"Sargent Jingles!"

Kitty Dearest
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As soon as the clock hits 6PM, I take my apron off and rush to lock the doors of the cafe. It's chicken and movie time with Jong-hyun and the others. I am so excited that I can feel a purr building up in my throat. I need to relax. I move from the doors of the cafe and go back behind the counter, I grab the supplies to sweep and mop the floor of the cafe. I put Soo-jung on duty to clean up the dishes used, restock the quick food items on display, clean the bathroom and clean the machines. I know, I know. I am giving her a lot of work, but I did let her sit and watch anime during her shift. I wipe down the tables in the cafe and then stack the chairs upside down on them. I then proceed to sweep up the floor, my heart pounding. I cannot help but glance at the door for Jong-hyun. We all agreed to meet at the cafe and even though it is only 6:01PM, I am worried that Jong-hyun won't show up. I honestly need to get a grip on myself. I am too excited, but this has been the moment I have waited for a while now.

In school, I never had a chance to get close to Jong-hyun. He was one of the popular students, who was always surrounded by lots of friends. I may not seem like it, but I am pretty introverted. I did not like the idea of being around that many people, especially if the group had six or more people. Jong-hyun's group of friends were also really rowdy. They would push each other around and make jokes about things I did not care for. So, I would always watch Jong-hyun from afar. Jong-hyun was also in the grade above me so that also put pressure on me. I was scared that I would be seen as an annoying brat, who was trying to hangout with the older kids. I did not make many friends in middle school besides a few girls. I honestly was okay with it because I was scared of my homouality. I thought something was wrong with me which caused me to avoid becoming friends with boys. I just tried to hide myself from every boy in existence. Now that I think back on it, I was a bit foolish. I recalled some people thinking I was girl crazy for only hanging out with girls. I did not meet Min-ho until the first year of high school but we hated each other honestly. He would pick on me about my dialect and the way I carried myself in an effeminate standard. I would make fun of his stupid competitive ego and his large eyes. 

There was a time that I recall, that Min-ho and I got into a physical fight on the school's soccer field. We were playing soccer for gym class and I knew he tripped me on purpose to show off and also to make me feel embarrassed, because I had called him an idiot for failing our class exam earlier that day. I fell hard in the grass, getting my gym outfit stained with grass. I remembered how red my face turned as everyone laughed at me. The next thing I knew, I was off the ground and my two hands were shoving Min-ho down to the ground. He tripped me with his feet and then we fell into wrestling on the field. My hands swinging wildly as I tried to punch at him. He managed to get a couple of good punches in at my face before we were broken up and sent to the office. We were punished with cleaning all the classrooms after school along with having to give each other formal apologies. I honestly was too stubborn to even apologize. Our apologies were very sarcastic and basic. When we were forced to clean the classrooms together, I wouldn't even look at him. We just worked in this aggressive silence until we heard the commotion of people running down the hall. 

"Yah! What are you guys doing?!" Min-ho called out from the classroom doorway. I got up from my spot of scrubbing the floor to see who he was talking to. It was Jong-hyun and a group of his friends. I could not forget the way Jong-hyun looked as he turned his head to look at Min-ho. His gorgeous brown orbs sparkling with mischievous, his tongue the corner of his lips as he tossed a package of Orion Choco Pie at Min-ho. I remember laughing because the package had hit Min-ho in the face. He looked so angry as Jong-hyun and his group of friends ran down the stairs and disappeared. To this day, I do not quite remember why they were running and why Jong-hyun conveniently threw a choco pie at Min-ho, but I didn't question it. I simply told Min-ho to calm down and asked him to share the pie with me. Through the power of choco pie, Min-ho and I gave each other sincere apologizes and then I listened to him rant about how annoying Jong-hyun was. From then on, Min-ho and I became friends.

I finish up sweeping the floors and grab the mop bucket from Soo-jung. I place the mop on the wooden floors and start to mop, I can see my own reflection as I clean up. I look like a mess. My blonde hair in a wispy mess on my forehead, my skin a bit dull, my eyes screaming I need sleep. I cannot look like this in front of Jong-hyun. I simply will not. I quickly finish up mopping and head into the break room. I grab my duffel bag from the corner and head into the bathroom. I knew that I would look like a mess after my short shift so I packed a few things to get rid of the mess. I set my bag on the sink as I observe my face in the mirror. My skin is really smooth but the typical glow of it is gone. I did not hydrate enough today. Honestly, it's nothing make-up cannot fix. I grab out my BB cream, eyeliner, lip tint, highlighter, and brown eyeshadow. I quickly get to work on my face, listening for the familiar sound of the bells at the front door. They should be here any minute now and I had to look good for Jong-hyun. 

