"Ring Ding Dong"

Kitty Dearest
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I feel this buzz of excitement running throughout my body as I help Jin-ki, his parents, and Min-ho set up the cafe for the first music night. Its something I didn't actually think would come to Ding Dong, but here we are setting up the stage in the cafe and even lighting. I helped Soo-jung and Victoria make flyers for the invent in the beginning of the week. We passed them out to all the customers and even hung them up around town. Jong-hyun even got to share the flyers around the university and the next thing we knew, we are preparing for the first 'Music Friday'. We got quite a bit of people to sign up to perform for the opening of the night. Jin-ki's parents marking all pastries and warm drinks half off for the event. It's quite new but exciting. Why is it so exciting you ask? 

Because Kim Jong-hyun signed up to perform. I am finally going to hear his music. It's the moment I've been waiting for since I've learned he produces music and sings. There's something so attractive about musicians, especially when you plan to make that musician your soulmate. Okay, get control of yourself Ki-bum. What I mean is that Jong-hyun is not only incredibly attractive but he has talents and tonight I get to see those talents. I managed to find out from Soo-jung that Jong-hyun is considered a top vocalist. Her sister, Soo-yeon, happens to be in the same music department as him. Soo-jung described Jong-hyun's voice as angelic and falsetto filled. I have to say I love a good falsetto so her words made me even more excited to hear him. 

"Okay, I think everything is ready." Mr. Lee says as he puts the finishing touches on the giant banner above the stage. 

"I'm so excited for this." Jin-ki says.

"I am too." Soo-jung adds. 

"Are we sure everyone that signed up to perform are talented?" Min-ho asks. 

I roll my eyes. Does he always have to be an ? 

"Even if they aren't tonight is about having fun." Jin-ki says.

"Exactly! I think if you have the guts to get up on stage and perform then it means you're pretty talented!" Mrs. Lee adds.

Min-ho gives a simple nod of his head as he finishes setting up the mics. I make sure all the tables are spread out with their chairs towards the stage. Ding Dong is not the biggest venue so a part of me worries that it will be overcrowded. Apparently Jin-ki's parents aren't too worried about it since tonight will be a huge chance to make a lot of profit. We all had our own set duties for the night. Jin-ki and Victoria will be manning the counter. Soo-jung is in charge of taking orders from tables and bringing them their said orders. Min-ho is in charge of the door, basically he is taking everyone's $3 entrance fee and thanking them for joining us tonight. My job is to make sure the performers are comfortable and that setup is smooth and easy. My job is quite simple and I will get to help Jong-hyun setup if he needs it. That is what makes me the most excited. Jin-ki's parents plan on doing some recording for social media and staying around for the first hour then they plan on leaving. Music Fridays is going to be a two hour event. We will start at 7PM and end around 9. 

Currently it is 5PM and the cafe is closed so we can set everything up. My eyes look towards the front door as Tae-min appears. I walk to the front door to let him inside since the doors are locked. I bring him inside and everyone greets him with kind hellos. I look toward Min-ho, who seems to be a bit flustered. Did something happen between him and Tae-min? I glance at Tae-min, who is engaging Jin-ki and Soo-jung in conversation. I will figure out why Min-ho is so flustered from Tae-min soon enough. We all bid Mr. & Mrs. Lee a goodbye as they leave the cafe. They promise to be back later which is good enough for me. 

"Min-ho had a point. What if some people are like not talented? Won't it make people leave?" Victoria says honestly. 

"Ah, no. I don't think untalented people would sign up." Jin-ki says. 

"I mean... Sometimes untalented people don't think they're untalented." Min-ho says. 

"Oh, like when you sing at the top of your lungs in the shower?" I say with a smug smirk on my lips. I hear the others laugh which causes Min-ho to shoot a glare at me. I shrug it off and grab the clipboard with the list of people who signed up to perform. 

"Hey, I think I will perform next time if this goes good." Soo-jung comments. 

"Oh? Do you sing?" Tae-min asks her. 

"A little bit." 

I tune everyone out as I look through the list. The only name I know is Jong-hyun's. He will perform sixth. I just have to sit through five performances before I get to hear his talent. I can feel my heart flutter as I set the clipboard down. Should I send him a text? We haven't spoken much. After I asked my mom for advice, I kind of avoided him. I am honestly scared about confessing my secret to him. I'm also crazily worried if he is actually straight or just simply curious. uality is a sensitive subject and I tried to figure out from Min-ho if he knew what Jong-hyun is into but he simply ignored the question.

Speaking of Min-ho, he has been acting weird. It is like he doesn't want me pursuing Jong-hyun which is freaking ridiculous. If he has a crush on me, he has had a few years to tell me. Besides he knows that I'm far from interested in him. I just don't think possibly falling for Min-ho is a good choice. I enjoy our friendship even though it seems like a rivalry to some. I don't want romantic feelings to get in the way of who we are. I honestly need to talk to him about it, but he has also been avoiding me. He's been leaving the apartment early for his shifts and getting home after midnight so we can't possibly talk. I consider grabbing his arm and pulling him aside now but he's wrapped up in a conversation with Tae-min, Soo-jung, and Victoria. 

I look to Jin-ki who is making sure the mics and speakers work by testing it out with his voice. I run up to the stage and hop into a spot next to him. Jin-ki seems to know about Jong-hyun. Perhaps he will know his uality. Although, talking to Jin-ki about these things are going to be weird. Jin-ki doesn't seem like the type that understands romance or love. He is just this ball of softness and gets flustered when anyone makes a ual innuendo. His parents seem really conservative so I don't blame him for being awkward. I grab the second mic and bring my lips to it. 

"Ding Dong!" I cheer. 

"Ding Dong!" Jin-ki copies. 

Our voices are loud and clear through the speakers. I my lips as I spit out random words.  

"Ring ding dong! Ring Ring Ding Ding Dong Dong." I say, clapping my hands together. 

"Ah! Ring Ring!" Jin-ki repeats.

"You two sound like a bunch of parrots. What type of mic check is this?" Min-ho says with a playful scoff. 

"Don't be so cranky. We are trying to have fun tonight." I say into the mic. I stick my tongue out at him and cross my eyes. I hear the girls laugh and smirk as Min-ho gives a light chuckle. Bingo! At least the stick is somewhat pulled out of his . 

"Ki-bum, can you check the third mic?" Jin-ki asks me.

"Sure." I say as I slide over to the third mic. I clear my throat as I grab onto the mic. My eyes narrowing a bit as everyone watches me. I think its time to have some more fun.

"With a taste of your lips/I'm on a ride/You're toxic I'm slippin' under/With a taste of a poison paradise!" I sing out, doing my best to copy Britney Spear's airy vocal tone. I shak

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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736 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
736 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
736 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
736 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
736 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~