The Cast and The Doctor

All I Want for Christmas
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Ski resort, snow and enchanting nature with healthy relaxation. What could be better before Christmas? Naeun thought so too, so she reserved tickets without a second thought and for a week now she enjoyed all the splendor of these holidays.


The last day of the holiday, a conversation with her parents and her best friend that could not go with her. Promising to come as soon as possible, the girl decided to ride along the familiar path now on a snowboard, since this is the last day.


Bad idea. Relying on her experience with skateboards, the girl slid down the mountain and it seemed to her that everything was going as it should. Until the moment she realized that she could not stop. Snowboard brought her forward further and further, she tried to turn and stop it, but it was useless.


Small forest, a tree, a loud thud, darkness.


She woke up already in the hospital. The first thing she saw was a white ceiling. After - the sounds of the life support beeping and the IV. As soon as she wanted to raise her head to look around, she felt like sharp pain exploaded in her head.


With a slight groan, the girl put her head back on the pillow. So for how many hours was she passed out? Her whole body ached, her head was hurting, but what infuriated her the most was that now she can't go home for Christmas. She hasn't missed it yet, has she?


Sighing, the girl gathered her strength and raised her head, trying to look into the room in which she was lying. An ordinary white room with a small window. Nothing unusual.


The girl wanted to breathe out in relief, because the headache was slowly dissolving, but then her gaze fell down. Leg. Her leg was in a heavy, large and white cast.


For a while she just stared blankly at this cast, trying to understand the situation in full. So she broke her leg. Broke a goddamn leg the day before Christmas. She groaned in despair, laying back on the pillow.


She needs to think positively: she didn't break anything else. But she broke her leg. Now she will not be able to return home and she was stuck in this damn hospital for at least a week.


She needs to call a doctor, or a nurse. At least someone. For how long was she passed out?


Naeun turned her head to the left, then to the right as slowly as possible, but still almost howled in pain. She didn't get a concussion, right? Finally, a glance ran into the small button and the girl wasted no time pressing the nurse's call.


It didn't take long. The door immediately opened and the nurse rushed into the room. She was quite friendly, first of all asking her how she was feeling, checking her pulse and eye reaction. Afterwards, Naeun asked for water in a hoarse voice and after drinking, she finally felt that she could speak again.


“How long have I been unconscious?” The girl went straight to the point. She needed to know if she missed the Christmas already.


“Just one night, miss. You were brought here yesterday and in such a collision you only broke your leg. You are very lucky.” She smiled benevolently but Naeun didn't consider herself lucky at all. Why did she break her damn leg exactly this Christmas?


The girl asked to give her phone and immediately went through the contacts, finally finding her dad's number. She sighed heavily and dialed the number, listening to the tone.


“Naeun, why didn't you answer your calls? I thought you were coming this morning!” Dad's voice was clearly worried, to which Naeun smiled softly. Her heart was warmed by the thought that he was worried about her.


“Sorry, there was a small ... incident.” She sighed, but before her father began to assume the worst, she continued: “I broke my leg and now I can't come home… You’ll have to spend the holiday without me.”


She spoke the last sentence positively, but inside she almost choked on these words. She was so upset. Life was so unfair to her by banging her into that tree.


“I told you not to go to this resort, but no, you’re as stubborn as your mother.” He began to scold her for this trip, for clumsiness and also was worried about her health. She only laughed lightly in response and apologized for the inconvenience.


“Okay, dad, I'll call mom, she was probably worried too.” She tried to stop his verbal flood, to which he simply grunted:


“Why should she worry, she has long been more worried about Yongguk.'' And these words were like a knife to her heart. The girl smiled, her voice was ordinary, but she felt that she was ready to cry.


When her parents divorced, she was only thirteen years old. It happened like a sudden snowfall. Back then she really did not understand what this meant and how she would live on, but she knew that she felt terribly bad.


Life was so good until this tipping point. Even the biggest quarrels with parents didn’t matter, she wanted to beg them not to part, or at least explain the reason, and not this “dad and I are too different”.


But she got used to it. Naeun was used to pretending she was okay. Naeun was used to pretending she didn't care. Even when her father said he was moving to China. Even when her mother got married again. Even when Mom had a long-awaited and beloved son, Yongguk. Even when he replaced her.


“Bye, Dad, I'll talk to you again.” And again she pretended everything was okay. That she was not furious that the only Christmas that her parents agreed to spend under the same roof was destroyed by an idiotic broken leg. Everything was okay.


A call to her mother, who didn't pick up the phone right away. She also asked about her health, was worried, but immediately in the next sentence mentioned Yongguk that supposedly he was worried about her, his sister. The mother did not even notice how she started talking about her son.


Naeun just assented, listened, and pretended to be interested. No, she didn't hate Youngguk. He was a sweet boy, very polite with her. But it wasn't about him. It was about her and that no one needed her anymore.


“It’s okay, dear, get well, see you after Christmas.” Another blow to the already injured heart. The girl smiled, promised to visit her mother later and hung up. There was silence in the room. And the girl didn't feel anything anymore. Or was she just pretending again?


“Miss Han?” The girl suddenly looked up and immediately regretted it: the pain shot sharply into her temples. She closed her eyes, but then saw a tall young guy in front of her eyes. More precisely, the doctor who was now standing in front of her in a long white coat, the same white shirt and in his hands she saw some kind of folder, which he was looking at. But then he looked up. “How do you feel?”


Naeun froze for a second, examining the handsome doctor, but realizing that he was waiting for an answer, she said that everything was fine.


“I need to do a short examination, if you don’t mind.” He pulled out a stethoscope and approached the girl. She allowed her hand to be taken and the doctor began to conduct a typical examination. As the girl examined him with her eyes as well.


The guy looked about her age and also he was very tall. He had big eyes, funny ears sticking out and his facial features were close to ideal. The only thing that obviously spoiled him was the lack of a smile.


“Do you have headache, nausea, or a burning sensation in your

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736 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

And another beautiful chapter with a happy ending and great characters! 😉👍👌

If you ask me to choose one favorite chapter, I can't. I loved all of them!

Thank you! 🌹💗

736 streak #2
Chapter 31: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

She finally has a reason to smile. 😉

736 streak #3
Chapter 30: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

Amazing chapter with a little magic touch!

736 streak #4
Chapter 29: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love the concept! 😉

736 streak #5
Chapter 28: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

They both deserved a fresh start! 😉👌

736 streak #6
Chapter 27: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I just loved the concept of this one!

736 streak #7
Chapter 26: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

He sure is a handsome guy! Loved it! 😉👌

736 streak #8
Chapter 25: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I adored this!

736 streak #9
Chapter 24: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

The monster and the happy ending!

736 streak #10
Chapter 23: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love this chapter and the characters in it!