I cover up my face in the BB cream and blend it smoothly so it does not look cakey. I then line my eyes with my liquid liner, making sure to give myself the cat eye effect. My eyes are already feline like but with the eyeliner, it makes my eyes look even more feline. It is a y and fierce look that will let Jong-hyun know I want him. I apply the pink lip tint on my lips in a subtle amount. I use just enough to make my lips look soft and naturally pink. It should make Jong-hyun look at my lips and want to kiss them. I add some of the brown eyeshadow just for fun. Once I am happy with my make-up, I pull my change of clothes out of my bag. I take off my boring blue dress shirt and pants. I change into a soft cotton comme des t-shirt. The shirt being light pink at the top then fades into a darker pink down the torso. I throw on a black denim jacket that has tears in random spots. I pull on black skinny jeans, that have a chain with a punk 'Hello Kitty' and black leather ankle boots. I check myself out in the mirror and wink.

"Looking good, gorgeous." I compliment myself then blow a mock kiss in the mirror. I stuff my work clothes into my duffel bag and sigh deeply, I can hear the sound of Jin-ki from the bathroom. My hearing is really good due to the cat in me. I also can smell things better than an average human. It is a bit of a blessing and curse. I throw my bag over my shoulder and walk out of the bathroom. I walk to the front and smile as Jin-ki greets me with a bright smile.

"You look good, Ki-bum! I feel underdressed now." He says.

"You look fine, Jin-ki. I just have not been out in awhile so I decided to dress up." 

Did I overdress? Jin-ki was in a simple hoodie and jeans, his hair hiding under a beanie. I can see Min-ho outside of the cafe with Tae-min. I cannot help but smirk as Min-ho walks inside with the kid. Tae-min has the look of pure love in his eyes as he clings to Min-ho's arm. I can instantly feel the intense glare of Min-ho's large eyes on me. Uh-oh, is he not happy that I invited Tae-min? I mean I guess, Tae-min is Min-ho's stalker. Oh well, he can kill me later. I wave at the two and watch as Jin-ki introduces himself to Tae-min. I walk over to them and listen as Tae-min talks about his classes. Everyone is here but Jong-hyun. I look toward the front door and windows for him. A few students walking past but none of them are Jong-hyun. I try to keep a neutral expression on my face, turning my attention to Min-ho who nudged me in the ribs hard. 

"Wah! What?" I ask.

"Why are you so dressed up? We are just going out for chicken and a movie." He says. I seriously could punch him. 

"I wanted to dress up." I simply say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I guess you want to look good for the aliens." He jokes. 

Tae-min lets out a giggle, his small hands stuck to Min-ho's bicep. 

"You're the alien and I do not care to look good for you." I shoot back.

"Ouch. I was only kitten around." He says with a smug grin.

I want to literally grab my hands around his throat and choke him. I'm sorry, Tae-min. Your future boyfriend will be dead before you two even get to kiss. I simply let out a huff as Tae-min giggles at the joke once again. At least Tae-min dressed up a little, in a baby blue sweater with black jeans and boots to match. I even notice he has a bit of eyeliner on, his lips shiny with clear lip gloss. I cannot help but give a smug grin. I'm not the only one after a guy tonight. I just hope that I can cling to Jong-hyun's arm as easily as Tae-min is doing to Min-ho. I glance at Min-ho, I can see a sign of annoyance in his eyes but he does not brush Tae-min off. I'll ask why he is so grouchy later. 

My eyes light up as I spot Jong-hyun crossing the street towards the cafe. I need to calm down or I will look over eager. I grab my phone out to pretend like I am looking at something much more interesting. My heart is racing so fast, I am starting to worry that I will break out and have a heart attack. I aimlessly scroll around on my homepages of my screen. My eyes looking up as I hear the bell to the cafe ring. Jong-hyun walks inside, wearing a black t-shirt that is about two sizes too big, he has front tucked in but the sides aren't. He also is wearing blue jeans, his knees exposed by the giant rip in them. A pink hat covering his cute brown hair. He looks so casual yet so y.

"Hey." He says, his voice soft and smooth.

"Hey! This is everyone, are we all ready?" Jin-ki asks, looking over all of us. 

"I'm ready." I say. I carefully move so I can be slightly closer to Jong-hyun. I take a deep breath. His scent is lavender and vanilla with a mixture of pinewood. It is so alluring. How can he smell so good? I want to get closer to get a bitter whiff but I keep my space as we walk out of the cafe. Jin-ki closes the door and locks it up. We then begin to walk. Jin-ki taking the lead with Jong-hyun walking next to him. I have to get next to Jong-hyun. I carefully move so that soon I am walking by his side as Min-ho and Tae-min trails behind us. 

"I am so hungry. I studied all day and forgot to eat." Jong-hyun comments. 

"Same," I say, wait- I did not study at all today. "I mean I'm hungry from working."

"How was work today?" Jin-ki asks.

"It was not too busy. Thank you for letting me off early." I comment.  

I have to focus on whats a

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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745 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
745 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
745 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
745 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
745 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~