"Gorgeous Chocolate Orbs"

Kitty Dearest
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I wish that I can say I live a normal life as a 21-year-old man. What exactly is the normal life of a 21-year-old man? A thrilling life and fast pace working? Okay, I take it back. I wish that I can say I live a normal life as a 21-year-old gay man. A thrilling life, endless shopping adventures, a fun job along with meeting the cutest boys. I mean for the most part I can do that from 12:00PM until 12:00AM but sometimes I want to go to early breakfast and work during the day to meet new people but noooooo- my family- my ancestors- just had to get cursed by a witch. They just had to go around and doubt the powers of a witch and leave me stuck with turning into a ragdoll cat from midnight til noon. The curse did not become active in me until I turned 19. I thankfully had somewhat of a normal childhood and teen years but once I graduated from high school and tried to enroll in university, my mother stopped me and informed me of the curse. I was planning on going on a trip to freaking Jeju for my 19th birthday but instead I turned into a kitty with the cravings for catnip and the desire to chase laser beams. It honestly is such an odd life. But I mean at least my family was not cursed with anything too bad. Like forever bad luck or everyone dies by the age of 30 or something like that.

I mean turning into a cat for 12 hours is not too bad. Especially when you have a cute- but annoying, best friend to take care of you. Min-ho manages to feed me the best cat food, he buys me the best cat towers to lay upon, and even cleans my litter box. So I grateful to have such a loyal ser- friend to take care of my cat needs, but it does not come without a price. Minho insists on teasing me all day and every day. He nags me about my shedding fur and always manages to drop cat puns around me. I'm quite surprised I haven't used my cat claws to gouge his eyes out yet. I think it's because he can put the cone of shame around my neck and snap embarrassing pictures of me in my feline form. He has a serious advantage over me unfortunately. Plus, if I gouged his eyes out then I won't have anyone to take care of me in my feline form. So I deal with his stupid nagging and horrible puns because I need my royal serv- best friend, to take care of me. 

When I'm not in my feline form, I am working at 'Ding Dong cafe'. The name is honestly so stupid. I don't even understand why Jin-ki's family chose the name- but that's besides the point. I work at 'Ding Dong Cafe' from 1:30PM until closing which is at 9. It barely leaves me anytime to shop until I drop, have a thrilling life with cute boys, or even maintain a proper social life. I am basically socially stuck to Jin-ki (my manager and the heir to 'Ding Dong') and Min-ho. Oh and Tae-min, our very nosy and overly curious boy next door. He is kind of cute in a boyish way but I would never go for him. He is too wrapped up in Min-ho. Min-ho is such an oaf that he does not even notice. I mean I pick up on everything as a cat due to my heightened senses and agility. Tae-min sings love songs about Min-ho in the shower and has a habit of staring at Min-ho from out his window when Min-ho is outside jogging- his man tiddies bouncing up and down. If Min-ho didn't annoy me so much, I would understand the obsession but honestly, Min-ho isn't even that worthy of stalking.

I let out a deep sigh as I at my own fur. It is 11:30AM. It means I have 30 more minutes left as a cat and Min-ho left me home alone to work. I watch the time pass by on the clock on the wall of our living room. Since I really cannot use a phone while in cat form, I have to watch the clock. I get up from the couch and stretch, my back arching as my furry rose up in the air. I shake my head from how good the stretch is and hop off the couch. I move to my two story cat tower, my claws digging into the rough material to shave them down a bit. I then plop lazily on my side and wait for it to be 12PM. Once 12 strikes, I will be back to my human form in my bare glory. I will take a shower and get rid to ride my bike into work. I will also catch up on the happenings of social media because I always feel like I'm left out of the world in the 12 hours I am a cat.

Especially since Min-ho started leaving the TV off when he isn't home. He used to leave the TV on for me so that I could have something to do but once our electric bill went up, it was bye-bye daytime talk shows and dramas. I honestly could waste the 12 hours sleeping but that is honestly no fun. I just try to make the most of my time as a cat and thank the heavens when I am human again. I suppose the curse could be worse. Say, I am left as a cat for 23 hours of the day and human for one hour. I think I would jump off the tallest building in the world, if that was the case. But, I would probably land on my feet so a lose-lose situation. 

The key to apparently breaking the curse is finding true love. It's so cliche and dumb but it's the truth. My great-great-great grandmother found her true love and stopped being a cat, my great-great grandmother found her true love and stopped being a cat, my great grandmother did not find her true love and died as a cat (my great grandfather accepted her as she was though but she was not in love with him), and my mother managed to break the curse for herself. But no matter what they did, the curse kept passing down. That is why I am glad I am gay and the only child. I won't have to worry about passing this inconvenient curse onto my children. I will simply break the curse for myself, live out my

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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736 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
736 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
736 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
736 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
736 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~