"Score for Kim Ki-bum!!!"

Kitty Dearest
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I am seriously regretting my decision to let Min-ho have his soccer party. Especially as a bowl of popcorn flies to the ground as Min-ho, Chang-min, Kyu-hyun jump up and yell out chants of victory due to some player scoring a goal. Min-ho also forced me to put on this uncomfortable soccer jersey. I managed to make it more fashionable by adding a belt to my waist and wear shorts that make the jersey come off as a dress shirt. Its the best I could do. I just want the boys to calm down. The game has only just started and they are already screaming and opening beers. 

I scramble to pick up the bowl, grabbing handfuls of popcorn and dumping them back in the plastic bowl. 

"Yah! Be more careful or get out!" I snap, my eyes glaring at the three neanderthals. Chang-min and Kyu-hyun immediately apologize to me, while Min-ho waves his hand in dismissal. 

"I told you I would clean up afterwards." He mumbles. 

"Yah! Stop being pigs!" I huff out. I stand up with the bowl of tainted popcorn. I force the bowl into Min-ho's hands and go to the front door. Where is he? Jong-hyun said he would be here. Am I coming off as too anxious? Ack- this is just... I'm excited to see him. 

I really enjoyed our night together. I got to learn a lot about him and we almost kissed. Imagine if his phone didn't ring, then we would be lip to lip in front of the pearly gates to university. It would be a kiss I wouldn't forget. There is probably no chance of us kissing tonight. Not with all the manly grunting and cursing. I have a feeling Min-ho will manage to highjack my date and force him to be interested in the game. I look through the peephole as the three brutes continue cursing at the TV and hooting. I will never agree to do this again. 

I step back from the door as I get wind of Tae-min. I invited him over, just in case Jong-hyun didn't show up. At least Tae-min and I could possibly sit in my room and stew about our crushes. He has it so bad for Min-ho. I didn't realize how bad it was until he texted me asking 5,000 questions about Min-ho. What's his favorite food? What's his favorite color? What's his favorite season? Does he like music? What's his favorite music genre? At one point, I simply told Tae-min he would have to ask Min-ho himself. I have my own love life to get together. I can't play cupid for the poor boy and his beastly prince charming. 

"Tae-min!" I greet as I pull the door open. He's wearing a soccer jersey as well and has on some makeup. It causes me to giggle a bit as I bring him inside the apartment. Tae-min takes his shoes off at the door and grabs onto my arm. I glance at him. His eyes are directly on Min-ho who is chugging down a beer, his eyes wide amd glued to the TV screen. How can Tae-min find that attractive? Honestly I can see Tae-min and Kyu-hyun being a better match for each other. But, Kyu-hyun is incredibly awkward in the field of romance. There's this guy named Ryeo-wook who has the biggest crush on Kyu-hyun and it is 100% obvious, Kyu-hyun is so blind to the signs. 

"Guys! Don't be rude and say hi to Tae-min!" I order. 

"Hey, Tae." Min-ho says, nodding his head all coolly. 

"Hi, Tae-min. I'm Kyu-hyun and this is Max." Kyun-hyun greets. 

"Chang-min but all my friends call me Max." Chang-min says.

"Hi." Tae-min says shyly, he's still clinging to my arm. 

"Since when did people call you Max?" I ask, my eyebrow quirking up. 

"Since like... Ugh, college." Chang-min groans.

"YAH! HOW'D HE MISS THE GOAL?!" Min-ho cries out. "Max" turns his attention back to the TV and the three brutes simultaneously let out a string of curses and groans. I can hear Tae-min giggle which causes me to shake my head. He really finds competitive Min-ho attractive, huh? 

I lead Tae-min to the kitchen and sigh deeply. 

"Do you want a beer?" I ask him. 

Tae-min shakes his head, a light blush spreading across his face. "I'm not 20 yet. I'm just 19." 

Wah, he really is a kid. What is he doing wasting his time on Min-ho? I'm sure there are way better guys to find. 

"Oh, right. How about water? Orange juice? Milk?" I question as I open the fridge. 

"Orange juice is fine." 

I grab out the jug of Orange drink and pour a glass for him. I sigh a bit. I hope Jong-hyun will be here soon.  I can at least distract him for a couple of moments before Min-ho him into the game. It's okay, he will be here soon. I need to be patient. I can get to know Tae-min and see if I can talk some sense into him. I hand him the glass, he takes it with a bow and drinks at it instantly. 

"So, are you in university?" I ask.

Tae-min pulls away from the glass with a gulp, a mustache of orange juice on his upper lip. "N-no. I am taking off so I can save money to go. I did qualify for some scholarships but I want to save up more money. I will go next year." 

"I see. So you work then? Where do you work?" I ask curiously. 

"I work at a dance studio."

Thats unique. That sounds like fun actually. 

"Oh? Do you dance?" 

Tae-min gives a slight nod of his head, another blush creeping onto his face. Why is he so bashful? Was I like this at 19? 

"I do. I hope that I can actually get into this dancing academy.  Its also why I'm working instead of going to university." 

"That makes sense. You should show me your moves sometime. I've been told I'm a good dancer." I say as I bobble my head. I then do a few hip rolls, winding my hips in a fluid circle. I also include the disco finger move and then swing my like a cute female idol would do. I can see Tae-min's shyness slip away as he joins me in my funny moves. Our hips swing all around the kitchen with our arms falling into those cheesy disco moves. We are so distracted by dancing, that we don't notice Min-ho in the entrance of the kitchen.  

Tae-min lets out a small squeal and instantly runs over to me. He grabs my arm and clings to my side as Min-ho gives us this weird look.

"What are you two doing?" He asks. 

"Minding our business. What are you doing?" I huff out, running my fingers through my ha

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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745 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
745 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
745 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
745 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
745 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~