The Stray Kid and The Funny Girl

All I Want for Christmas
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Haneul loved Christmas, loved it with all her heart. Every time she walked past New Year's decorations, or, for example, a happy family, or just simply piles of snow, her heart was filled with inexplicable joy.


And now she was standing at the counter of the supermarket with hidden delight, choosing what to spend the last money on: on her favorite chocolate or on a present for dad? Her father was a musician - he played the guitar perfectly, and, as he said, in his youth, all the girls chased after him. That's how her mother fell in love with him.


Haneul dismissed thoughts of her, because they always brought only pain. Mom left them with her father when the girl was still a baby, and she was raised just by her father. She loved him very much, but in recent years she almost did not see him. Her father left for a part-time job long ago, promising to return with the money, but never did.


She worried about him, she would have even gone to the police, but there were two circumstances that stopped her. First, her father had been struggling with alcoholism for years. In her subconscious, Haneul realized that it was likely that her father had simply run away from her, remaining drunk, but she ignored this thought in every possible way. Second, the girl still had hope. Yes, she knew she was naive, but there was nothing she could do about it. She loved and wanted to trust her father.


Haneul sighed and put the chocolate aside, picking up a beautiful black pick that would perfectly match her father's old favorite guitar. She didn’t regret it, because this time she would not spend Christmas alone.


Her father occasionally called her, and this time she received a call right before Christmas, where her father, in a sober state, promised his daughter to come for Christmas and even bring her a present. The girl smiled as she bought the remaining groceries. This time she will definitely not be alone.


The bell over the shop door rang as soon as the girl stepped outside. Her lips parted in a satisfied smile, and she herself involuntarily looked up. White flakes of snow levitated smoothly in the air, landing gently in the girl's outstretched hand. The words of her longtime friend flashed in her head:


You must make a wish for the first snow on Christmas.


So the girl did, walking towards the house. She closed her eyes tightly, crossed her fingers and whispered the most cherished wish since childhood:


“I don’t want to be alone anymore, please,” she nodded once, hoping that her wish was heard.


Softly swinging the bag, she walked towards the house, trying not to look around. She received a scholarship from the state, also worked part-time, but this was not enough for renting a house in a decent area. Therefore, each time passing by terrible houses and no less frightening people, the girl hoped that nothing would happen to her.


And this time she quickly walked past the group of guys, a terrible house, and turned into an alley where the entrance to her house was. It was quite narrow, but there was never really anyone here. But not today.


The girl looked in shock at the man who was lying on the dirty floor, almost at the threshold of her house. She looked around fearfully, but saw no one. For a second, she thought it might be a homeless person, but as she walked closer, she didn't smell bad odours from him.


“Excuse me?” the girl hesitated, but a weak voice escaped her lips, hearing which she shuddered herself. However, the person lying didn’t react to her.


Perhaps, Haneul would have passed by this person, but there was a problem: he blocked the door for her. She sighed, stepping over the man and looking into his face. She saw a young guy whose face was bruised. Bringing her finger to his nose, the girl sighed with relief: he was alive.


She wanted to retreat away, because it turned out the guy was lying in some kind of puddle. However, looking closer, the girl realized with horror that it was blood. Panic took over her mind, and she no longer knew what to do. Remembering the window, the girl pressed hard on the frame: the window could be easily opened from any tension. And it gave in, and the girl threw the bag inside and climbed in herself.


Inside, she found what she was looking for: a phone. Today she inadvertently forgot it at home, but now she needed it more than ever. Haneul wanted to call the emergency services, but her call strangely didn't dial. Turning on the mobile data, she immediately searched for first aid tips and jumped out back to the guy.


He was still unconscious, and the girl quickly walked over to him and sat down on her knees next to him. As stated on the site, she checked for a spinal injury, which fortunately was not there, after which, on the third attempt, she was finally able to turn the guy onto his back.


The girl shuddered in surprise, because there was a crooked cut on the guy's stomach, apparently with a knife, which was still bleeding slightly. In fear, she turned her gaze sharply, but deciding to help the guy, she continued with a step-by-step plan to save him. Then, it was written to put his hand behind his back, which she tried to do, but did not succeed. As soon as she wanted to bend his arm harder, the guy opened his eyes, forcing her to freeze with shock.


“What the hell…” His voice was hoarse and very weak, but there was so much displeasure in it that Haneul immediately let go of his hand. He frowned and slowly, leaning against the wall and floor, got up. The guy gripped his stomach tightly, trying to stop the renewed bleeding, but blood still seeped through his fingers.


Haneul stood in shock for some time and just looked at the guy with indecision, but as soon as he tried to take a step to the side and staggered, she in instant ran up to him, helping him out.


“I'm fine…” His voice was low, but the girl could hear him without problems, and she felt how he tried to free himself from her grip.


“Wait, you are bleeding, you better go to the hospital and …”


“Not the hospital!” even in a semi-faint state, the guy threw such an angry and tenacious glance at her that the girl shuddered, and he began to sink harder to the floor. The girl kept him on his feet, but with every second she felt the weight of his body more and more. “Leave me alone, I'm fine …”


And he began to lean forward, as if losing consciousness again. Now Haneul stood in the middle of a narrow opening with an unconscious guy on her shoulders and felt the full weight of responsibility. In confusion, she looked first at him, then at the distant dark street, then at the closed door of her own house. She definitely needs to do something.


Not the hospital.


She nodded confidently to herself and headed towards her house. There were a couple of steps to go, but with a heavy guy it seemed to her this path was by no means easy. A couple of times, almost dropping him to the floor and getting smeared with his blood, the girl finally dragged him inside and lowered him as carefully as possible onto her bed.


Sighing in relief, she looked at her phone and now searched: what to do with a deep cut. Never in her life has she been so grateful to Google. Having followed the detailed instructions, the girl finally looked at her work with satisfaction: the guy was tied in a bandage that she always kept in her house.


A smile itself appeared on her face when the guy stopped frowning, and began to breathe more evenly. Her eyes moved down from the guy's face, and the girl got horrified: all her clothes and hands were covered in blood. Shivering slightly, she got up and walked to the bathroom, washing her face with the rest of the water from yesterday.


She felt better and again sat down next to the guy who was still breathing heavily. Looking at his face, the girl realized that she had

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745 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

And another beautiful chapter with a happy ending and great characters! 😉👍👌

If you ask me to choose one favorite chapter, I can't. I loved all of them!

Thank you! 🌹💗

745 streak #2
Chapter 31: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

She finally has a reason to smile. 😉

745 streak #3
Chapter 30: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

Amazing chapter with a little magic touch!

745 streak #4
Chapter 29: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love the concept! 😉

745 streak #5
Chapter 28: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

They both deserved a fresh start! 😉👌

745 streak #6
Chapter 27: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I just loved the concept of this one!

745 streak #7
Chapter 26: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

He sure is a handsome guy! Loved it! 😉👌

745 streak #8
Chapter 25: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I adored this!

745 streak #9
Chapter 24: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

The monster and the happy ending!

745 streak #10
Chapter 23: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love this chapter and the characters in it!
