"The Cat Is Out of The Bag"

Kitty Dearest
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When Jong-hyun and I make it to my apartment, the last thing I'm expecting is for Min-ho, Tae-min, and Jin-ki to all be there. It takes me by surprise especially since Min-ho knows why I didn't want Tae-min there and now Jin-ki is here too. I shoot him the coldest glare I can muster as Jin-ki and Tae-min greet Jong-hyun and clamor over to hug us. I force myself to smile as I give Tae-min a light squeeze with my arms and Jin-ki a quick side hug. Min-ho doesn't even look at me as he picks Jong-hyun up in a tight bear hug. That ing bastard. 

"What's going on? Why is everyone here?" I ask in a soft tone, trying to laugh it off. 

"Min-ho invited us over for a movie marathon!" Jin-ki says with a bright smile. 

"Wahh! What movies?!" Jong-hyun asks excitedly as he sits down in front of the TV.

"Yeah, what movies?" I ask Min-ho with my arms crossing over my chest. I need to figure out a way to get Tae-min and Jin-ki out of here before midnight. I don't want anymore people to know about my curse. I can totally tell Min-ho did this as retaliation for making me cancel his date night. I could really punch him in front of everyone. 

"A few sci-fi films and horror movies." Min-ho says in a casual tone. He is still avoiding making contact with me. He simply stands behind the couch, his hands gripping onto the back of it. I watch as Jin-ki sits on the floor next to Jong-hyun to go through the movie options. Tae-min remains by my side with a smile on his lips. 

"What about the cafe?" I ask. 

Jin-ki looks at me over his shoulder, "My parents are working today. They want to make sure everything is perfect for the upcoming inspection." 

Great, I can't even use the excuse of work to get rid of Jin-ki. Not that I don't like him being around, I just want to get rid of the extras. I fine myself stomping to the kitchen as Jong-hyun and Jin-ki laugh over something. I open the freezer to cool myself down because I'm ready to burst. I really can't believe Min-ho did something this petty and childish. I really feel the urge to scream as the cold air from the freezer dances across my face. 

Kim Ki-bum, calm down. It will be okay. You will get Tae-min and Jin-ki out of here before midnight. You will prove yourself to Jong-hyun and break your curse. Then you will never have to see Choi Min-ho ever again in your life. You also won't have to go to prison for murder. 

I huff as I slam the fridge door close. I ruffle my hair and turn around to Min-ho standing in the kitchen entrance. It's as if I can only see red. He doesn't have a smirk or anything on his face, he simply looks bored as he walks over to me to open the fridge. I step back as I try to glare holes into his head. If I had laser powers, he would be so dead right now. I find myself reaching out to grab his arm. 

"Are you ing kidding me?" I ask in a tight whisper. 

Min-ho easily shakes his arm free from me as he grabs a case of beer out. He gives a simple shrug, "Jin-ki asked me what my plans were and I told him I'm watching movies with Tae-min. He then asked if he could come and I said yes. Am I supposed to tell my hyung no?" 

What a ing douche. 

"No! But you were supposed to cancel your plans with Tae-min!" I hiss at him. 

Min-ho turns away from me and then glances at me over his shoulder, "I'm not canceling my own love life to help you with yours."

It feels like a literal slap to my face. His words are piercing and the way he said it, it was as if he stabbed me with a knife. I watch as he goes back into the living room, my eyes watering as I hear the four of them laughing and joking around. Is Min-ho even truly my friend? I will not cry over that stupid oaf. Kim Ki-bum,  you are stronger than this. He's just being a pissy pants. He'll come out of it soon. 

I force myself to take a few deep breaths. I slap my own cheeks and then shake my head. I will find a way to get the others to leave, but can I even face Min-ho? I slowly walk out of the kitchen to the living room. Min-ho is sitting on the couch with Tae-min next to him. Jin-ki in the spot on the other side of Tae-min. Jong-hyun is still sitting on the floor, his eyes glued to the TV screen as the movie starts up. 

I try not to sulk as I sit down next to Jong-hyun on the floor. He gives me one of his soft smiles and causes my heart to melt. The butterflies rushing back into my stomach as he grabs hold of my hand. I gently squeeze his hand and then he lets mine go. I simply remain on the floor next to him and watch as the movie plays. 

I find myself turning my head to look back at the three on the couch. Jin-ki's eyes are glued to the screen, Tae-min has his head on Min-ho's shoulder, and Min-ho is looking at me. His eyes quickly advert when we make eye contact. I find myself huffing as I turn back to face the TV. Why is he even looking at me? He did all this and he can't even focus on his boyfriend? What a ing joke. 

I feel like Min-ho and I are heading back down the path of enemies. Something I really didn't think would happen for us again. It feels like middle and high school all over again. The thought of it makes me sit closer to Jong-hyun. I hold onto his arm and rest my head on his shoulder. If I lose Min-ho,  I will be okay knowing I have Jong-hyun. Jong-hyun is all I need. Forget Min-ho, he was already planning to move out once my curse gets broken. I just didn't expect it had to be like this in the end. 

As I watch the movie, I find my eyes watering multiple times. The movie is some cheap alien slasher film. It's not the poor cgi aliens on the screen that's making me cry. It's the thought of Min-ho leaving that hurts. Even if I say I hate him, I still counted him to be my closest friend. The first person I've told my secret to. The only person who has cleaned my litter box and made sure I was taken care of as a kitten. 

Am I being selfish? Should I have just waited to show Jong-hyun the proof? Yes and yes. I am such a terrible friend, I've been selfish this whole time and now I know why Min-ho is so mad. I almost get up to apologize but I change my mind. There is no point of talking about this in front of the others, I can only hope that Jin-ki and Tae-min will leave soon. 


Four movies later and it is dark outside. All of us are feeling a bit restless from sitting so long. I don't even think any of us got up to use the bathroom between movies. Now it's Min-ho and Jong-hyun racing to get to the bathroom. I look at the time on my phone and see that it's around 7PM. In five hours, I will be a kitty. I need to get Jin-ki and Tae-min out now rather than later. 

"Are you guys tired?" I ask Jin-ki and Tae-min.  

"Nope!" Tae-min says with a bright smile. 

"No.~ Are you guys hungry? I will order us food." Jin-ki says with a smile. 

Ugh, of c

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I apologize for not updating on Christmas. There won't be an update today neither but I will try to give a double upload tomorrow


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745 streak #1
Chapter 22: Awww I love the ending of this chapter :)
745 streak #2
Chapter 21: Oh I love it. Well I do like Minkey, but it's okay, the chapter is still good. :D
745 streak #3
Chapter 20: Things have gotten a bit more interesting, good chapter.
Chapter 22: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1462901/22'>"Everything Is Cat-Tastic...</a></span>
Everything does seem a bit too cat-tastic. Why do I get the feeling that someone else would have to be in animal body as a side effect or as a catch for to get that vile. Hhmm.
Also, can't remember if I mentioned this already anywhere but happy new year.
745 streak #5
Chapter 19: That was a very interesting chapter. Hmm.
745 streak #6
Chapter 18: The part where Tae-min said "Hyung is allergic to his boyfriend", that made me laugh and I found it cute, but I wonder what will happen and if the witch can help.
Chapter 1: Awww that was an interesting start~