The Tears and The Disappearance

All I Want for Christmas
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Snowflakes circled slowly in the air, dropping to the ground. Everything around has long been covered with a white snow blanket: a stone path, leafless trees, empty benches and a girl sitting alone with her head down.


Warm drops trickled down her cheeks and broke off abruptly, colliding with her knees which were covered with a thin crust of ice. The girl did not even pay attention to the cold, to the fact that her body trembled finely - she did not care.


In the area of ​​the heart there was an empty hole. She hoped that someday it would all end. She hoped the pain would go away, but it hadn't left her for days.


Only a couple of days ago she was absolutely happy, building a wonderful future with him. Her boyfriend, Kim Minjun, swore eternal love to her. The one that gave her the wedding ring, the one that promised a wonderful future.


Cherin never received love from her parents: they were always too busy for her. You can't earn millions by sitting still. But the girl could never understand one thing - why did they need her if they were only chasing their career?


However, Minjun showed her that he needed her. She felt incredibly happy when he was around. She always felt safe, needed and loved. Until one day when she saw him with another girl.


Don't worry, honey, I'll get more money from Cherin and you and I will head to the Bahamas!


And his sweet lips, which the girl loved so much, touched the lips of a stranger girl, who hugged him tightly. It was the end. The end of not only their relationship, but also of her peaceful life. She never felt that bad.


Could she only attract a guy with money? Without them, no one will look at her, but maybe it was for the best? She no longer wanted to experience this, but she could not stop and kept looking for the problem in herself. She no longer knew how much time she spent in the park, but it was definitely not snowing when she arrived.


“Cherin?” The girl shuddered at the hail, sharply raising her head. Before her stood a tall and handsome guy who smiled at her. But for some reason, the expression on his face changed to worried and the girl finally understood why, lowering her eyes. Her tear-stained face probably scared him.


She heard footsteps across the crisp snow and felt him sitting down next to her. She was silent, did not even know what to say to him. The guy was also silent for a while, also lost for words. But the silence hung for too long, so he cleared his throat, turning to face her.


“Something happened?” He tried to ask it carefully, so as not to frighten her away. He was really worried about her. The girl smiled slightly, trying to erase the lines of tears from her cheeks.


“Sorry, Jongin, I didn't expect to see you here like this.” She looked at him through puffy eyes and the guy just frowned more.


Kim Jongin is Cherin's former classmate and once upon a time they were quite close friends. However, they did not communicate for a long time. But the guy was now right in front of her at which she was just baffled. Why did she have to meet him now?


“I… saw you on the bench, and I wondered if it was you. But I recognized you as I approached,” he paused, trying not to say something superfluous and just looked ahead at the falling snow. He tried not to look at the girl for a long time, so as not to embarrass her. “Can I help you with something?”


The girl again looked at the guy and once again noted that he was as attractive as always. Her heart was surprisingly beating faster, but she couldn’t help herself: she just wanted to cry. She needed to let go of Minjun.


The guy sighed and thought of something to cheer the girl up. He turned at her and looked her straight in the eyes, noting how much they were reddened and swollen. But his attention was distracted by another fact: the girl was trembling.


“Cherin, you are frozen!” He realized his mistake: the girl must have been sitting here for a long time. He pulled off his warm scarf and pulled it over the weakly resisting girl and looked around. A few meters away there was a nice looking coffee shop and the guy had already decided on a plan of action. “Let's have some coffee?”


The girl wanted to refuse his offer and go home, but the guy interrupted her:


“I’m paying.” Cherin at that moment raised a puzzled gaze at him and froze. He smiled very beautifully and brightly, and there was so much kindness in his eyes that the girl simply could not refuse. She sighed and nodded her head, getting up and walking with the guy in the direction of the coffee shop.


Hot air enveloped her inside, defrosting. It was only now that she realized how numb she was. The guy walked to the cash register and ordered something, and the girl at that time walked to the table at the very back.


Jongin didn't keep her waiting long and a steaming drink appeared in front of the girl in a cute decorated mug. She looked inquiringly at it and with a slight doubt took the mug, sipping a little. And she widened her eyes in surprise.


“It's cocoa with marshmallows. You don't like coffee, if I remember correctly.” He kept smiling, and the girl could not believe what she saw in front of her. Minjun always confused what she liked, he always brought her coffee, which he drank himself. And here, a long lost friend, whom she saw a few years ago, still remembered what she liked. She smiled bitterly.


“How do you remember?” She said it quietly, now looking into his eyes. The guy was a little taken aback, but then smiled again:


“I try not to forget about my friends,” he said it from the heart, and the girl hid behind a mug of cocoa. Now anything could make her cry and the guy's words were enough.


“Liar,” she did not look at the guy, but he perfectly heard her words. His eyebrows raised in surprise and she felt another hot tear roll down her cheek. “Then why didn’t you contact me all this time?”


Silence reigned between them and in the background played such a suitable for this season, but not for the situation, Jingle Bells. Jongin didn't know how to explain his circumstances without much detail and Cherin sank into her dark thoughts again.


“Something happened in my life,” he paused again after these words, firmly holding his mug with the same steaming drink. Jongin sighed and looked up at the girl, smiling guiltily. “Sorry.” 


The girl was silent, just shaking her head. She didn't really care. In any case, most of the people in her life had abandoned her and this was nothing new. She just sighed and already regretted having agreed to go with him.


“Cherin,” the guy attracted her attention, thinking how to cheer up the girl, while restoring their fragile friendship. “Do you have plans for Christmas?”


Memories flashed through her mind of how Minjun had promised her to spend this special day together, that they would rent a beautiful villa and spend all day and all night together. She believed it and even ordered a villa. Now there was only emptiness and loneliness waiting for her. There were only a couple of hours left before Christmas.


“Nothing special.” It was a painful truth. She did not dare to look up at the guy, hiding behind the same mug. Cherin didn’t see how he smiled contentedly and put his mug down.


“Then how about spending it with me?” he was confident in his offer and the girl almost choked on the cocoa that she drank. She looked up at him in amazement, to which the guy smiled. “Only my younger brother and sister will be there, so don't be afraid.”


But the girl was not even worried about that. She and Jongin had been longtime friends, she had slept at his house many times before and she was sure that he would not touch her. She was more worried about why he cared about her? They had not communicated for three years after graduation, but now he appeared, and was even worried about her.


“So?” he smiled at her, but she didn't know what to do. And in this small and cozy cafe at that moment music began to play, following with words: Just say yes. The girl grinned at the strange accident and looked at the guy with a new look. Before her was a friend of her youth, who was now sincerely smiling at her and sincerely wanted to help. She won’t lose anything and why not try to r

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744 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

And another beautiful chapter with a happy ending and great characters! 😉👍👌

If you ask me to choose one favorite chapter, I can't. I loved all of them!

Thank you! 🌹💗

744 streak #2
Chapter 31: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

She finally has a reason to smile. 😉

744 streak #3
Chapter 30: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

Amazing chapter with a little magic touch!

744 streak #4
Chapter 29: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love the concept! 😉

744 streak #5
Chapter 28: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

They both deserved a fresh start! 😉👌

744 streak #6
Chapter 27: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I just loved the concept of this one!

744 streak #7
Chapter 26: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

He sure is a handsome guy! Loved it! 😉👌

744 streak #8
Chapter 25: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I adored this!

744 streak #9
Chapter 24: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

The monster and the happy ending!

744 streak #10
Chapter 23: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love this chapter and the characters in it!
