The Delinquent and The A-Student

All I Want for Christmas
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Rahee watched the slowly ticking hand on the clock, resting her head on her hand. She was now in a correctional class, where, in principle, there was no one else except her. Nerves gave in, and the injustice of the whole situation simply pissed her off.


Oh Rahee was the best student in her class and almost the first place in the entire school, she constantly received praise from teachers and was an exemplary daughter of her parents. And now the question surfaced, how did she end up in a correctional class?


It's very simple, Rahee had a problem - she could not stop in time and was always trying to prove that she was right. It didn't matter to her, what she was arguing about or with whom, she had no brakes, because felt like she was always right, why should she be silent? So this time too, she argued with the physics teacher that made a mistake (in her opinion) in the formula on the blackboard.


She tried for a very long time to prove to Mrs. Kim that she was wrong, but the woman just got angry and kicked her out of the class. And now, on the very eve of the New Year, the girl had to stay in school for an extra couple of hours for her long tongue. But Rahee did not consider herself wrong and refused to somehow accept her guilt.


The girl sighed and straightened up at her desk again. Due to an old habit that her mother had taught her, she could not lie on the desk, much less ruin her excellent posture. Even the teacher left the class for a while, and Rahee could not understand what was the point of this stupid punishment.


But then the door opened abruptly and the girl shuddered at the loud sound. A tall and extremely displeased-looking guy entered the empty classroom. The first thing that Rahee noticed was his unkempt appearance: incorrectly buttoned shirt, lack of a tie, especially since there were fresh bruises on this guy's face.


Rahee snorted: she didn't like this guy right away. A typical delinquent.


The guy threw an uninterested glance at her and sat down at the nearest desk, throwing his legs over it and leaning back in a chair. The girl shook her head. It turns out that the teacher came after the guy and walked over to his table.


“Johnny, feet off the table,” the guy sighed in displeasure and threw off his legs lazily. The teacher looked completely tired and clearly did not want to be here on New Year's Eve. "Guys, how did you get here on New Year's Eve?" The man shook his head, opening the folder in his hands.


“Johnny, you are a regular guest with me, but you could feel sorry for the old teacher at least on a holiday,” and he looked at the young guy, who looked away at the window. Teacher Park did not expect a positive reaction or any response from him, and then turned to Rahee. "But you, Rahee ... I certainly did not expect this from you."


"But teacher, I haven't done anything wrong!" This time, the girl let her displeasure seep through her voice. She really thought it was unfair. “Mrs. Kim made a mistake, thereby misleading the whole class. I couldn't just keep quiet. "


“But arguing with the teacher is not the case either,” the teacher repeated wearily, which made Rahee even more angry. “I didn’t argue, but Mrs. Kim was overreacting. I just noted her mistake."


Johnny laughed openly at her response. The girl at first with bewilderment, and then with displeasure looked at the guy, who turned at her with a smirk. "Do you even hear yourself?"


“I don’t have a hearing problem,” she said with an upturned nose, measuring the guy with an arrogant look. He just tilted his head to the side, taking a closer look at this annoying woman, "What is such a good girl doing at the detention?"


“I’m actually asking the same question. Places like this are more appropriate... ”and she measured the guy with a condemning look from head to toe, not forgetting to grimace her face at the end. "... for someone like you."


Johnny was pissed off at this behavior. This all good and proper behavior of the girl, from which he was already disgusted, her movements, voice, looks - all this was just annoying. "Who do you think you are, little girl?"


“A good person who doesn't belong here,” she said syllabically, trying to emphasize the word good. Johnny frowned, and the teacher got into their conversation, having time to stop them.


"No arguing here, you don't want to stay until night, do you?" He looked at both of them in turn, which caused both of them to turn away in different directions with displeased faces. "Fine. I am now going about my important business, and each of you is writing an essay about Why you can't be a bad person and hand them over to the guard. After the holidays I will check them.”


The man saw how both teenagers were ready to be indignant, so he looked at them sternly, "If you don't pass - you will stay after school for the whole next semester." And the mouths of both closed as soon as they opened.


The man nodded goodbye to them and went out the door, not forgetting to give them the sheets of paper. As soon as the door closed behind the teacher, Johnny immediately got up and walked to the window, opening it. They were on the ground floor, so jumping over it wasn't a problem for the guy.


"What are you doing?" But before the guy had time to throw both legs, he heard the girl's annoying voice. He scoffed and turned to her, "I thought you were smart, is it not obvious?"


“Mr Park said we have to write an essay first,” she grabbed the paper she was about to write on. The guy chuckled and folded an airplane out of his paper and sent it flying towards the girl. She caught him on the fly, indignant at the behavior of the impudent guy.


“Good luck with your essay, nerd,” he chuckled, and the girl didn’t like that he had so easily decided to avoid punishment. She smirked, throwing a haughty look at the guy again, "I'll tell Mr. Park." And the guy stopped abruptly, dangling his legs from the other side of the window.


The girl had a triumphant smile on her face, and the guy turned with a sullen and angry face. "No, you won't complain to him," at least he hoped so, and the girl with a sadistic smile pulled out her phone, "You want to check?"


Johnny jumped back into the room, abruptly approaching the girl and taking the phone from her hands. He hid it in his pocket and was about to jump out again, when the girl grunted, "Never mind, I'll tell him when I get home." Actually, Rahee bluffed, because she obviously would not complain, but this guy pissed her off too much. She seemed to enjoy torturing him.


“I didn't think you were like that,” he didn't expect an ordinary-looking girl to hook him like that. The guy was not sure if she was bluffing, because her eyes were shining too brightly and they did not have the fear that was usually inherent in p

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744 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

And another beautiful chapter with a happy ending and great characters! 😉👍👌

If you ask me to choose one favorite chapter, I can't. I loved all of them!

Thank you! 🌹💗

744 streak #2
Chapter 31: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

She finally has a reason to smile. 😉

744 streak #3
Chapter 30: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

Amazing chapter with a little magic touch!

744 streak #4
Chapter 29: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love the concept! 😉

744 streak #5
Chapter 28: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

They both deserved a fresh start! 😉👌

744 streak #6
Chapter 27: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I just loved the concept of this one!

744 streak #7
Chapter 26: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

He sure is a handsome guy! Loved it! 😉👌

744 streak #8
Chapter 25: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I adored this!

744 streak #9
Chapter 24: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

The monster and the happy ending!

744 streak #10
Chapter 23: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love this chapter and the characters in it!
