Kitty Dearest
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Is this even real life? Here I am, Kim Ki-bum, a cursed cat boy walking down the sidewalk with, Kim Jong-hyun, a handsome talented gorgeous human boy. We are walking side by side down the sidewalk. The distance between Ding Dong and us growing further by the second. When I asked him to get out of there, I wasn't expecting him to say yes. I also wasn't expecting us to walk with our elbows locked together. It's not hand in hand, but we are literally attached at the hip as we walk together. I have no destination in mind and we are both quiet for a moment. 

I finally break the silence, "You were so amazing. I mean... Your singing. That was breathtaking. Jjong, you sing like a professional. The emotion and the sound, the clarity... You're amazing." 

I listen to the soft sound of a chuckle come out of him. I look at him to let him know I'm serious. My eyes narrowing as I make a "I'm not bullting" face. He simply smiles up at me and we continue walking. He doesn't say anything which fills me with some concern. Was I being too forward? I mean he has to know that he has the vocals of an angel. He has to know that his voice caused so many people cry tonight. Is this his way of being humble? Honestly,  whatever it is, it is y. 

He suddenly leaps forward and I am forced to leap with him. 

"Hey, do you think aliens exist?" He asks out of nowhere. 

So this is his not so subtle way of changing the subject? Alright, I'll go along with it. 

"Huh? Yeah. I live with Min-ho, how can I not believe in aliens." I comment. He suddenly does th E.T finger thing which causes me to laugh a bit. Honestly, if anyone else did it, I would give them a hard face, but it's him so... I laugh. 

"Ah... I think Min-ho is fairly normal. I'm more of the alien." He says. 

"Huh? You don't live with Min-ho. His farts are out of this world and he... Don't get me started." I say. Why am I bringing up Min-ho and his farts? I am such a weirdo. Maybe I am the alien. Anyway, I have a clear check-list of things I need to bring up tonight.

I need to figure out his uality I need to figure out his point of view on cats I need to tell him about my curse I need to kiss him and hope he likes me back 

Okay, well not in that specific order. I suppose it's whatever comes up in conversation. Since we are on the topic of aliens, I can figure out a way to slip witches into the conversation. We continue walking with our arms locked together. 

"Why do you consider yourself an ailen?" I ask him.  

"Hm? Oh, well... I am always so different from the people around me." He vaguely says. 

"Different how?" I press. 

"Hm, I suppose its because I don't worry about impressing people or what they think. I talk to any and everyone. I tend to be hyperactive and I don't take too much joy in watching TV or materialistic things." 

"That doesn't make you alien. It just makes you unique and there's nothing wrong with that." 

I kind of let him lead me. He tugs on me in the direction of crossing the street. We wait at the crosswalk and let cars pass us by. I glance down at him but he is staring straight ahead. Does he really worry about being different? He doesn't sound too different. If anything, he just sounds like a hipster. There's nothing wrong with that. 

"Maybe. Ki-bum?" 


I gulp as the sign shows its our turn to cross the street. We walk together across the street. He's walking with speed which causes me to pick up the pace but then I kind of drag him since my legs are longer. We manage to get to the next sidewalk and fall back into line. He slips his arm free from mine, which causes me to pout a bit but then he is holding his hand out for me to grab. I grab hold of his hand and we continue walking together. My stomach fills with butterflies and my heart flutters. I need to focus though. I need to get some answers and I have to figure out if he's truly the one that can free me from my curse. 

Suddenly something crosses my mind. He keeps saying he is different with a vague answer. Could this be him trying to bring up his uality? It honestly feels like it. Should I say something? I should. I feel comfortable with him and obviously he feels comfortable with me. He literally ditched the cafe with me. He has to be comfortable with me. 

"Jong-hyun, you keep mentioning being different... Are you trying to tell me something?" 

His hand squeezes mine and he stops walking. I stop walking as well as he kind of move off to the side of the sidewalk. We leave room for people to walk past and he looks up at me. I can tell there's something he wants to let out. Especially as his gorgeous brown orbs take on this puppy look and he gives my hand another squeeze. 

"I guess I can't hide it all that well," He starts, "I am questioning somethings about myself. Things that I thought I was so sure about but now I don't know."

 "Are you talking about your uality?" I ask. 

We both grow quiet, his face slowly turning a flushed pink. He is talking about his uality. I let out a soft breath and gives his hand a gentle squeeze. I give him my most reassuring smile as I wait for him to spit his thoughts out. It's okay, Jong-hyun. It is more than okay. It's perfect actually. 

"I guess. I don't know. I know that I like girls but there's been some guys... I guess what I'm saying is... Its easy for me to fall into skinship with both men and women. I know that you're openly gay so I just... I don't know. I'm sorry, hyung." 

He suddenly pulls his hand free from mine. I feel this wave of confusion. It's not because of what he has said but more because he pulled his hand out of mine. There has been some guys. I can feel a slight crack to my heart. He is interested in someone and its more than someone but some people. I my lips as I sigh softly, I can't let this throw me off. He is still being pretty vague so this can mean anything. At least he feels comfortable enough to come to me about his thoughts. 

"I see. I mean... If you like both girls and boys then you're most likely biual. It's nothing to be scared of or ashamed of." I simply say a smile. 

"I see. Biual." He comments with a nod. He grabs hold of my hand once again and we continue walking. At least that's one thing checked off my list. I now know that Kim Jong-hyun is biual. It means I still have a chance for him to fall in love with me. Now I have to get to the next part, cats and my curse. 

"Where are we going?" I ask. My apartment is in the opposite direction and we aren't heading towards the university. I will let him take me anywhere but I do feel slightly anxious. I don't commonly g

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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745 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
745 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
745 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
745 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
745 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~