lift as he keep his eyes on the office. Once they tiptoed to the lift, he followed in an instant and quickly pressed the close button. 


Tiffany and Yihyun let out a huge exhale.


"One day, I'm going to punch him straight on the face." He muttered as he remembered the reason for Dongwook's pesters on his company. He is furious inside. If not for Yihyun, he would've punched him or kicked him already. But her safety comes first. He will get him next time.


Reaching for him, Tiffany rubs his arm gently while still holding Yihyun's hand.


"I'm fine." Taeyeon assures and smiled briefly.


She's glad Taeyeon didn't put his anger comes first. He might do something recklessly and would ruin everything if he let it get into him. She's proud he can control his temper.




As they reached the ground floor, a security guard was there as they walked out. They bowed and just calmly walk to the van. 


"Excuse me." But they heard his voice that stopped them from their tracks. All of them got nervous.


Slowly, Tiffany turned and flashed a bright smile. "What is it Ahjussi?"


"Those 2, I don't think they're from here. And what happened to the girl?" The guard has no idea.


"Oh, they're my friends. I would like to share with you about them but it's going to be personal... you know." She shrugs her shoulders. Taeyeon smiled in amusement and decided to turn to face the man while Yihyun remains back facing, afraid the security guard will take him.


"I see." The guard squinted his eyes at the young man behind. 'I feel like I've seen him somewhere.' He wasn't sure but he looks familiar.


"Have a good evening, Mister." said Taeyeon, as he bowed, his head a little bow.


"You guys too." The latter bowed as well before he returned to his post.


Tiffany let out an audible sigh as she turns and took Yihyun's hand. "Let's get out here." And whisper before resuming to the van with Taeyeon.


Yul came out and allow them to step inside. "You guys taking her to the hospital?" He wonders.


"Yes." Taeyeon replied with a nod. "To the hospital, Jessica was confined." He briefly hug Yul before he reclined in the driver's seat.


Tiffany handed the younger girl a bottle of water. "Take a nap." 


"Thank you, Unnie and... Mr. Im." Yihyun shyly says as she smiles gratefully before drinking her water.


"The battle has just begun, Yihyun." Taeyeon said from the driver's seat as he the engine and drove. "We'll make sure these bastards will pay their price." He claimed.


Meanwhile, Dongwook checked the secret room only to find it empty. "." He hurriedly returned to his office and call the security team. "Anyone who has seen a girl with bruises, report to me right now!" He furiously ordered and push everything on his desk. "How did she ing get out?"


The guard from the ground floor heard it and widened his eyes when he remembered the girl earlier with Ms. Young. He was about to call the chairman's office when he realized he will be in trouble if the chairman will know he just let them leave. "Oteoke." He started pacing back and forth as he ponder until he stopped. "How did that girl get there? And why was she in there and... those bruises... " His eyes doubled. "Did Ms. Young save her?" She pause and decided to put aside the telephone. 





Upon hearing the car that pulled over in front of their house, Seoyoung runs to the door and opened it a little only to check. A big smile broke into her face when she saw it was her father. She hastily closes the door back and runs to her mother in the kitchen. 


"Omma, Appa's here. I told you, he will come early." She smiled so big.


Seohyun put the apple on the table right away and get up to get her daughter's hand and drag her gently with her. She turned off the lights in the kitchen and so as the living room.


"Omma wae?" Seoyoung whispered to her.


"Let's prank Appa." She giggles and hurriedly went behind the door. "Shshs." She hushed her.


Seoyoung smiled cutely and covered .


Soon they can hear footsteps getting closer to the door until it opens. Yoong walked in and wonders why is it dim. He the lights.


"Bwa!" Only to be surprised by his family caused him to jump and his eyes widened. 


Seohyun and Seoyoung laugh at him. 


"Aish. You scared the hell out of me!" He exclaimed as he hold his chest to calm himself.


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Chapter 42: Another end of a great story.

Thank you author.

Looking forward for your next stories.
CrissYoung #2
Chapter 42: Will there be a part 2?? Is it Chanyeol??
multistory #3
Chapter 42: 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 sad conclusion..

Great suggestion to time skip 4 yrs to see what happens to the kids.. Miyoung + Yuljung falling for each other??
Katara_28 #4
Chapter 41: I really looking forward to see taeny interaction with the twins but time skip for 4 years so there goes my dreams 🙂. Still thanks author u continue writing this story till this chapter.
multistory #5
Chapter 41: Epic.. thanx for dragging this out with one more chapter..

The kids are adorable!!
multistory #6
Chapter 40: Hilarious...
1130 streak #7
Chapter 41: RIP to Yul's scalp and hair then 😂😂😂... In that four years did Yoong and Seohyun gave Seoyoung a sibling/siblings? Aww the twins are so cute... And lol Miyoung hates Yuljung just because he kissed her on their previous bday
multistory #8
Chapter 39: Pleasantly surprised I'm behind on my reading...

Awesome chapter.. sadly you're wrapping this up.
Katara_28 #9
Chapter 41: Awww so cute, but sad it will finish soon.
LlamaAmerica #10
Chapter 40: THE GIRLS ARE BACK!!!!! 🥹🫶🏻❤️