"Do You Really Love Him?"

Kitty Dearest
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The rest of soccer night was spent with me perched upon Jong-hyun's knees. The night wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Despite the fact that drinks and snacks were spelt on the floor, I was as smitten as a kitten. I spent the entire night on Jong-hyun's knees. I wanted to sit back and make myself comfortable on his lap, but I didn't want to come off as a too eagered hoe. I just soaked in the time I spent on Jong-hyun's knees and I felt dread as the soccer game ended. Min-ho's team won but I wanted to stay with Jong-hyun even longer. 

Max and Kyu-hyun ended up leaving first then Jin-ki. Min-ho kept his promise and went onto to clean with Tae-min's aid. Tae-min definitely seizing the opportunity to get closer to Min-ho by helping him clean up. Jong-hyun and I both found ourselves slowly making our way to the front door. There definitely was something in the air. Especially as we looked into each other's eyes. It was clear that I didn't want him to go and it was clear he didn't want to go. 

"That was fun. I'm glad that Min-ho's team won." Jong-hyun commented. He tucked his hands into his pockets. 

"Oh, yeah. If his team didn't win, he would have probably had a heart attack." I commented. I moved closer to Jong-hyun,  the space between us closing up a bit. I said I would make my move and this was the perfect time. 

"Thank you for inviting me." Jong-hyun said, his gorgeous chocolate orbs looking into my feline like eyes. Two guys don't make this much eye contact unless it was leading to something very gay. I could feel the kiss on the tip of my tongue. My hands curling into balls at my sides as I prepared myself. 

"Thank you for coming. I'm glad that your shirt dried." I commented. 

At some point Jong-hyun had put his shirt back on. Which was good for the both of us. There was no telling what I would have done if he stayed shirtless the whole night. I would have probably felt up on his muscles then die from the feel of it. I could only imagine what his muscles felt like. 

"I'm glad it dried too. I wouldn't felt comfortable walking home shirtless." 

Was that true? He seemed so comfortable taking his shirt off in front of me. I couldn't help the smirk that formed on my lips. I even let out a sarcastic scoff which caused Jong-hyun to chuckle and move even closer to me. I gulped, my heartbeat increasing. What was going to happen? I could feel myself holding my breath. Come on, kiss me. 

Instead I received a hug. It was the warmest hug I've ever had but I couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. Once our hug was over, Jong-hyun walked to the front door and pulled it open. 

"Have a goodnight, Ki-bum." He said. 

"Text me when you get home safely." I responded. 

I let him go. I was such a fool for his love. I should have stolen the kiss from him and instead of waiting for him. Next time I will kiss him. In the meantime, I helped Min-ho and Tae-min clean up. Once Tae-min left, I was left in the apartment with Min-ho. I had planned on heading to bed but Min-ho had stopped me. 

"Ki-bum?" He asked me. 

"Yeah?" I asked. 

"Do you really love him?" He asked. 

What? Why was he suddenly asking me this? 

"I... I really like him and I want him to be the one." I said honestly. 

I watched as Min-ho's facial expression changed. It wasn't one I've seen before. It made me feel uneasy because it honestly looked like disappointment.  What did Min-ho have to be disappointed about? I scratched my head. 

"Yah! Whats with that face?" I asked. 

"Hm? What face?" He asked, the expression gone and replaced by a clueless one. 

"The one you just made."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm heading to bed, goodnight." He simply said and walked away from. That was weird but I didn't have too much time to dwell on it. I ended up going to my own room and falling into bed. My hands instantly grabbing at my phone to check it for text messages. It didn't take too long for Jong-hyun's text to come. 

From: Jjong~♡

I'm home safely. Have a goodnight, Bummie ♡

Omg, he sent a heart emoji! What type of guy sent heart emojis to his guy friends?! That heart had to mean something. I waited a couple of minutes then I sent my reply to Jong-hyun.  

To: Jjong~♡

Have a goodnight night, Jjong. ♡

I could feel myself falling into a beautiful sleep. My dreams clouded with Jong-hyun and the thought of him kissing me. He couldn't wait to see him again and actually kiss his beautiful lips. 

The next few days are uneventful. I fall back into my line of work at the cafe. Working through my shifts with Min-ho, Soo-jung, and Victoria. I end up working so hard, that I don't even have time to text Jong-hyun.  I have the feeling he is busy as well since we hadn't had much of a text conversation. Just simple "how was your day" and "goodnight" texts. I honestly consider quiting my job to pursue Jong-hyun but thats crazy talk.

After my fourth shift in a row. I find myself taking the bus to my parents' apartment. I haven't seen my mom mother in awhile and I have questions about my particular curse. The more I get to know Jong-hyun,  the more I feel he is the one. It's something that feels both exciting yet scary. I try to remind mys

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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745 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
745 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
745 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
745 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
745 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~