The Weird One and The Cute One

All I Want for Christmas
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Mirae did not like her school, classmates, or her city. She always avoided communicating with anyone, for fear of being misunderstood, or seeming strange. Only her parents were close to her, in front of whom she pretended that everything was fine.


It was also difficult for her because she studied well, not disappointing her parents, but that created an even bigger gap between her and her classmates. They turned to her only to cheat off her paper, or compare scores with her. And it upset her, but she could not offer more: she was scared.


She was insanely scared in the presence of people, but her heart was apparently fearless. Indeed, because one day she realized that she just fell in love like that. And she definitely shouldn't have.


He was perfect from head to toe. This guy was the captain of their football team, he studied well, he had many friends. He was tall, handsome, athletic, and in addition he had just the perfect personality, because he was a great person.


Mirae herself saw how he talked to his friends, how he treated his younger brother. At times he even paid attention to such an inconspicuous girl like her: he greeted her if she was noticed.


Simply said, she got herself into a big trouble named love. And it was terrible, because the fact of her predictable failure was not only that Mirae was not quite noticeable herself. In addition to being afraid of people, there was another factor:


Jung Sungchan was the most popular guy in their entire school. And not only their school, sometimes even girls from other schools came here, just to see this handsome guy. And the girl could only sigh from the side, because in her life she would never have approached him.


Kim Mirae was now standing in the crowd of students from their high school, staring at the floor, listening to the teacher's instructions on decorating the hall. The New Year's party is coming soon, which many in their school have been looking forward to. Except, of course, the girl herself. She would not come to decorate the hall, but the teacher said that he would not allow her to take the final exams if she did not come.


The whole class came, but not only because it was fun. Also because Jung Sungchan came to this hall decoration event. Now he was standing in the very front and carefully listening to the teacher's instructions, while a couple of girls stood around him, who were just simply staring at him.


Mirae sighed softly, trying to shrink and be less visible. The presence of so many people strained her, but she resigned herself: in the end, she aimed at the best university in the country.


“Kim Mirae,” the teacher suddenly called her name, making the girl flinch. Everyone turned towards her, while her fingers nervously intertwined. “You will be responsible for decorating the hall,” he smiled at her, as if in support, but quiet terror ran through her.


The others looked at her with indifferent looks, and she didn't even know what to do. How can she be responsible for all this? The teacher continued his speech and gave commands to different groups of people, controlling the process himself. Mirae was ordered to hang the decorations on the walls, which she immediately did.


For a while, there was an idyll in the hall, everyone was working, some were joking among themselves, and Mirae was just focused on work, when their teacher's phone rang. He frowned after the conversation, and looked at the students around, "I have an important business, you all do not shirk, so that when I come the whole hall will be done already."


He measured everyone with a glance, then crossed glances with Mirae, “Mirae, control the process,” the girl unconsciously gulped nervously, while the teacher turned to the other guy, “Sungchan, you will help her.”


The girl immediately turned her gaze to him, and he simply nodded in response, now looking at her. Their gazes crossed, and Mirae felt her cheeks fill with crimson. But the guy immediately turned away, showing the guys what to do next.


The girl took a deep breath and looked at the girls who were sitting all over the hall and were clearly not eager to do anything. Mirae went from girl to girl for some time, trying to convince them to work, but no one listened to her, either brushing her off or simply not paying attention to her.


She sighed sadly and decided to do the job herself. She did not know why the teacher made her the responsible one, it is obvious that she will not cope with such a task. It was difficult to hang decorations alone in the large hall, but Mirae no longer dared to ask the girls and they now went out into the yard with the guys. Now only she remained in the whole giant hall.


Sometimes it was necessary to drag a chair around, the knock of which was heard throughout the hall, and climb onto it to reach particularly high places. So she could at least hang the snowflakes higher, and even though she was left alone, it gave her a strange feeling of calmness. She will finish the work alone, no big deal.


Dragging the chair to a new place where it was necessary to hang beautiful garlands, Mirae climbed onto the chair and decided to take a little bit of risk. She climbed onto the back of a chair, trying to reach higher and hang the garlands there. She succeeded on the th

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744 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

And another beautiful chapter with a happy ending and great characters! 😉👍👌

If you ask me to choose one favorite chapter, I can't. I loved all of them!

Thank you! 🌹💗

744 streak #2
Chapter 31: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

She finally has a reason to smile. 😉

744 streak #3
Chapter 30: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

Amazing chapter with a little magic touch!

744 streak #4
Chapter 29: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love the concept! 😉

744 streak #5
Chapter 28: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

They both deserved a fresh start! 😉👌

744 streak #6
Chapter 27: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I just loved the concept of this one!

744 streak #7
Chapter 26: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

He sure is a handsome guy! Loved it! 😉👌

744 streak #8
Chapter 25: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I adored this!

744 streak #9
Chapter 24: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

The monster and the happy ending!

744 streak #10
Chapter 23: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love this chapter and the characters in it!
