The Snowball and The Missing Cat

All I Want for Christmas
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Park Jisung never liked winter. Snow, cold, the arrival of relatives and their constant pinching of his cheeks. The guy was so fed up with all this that the day before Christmas he walks through the empty and cold streets, just not to see the faces of his relatives, that once again will ask him to dance something.


Sighing, the guy even regretted that he had been going to dance classes for years. The music in the headphones was soothing, but the cold, from which even white steam came out of his mouth, interrupted the whole mood. The only positive thing about this whole December was Christmas.


The guy loved this holiday since childhood, but only because of the gifts. And maybe also due to the fact that parents allowed him to walk the streets with friends until late. But this Christmas, aunt Yonmi came to visit them and he was strictly ordered to stay at home.


The guy didn't look where he was going. Actually, he didn't even care, because he was not afraid of either the darkness or the likelihood of encountering bad people. He ran fast, but now he just wanted to plunge into his thoughts and just go wherever his eyes looked.


All of a sudden, the idea of ​​inviting friends and going to karaoke or even playing snowballs came to mind, and Jisung smiled slightly as he pulled out his phone. Fingers were already numb, and the phone did not work well in the cold, but the guy had already clicked on the contacts, leafing through the list.


His finger almost pressed down on Hyunseok's name when he saw something move out of the corner of his eye. Shuddering sharply, the guy turned in the direction of the suspicious movement. An unpleasant chill was already running through his skin, and the guy realized late that he was in an unfamiliar narrow alleyway.


Though it wasn't something that scared him, he was more scared by the fact that the nearest garbage bags were moving. His legs were about to carry him far away from here, but something stopped the guy, and he gulped and stepped towards the garbage.


Jisung pulled the headphones out of his ears, listening to the sounds from the bags. He took two steps towards the garbage, as all movements ceased. The guy also froze, waiting for something, but for a minute nothing happened. Doubting, he shifted from foot to foot, and slowly put the phone and headphones in his pocket.


Looking closely at the dark bags, but not noticing anything, the guy has already turned around, blaming all the movements on the rats, which were obviously there. He had already pulled out his phone, returning to the interrupted thoughts, but stopped abruptly as soon as his ears caught the sound.


Squeak. Quiet, but obviously feline. The guy turned around and now walked more confidently to the bags. He squatted down in front of the garbage, listening to everything, and he heard it again, but louder. Meow.


Jisung pushed the garbage bag aside with slight disgust, causing the nearest cockroaches to scatter to the sides, but the guy did not pay attention to that. His eyes were fixed on a fluffy and white ball of fur that trembled visibly. The guy carefully examined the apparently kitten in front of his eyes, as this creature opened piercing blue eyes and meowed once again.


The guy's eyebrows shot up in surprise. The kitten was dirty, slightly shabby, but ... he was not afraid of people, because as soon as he saw Jisung, a small lump rose on its paws and quickly ran up to him. It began to rub against his legs, raising a pitiful look at him.


The guy was confused, but after a second he realized that the kitten was cold. He lifted the baby into his arms, carefully wrapping it in his jacket. The kitten smelled unpleasant and was smeared in something black, but Jisung always had tremulous feelings for all animals, and nothing could turn him away from the animal in need.


"Hey, fluffball, you don't like the cold either, huh?" he turned in a whisper to the trembling baby in his arms, not knowing why. It seemed that the animal could understand him, and he was right, because the kitten looked at him and meowed once more.


Jisung smiled as he felt a pleasant purr. He walked towards the house, knowing full well that his mother would not approve of such a present. But would he tell her?


It was a short journey home, and after twenty minutes Jisung had already kicked off his boots, sneaking into his room as quietly as possible. The kitten in his buttoned jacket seemed to understand the situation, and sat absolutely silent, only occasionally purring.


The guy's hand almost touched the knob of the door to his room when he heard a voice behind him.


"Jisung, you finally came back?" Mom's voice sounded cheerful, but Jisung did not dare to turn around, fearing that she would notice how his jacket puffed up. "Come on, the dinner is ready."


“I'm not hungry,” and the guy abruptly opened the door, sneaked in, and closed it right in front of his own mother's face. He will of course pay for it later, but not now. Now he must think about what to do with this little problem that suddenly appeared.


"Honey, tomorrow is Christmas, and you lock yourself in your room?" Mom's voice was already close to the door, but the guy did not even know what excuse to come up with. He abruptly opened his jacket, trying to gently pull the kitten out. "Get changed and join us quickly. Aunt Yonmi has been waiting for you all evening."


Jisung sighed softly and heard his mother's receding footsteps. It remains only to think what to do with this fluffy. He put the kitten on the floor, taking off his outerwear. Snowball, as Jisung had already named him, looked around with curiosity, boldly sniffing at things around.


The guy watched the kitten, thinking over an action plan in his head. It definitely needed to be washed, after which he should definitely feed him. Fidgeting, the guy grabbed his towel and thanked all the saints that he had a private bathroom.


In a matter of minutes, the kitten was captured and taken to the sink, where the guy had already prepared all the necessary substances. Morally, Jisung was ready for all the scratches, but it bothered him that the kitten could meow. Therefore, he the music in the background, and even the water in the shower, now moving on to the main thing.


As soon as Snowball's paws touched the water, the kitten apparently immediately understood what was going to happen to him. His claws stuck into the boy's skin, and his gaze became frightened. But Jisung was merciless and he washed the escaping cat, as the guy froze.


Fingers bumped into something hard on the kitten's neck. With surprise, the guy noticed a collar that was rather thin and nicely hid behind the fluffy hair of the kitten. Jisung successfully washed the cat, apart from a couple of dozen scratches, and dried it in his room, now taking a closer look at the collar.


So it belonged to someone. The guy was happy, because he could not leave the cat at home, and now he can safely return it to its rightful owner. Gladly examining the collar from all sides, the guy noted one detail: there was no tag. Without it, he could not exactly find out who was the owner of the missing animal.


Groaning in frustration, the guy laid back on the floor. The kitten at this time quickly ran away under his bed, and the guy was still lying. What should he do now?


"Jisung, are you going to leave your room today or not?" the stern voice of his m

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736 streak #1
Chapter 32: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

And another beautiful chapter with a happy ending and great characters! 😉👍👌

If you ask me to choose one favorite chapter, I can't. I loved all of them!

Thank you! 🌹💗

736 streak #2
Chapter 31: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

She finally has a reason to smile. 😉

736 streak #3
Chapter 30: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

Amazing chapter with a little magic touch!

736 streak #4
Chapter 29: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love the concept! 😉

736 streak #5
Chapter 28: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

They both deserved a fresh start! 😉👌

736 streak #6
Chapter 27: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I just loved the concept of this one!

736 streak #7
Chapter 26: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

He sure is a handsome guy! Loved it! 😉👌

736 streak #8
Chapter 25: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I adored this!

736 streak #9
Chapter 24: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

The monster and the happy ending!

736 streak #10
Chapter 23: 🎄🤶🎅🎄

I love this chapter and the characters in it!
